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Index > Windows > WriteProcessMemory

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Joined: 20 May 2013
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DerTobi 28 Jun 2013, 12:25
; http://www.betamaster.us/blog/?p=757

format PE GUI 4.0

entry start
;================== code =====================
section '.code' code readable executable

proc start

        invoke FindWindow, NULL, WindowTitle ; Find the window titled ‘Notepad’
        test eax,eax ; Test whether a window with that title was found or not
             jnz .ju1 ; Don’t jump = The window was not found
             invoke MessageBox,0, message1, _caption, MB_OK ;  Display an error message (Window not found)
             jmp .exit ;  Exit the application
             .ju1: ; Jumped = The window was found
        invoke GetWindowThreadProcessId, eax, ProcID ; Get the ProcessID via the window handle
        invoke OpenProcess, 0x1F0FFF, FALSE, [ProcID] ; Open the process using PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS (0x1F0FFF) and get a handle
        mov dword[ProcHandle],eax ; Save the handle

        ; VirtualAllocEx: Reserves/commits a region of memory within the virtual address space of out target process
        ; We should do this in order to avoid potential access violations (which might cause crashes)
        invoke VirtualAllocEx,dword [ProcHandle], startAddress, _patch.size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE
        cmp eax, 0 ; EAX == 0 : Failed to reserve the memory region
        jnz .cont ; EAX != 0 : Continue with further steps
        invoke MessageBox,0, message4, _caption, MB_OK ; Display an error: VirtualAllocEx failed to reserve the memory region
        jmp .exit ; Exit the application
        invoke WriteProcessMemory, dword[ProcHandle], startAddress, patchBytes, _patch.size, patchResult
        cmp [patchResult],_patch.size ; Compare the number of patched bytes with the length of our new bytes
        je .ju2 ; Don’t jump = Failed to patch the target
        invoke MessageBox,0, message3, _caption, MB_OK ;  Display an error message (An error occured)
        jmp .exit ;  Exit the application
        .ju2: ; Jumped = Target patched successfully.
        invoke MessageBox,0, message2, _caption, MB_OK ; Display: The target has been patched successfully
        .exit: ; Jumper: Here we’re going to exit our application
        invoke ExitProcess, 0 ; ExitProcess


;=================== data ====================
section '.data' data readable writeable

WindowTitle db 'Unbenannt - Editor', 0
ProcID dd ?
ProcHandle dd ?

_caption db 'Information', 0
message1 db 'Unable to find the window', 0
message2 db 'Patched successfully',0
message3 db 'Patching: An error occured',0
message4 db 'VirtualAllocEx failed',0

startAddress dd 0x00401090 ; The memory address we’re starting to write from
patchBytes   db 0x2F, 0x66 ; These bytes will be written into the memory of our target executable
_patch.size = $ - patchBytes  ; Holds the number of bytes we’re going to write
patchResult dd ? ; Holds the number of successfully written bytes

section '.idata' import data readable

library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\

import kernel32,\
       VirtualAllocEx, 'VirtualAllocEx',\

import user32,\

I found a well explained example about WriteProcessMemory but the coder did put some bugs inside the code. Some errors i did fix but is not enough, the byte patching does not work for me Sad
Post 28 Jun 2013, 12:25
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revolution 28 Jun 2013, 13:03
Post 28 Jun 2013, 13:03
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typedef 29 Jun 2013, 00:27
DerTobi wrote:
I found a well explained example about WriteProcessMemory but the coder did put some bugs inside the code. Some errors i did fix but is not enough, the byte patching does not work for me Sad

What specifically doesn't work here? Does it fail because of security reasons or what? Have you tried debugging it? What does GetLastError return?
Post 29 Jun 2013, 00:27
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Joined: 20 May 2013
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Location: DE
DerTobi 29 Jun 2013, 12:15
Oh i made a second topic about that, sorry

so after good sleeping I have thought again about it...
and i know my issue now Smile

At first i though i do patching some bytes inside the compiled exe and i can see the changes with the debugger but it is remote patching in an other process, i did forget it.

"If all fails, read the sourcode again"
is true, funny Very Happy

thx guys
Post 29 Jun 2013, 12:15
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