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> Windows > writeprocessmemory problem |
Author |
tthsqe 16 May 2013, 19:26
The forum member here revolution would ask you to post all of the code or at least enough so that we reproduce your problem...
16 May 2013, 19:26 |
HaHaAnonymous 16 May 2013, 19:50
[ Post removed by author. ]
Last edited by HaHaAnonymous on 28 Feb 2015, 20:46; edited 3 times in total |
16 May 2013, 19:50 |
randomdude 16 May 2013, 21:17
i would post the whole source code but its part from an anti-cheat..
Code: proc MemoryPatchEx handle,destination,source,num locals flOldProtect dd ? endl push ebx ecx edx edi esi mov ebx,dword[handle] mov edi,dword[destination] mov esi,dword[num] lea eax,dword[flOldProtect] invoke VirtualProtectEx,ebx,edi,esi,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE,eax invoke WriteProcessMemory,ebx,edi,dword[source],esi,0 push eax lea eax,dword[flOldProtect] invoke VirtualProtectEx,ebx,edi,esi,dword[eax],eax pop eax pop esi edi edx ecx ebx ret endp thats the function i use to patch. handle = hProcess Quote: You don't need to call "VirtualProtectEx" before calling "WriteProcessMemory" :O really? i saw a lot of example doing it my way, like these: http://forum.sysinternals.com/help-with-virtualprotectex-and-writeprocessmemmory_topic20012.html http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1112339/writeprocessmemory-readprocessmemory-fail i been hours and hours trying to find out the problem...but no luck ps: using OpenProcess with PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS throws Invalid handle, and with PROCESS_SUSPEND_RESUME+PROCESS_VM_OPERATION+PROCESS_VM_READ+PROCESS_VM_WRITE throws Access denied (before the other program is started) |
16 May 2013, 21:17 |
HaHaAnonymous 16 May 2013, 21:50
[ Post removed by author. ]
Last edited by HaHaAnonymous on 28 Feb 2015, 20:46; edited 1 time in total |
16 May 2013, 21:50 |
revolution 17 May 2013, 01:25
tthsqe wrote: The forum member here revolution would ask you to post all of the code or at least enough so that we reproduce your problem... Make a very simple "victim" process and a very simple "patching" process that does only what you are trying to achieve with WriteProcessMemory and nothing else. This eliminates distractions and allows us to help you more directly rather than guessing about what you have done and what you may have done wrong. And often what can happen is that the very process of breaking down the problem to its simplest form can help one solve the problem without the need to post to a forum and wait for replies etc. It is all about efficiency and focus. |
17 May 2013, 01:25 |
typedef 17 May 2013, 08:46
You don't need that API. As long as you called VirtualProtectEx you can access the remote process' memory by using string function like so.
Code: patch_code dd $100 dup (0xC3) ... cld lea esi, [patch_code] mov edi, [remote_pointer] mov ecx, $100 rep stosd ; move by 4 bytes since $100 is multiple of 4 |
17 May 2013, 08:46 |
randomdude 17 May 2013, 11:43
i was going to do that revolution, but this one doesnt throw error 5/6 lol
http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=73923244439383198786 i been thinking tonight and it could be due to two reason - need SeDebugPrivilege - dword[source] is not a pointer typedef, but wouldnt that patch my own program instead of the other one that i want to patch? i use this function to patch my own program Code: proc MemoryPatch destination,source,num locals flOldProtect dd ? endl push ecx edx edi esi mov edi,dword[destination] mov esi,dword[source] lea eax,dword[flOldProtect] invoke VirtualProtect,edi,dword[num],PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE,eax mov ecx,dword[num] cld rep movsb lea eax,dword[flOldProtect] invoke VirtualProtect,dword[destination],dword[num],dword[eax],eax mov eax,1 pop esi edi edx ecx ret endp |
17 May 2013, 11:43 |
typedef 19 May 2013, 15:05
randomdude wrote: i was going to do that revolution, but this one doesnt throw error 5/6 lol VirtualProtect = Current process VirtualProtectEx = Remote Process So you do Code: HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(...) ; if patching to a known address call VirtualProtectEx (hProcess,pMem,....) get write access, save old access) WriteProcessMemory or direct access with assembly. VirtualProtectEx(hProcess,pMem, ... restore old access) Also sometimes you have to consider session isolation (>=VISTA) |
19 May 2013, 15:05 |
randomdude 19 May 2013, 20:39
might be that, typedef
i fixed the invalid handle problem... i was passing a pointer to hProcess instead of the value inside it but now writeprocessmemory simply does nothing. i get error message 'There are no more files', 'Tried to access to an invalid address' and 'The parameter is incorrect' i guess i will need to spend more time fixing these bugs than the time i spent making the program lol thanks anyways guys for the help |
19 May 2013, 20:39 |
typedef 20 May 2013, 04:01
What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
Just explain it and I'll show you the code. |
20 May 2013, 04:01 |
randomdude 20 May 2013, 19:11
its simple, i wanna load another .exe and patch it in memory with createprocess + writeprocessmemory + resumethread, and additionally loop a thread to check for hacks and such
but i cant even do the simple memory patching |
20 May 2013, 19:11 |
baldr 20 May 2013, 22:54
Well, this code does something similar: Code: include "Win32AX.Inc" .code start: invoke CreateProcess, _hello, NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_SUSPENDED, NULL, NULL, _si, _pi invoke WriteProcessMemory, [_pi.hProcess], 0x40100E, _patch, _patch.size, esp invoke ResumeThread, [_pi.hThread] invoke ExitProcess, 0 .data _hello TCHAR "Hello.Exe", 0 _patch db "Lo?" _patch.size = $ - _patch _si STARTUPINFO sizeof.STARTUPINFO _pi PROCESS_INFORMATION .end start You're right (and typedef's wrong) about patching your own program with rep movsb. |
20 May 2013, 22:54 |
typedef 21 May 2013, 04:33
baldr wrote: randomdude, Ahh Yes. I wasn't thinking there for a second. You're right. reb movsb doesn't work. That's why WriteProcessMemory requires a handle to the traget process. And if the target process is the current one then you can use rep movsb. Sorry about this confusion I wasn't thinking there. And btw this one will trigger access violation if the memory you are writing to is write-protected. |
21 May 2013, 04:33 |
randomdude 22 May 2013, 14:58
Code: ... stdcall LoadExe,exefilename,exearg1 ... stdcall ApplyPatches,dword[hProcess],pdror_start,num_patches,pdror_size ... stdcall RunExe,dword[ProcessInfo.hProcess],dword[ProcessInfo.hThread] ... Code: proc LoadExe exename,exearg stdcall CheckExe,dword[exename] test eax,eax jz .end invoke lstrcat,commandline,dword[exename] mov eax,dword[exearg] cmp byte[eax],0 jz .noarg invoke lstrcat,commandline,space invoke lstrcat,commandline,dword[exearg] .noarg: mov dword[StartUpInfo.cb],sizeof.STARTUPINFO invoke CreateProcess,0,commandline,0,0,0,CREATE_SUSPENDED,0,0,StartUpInfo,ProcessInfo test eax,eax jz .end invoke OpenProcess,PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,0,dword[ProcessInfo.dwProcessId] ;PROCESS_SUSPEND_RESUME+PROCESS_VM_OPERATION+PROCESS_VM_READ+PROCESS_VM_WRITE mov dword[hProcess],eax .end: ret endp i guess OpenProcess is not needed? Code: proc ApplyPatches process,addr,num,size locals flOldProtect dd ? endl push ebx edi esi mov ebx,dword[process] mov edi,dword[addr] mov esi,dword[size] lea eax,dword[flOldProtect] invoke VirtualProtect,edi,esi,PAGE_READWRITE,eax stdcall ROR_decrypt,edi,esi lea eax,dword[flOldProtect] invoke VirtualProtect,edi,esi,dword[eax],eax stdcall PatchExeEx,ebx,edi,dword[num] stdcall ApplyOptions,ebx pop esi edi ebx ret endp and in ApplyOptions,process something like Code: stdcall PatchExeEx,dword[process],somepatch,1 it doesnt seem to patch the exe at all (doesnt even return anything with GetLastError), and that exe also loads a dll where i also have to patch addresses but it uses relocation so i always get invalid address error. how could i get the base address where it gets realocated? edit: Code: proc PatchExeEx handle,addr_patches,num_patches push ebx ecx edi esi mov ebx,dword[addr_patches] mov ecx,dword[num_patches] test ecx,ecx jz .end .rep: mov edi,ebx add edi,4 mov edi,dword[edi] mov esi,ebx add esi,8 stdcall MemoryPatchEx,dword[handle],dword[ebx],esi,edi xchg ebx,esi add ebx,edi dec ecx jnz .rep .end: pop esi edi ecx ebx ret endp Code: proc MemoryPatchEx handle,destination,source,num locals flOldProtect dd ? endl push ebx ecx edx edi esi mov ebx,dword[handle] mov edi,dword[destination] mov esi,dword[num] lea eax,dword[flOldProtect] invoke VirtualProtectEx,ebx,edi,esi,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE,eax invoke WriteProcessMemory,ebx,edi,dword[source],esi,0 push eax lea eax,dword[flOldProtect] invoke VirtualProtectEx,ebx,edi,esi,dword[eax],eax pop eax pop esi edi edx ecx ebx ret endp |
22 May 2013, 14:58 |
baldr 22 May 2013, 21:56
typedef wrote: And btw this one will trigger access violation if the memory you are writing to is write-protected. ----8<---- randomdude wrote: it doesnt seem to patch the exe at all (doesnt even return anything with GetLastError), and that exe also loads a dll where i also have to patch addresses but it uses relocation so i always get invalid address error. how could i get the base address where it gets realocated? As for DLLs, loader hasn't snapped imports for created-suspended process yet. You may walk PEB_LDR_DATA lists, or use breakpoint at entry point to grab IAT entry for import from that DLL. |
22 May 2013, 21:56 |
randomdude 23 May 2013, 10:04
Quote: As for DLLs, loader hasn't snapped imports for created-suspended process yet. You may walk PEB_LDR_DATA lists, or use breakpoint at entry point to grab IAT entry for import from that DLL. this is chinese for me lol btw i have a little question..i use loadlibrary+getprocadress to load all imports because some antiviruses detects my program as virus. do i need to call FreeLibrary for all imported functions when my program is going to exit? Last edited by randomdude on 23 May 2013, 10:53; edited 1 time in total |
23 May 2013, 10:04 |
hopcode 23 May 2013, 10:31
randomdude wrote: this is chinese for me lol it's simple. first understanding what the loader does under the hood, also googling for Matt Pietrek and here PEB links http://sites.google.com/site/x64lab/home/assembly-x64-links http://sites.google.com/site/x64lab/home/notes-on-x64-windows-gui-programming/exploring-peb-process-environment-block then loadlibrary+getprocadress http://sites.google.com/site/x64lab/home/notes-on-x64-windows-gui-programming/customizing-the-getprocaddress i cannot find ATM 32bit lingo's version for the above. AFAIK, there's no safe way to stop AV from deleting/marking stuff from time to time, unless you disable scanning in that folder EDIT: found this http://www.masmforum.com/board/index.php?PHPSESSID=8d46cd4ecb1688be429ab49694ec53e6&topic=5996.0 i will restore the attachment on x64lab as i find it again in database. eh eh eh i am the worst lingo's fan _________________ ⠓⠕⠏⠉⠕⠙⠑ |
23 May 2013, 10:31 |
baldr 24 May 2013, 20:02
randomdude wrote: i have a little question..i use loadlibrary+getprocadress to load all imports because some antiviruses detects my program as virus. do i need to call FreeLibrary for all imported functions when my program is going to exit? |
24 May 2013, 20:02 |
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