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Index > Main > [solved: reserved word] Labels in FASM IDE

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Joined: 11 Jan 2014
Posts: 1
Bob201400 11 Jan 2014, 21:33
I don't know if a similar thread was ever posted so I am hoping this is a first.

I am very new to assembly programming and struggling my way with it using FASM. I am using Fresh IDE v2.1.7 (the most current stable environment). I know some very basic commands and as a first project I am coding a bootloader for x86. I figured if I want to learn assembly I may as well get right into it Very Happy. Anyway my code works however I am fighting against labels and why they are being stubborn. Below is my code which I am playing with...

      org 0x7c00
        ; ax bx cx dx -> 16bit general purpose registers
        ; mov ax, 0x12
        ; mov bx, ax
        ; mov cx, 0x1234 ; mov 16bit value 0x1234 into 16bit register cx
        ; mov dl, 0x12   ; mov 8bit value 0x12 into the low 8bit register dl of dx
        ; mov dh, 0x34


        mov ah, 0x0e     ; bios scrolling teletype
        mov al, [my_character1]

        int 0x10         ; cpu enters into an interrupt state, jumps to this interrupt handler in the IVT in memory setup by bios

        mov al, [my_character2]
        int 0x10


                db 'X'


                db 'Y'
        jmp $            ; endless jump
        times 510 - ($-$$)db 0
        dw 0xaa55 ;16bit word or 2 bytes - disc signature

I am only using one label 'entry' which throws an error when code is compiled. The error is 'reserved word used as symbol <<entry:>>'

If I remove it the code compiles successfully. Please help
Post 11 Jan 2014, 21:33
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shutdownall 12 Jan 2014, 00:08
Just change the label name (!).
_entry, entry1, ntry or whatever is suitable.

Entry is a reserved word (directive) for FASM. Please read the documentation but the message is selfexplaining (use of reserved word as symbol).
A label is a symbol and "entry" is a reserved word.

entry directive sets the entry point for MZ executable, it should be followed by the far address (name of segment, colon and the offset inside segment) of desired entry point.


(entry is used for MZ executable)
Post 12 Jan 2014, 00:08
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revolution 12 Jan 2014, 00:48
Moving to "Main".
Post 12 Jan 2014, 00:48
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Joined: 08 Dec 2006
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DOS386 12 Jan 2014, 09:21
> I am very new to assembly programming and

Welcome Smile

> but the message is selfexplaining

This is not always true but this time FASM did a very good job Smile
Post 12 Jan 2014, 09:21
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