;DateTime.Asm Converted to FASM by S.T.C
;Show current date and time
;Date time store in CMOS
;70h port store addr,71h port read data
;Date time data addr:
; second:0 minute:2 hour:4 date:7 month:8 year:9
;Date time data format:BCD,4 unit binary describe a digit
;1 byte,high addr=decade
Org 100h
push cs
push cs
pop ds
pop es
mov ah,03h ;No.3 sub in 10h interrupt,get cursor
int 10h;Return bh=page num,dh=line num,dl=column number
mov di,MyStore
;save bh,dh,dl
mov [es:di],bx
mov [es:di+2],dx
;restore page\line\col number (bh,dh,dl)
mov bx,[es:di]
mov dx,[es:di+2]
;reset to old page\line\column number
mov ah,02h ;set cursor
int 10h
;read year
mov al,9
mov ah,2
mov si, MyData
call read_cmos_bcd
;read month
mov al,8
mov ah,1
inc si
call read_cmos_bcd
;read date
mov al,7
mov ah,1
inc si
call read_cmos_bcd
;read hour
mov al,4
mov ah,1
inc si
call read_cmos_bcd
;read munite
mov al,2
mov ah,1
inc si
call read_cmos_bcd
;read second
mov al,0
mov ah,1
inc si
call read_cmos_bcd
mov dx,MyData ;string start addr
mov ah,9
int 21h
mov ah, 0
int 0x16
;dead loop is not a resolution,it cause cpu turn to 100%
;jmp refresh_datetime
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
;al => start addr
;Write converted string in ds:si
;si point to the end of string after called
push cx
out 70h,al
in al,71h ;read one byte
mov ah,al
;For convenience
;al store byte high 4 bit
;ah store byte low 4 bit
;Because,human read order
;High bit put low addr
;Example:string "12","1" must store in low addr in memory
mov cl,4
shr al,cl ;only retain high 4 bit
and ah,00001111b ;clear high 4 bit to 0
add ah,30h
add al,30h
mov [ds:si],ax
add si,2
pop cx
MyData db "00-00-00 00:00:00$"
MyStore rb 16