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Index > DOS > A terrible problem with compiling a DOS program

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Joined: 20 May 2004
Posts: 30
Location: Peru
vhanla 20 May 2004, 15:27
Shocked I can't find out why the file win386.swp gets bigger every time I compile a DOS kind program, this file gets bigger in 10MB evrey time... I work on WINME, so please explain me how... and I'm using the WindowsGUI compiler of FASM...

Embarassed HELP!!!!, because after a lot of trying my program, my disk gets full....

I'm just trying to start, help me!!!
Post 20 May 2004, 15:27
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
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Tomasz Grysztar 20 May 2004, 15:56
Please try the "-m" switch to decrease the amount of memory fasm allocates, for example "fasm -m16000 source.asm output.exe"
Post 20 May 2004, 15:56
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 22 May 2004, 09:49
Sorry, when reading your post for the first time I have missed that you're using the fasmw version. The was a memory leak in the fasmw that was causing this problem - I have updated the fasmw 1.52 release on the website with the fix, so you don't have to wait for the next release.
Post 22 May 2004, 09:49
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Joined: 20 May 2004
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vhanla 28 May 2004, 15:36
Thanks a lot Privalov, bcoz I was having troubles with it, but now I found another problem, I don't really know if it was caused with the last FASMW.EXE you posted:

This is the problem... I replaced the last WinGUI FASMW and compiled a dos .exe extension file with the new one, and after that, the program run very well in windows but when I tried to delete this file, windows has shown an error message telling me that this file is being used by windows, so i couldn't delete this file until restarting windows...

I hope you can help me, because after that, only renaming any .txt file (as I tested) in .exe file, even without running this file, windows doesn't let me to rename this file again in the original .txt extension...

If it is not caused by the last FASMW.EXE please tell me!!!

:)Thanks by advance...
Post 28 May 2004, 15:36
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JohnFound 31 May 2004, 22:57
When Windows executes some PE executable, it lock the file, because Windows use file mapping technique to access the files. So, sometimes happens, when the program doesn't exit properly, the process becomes active, even when there are no Windows active on the screen. Killing application through task manager helps.
So, if your program is Windows executable - this is most probably the reason.
I simply don't know whether this behaviour is the same for DOS programs.

The problem is definately not in FASMW - you can verify this if start the compiled program without FASMW started. The effect probably will be the same.

Post 31 May 2004, 22:57
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Joined: 20 May 2004
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Location: Peru
vhanla 04 Jun 2004, 14:27
Thanks JohnFound, I must confess that It was a problem coming from my source code compiled...

Now I know that it was a problem in windows and not FASMW. Maybe that was a problem generated from another software...

Wink BYE and I Apologize for my bad english
Post 04 Jun 2004, 14:27
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