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> Windows > GetOpenFileName and GetSaveFileName fail on x64 |
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patchariadog 16 May 2014, 15:03
Hi everybody
I have been using the following code to open and save files in my x86 applications for the past few months and everything works fine. Code: invoke GetSaveFileNameA,filedialogsave .if eax = 0 ret .endif ;same with open dialog box data part title db "ZMH Tech Open and close disk tray",0 filedialogopen OPENFILENAME sizeof.OPENFILENAME,0,0,filter,0,0,0,filename,260,0,0,0,title,OFN_EXPLORER,0,0,0,0,0 filedialogsave OPENFILENAME sizeof.OPENFILENAME,0,0,filter,0,0,0,filenamesave,260,0,0,0,title,OFN_EXPLORER,0,0,0,0,0 filter db 'All files (*.*)',0,'*.*',0,0 filename rb 260 filenamesave rb 260 I recently tried converting one of my projects to x64 and everything works except for the open and save dialog boxes. when I go to open or save a file the application closes. I read the article at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4982680/getopenfilename-fails-in-64-bit-but-works-in-32bit and it said something about the alignment or structsize but it did not make sense how to fix this in assembly (since the post is in c++) does anybody know why this code is failing in x64 and fine in x86, and how to fix it thanks |
16 May 2014, 15:03 |
patchariadog 16 May 2014, 15:30
I do have align 8 on my data. here is my complete data section if it helps
Code: section '.data' data readable writeable align 8 wc WNDCLASS 0,WindowProc,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,COLOR_BTNFACE+1,NULL,title wc2 WNDCLASS 0,WindowProc2,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,COLOR_BTNFACE+1,NULL,form2 wc3 WNDCLASS 0,WindowProc3,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,COLOR_BTNFACE+1,NULL,form3 title db "ZMH Tech Open and close disk tray",0 titlefilter db "ZMHTechScreendimmerfilter",0 form2 db "WindowProc2",0 form3 db "WindowProc3",0 exeversion db "",0 exebitsize db "x64",0 filedialogopen OPENFILENAME sizeof.OPENFILENAME,0,0,filter,0,0,0,filename,260,0,0,0,NULL,OFN_EXPLORER,0,0,0,0,0 filedialogsave OPENFILENAME sizeof.OPENFILENAME,0,0,filter,0,0,0,filenamesave,260,0,0,0,NULL,OFN_EXPLORER,0,0,0,0,0 filter db 'All files (*.*)',0,'*.*',0,0 aboutform db 0 aboutformsettings db 0 buffer1 dq ? buffer2 dq ? buffer3 dq ? filename rb 260 filenamesave rb 260 hFile dq ? Bytes dq ? hStream dq ? mathbuffer1 dd ? mathbuffer2 dd ? mathbuffer3 dq ? mathbufferbuffer1 dd ? DesktopRect RECT ? msg MSG client RECT InetHandle dq ? UrlHandle dq ? ReadNext dq ? DownloadBuffer rb 7 hthread0 dq ? thread0status dq ? I have align 4 on my x86 and I changed it to align 4 as well, but it failed on that as well. |
16 May 2014, 15:30 |
revolution 16 May 2014, 16:14
But you don't have align 8 for filedialogopen.
And, yes, of course seeing the entire section helps. One never knows what is important and what is not. |
16 May 2014, 16:14 |
patchariadog 16 May 2014, 17:13
Im sorry, but I don't exactly understand where to put the align 8. I tried putting it right above the
Code: filedialogopen OPENFILENAME sizeof.OPENFILENAME,0,0,filter,0,0,0,filename,260,0,0,0,NULL,OFN_EXPLORER,0,0,0,0,0 is that what you mean? |
16 May 2014, 17:13 |
patchariadog 16 May 2014, 17:17
I also thought you could of meant to add align 8 above the actual code of
Code: align 8 invoke GetSaveFileNameA,filedialogsave .if eax = 0 ret .endif but this did not work either |
16 May 2014, 17:17 |
revolution 16 May 2014, 17:44
Make sure your structure internals are aligned properly, and that it starts at mod 8 = 0.
BTW: Code alignment is not important on X86 CPUs. |
16 May 2014, 17:44 |
patchariadog 16 May 2014, 18:13
for some reason I can't get this to work out. I am new to asm so I don't know excaty what you mean by structure internals. I put the code in a basic template I use for x64 and it closes the app when I run it. I am posting the template here. could you please help me find the error
thanks Code: format PE64 GUI 5.0 entry start include 'C:\Users\Administrator\Programs\assembly\Fasm\INCLUDE\win64ax.inc' about = 1000 website = 1001 button1 = 1002 textbox1 = 1003 section '.text' code readable executable start: sub rsp,8 ; Make stack dqword aligned invoke GetModuleHandleA,0 mov [wc.hInstance],rax invoke LoadIconA,rax,17 mov [wc.hIcon],rax invoke LoadCursorA,0,IDC_ARROW mov [wc.hCursor],rax invoke RegisterClassA,wc test rax,rax jz error ; create the form invoke GetDesktopWindow invoke GetWindowRect,rax,DesktopRect ;calculate startx mov rax,qword[DesktopRect.right] lea rdi, [rax - 800] shr rdi,1 ;calculate starty mov rax,qword[DesktopRect.bottom] lea rsi,[rax - 600] shr rsi,1 invoke LoadMenuA,[wc.hInstance],37 invoke CreateWindowExA,0,title,title,WS_VISIBLE+WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,rdi,rsi,800,600,NULL,rax,[wc.hInstance],NULL test rax,rax jz error msg_loop: invoke GetMessageA,msg,NULL,0,0 cmp rax,1 jb end_loop jne msg_loop invoke TranslateMessage,msg invoke DispatchMessageA,msg jmp msg_loop error: invoke MessageBoxA,NULL,"Startup failed.",NULL,MB_ICONERROR+MB_OK end_loop: invoke ExitProcess,[msg.wParam] proc WindowProc uses rbx rsi rdi, hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam ; Note that first four parameters are passed in registers, ; while names given in the declaration of procedure refer to the stack ; space reserved for them - you may store them there to be later accessible ; if the contents of registers gets destroyed. This may look like: mov [hwnd],rcx mov [wmsg],rdx mov [wparam],r8 mov [lparam],r9 cmp [wmsg],WM_CREATE je .wmcreate cmp [wmsg],WM_SIZE je .wmsize cmp [wmsg],WM_SETFOCUS je .wmsetfocus cmp [wmsg],WM_COMMAND je .wmcommand cmp [wmsg],WM_DESTROY je .wmdestroy .defwndproc: invoke DefWindowProcA,[hwnd],[wmsg],[wparam],[lparam] jmp .finish .wmcreate: invoke GetClientRect,[hwnd],client ;textbox 1 invoke CreateWindowExA,WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,"EDIT",NULL,WS_TABSTOP+WS_VISIBLE+WS_CHILD,145,400,80,20,[hwnd],textbox1,[wc.hInstance],NULL mov rsi,rax invoke CreateFontA,16,0,0,0,FW_NORMAL,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,ANSI_CHARSET,OUT_RASTER_PRECIS,CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,DEFAULT_QUALITY,FIXED_PITCH+FF_DONTCARE,NULL mov rdi,rax invoke SendMessageA,rsi,WM_SETFONT,rdi,FALSE ;button 1 invoke CreateWindowExA,NULL,"BUTTON","button1",WS_TABSTOP+WS_VISIBLE+WS_CHILD+BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON,145,300,80,24,[hwnd],button1,[wc.hInstance],NULL mov rsi,rax invoke CreateFontA,16,0,0,0,FW_NORMAL,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE,ANSI_CHARSET,OUT_RASTER_PRECIS,CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,DEFAULT_QUALITY,FIXED_PITCH+FF_DONTCARE,NULL mov rdi,rax invoke SendMessageA,rsi,WM_SETFONT,rdi,FALSE ; form loading ;check for debugger invoke IsDebuggerPresent test rax, rax jne .debuggerfound ret .debuggerfound: invoke ExitProcess,0 .wmsize: invoke GetClientRect,[hwnd],client invoke MoveWindow,rsi,[client.left],[client.top],[client.right],[client.bottom],TRUE xor rax,rax jmp .finish .wmsetfocus: invoke SetFocus,rsi xor rax,rax jmp .finish .wmcommand: mov rax,[wparam] and rax,0FFFFh cmp rax,about je .about cmp rax,website je .website cmp rax,button1 je .button1 cmp rax,textbox1 je .textbox1 .about: invoke MessageBoxA,[hwnd],abouttext,title,MB_OK jmp .finish .website: invoke ShellExecuteA,[hwnd],NULL,"http://www.zmhtech.com",NULL,NULL,SW_HIDE jmp .finish .button1: invoke GetOpenFileNameA,filedialogopen .if rax = 0 ret .endif jmp .finish .textbox1: jmp .finish .wmdestroy: invoke PostQuitMessage,0 xor rax,rax .finish: pop rdi rsi rbx ret endp section '.data' data readable writeable align 8 wc WNDCLASS 0,WindowProc,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,COLOR_BTNFACE+1,NULL,title abouttext db "ZMH Tech Open and close disk tray, Version",13,10 db "Copyright © 2013, All rights reserved by ZMH Tech: http://www.zmhtech.com",13,10,0 title db "ZMH Tech Open and close disk tray",0 filedialogopen OPENFILENAME sizeof.OPENFILENAME,0,0,filter,0,0,0,filename,260,0,0,0,NULL,OFN_EXPLORER,0,0,0,0,0 filedialogsave OPENFILENAME sizeof.OPENFILENAME,0,0,filter,0,0,0,filenamesave,260,0,0,0,NULL,OFN_EXPLORER,0,0,0,0,0 filter db 'All files (*.*)',0,'*.*',0,0 filename rb 260 filenamesave rb 260 DesktopRect RECT ? msg MSG client RECT section '.idata' import data readable writeable library kernel,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ user,'USER32.DLL',\ Shell32,'Shell32.dll',\ Comdlg32,'Comdlg32.dll',\ gdi32,'GDI32.DLL' import kernel,\ GetModuleHandleA,'GetModuleHandleA',\ IsDebuggerPresent,"IsDebuggerPresent",\ ExitProcess,'ExitProcess' import user,\ GetDesktopWindow,'GetDesktopWindow',\ GetWindowRect,'GetWindowRect',\ RegisterClassA,'RegisterClassA',\ CreateWindowExA,'CreateWindowExA',\ DefWindowProcA,'DefWindowProcA',\ GetMessageA,'GetMessageA',\ TranslateMessage,'TranslateMessage',\ DispatchMessageA,'DispatchMessageA',\ SendMessageA,'SendMessageA',\ LoadCursorA,'LoadCursorA',\ LoadIconA,'LoadIconA',\ LoadMenuA,'LoadMenuA',\ GetClientRect,'GetClientRect',\ MoveWindow,'MoveWindow',\ SetFocus,'SetFocus',\ MessageBoxA,'MessageBoxA',\ PostQuitMessage,'PostQuitMessage' import Shell32,\ ShellExecuteA,'ShellExecuteA' import Comdlg32,\ GetOpenFileNameA,'GetOpenFileNameA',\ GetSaveFileNameA,'GetSaveFileNameA' import gdi32,\ CreateFontA,'CreateFontA' section '.rsrc' resource data readable ; resource directory directory RT_ICON,icons,\ RT_GROUP_ICON,group_icons,\ RT_MANIFEST,manifest,\ RT_VERSION,versions,\ RT_MENU,menus ; resource subdirectories resource icons,\ 1,LANG_NEUTRAL,icon_data resource group_icons,\ 17,LANG_NEUTRAL,main_icon resource manifest,\ 1,LANG_NEUTRAL,manifestxpstyles resource versions,\ 1,LANG_NEUTRAL,version icon main_icon,icon_data,'ZMH Tech Template.ico' resdata manifestxpstyles db '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>',13,10 db '<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">',13,10 db '<assemblyIdentity name="x.x.x" processorArchitecture="*" version="" type="win32"/> ',13,10 db '<description>no</description>',13,10 db '<dependency>',13,10 db '<dependentAssembly>',13,10 db '<assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" version="" processorArchitecture="*" publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df" language="*" />',13,10 db '</dependentAssembly>',13,10 db '</dependency>',13,10 db '</assembly>',13,10 endres versioninfo version,VOS__WINDOWS32,VFT_APP,VFT2_UNKNOWN,LANG_ENGLISH+SUBLANG_DEFAULT,0,\ 'LegalCopyright', 'Copyright © 2013, All rights reserved.',\ 'FileDescription', 'ZMH Tech Open and close disk tray',\ 'FileVersion', '',\ 'InternalName', 'ZMH Tech Open and close disk tray',\ 'OriginalFilename', 'ZMH Tech Open and close disk tray.exe',\ 'ProductName', 'ZMH Tech Open and close disk tray' resource menus,\ 37,LANG_ENGLISH+SUBLANG_DEFAULT,main_menu menu main_menu menuitem 'Help',0,MFR_POPUP + MFR_END menuitem 'About',about menuseparator menuitem 'Website',website,MFR_END |
16 May 2014, 18:13 |
revolution 16 May 2014, 23:20
patchariadog wrote: for some reason I can't get this to work out. I am new to asm so I don't know excaty what you mean by structure internals. I put the code in a basic template I use for x64 and it closes the app when I run it. I am posting the template here. could you please help me find the error Code: section '.data' data readable writeable ;sections are always aligned to mod 4096 = 0 wc WNDCLASS 0,WindowProc,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,COLOR_BTNFACE+1,NULL,title filedialogopen OPENFILENAME sizeof.OPENFILENAME,0,0,filter,0,0,0,filename,260,0,0,0,NULL,OFN_EXPLORER,0,0,0,0,0 filedialogsave OPENFILENAME sizeof.OPENFILENAME,0,0,filter,0,0,0,filenamesave,260,0,0,0,NULL,OFN_EXPLORER,0,0,0,0,0 DesktopRect RECT ? msg MSG client RECT ;put the byte aligned text last abouttext db "ZMH Tech Open and close disk tray, Version",13,10 db "Copyright © 2013, All rights reserved by ZMH Tech: http://www.zmhtech.com",13,10,0 title db "ZMH Tech Open and close disk tray",0 filter db 'All files (*.*)',0,'*.*',0,0 filename rb 260 filenamesave rb 260 |
16 May 2014, 23:20 |
patchariadog 17 May 2014, 02:39
I am so sorry, but I am really confuesd. I think your talking about the sub rsp,8 is wrong or I am not sure really what to do at this point. I don't know if your trying to have me add something to the code or the data section or both. I read fasm post on 64 stack alignment and I still really don't understand why the invoke GetopenfilenameA is failing?
sorry to be confused and bothersome, but thanks for all of the help |
17 May 2014, 02:39 |
revolution 17 May 2014, 02:58
"sub rsp,8" is fine (although "and rsp,-16 would be a little more sure).
If you look at my suggested data section above you will see that I have put all the byte aligned data at the end so that it doesn't make any qword data that follows it to be unaligned. BTW: I ran your unmodified code in a W7-64 system and it showed the open dialog without a problem. Was I supposed to do something else to make it fail? Last edited by revolution on 17 May 2014, 15:15; edited 1 time in total |
17 May 2014, 02:58 |
patchariadog 17 May 2014, 15:06
I am running windows 8, so I used a computer that had x64 windows 7 and your right it does work fine. so it must be a windows 8 glitch. actually I am running windows 8.1 but I doubt that makes a difference
thanks, I will have to look into this. |
17 May 2014, 15:06 |
madmatt 20 May 2014, 10:50
Hi patchariadog, from what I can tell the fasm's OPENFILENAME structure is missing a few things.
try this one: Code: struct OPENFILENAMEA lStructSize dd ?,? hwndOwner dq ? hInstance dq ? lpstrFilter dq ? lpstrCustomFilter dq ? nMaxCustFilter dd ? nFilterIndex dd ? lpstrFile dq ? nMaxFile dd ?,? lpstrFileTitle dq ? nMaxFileTitle dd ?,? lpstrInitialDir dq ? lpstrTitle dq ? Flags dd ? nFileOffset dw ? nFileExtension dw ? lpstrDefExt dq ? lCustData dd ?,? lpfnHook dq ? lpTemplateName dq ? pvReserved dq ? dwReserved dd ? FlagsEx dd ? ends |
20 May 2014, 10:50 |
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