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Index > High Level Languages > Returning a value from asm to C.

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Joined: 30 Jul 2013
Posts: 339
Location: Asia, Singapore
sid123 03 Mar 2014, 11:36
I have a function called "file_query" which checks whether a file exists or NOT.
I use SmallerC to compile my application that runs on the kernel.
The function looks like this:
        Zicronix File Query
unsigned int file_query(unsigned char* file_name)
        asm("push eax");
        // AH = 0x04, Zicronix File Query
        asm("mov ah, 0x04");
        asm("mov esi, [ebp + 8]");
        asm("int 0x50");
        asm("pop eax");
        // No carry - File Found
        asm("jnc .ok");
        asm("jmp .error");
        asm(".error: ");
        asm("mov eax, 0");
        asm(".ok: ");
        // Return value in EAX - one on success
        asm("mov eax, 1");

Well, it should return the value on 0 if fail, and 1 on success, but when I try this:
unsigned int file_exist_flag = 0;
        // Query the Kernel for the File Name
        file_exist_flag = file_query("FILENAME.TXT");
        // If it exists, well the file_exist_flag should
        // be 1.
        if (file_exist_flag == 0)
        printf("Error Finding FILENAME.TXT\n");

It returns 0 both ways?
However it works when I call it from pure Assembly?

"Those who can make you believe in absurdities can make you commit atrocities" -- Voltaire https://github.com/Benderx2/R3X
Post 03 Mar 2014, 11:36
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baldr 03 Mar 2014, 11:59

How different are assembly sources (IIRC Smaller C by Alexey A. Frounze produces NASM output) for working and non-working programs?
Post 03 Mar 2014, 11:59
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revolution 03 Mar 2014, 12:26
Why is there no leave and ret after the last line of mov eax,1? Is that done automatically be the compiler?

Is the value of esi okay to corrupt? The push/pop of eax seems rather pointless.
Post 03 Mar 2014, 12:26
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Joined: 30 Jul 2013
Posts: 339
Location: Asia, Singapore
sid123 03 Mar 2014, 12:37
Yes "leave, ret" is added by the compiler.
ESI seems okay to mess with, although the convention says to preserve ESI,
but I have done this on some functions (like printf), and it works ok for now.
I tried Compiling this:
int main(void)
        unsigned int _ret = 0;
         _ret = dummy();
unsigned int dummy()
        return 1;

Returns this:
        push    ebp
        mov     ebp, esp
        jmp     L2
; loc     _ret : (@-4): unsigned
; =
; RPN'ized expression: "0 "
; Expanded expression: "0 "
; Expression value: 0
; Fused expression:    "=(204) *(@-4) 0 "
        mov     eax, 0
        mov     [ebp-4], eax
; RPN'ized expression: "_ret ( dummy ) = "
; Expanded expression: "(@-4)  dummy ()0 =(4) "
; Fused expression:    "( dummy )0 =(204) *(@-4) ax "
        call    _dummy
        mov     [ebp-4], eax
; Fused expression:    "0 "
        mov     eax, 0
        sub     esp, 4
        jmp     L1

; glb dummy : () unsigned
section .text
        global  _dummy
        push    ebp
        mov     ebp, esp
        jmp     L6
; return
; RPN'ized expression: "7 "
; Expanded expression: "7 "
; Expression value: 7
; Fused expression:    "7 "
        mov     eax, 7
        jmp     L7
        jmp     L5

The original one looks like this;
; Fused expression:    "( L49 , printf )4 "
        push    L49
        call    _printf
        sub     esp, -4
; loc     file_exist_flag : (@-4): unsigned
; =
; RPN'ized expression: "0 "
; Expanded expression: "0 "
; Expression value: 0
; Fused expression:    "=(204) *(@-4) 0 "
        mov     eax, 0
        mov     [ebp-4], eax
; RPN'ized expression: "file_exist_flag ( L51 file_query ) = "
; Expanded expression: "(@-4)  L51  file_query ()4 =(4) "

section .data
        db      "FILENAME.TXT",0

section .text
; Fused expression:    "( L51 , file_query )4 =(204) *(@-4) ax "
        push    L51
        call    _file_query
        sub     esp, -4
        mov     [ebp-4], eax
; if
; RPN'ized expression: "file_exist_flag 0 == "
; Expanded expression: "(@-4) *(4) 0 == "
; Fused expression:    "== *(@-4) 0 IF! "
        mov     eax, [ebp-4]
        cmp     eax, 0
        jne     L53

"Those who can make you believe in absurdities can make you commit atrocities" -- Voltaire https://github.com/Benderx2/R3X
Post 03 Mar 2014, 12:37
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