flat assembler
Message board for the users of flat assembler.
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l_inc 11 Jul 2013, 16:01
fasmnewbie wrote: On the other hand, this progam below works: OK. This one is interesting. Because it shouldn't compile. Moreover the comparison is also silently digested if byte, qword or dqword/xword size operator is used, but not with other size operators. I think, it's a bug. fasmnewbie A fasm listing is not one program: it's almost always three programs mixed together. You should clearly understand what token in a fasm listing belongs to what program: First program: preprocessor directives (fix, define, equ, macro, include... look into the fasm manual for more). This is the first program to be executed. And it is executed at compile time and only once. It originally does nothing more, than symbolic substitution according to some tricky rules (but with later versions some calculations are also natively supported). This program creates (or expands into) the code of the second program and vanishes. Second program: assembly control directives (if, else, repeat, times, err, display, =, eqtype... look into the fasm manual for more). This is the second program to be executed. It is executed at compile time and often multiple times until the correct execution is achieved. The results are used from the latest (correct) execution attempt only. This program creates the code of the third program and vanishes. Third program: assembly instructions (mov, add, repne cmpsb, sysenter, vpunpckhbw... look into the fasm manual for more). This program is executed at runtime, i.e. after you compiled your program (which means, that the first two programs were executed and do not exist in the output file) and double clicked the resulting executable. Now try to ask yourself, what the third program in your case is. Hint: it does not contain the comparison of myData anymore. _________________ Faith is a superposition of knowledge and fallacy |
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fasmnewbie 11 Jul 2013, 17:06
l_inc wrote:
Hi inc. I believe that you are referring to the multiple-pass process, yes? From your explanations, are you suggesting that the recently uploaded value 15H (mov dword[myData], 15h) is not available to the previously compiled IF statement? Thank you for your reply. |
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fasmnewbie 11 Jul 2013, 17:29
ok guys. I think I need to rephrase my question
What did I do wrong in using the IF directive in the first program regardless of the second program's output? Is it even the correct way to use the IF statement? tqvm. |
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JohnFound 11 Jul 2013, 17:54
"if", "then", "else", "end if" are not run time statements, but assembler directives. So, this directives work only during compilation and this way can't check whether or not your variable contains 15h
Use assembly instructions instead: Code: format PE console include 'win32ax.inc' include 'macro32.inc' .code mov dword [myData], 15h cmp dword [myData], 15h ; compare je .equal ; jump if equal prtStr "Something else" ; else, not equal jmp .to_the_end ; jump to the end .equal: prtStr "Equals" .to_the_end: pquit .data myData dd ? myData2 dd ? .idata |
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AsmGuru62 11 Jul 2013, 17:55
I believe if is a conditional assembly directive.
It means that the code will be assembled differently based on some condition. I believe at run-time you should use .if -- notice the dot in front. I never use these directives, but you should look into IF.INC file in FASM package. This file has the run-time directives like, WHILE, IF/ELSE, etc. |
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fasmnewbie 11 Jul 2013, 18:06
JohnFound wrote: "if", "then", "else", "end if" are not run time statements, but assembler directives. So, this directives work only during compilation and this way can't check whether or not your variable contains 15h That's what I thought. TQVM John. For the time being, maybe I'll just skip those high-level constructs. |
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fasmnewbie 11 Jul 2013, 18:09
AsmGuru62 wrote: I believe if is a conditional assembly directive. Thank you for the explanation. |
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l_inc 11 Jul 2013, 18:18
AsmGuru62 wrote: I never use these directives, but you should look into IF.INC file in FASM package. There's not such term as "run-time directives". .if, .while, .repeat etc. are macros, not directives. Those are expanded into assembly instructions. _________________ Faith is a superposition of knowledge and fallacy |
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AsmGuru62 11 Jul 2013, 19:15
Ok. Thanks.
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l_inc 11 Jul 2013, 19:26
Don't thank me. That comment wasn't for you. ![]() _________________ Faith is a superposition of knowledge and fallacy |
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AsmGuru62 11 Jul 2013, 20:16
I never use these, so I am really not aware.
My macro skills are simplest replacement of parameters -- i.e. very poor. |
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Tomasz Grysztar 11 Jul 2013, 20:44
l_inc wrote: OK. This one is interesting. Because it shouldn't compile. Moreover the comparison is also silently digested if byte, qword or dqword/xword size operator is used, but not with other size operators. I think, it's a bug. |
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uart777 11 Jul 2013, 23:04
fasmnewbie wrote:
Quote: maybe I'll just skip those high-level constructs Often times, we hear programmers say "That's not real ASM!", and in most cases, they are speaking from the perspective of a X86-only programmer who has an exclusive narrow-minded definition of what ASM is and who refuses to advance with technology. Today, ARM is the most widely used CPU in the world, not X86. Once you evolve into a multi-CPU programmer, it's hard to say what "real ASM" is. Examples: In ARM CPU, mov r, 12345678h is not real ASM; it may be encoded as a series of binary orr+lsl's or movw/movt. In MIPS, mov x, y is not real ASM; it may be encoded as addi x, y, 0. IMO, the best .if would recognize HL variables with known types and sizes (strict: i8/u8/i16/u32/etc, no vague "w/ord/h/alf"s), select un/signed operations without having to use separate symbols or "signed" prefix, support calls and be compatible with major CPUs: Intel+ARM. Why go 1/2 way with it? |
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fasmnewbie 16 Jul 2013, 09:05
uart777 wrote: fasmnewbie wrote: Hi uart, thanks for the comment and advice. I didn't mean to skip HL construct features of FASM. Just want to avoid anything confusing until I get it right. I did use the .if directive but it then led me to another confusion in another program. e.g Code: format PE console include 'win32ax.inc' include 'macro32.inc' entry main .code main: prtStr "Enter an integer: " getInt number xor eax, eax mov eax, [number] .if dword [number] < 0 ;doesn't work prtStr "NEGATIVE" .else prtStr "+" .endif pquit .data number dd ? .idata I don't know whats wrong but the logical comparison didn't work. It is supposed to print the string "NEGATIVE" if [number] is negative (< 0). I suspect this has something to do with C's unsigned/signed issue? I don't know. Maybe you can shed a light for me on this one. Here is the macro if you're interested in testing the code. Code: ;macro32.inc macro getInt a{cinvoke scanf, "%d", a} macro prtStr a{cinvoke printf, "%s", a} macro pquit { invoke system, "pause>null" invoke exit, 0 } macro .idata { section '.idata' import data readable library msvcrt, 'msvcrt.dll' import msvcrt,\ system, 'system',printf,'printf',\ scanf, 'scanf',gets,'gets',exit, 'exit' } Thanks for the comments guys. |
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fasmnewbie 16 Jul 2013, 09:11
Tomasz Grysztar wrote:
Thanks for stopping by Thomas. |
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l_inc 16 Jul 2013, 09:48
Quote: Hi uart, thanks for the comment and advice. If you're interested in more opinions, then mine is the opposite one. I don't find any of the uart777's arguments to be valid and would strongly discourage you from using macros from extended headers at the beginning. Your current problem is one reason to stop using those. But as soon as you'll be feeling like a guru in assembly and at least one of the higher level languages (I'd suggest C), you'll be able to expertly decide yourself. Quote: I suspect this has something to do with C's unsigned/signed issue? That's almost correct. It has nothing to do with C though. Let us take a look at the documentation: 3.2.2 Structuring the source wrote: The values are compared as unsigned ones, unless the comparison expression is preceded by the word signed. Thus your condition Code: .if dword [number] < 0 Code: .if signed [number] < 0 _________________ Faith is a superposition of knowledge and fallacy |
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fasmnewbie 16 Jul 2013, 10:20
l_inc wrote: fasmnewbie TQVM i_inc. The comparison works like a charm now. I have to agree with you on some point about using the HL constructs at the beginning of the learning curve. Bearing HLL mindset while doing ASM is not helpful at all. [/b] |
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fasmnewbie 16 Jul 2013, 10:44
AsmGuru62 wrote: I never use these, so I am really not aware. LOL. You should see my macros before you rank yourself "very poor" ![]() |
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uart777 17 Jul 2013, 00:57
Quote: I have to agree with you on some point about using the HL constructs at the beginning of the learning curve Now, I use my own .if to increase production, especially in my main source files for calling and general program flow. Iczelion was a famous ASM programmer who used .if/.while/etc very clean and professionally in 30+ WinASM examples: http://win32assembly.programminghorizon.com/tutorials.html I_inc wrote: Quote: If you're interested in more opinions, then mine is the opposite one Quote: I'd suggest C Quote: I don't find any of the uart777's arguments to be valid * .if can be portable, compatible with any CPU: X86, ARM, MIPS, JVM, etc. On ARM - most widely used CPU in the world - cmp v1, 12345678h and cmp v1, [m] are not real ASM instructions, you'd have to create HL macros to support them. * cmp-jxx requires the programmer to manually create labels whereas .if automatically generates unique labels. * .if is easy to translate to/from other languages, algorithms and pseudo code. * .if does not require the programmer to stop and think to invert the condition. Example: "if less" = "if not greater or equal". * .if condition is written on the same line. * .if can be edited and/or extended to support calls. * .if is designed for high-volume production and making real-life applications. * .if is pure English. "cmp" is not a real word Here are some arguments that I would love for you to disprove. I challenge anyone to improve my design for a HL compiler: http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=15588 |
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