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Joined: 14 Feb 2013
Posts: 130
MIHIP 08 Apr 2014, 17:03
Есть программа:
;=C6=> @07@01>B0BL ?@>3@0<<C ?@>25@:8 1>;LH>3> G8A;0 =0 45;8<>ABL G8A;>< 19. 
;>;LH>5 G8A;> 8<55B @07@O4=>ABL >B 1000 4> 2000 @07@O4>2 8 7040=> 2 A53<5=B5 
;40==KE :0: <0AA82 45AOB8G=KE @07@O4>2 >B <;04H8E : AB0@H8<.
.model small
.stack 100h
mass  db 0f6h,0c5h,0a7h,05h        ;128  dup(33h);
msg db "bez osta4i$"
r dw 4
   mov ax,@data
   mov ds,ax
        ;<5B>4 >B=8<0=8O
        ;?5@59B8 2 :>=5F 8 =0G0BL >B BC40
        mov bx,15 ;G8A;> =0 :>B>@>5 45;8<
        mov si, offset mass
        add si,3
        xor ax,ax
        mov cx,r;@07<5@ <0A820 2 109BE
        cmp ax,bx
                jb m1;<5=LH5
                div bl
        jmp n2  
        mov ah,al       
        loop aaa1
        cmp ah,0
        jne mexit
 mov ah,9
 lea dx,msg
 int 21h
mov     ax,4c00h
int     21h

end start

;нужно разработать программу проверки большого числа на делимость числом 19.
;Большое число имеет разрядность от 1000 до 2000 разрядов и задано в сегменте
;данных как массив десятичных разрядов от младших к старшим.

Написана на tasm. Помогите перевести на fasm, и чтоб можно было писать числа с клавиатуры, и на консоль выводилось. Заранее спасибо.
Post 08 Apr 2014, 17:03
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Joined: 30 Jul 2013
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Location: Asia, Singapore
sid123 09 Apr 2014, 12:30
What's goin' on the forums, just because i only know english and use "Google Translate" LOL. doesn't mean people come around like this.......
I recommend to use English wherever possible, since a lot of people may not be knowing your language, I used Google Translate and here's what I came up with:
Google Translate wrote:

, need to develop a test program for a large number divide the number 19.
, Has a large number of bit from 1000 to 2000 and set bits in the segment
; the data as an array of decimal places from younger to older.

Written in tasm. Help translate into fasm, and that it was possible to write a number from the keyboard and output to the console. Thanks in advance.

I guess what you want is translating the TASM code to FASM?
I can't really understand the first 3 lines of translation, (1/∞ reasons not to trust Google Translate when you go outside the country.)
And now for the code (I'll break it part by part)
Add this (for COM)
org 0x100

.model small 

Not needed, cut off.

Why bother using 80186, it was crap, so why not use 386+ Instructions when
we've got awesome stuff in 2014? Cut off.
.stack 100h 

I'm not sure about this but this should set the stack to 0x100 (which seems to be a "little" sane as a DOS program starts a 0x100, and the stack grows down, so yeah you can simply add this line of code somewhere in your code initialization:
;; Grab CS.
mov ax, cs
;; idk, but the CPU should clear interrupts while shifting stack
;; Set Stack Segment to current code segment
mov ss, ax
;; set sp to 0x100
mov sp, 0x100
;; Restore IF to normal

I don't recommend setting the stack to 0x100, as it's just 256-bytes and you'll have a stack overflow quick, (128 word pushes or 64 dword should be enough to bring it to 0xFFFF)
Instead set the Stack Segment to 0x9000 and set stack pointer to 0, (to make it aligned), that's after a potential EBDA territory so you should be safe.
mass  db 0f6h,0c5h,0a7h,05h        ;128  dup(33h); 
msg db "bez osta4i$" 
r dw 4 

Not need, cut off .data, and shift the code to somewhere below in source
code (you shouldn't be executing the data section....)

Cut off.
        mov ax,@data 
        mov ds,ax 

Um, I have no idea what is equivalent to this in FASM, basically it seems to be giving the data segment to the data section, since we're COM, so DS=CS, no need. cut off or if you really want to be awesome:
;; awesomenessssss.
;; set DS=CS
mov ax, cs
mov ds, ax


        ;<5B>4 >B=8<0=8O 
        ;?5@59B8 2 :>=5F 8 =0G0BL >B BC40 
        mov bx,15 ;G8A;> =0 :>B>@>5 45;8< 
        mov si, offset mass 

No idea what those comments mean, but remove the "offset", since it's crap MASMery.
        add si,3 
        xor ax,ax 
        mov cx,[r];@07<5@ <0A820 2 109BE 
        cmp ax,bx 
                jb m1;<5=LH5 
                div bl 
        jmp n2   
        mov ah,al        
        loop aaa1 
        cmp ah,0 
        jne mexit 
 mov ah,9 
 lea dx,msg 
 int 21h 
mov     ax,4c00h 
int     21h 

Replace mov cx, r with mov cx, [r] as pointed out by revolution.
end start 

No need for this crap.
and that it was possible to write a number from the keyboard and output to the console

Well, you don't actually get a "number" from the keyboard it's an ASCII char (if you use the BIOS, or it's a scan code, then you need a lookup table.), a common example is:
;; Read Num - Read a number from keyboard, (E)DI - Pointer to buffer.
;; Read a character from keyboard (for Real Mode)
xor cx, cx
xor ax, ax ;--Null out ax.
int 0x16 ;--Cool. AL = ASCII Char, AH = Scan Code
;; print the number
call print_char ;; lazy to write this, but it should print the character to screen
;; with AL = char.
;; don't bother with scan code we need the ASCII char.
add al, 48 ; --- Convert to Decimal. may need to add a 'd' iirc.
;; stosb - store a character from AL to DS:(E)DI
;; is cx = 256 (max chars, change if you want to)
cmp cx, 256
je .done
inc cx
jmp .loop


"Those who can make you believe in absurdities can make you commit atrocities" -- Voltaire https://github.com/Benderx2/R3X

Last edited by sid123 on 09 Apr 2014, 13:40; edited 3 times in total
Post 09 Apr 2014, 12:30
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revolution 09 Apr 2014, 13:13
Something to add is that the tasm code above was for an MZ (not a com) file. Hence the .data and .code sections. So we should add a "format mz" line in there and put in the explicit "section ..." lines for data and code.

Also, "mov cx,r" should be "mov cx,[r]".
Post 09 Apr 2014, 13:13
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Joined: 30 Jul 2013
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Location: Asia, Singapore
sid123 09 Apr 2014, 13:38
revolution wrote:
Something to add is that the tasm code above was for an MZ (not a com) file. Hence the .data and .code sections. So we should add a "format mz" line in there and put in the explicit "section ..." lines for data and code.

Also, "mov cx,r" should be "mov cx,[r]".

Right, I didn't notice that the value of CX was needed, I thought addresses were needed.
Post fixed.
Btw COM/MZ shouldn't make a difference for a small program like this, anyways point noted.

"Those who can make you believe in absurdities can make you commit atrocities" -- Voltaire https://github.com/Benderx2/R3X
Post 09 Apr 2014, 13:38
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revolution 09 Apr 2014, 13:49
sid123 wrote:
Right, I didn't notice that the value of CX was needed, I thought addresses were needed.
In MASM mode (TASMs default mode) both "mov reg,a" and "mov reg,[a]" are the same thing. That is why it needed the existence of "offset" to get the address and not the value. It was terrible and still is terrible. It was confusing and still is confusing. And sometimes I think that it was done deliberately to make assembly code look stupid so as to promote HLLs.

TASM also had an "ideal" mode which treated addresses in the same way as fasm does, and the keyword "offset" is then redundant.
Post 09 Apr 2014, 13:49
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