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Joined: 19 Dec 2013
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3ric 25 Jul 2014, 22:06
Hello All,
Is it possible that I have few programs multiple *.asm files, Right now all these files generates multiple binary machine code *.bin files. I want to make a single .asm and insert all the code from multiple *.asm files in this single file and want it to work normally, Like generate different *.bin files.

Looking forward to your replies guys...
Post 25 Jul 2014, 22:06
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smiddy 26 Jul 2014, 01:06
Look at "include" and "file" depending on what you are trying to do.
Post 26 Jul 2014, 01:06
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l_inc 26 Jul 2014, 01:10
May I ask you, why you need that? Is there just some esthetical value in having a single file only? Or is there also some practical utility over batch compilation using a shell script?

Faith is a superposition of knowledge and fallacy
Post 26 Jul 2014, 01:10
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revolution 26 Jul 2014, 07:16
Maybe to match the multi-program-asm file we can also have multiple exe's in a single file. Then we could put the entire OS into a single file.

And then we could go one step further and put both the source codes and the binary exe's all into one single super file that has everything.

But I think there is one big problem to solve. What filename to give to this uber-meta-has-everything file? And what extension should it have?

Rolling Eyes
Post 26 Jul 2014, 07:16
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3ric 26 Jul 2014, 08:04
i have 100+ *.asm file with only few lines of code(10-20), So i thought is it possilbe rather than having all these files i can include all the code in single file thats it. I want to achieve something like this
all in single file:

define filename for this code output:1.bin


define filename for this code output:2.bin


define filename for this code output:3.bin
Post 26 Jul 2014, 08:04
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revolution 26 Jul 2014, 08:10
You can do it with a batch file:
echo use32 > 1.asm
echo ret >> 1.asm
fasm 1.asm 1.bin
echo use32 > 2.asm
echo ret >> 2.asm
fasm 2.asm 2.bin    
Post 26 Jul 2014, 08:10
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3ric 26 Jul 2014, 08:46
thanks for your kind reply, But i already know it through batch file.
Post 26 Jul 2014, 08:46
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revolution 26 Jul 2014, 08:51
3ric wrote:
thanks for your kind reply, But i already know it through batch file.
So the problem is solved then.
Post 26 Jul 2014, 08:51
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3ric 26 Jul 2014, 09:16
I suppose so, But i was kind of thinking it though FASM. btw thanks for looking into it.
Post 26 Jul 2014, 09:16
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evk1 26 Jul 2014, 11:17
You can compile a single tar archive and extract all files from it.


macro ___@integer val,syms,trailingzeroes=0,addr{
  match ,addr\{
        db (syms)-(trailingzeroes) dup('0'),trailingzeroes dup(0)
  match any,addr\{___@tar_inc@intend=(addr)-(trailingzeroes)\}
  assert ___@tar_inc@int>=0 & ___@tar_inc@int<1 shl (3*((syms)-1))
  while ___@tar_inc@int
        store byte (___@tar_inc@int and 7)+'0' at ___@tar_inc@intend-%
        ___@tar_inc@int=___@tar_inc@int shr 3
  end while}

macro ___@fillchecksum{
  repeat 512
        load ___@tar_inc@int byte from $-%
  end repeat
  store qword '00000000' at $-364
  store byte 0 at $-357
  ___@integer ___@tar_inc@checksum,8,1,$-356}

macro filedata name*,mode=___@tar_inc@fmask,uid=___@tar_inc@uid,gid=___@tar_inc@gid,mtime=%t{
  local filesize
  match prefix,___@tar_inc@curdir\{rept 1\\{db prefix\\#name\\}\}
  rb 100-___@tar_inc@namesize
  ___@integer mode,8,1
  ___@integer uid,8,1
  ___@integer gid,8,1
  ___@integer filesize,12
  ___@integer mtime,12
  db 8 dup(' ') ;___@integer chksum,8,1
  db '0'
  rb 100
  rb 255
  ___@tar_inc@filesize equ filesize
  org 0}

macro endfiledata{
  match any,___@tar_inc@filesize\{
        restore ___@tar_inc@filesize\}
  rb (512-($ and 511))and 511}

macro directorydata name*,mode=___@tar_inc@dmask,uid=___@tar_inc@uid,gid=___@tar_inc@gid,mtime=%t{
  match prefix,___@tar_inc@curdir\{rept 1\\{___@tar_inc@curdir equ prefix\\#name\\#'/'\\}\}
  db ___@tar_inc@curdir
  rb 100-___@tar_inc@namesize
  ___@integer mode,8,1
  ___@integer uid,8,1
  ___@integer gid,8,1
  db '000000000000' ;___@integer filesize,12
  ___@integer mtime,12
  db 8 dup(' ') ;___@integer chksum,8
  db '0'
  rb 100
  rb 255
  ___@tar_inc@filesize equ 0
  restore ___@tar_inc@filesize

  rept 1 deep:___@tar_inc@curdeep+1\{
        ___@tar_inc@uid equ ___@tar_inc@uid@\#deep
        ___@tar_inc@gid equ ___@tar_inc@gid@\#deep
        ___@tar_inc@dmask equ ___@tar_inc@dmask@\#deep
        ___@tar_inc@fmask@\#deep=(mode)and not 7111o
        ___@tar_inc@fmask equ ___@tar_inc@fmask@\#deep
        ___@tar_inc@curdeep equ deep\}}

macro enddirectorydata{
  restore ___@tar_inc@curdir,___@tar_inc@uid,___@tar_inc@gid,___@tar_inc@dmask,___@tar_inc@fmask,___@tar_inc@curdeep}

macro filemask mode{___@tar_inc@fmask=mode}

macro directory name*,mode=___@tar_inc@dmask,uid=___@tar_inc@uid,gid=___@tar_inc@gid,mtime=%t{directorydata name,mode,uid,gid,mtime}

macro enddirectory{enddirectorydata}

macro symlink name*,file*,mode=___@tar_inc@fmask,uid=___@tar_inc@uid,gid=___@tar_inc@gid,mtime=%t{
  match prefix,___@tar_inc@curdir\{rept 1\\{db prefix\\#name\\}\}
  rb 100-___@tar_inc@namesize
  ___@integer mode,8,1
  ___@integer uid,8,1
  ___@integer gid,8,1
  db '000000000000' ;___@integer filesize,12
  ___@integer mtime,12
  db 8 dup(' ') ;___@integer chksum,8
  db '2'
  db file
  rb 100-___@tar_inc@namesize
  rb 255
  ___@tar_inc@filesize equ 0
  restore ___@tar_inc@filesize}

macro hardlink name*,file*,mode=___@tar_inc@fmask,uid=___@tar_inc@uid,gid=___@tar_inc@gid,mtime=%t{
  match prefix,___@tar_inc@curdir\{rept 1\\{db prefix\\#name\\}\}
  rb 100-___@tar_inc@namesize
  ___@integer mode,8,1
  ___@integer uid,8,1
  ___@integer gid,8,1
  db '000000000000' ;___@integer filesize,12
  ___@integer mtime,12
  db 8 dup(' ') ;___@integer chksum,8
  db '1'
  db file
  rb 100-___@tar_inc@namesize
  rb 255
  ___@tar_inc@filesize equ 0
  restore ___@tar_inc@filesize

macro endtar{
  db 512*2 dup(0)
  restore ___@tar_inc@filesize}

___@tar_inc@filesize equ
___@tar_inc@curdir equ ''
___@tar_inc@curdeep equ 0
___@tar_inc@uid@0 equ 0
___@tar_inc@gid@0 equ 0
___@tar_inc@dmask equ ___@tar_inc@dmask@0
___@tar_inc@fmask equ ___@tar_inc@fmask@0
___@tar_inc@uid equ ___@tar_inc@uid@0
___@tar_inc@gid equ ___@tar_inc@gid@0


format binary as 'tar'
include 'tar.inc'
directory 'dir1'
  filedata 'file1.bin'
  db 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
  filedata 'file2.bin'
  db 'qwerty'
  filedata 'file3.bin'
  db 0,1,2,3
  dw 0,1,2,3
  dd 0,1,2,3

Sorry for my English
Post 26 Jul 2014, 11:17
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l_inc 26 Jul 2014, 13:39
So i thought is it possilbe rather than having all these files i can include all the code in single file thats it

Then the following solution should be most appropriate for you. Fix the fasm path at the end as necessary. Save it as a bat- or cmd-file and run. One exe, one dll and one bmp file will be compiled.
;@echo off
;goto make

;===================== EXECUTABLE FILE =====================
display 'Executable compiled',13,10

format PE GUI 4.0
entry start

include 'win32a.inc'

section '.text' code readable executable
    invoke ExitProcess,0

section '.idata' data readable
    data import
        library kernel32,'kernel32.dll'
        include 'api\kernel32.inc'
    end data

else if FILE_SELECTION = '2'
;========================= DLL FILE ========================
display 'Dll compiled',13,10

format PE GUI 4.0 DLL
entry DllEntry

include 'win32a.inc'

section '.text' code readable executable

proc DllEntry hinstDLL,fdwReason,lpvReserved
        mov     eax,TRUE

section '.idata' data readable
    data import
        library kernel32,'kernel32.dll'
        include 'api\kernel32.inc'
    end data

section '.reloc' fixups data discardable

else if FILE_SELECTION = '3'
;======================= BITMAP FILE =======================
display 'Bitmap compiled',13,10

format binary as 'bmp'


db 'BM'
dw 0
dw 0
dd $36
dd $28
dw 1
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0

rept 1
    local offset,t1,t2,t3,tx1,tx2
    repeat BITMAP_HEIGHT
        offset = %-1
        repeat BITMAP_WIDTH
            t1 = (offset*$100)/BITMAP_HEIGHT
            t2 = ((%-1)*$100)/BITMAP_WIDTH
            t3 = (t1-$80)*(t1-$80+1)*(t2-$80)*(t2-$80+1)/$100000
            t3 = $100/(t3*2+1) - 1
            tx1 = (((t1/$80-1) shr 63)*2+1)*(t1-$80)
            tx2 = (((t2/$80-1) shr 63)*2+1)*(t2-$80)
            db (%-1+offset*1) and $FF,(%-1+offset*2) and $FF,(%-1+offset*3) and $FF
        end repeat
    end repeat

end if

    file 'sel.txt':0,1
    load FILE_SELECTION byte from $$
end virtual
;set Include=C:\fasmw\include
;for /L %%i in (1,1,3) do (
;echo %%i>sel.txt
;C:\fasmw\fasm.exe asm.bat
; )

Using the ren command you can choose file names.

Faith is a superposition of knowledge and fallacy
Post 26 Jul 2014, 13:39
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Posts: 14
3ric 26 Jul 2014, 16:40
@l_inc Thanks buddy, your solution is by far the most suitable one, and thanks everyone for putting your effort and priceless time into it. If anyone has more better solution you are welcome...
Post 26 Jul 2014, 16:40
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