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> Main > What segment registers "look like" |
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revolution 23 May 2014, 23:37
The base and limit value are hidden from the programmer. If you set DS to some value you will get back the same value when you read it later.
23 May 2014, 23:37 |
nop 24 May 2014, 03:46
idk the answers either an im not trying to be helpful like rev but u could easy write some little test programs an then tell us all the answers
24 May 2014, 03:46 |
Bargest 24 May 2014, 09:24
DS (and any other segment register) in protected mode is selector. You can read about it in documentation on IA-32.
It means that it contains only offset in descriptor table and requestor privilege level. So if you copy DS value to AX register, you will just get back the selector. You can test it by running this code: Code:
format pe console
mov ax, ds
at win32 under debug (with breakpoint at "ret" command). I got 0x2B, which means "selector=5 shl 3, GDT/LDT=0, RPL = 3". After an attempt of writing 0x30 to DS, nothing changed; DS still contained 0x2B. But when I tried to write 0x2C (GDT/LDT=1), program crashed with exception "trying to access memory at ...", which means processor tried to locate LDT table and found invalid page. Limit and base are loaded to other hidden parts of DS, which physically are just like different registers (Figure 4.4 in AMD APM v2). Quote: Figure 4-4 shows the format of the visible and hidden portions of the segment register. Except for the Code: mov byte [ds:0], x This command will take segment base of DS from hidden register (loaded from descriptor table when "mov ds, ax" was executed), add 0 bytes to it and write x to this address. If this addr is write protected (e.g. this page is read-only or whole DS segment is not writeable) you will get an exception. |
24 May 2014, 09:24 |
axlucas 24 May 2014, 19:13
Thank you, guys. That's quite interesting. I am preparing to do some tests too. I will do them in pure DOS, to make sure I have a true real mode. I'll definitely let you know what I get.
@Bargest: Your quote called my attention. How come "except for the FS and GS segment base"? So these two can indeed be written directly? |
24 May 2014, 19:13 |
Bargest 24 May 2014, 19:27
axlucas wrote:
I'm not shure. AMD APM v2 is documentation on AMD64. It is compatible with IA-32 in PM, but description of behavior of FS and GS starts with these words: Quote: FS and GS Registers in 64-Bit Mode. Unlike the CS, DS, ES, and SS segments, the FS and GS And it's description is only present in "4.5.3 Segment Registers in 64-Bit Mode" section. Nothing about x32. But in x64 it is possible to load low 32 bits of offset by "mov fs, eax" and high part can be loaded through MSR regs. There are no base and limit checks in x64 mode, segmentation is practically disabled. I think this magic with FS and GS was added for one reason: if you really like segmentation, there should be a way to use it somehow. But I see no favor in it. If you are really interested in segmentation in x32 PM, you should get a copy of Intel IA-32 documentation. But it's 2014 now, we are using 64-bit processors, where AMD and Intel disabled segmetation as useless rudiment. 95% of protection was delegated to paging mechanism. And if I'm not mistaking, ARM procs have no segmentation at all. _________________ jmp $ ; Happy end! |
24 May 2014, 19:27 |
axlucas 25 May 2014, 23:47
Yeah, I'm aware that segmentation will soon be something of the past, but I'd like to start trying OS development and I think I must go step by step, even when the fist little things I make will be useless from start. I reckon that starting directly with a 64bit project will take me to abandoning it quickly.
I'm interested in this segmentation thing because I'm considering flat real mode as a first step, so understanding what I will see in segment registers when updating them and during normal program execution becomes important. |
25 May 2014, 23:47 |
DOS386 18 Jun 2014, 05:34
> Say DS's base is now $1234'5678 and limit is arbitrary and
> I switch back to real mode, so this is kept 1. segment registers are only 16-bit wide in PM, even on 32-bit CPU 2. http://www.sudleyplace.com/pmtorm.html |
18 Jun 2014, 05:34 |
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