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Joined: 26 Jan 2013
Posts: 155
Walter 29 Apr 2013, 16:32
avcaballero has placed the source for this floor demo
on his site (in addition to many more).


I couldn't find include files that he uses (missing
resources as well). But the tutorial is obviously a
work in progress.

Looks like versions of most sources in

Very creative indeed!
Post 29 Apr 2013, 16:32
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Joined: 14 Feb 2013
Posts: 130
MIHIP 02 Jun 2013, 06:39
Haha, it's look like cold :3
format pe gui 4.0

include 'win32ax.inc'  

XLEN = 640  
YLEN = 400  
ELAPSE = 20  

struct RGBQUAD  
  rgbBlue     db ?  
  rgbGreen    db ?  
  rgbRed      db ?  
  rgbReserved db ?  

  bmiColors RGBQUAD  

section '.data' data readable writeable  

strClass db 'CeilFloor', 0  
strTitle db 'Ceil&Floor Demo - (c) abreojosensamblador.net', 0  
strError db 'Bonkers!  I hate it when that happens.', 0  

wc WNDCLASS 0, WindowProc, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, strClass  
bmi BITMAPINFO <28h, 280h, 0FFFFFE70h, 1, 20h, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>, <0, 0, 0, 0>  
msg MSG  

dwValue1 dd 0  
dwValue2 dd 0  

hDC1 dd ?  
hDC2 dd ?  
hDC3 dd ?  

hBitmap1 dd ?  

hGdiObject1 dd ?  
hGdiObject2 dd ?  
hGdiObject3 dd ?  

ppvBits dd ?  

byValue1 db ?  
byValue2 db ?  
byValue3 db ?  
byValue4 db ?  

TableH db 0x320 dup ?  
Table1 db 0x5a0 dup ?  
Table2 db 0x5a0 dup ?  
Table3 db 0x5a0 dup ?  
Table4 db 0x5a0 dup ?  

section '.code' code readable executable  

        invoke  GetModuleHandle, NULL  
        mov     [wc.hInstance], eax  
        mov     [wc.lpfnWndProc], WindowProc  
        mov     [wc.lpszClassName], strClass  

        invoke  GetStockObject, NULL  
        mov     [wc.hbrBackground], eax  

        stdcall CFProc0  
        invoke  ExitProcess, 0  

proc CFProc0 uses ebx esi edi  
        invoke  LoadIcon, NULL, IDI_APPLICATION  
        mov     [wc.hIcon], eax  

        invoke  LoadCursor, NULL, IDC_ARROW  
        mov     [wc.hCursor], eax  

        invoke  RegisterClass, wc  
        test    eax, eax  
        jz      CeilFloorError  

        invoke  CreateWindowEx, 0, strClass, strTitle, WS_VISIBLE or WS_SYSMENU or WS_HREDRAW, \ 
                                128, 128, 640, 400, 0, 0, [wc.hInstance], 0  
        test    eax, eax  
        jz      CeilFloorError  

        invoke  GetMessage, msg, NULL, 0, 0  
        cmp     eax, 1  
        jb      CeilFloorRet  
        jnz     CFProc001  

        invoke  TranslateMessage, msg  
        invoke  DispatchMessage, msg  

        jmp     CFProc001  

        invoke  MessageBox, NULL, strError, strTitle, MB_ICONHAND  


proc WindowProc uses ebx esi edi, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam  
        mov     eax, [uMsg]  
        cmp     eax, WM_ERASEBKGND  
        jz      .OnEraseBkgnd  
        cmp     eax, WM_PAINT  
        jz      .OnPaint  
        cmp     eax, WM_DESTROY  
        jz      .OnDestroy  
        cmp     eax, WM_TIMER  
        jz      .OnTimer  
        cmp     eax, WM_CREATE  
        jz      .OnCreate  
        cmp     eax, WM_KEYFIRST  
        jz      .OnKeyFirst  

        invoke  DefWindowProc, [hWnd], [uMsg], [wParam], [lParam]  
        jmp     WindowProcExit  

        cmp     [wParam], VK_ESCAPE  
        jnz     WindowProcRet  
        jmp     .OnDestroy  

        invoke  GetDC, [hWnd]  
        mov     [hDC1], eax  
        invoke  CreateCompatibleDC, [hDC1]  
        mov     [hDC2], eax  

        invoke  CreateDIBSection, [hDC1], bmi, 0, ppvBits, 0, 0  
        mov     [hGdiObject1], eax  

        invoke  SelectObject, [hDC2], [hGdiObject1]  
        mov     [hGdiObject3], eax  

        invoke  CreateCompatibleDC, [hDC1]  
        mov     [hDC3], eax  

        invoke  CreateCompatibleBitmap, [hDC1], XLEN, YLEN  
        mov     [hBitmap1], eax  

        invoke  SelectObject, [hDC3], [hBitmap1]  
        mov     [hGdiObject2], eax  

        stdcall CFProc1  
        stdcall CFProc2  
        stdcall CFProc4, [hWnd]  

        invoke  ReleaseDC,  [hWnd], [hDC1]  
        invoke  SetTimer, [hWnd], 1, ELAPSE, NULL  
        jmp     WindowProcRet  

        invoke  InvalidateRect, [hWnd], NULL, FALSE  
        jmp     WindowProcRet  

        mov     eax, 1  
        jmp     WindowProcRet  

        invoke  BeginPaint, [hWnd], ps  
        mov     [hDC1], eax  
        stdcall CFProc3  
        invoke  BitBlt, [hDC3], 0, 0, XLEN, YLEN, [hDC2], 0, 0, SRCCOPY  
        invoke  BitBlt, [hDC1], 0, 0, XLEN, YLEN, [hDC3], 0, 0, SRCCOPY  
        invoke  EndPaint, [hWnd], ps  
        jmp     WindowProcRet  

        invoke  KillTimer, [hWnd], 1  
        invoke  SelectObject, [hDC3], [hGdiObject2]  
        invoke  DeleteObject, [hBitmap1]  
        invoke  DeleteDC, [hDC3]  
        invoke  SelectObject, [hDC2], [hGdiObject3]  
        invoke  DeleteDC, [hDC2]  
        invoke  DeleteObject, [hGdiObject1]  
        invoke  DestroyWindow, [hWnd]  
        invoke  PostQuitMessage, 0  

        xor     eax, eax  


proc CFProc1  
        mov     esi, 0  
        mov     ecx, 20h  

        mov     eax, 20h  
        sub     eax, ecx  
        mov     [byValue3 + esi], al  
        mov     [byValue2 + esi], al  
        mov     byte [byValue1 + esi], 28h  
        mov     byte [byValue4 + esi], 0  
        add     esi, 4  
        loop    CFProc101  

proc CFProc2  
    dwVar1 dd ?  
        mov     esi, TableH  
        mov     [dwVar1], 2710h  
        mov     ecx, 0  
        fild    [dwVar1]  
        fld     st0  

        mov     eax, 0CAh  
        sub     eax, ecx  
        add     eax, 2  
        mov     [dwVar1], eax  
        fidiv   [dwVar1]  
        fstp    dword [esi]  
        fld     st0  
        add     esi, 4  
        inc     ecx  
        cmp     ecx, 0C8h  
        jnz     CFProc201  
        ffree   st1  
        ffree   st0  
        push    0B4h  
        fidiv   dword [esp]  
        pop     eax  
        fld     st0  
        mov     ecx, 0  

        mov     ebx, ecx  
        shl     ebx, 2  
        push    ecx  
        fimul   dword [esp]  
        pop     eax  
        fst     dword [ebx + Table1]  
        push    140h  
        fidiv   dword [esp]  
        fstp    dword [ebx + Table3]  
        fst     dword [ebx + Table2]  
        fidiv   dword [esp]  
        fstp    dword [ebx + Table4]  
        pop     eax  
        fld     st0  
        inc     ecx  
        cmp     ecx, 168h  
        jnz     CFProc202  
        ffree   st1  
        ffree   st0  

proc CFProc3  
    dwVar1  dd ?  
    dwVar2  dd ?  
    dwVar3  dd ?  
    dwVar4 dd ?  
    dwVar5 dd ?  
    dwVar6 dd ?  
    dwVar7 dd ?  
    dwVar8 dd ?  
    dwVar9 dd ?  
        mov     eax, 500h  
        mov     [dwVar1], eax  
        mov     eax, 0F9AFCh  
        mov     [dwVar2], eax  
        mov     ecx, 0FFFFFEC0h  

        mov     esi, dword [bmi.bmiColors.rgbBlue]  
        shl     esi, 2  
        push    ecx  
        fld     dword [esi + Table4]  
        fimul   dword [esp]  
        fld     dword [esi + Table1]  
        fsub    st0, st1  
        ffree   st1  
        fstp    [dwVar3]  
        fld     dword [esi + Table3]  
        fimul   dword [esp]  
        fadd    dword [esi + Table2]  
        fstp    [dwVar4]  
        pop     eax  
        mov     esi, ecx  
        shl     esi, 2  
        mov     eax, [dwVar1]  
        add     eax, esi  
        mov     [dwVar5], eax  
        mov     eax, [dwVar2]  
        add     eax, esi  
        mov     [dwVar6], eax  
        mov     [dwVar9], 0FFFFFF9Ch  
        mov     ebx, 0  

        mov     edi, ebx  
        shl     edi, 2  
        fld     dword [edi + TableH]  
        fmul    [dwVar3]  
        fiadd   [dwValue1]  
        fistp   [dwVar7]  
        and     [dwVar7], 1Fh  
        fld     dword [edi + TableH]  
        fmul    [dwVar4]  
        fiadd   [dwValue2]  
        fistp   [dwVar8]  
        mov     edi, [dwVar8]  
        and     edi, 1Fh  
        shl     edi, 5  
        add     edi, [dwVar7]  
        shl     edi, 2  
        mov     eax, [EdiTable + edi]  
        movzx   esi, al  
        sub     esi, [dwVar9]  
        jge     CFProc303  
        xor     esi, esi  

        movzx   edx, ah  
        sub     edx, [dwVar9]  
        jge     CFProc304  
        xor     edx, edx  

        shl     edx, 8  
        shr     eax, 10h  
        sub     eax, [dwVar9]  
        jge     CFProc305  
        xor     eax, eax  

        shl     eax, 10h  
        or      eax, edx  
        or      eax, esi  
        mov     edi, dword [ppvBits]  
        mov     esi, edi  
        add     edi, [dwVar5]  
        add     esi, [dwVar6]  
        mov     [edi], eax  
        mov     [edi+4], eax  
        mov     [esi], eax  
        mov     [esi+4], eax  
        add     [dwVar5], 0A00h  
        sub     [dwVar6], 0A00h  
        inc     [dwVar9]  
        inc     ebx  
        cmp     ebx, 0B4h  
        jnz     CFProc302  
        inc     ecx  
        cmp     ecx, 140h  
        jnz     CFProc301  
        add     [dwValue2], 2  
        add     [dwValue1], 2  
        mov     eax, dword [bmi.bmiColors.rgbBlue]  
        add     eax, 2  
        mov     ebx, 168h  
        xor     edx, edx  
        div     ebx  
        mov     dword [bmi.bmiColors.rgbBlue], edx  

proc CFProc4 uses ebx ecx edx esi edi, hWnd  
    dwVar1 dd ?  
    dwVar2 dd ?  
    dwVar3 dd ?  
    X     dd ?  
    Y     dd ?  
        invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CYCAPTION  
        mov     [dwVar1], eax  
        invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CXFIXEDFRAME  
        mov     [dwVar3], eax  
        shl     [dwVar3], 1  
        invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CYFIXEDFRAME  
        mov     [dwVar2], eax  
        invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CXSCREEN  
        mov     ecx, XLEN  
        add     ecx, [dwVar3]  
        sub     eax, ecx  
        shr     eax, 1  
        mov     [X], eax  
        invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CYSCREEN  
        mov     ecx, YLEN  
        add     ecx, [dwVar1]  
        add     ecx, [dwVar2]  
        sub     eax, ecx  
        mov     ecx, 3  
        sub     edx, edx  
        div     ecx  
        mov     [Y], eax  
        mov     ebx, XLEN  
        add     ebx, [dwVar3]  ; cx  
        mov     eax, YLEN  
        add     eax, [dwVar1]  
        add     eax, [dwVar2]  ; cy  
        invoke  SetWindowPos, [hWnd], HWND_TOP, [X], [Y], ebx, eax, SWP_NOZORDER  


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.end start    
Laughing , wow:
format pe gui 4.0

include 'win32ax.inc'  

XLEN = 640  
YLEN = 400  
ELAPSE = 20  

struct RGBQUAD  
  rgbBlue     db ?  
  rgbGreen    db ?  
  rgbRed      db ?  
  rgbReserved db ?  

  bmiColors RGBQUAD  

section '.data' data readable writeable  

strClass db 'CeilFloor', 0  
strTitle db 'Ceil&Floor Demo - (c) abreojosensamblador.net', 0  
strError db 'Bonkers!  I hate it when that happens.', 0  

wc WNDCLASS 0, WindowProc, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, strClass  
bmi BITMAPINFO <28h, 281h, 0FFFFFE70h, 1, 20h, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>, <0, 0, 0, 0>
msg MSG  

dwValue1 dd 0  
dwValue2 dd 0  

hDC1 dd ?  
hDC2 dd ?  
hDC3 dd ?  

hBitmap1 dd ?  

hGdiObject1 dd ?  
hGdiObject2 dd ?  
hGdiObject3 dd ?  

ppvBits dd ?  

byValue1 db ?  
byValue2 db ?  
byValue3 db ?  
byValue4 db ?  

TableH db 0x329 dup ?
Table1 db 0x5a0 dup ?  
Table2 db 0x5a0 dup ?  
Table3 db 0x5a0 dup ?  
Table4 db 0x5a0 dup ?  

section '.code' code readable executable  

        invoke  GetModuleHandle, NULL  
        mov     [wc.hInstance], eax  
        mov     [wc.lpfnWndProc], WindowProc  
        mov     [wc.lpszClassName], strClass  

        invoke  GetStockObject, NULL  
        mov     [wc.hbrBackground], eax  

        stdcall CFProc0  
        invoke  ExitProcess, 0  

proc CFProc0 uses ebx esi edi  
        invoke  LoadIcon, NULL, IDI_APPLICATION  
        mov     [wc.hIcon], eax  

        invoke  LoadCursor, NULL, IDC_ARROW  
        mov     [wc.hCursor], eax  

        invoke  RegisterClass, wc  
        test    eax, eax  
        jz      CeilFloorError  

        invoke  CreateWindowEx, 0, strClass, strTitle, WS_VISIBLE or WS_SYSMENU or WS_HREDRAW, \ 
                                640, 128, 640, 400, 0, 0, [wc.hInstance], 0
        test    eax, eax  
        jz      CeilFloorError  

        invoke  GetMessage, msg, NULL, 0, 0  
        cmp     eax, 1  
        jb      CeilFloorRet  
        jnz     CFProc001  

        invoke  TranslateMessage, msg  
        invoke  DispatchMessage, msg  

        jmp     CFProc001  

        invoke  MessageBox, NULL, strError, strTitle, MB_ICONHAND  


proc WindowProc uses ebx esi edi, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam  
        mov     eax, [uMsg]  
        cmp     eax, WM_ERASEBKGND  
        jz      .OnEraseBkgnd  
        cmp     eax, WM_PAINT  
        jz      .OnPaint  
        cmp     eax, WM_DESTROY  
        jz      .OnDestroy  
        cmp     eax, WM_TIMER  
        jz      .OnTimer  
        cmp     eax, WM_CREATE  
        jz      .OnCreate  
        cmp     eax, WM_KEYFIRST  
        jz      .OnKeyFirst  

        invoke  DefWindowProc, [hWnd], [uMsg], [wParam], [lParam]  
        jmp     WindowProcExit  

        cmp     [wParam], VK_ESCAPE  
        jnz     WindowProcRet  
        jmp     .OnDestroy  

        invoke  GetDC, [hWnd]  
        mov     [hDC1], eax  
        invoke  CreateCompatibleDC, [hDC1]  
        mov     [hDC2], eax  

        invoke  CreateDIBSection, [hDC1], bmi, 0, ppvBits, 0, 0  
        mov     [hGdiObject1], eax  

        invoke  SelectObject, [hDC2], [hGdiObject1]  
        mov     [hGdiObject3], eax  

        invoke  CreateCompatibleDC, [hDC1]  
        mov     [hDC3], eax  

        invoke  CreateCompatibleBitmap, [hDC1], XLEN, YLEN  
        mov     [hBitmap1], eax  

        invoke  SelectObject, [hDC3], [hBitmap1]  
        mov     [hGdiObject2], eax  

        stdcall CFProc1  
        stdcall CFProc2  
        stdcall CFProc4, [hWnd]  

        invoke  ReleaseDC,  [hWnd], [hDC1]  
        invoke  SetTimer, [hWnd], 1, ELAPSE, NULL  
        jmp     WindowProcRet  

        invoke  InvalidateRect, [hWnd], NULL, FALSE  
        jmp     WindowProcRet  

        mov     eax, 1  
        jmp     WindowProcRet  

        invoke  BeginPaint, [hWnd], ps  
        mov     [hDC1], eax  
        stdcall CFProc3  
        invoke  BitBlt, [hDC3], 0, 0, XLEN, YLEN, [hDC2], 0, 0, SRCCOPY  
        invoke  BitBlt, [hDC1], 0, 0, XLEN, YLEN, [hDC3], 0, 0, SRCCOPY  
        invoke  EndPaint, [hWnd], ps  
        jmp     WindowProcRet  

        invoke  KillTimer, [hWnd], 1  
        invoke  SelectObject, [hDC3], [hGdiObject2]  
        invoke  DeleteObject, [hBitmap1]  
        invoke  DeleteDC, [hDC3]  
        invoke  SelectObject, [hDC2], [hGdiObject3]  
        invoke  DeleteDC, [hDC2]  
        invoke  DeleteObject, [hGdiObject1]  
        invoke  DestroyWindow, [hWnd]  
        invoke  PostQuitMessage, 0  

        xor     eax, eax  


proc CFProc1  
        mov     esi, 0  
        mov     ecx, 1h

        mov     eax, 20h  
        sub     eax, ecx  
        mov     [byValue3 + esi], al  
        mov     [byValue2 + esi], al  
        mov     byte [byValue1 + esi], 28h  
        mov     byte [byValue4 + esi], 0  
        add     esi, 4  
        loop    CFProc101  

proc CFProc2  
    dwVar1 dd ?  
        mov     esi, TableH  
        mov     [dwVar1], 2710h  
        mov     ecx, 0  
        fild    [dwVar1]  
        fld     st0  

        mov     eax, 0CAh  
        sub     eax, ecx  
        add     eax, 2  
        mov     [dwVar1], eax  
        fidiv   [dwVar1]  
        fstp    dword [esi]  
        fld     st0  
        add     esi, 4  
        inc     ecx  
        cmp     ecx, 0C8h  
        jnz     CFProc201  
        ffree   st1  
        ffree   st0  
        push    0B4h  
        fidiv   dword [esp]  
        pop     eax  
        fld     st0  
        mov     ecx, 0  

        mov     ebx, ecx  
        shl     ebx, 2  
        push    ecx  
        fimul   dword [esp]  
        pop     eax  
        fst     dword [ebx + Table1]  
        push    140h  
        fidiv   dword [esp]  
        fstp    dword [ebx + Table3]  
        fst     dword [ebx + Table2]  
        fidiv   dword [esp]  
        fstp    dword [ebx + Table4]  
        pop     eax  
        fld     st0  
        inc     ecx  
        cmp     ecx, 168h  
        jnz     CFProc202  
        ffree   st1  
        ffree   st0  

proc CFProc3  
    dwVar1  dd ?  
    dwVar2  dd ?  
    dwVar3  dd ?  
    dwVar4 dd ?  
    dwVar5 dd ?  
    dwVar6 dd ?  
    dwVar7 dd ?  
    dwVar8 dd ?  
    dwVar9 dd ?  
        mov     eax, 500h  
        mov     [dwVar1], eax  
        mov     eax, 0F9AFCh  
        mov     [dwVar2], eax  
        mov     ecx, 0FFFFFEC0h  

        mov     esi, dword [bmi.bmiColors.rgbBlue]  
        shl     esi, 2  
        push    ecx  
        fld     dword [esi + Table4]  
        fimul   dword [esp]  
        fld     dword [esi + Table1]  
        fsub    st0, st1  
        ffree   st1  
        fstp    [dwVar3]  
        fld     dword [esi + Table3]  
        fimul   dword [esp]  
        fadd    dword [esi + Table2]  
        fstp    [dwVar4]  
        pop     eax  
        mov     esi, ecx  
        shl     esi, 2  
        mov     eax, [dwVar1]  
        add     eax, esi  
        mov     [dwVar5], eax  
        mov     eax, [dwVar2]  
        add     eax, esi  
        mov     [dwVar6], eax  
        mov     [dwVar9], 0FFFFFF9Ch  
        mov     ebx, 0  

        mov     edi, ebx  
        shl     edi, 2  
        fld     dword [edi + TableH]  
        fmul    [dwVar3]  
        fiadd   [dwValue1]  
        fistp   [dwVar7]  
        and     [dwVar7], 1Fh  
        fld     dword [edi + TableH]  
        fmul    [dwVar4]  
        fiadd   [dwValue2]  
        fistp   [dwVar8]  
        mov     edi, [dwVar8]  
        and     edi, 1Fh  
        shl     edi, 5  
        add     edi, [dwVar7]  
        shl     edi, 2  
        mov     eax, [EdiTable + edi]  
        movzx   esi, al  
        sub     esi, [dwVar9]  
        jge     CFProc303  
        xor     esi, esi  

        movzx   edx, ah  
        sub     edx, [dwVar9]  
        jge     CFProc304  
        xor     edx, edx  

        shl     edx, 8  
        shr     eax, 10h  
        sub     eax, [dwVar9]  
        jge     CFProc305  
        xor     eax, eax  

        shl     eax, 10h  
        or      eax, edx  
        or      eax, esi  
        mov     edi, dword [ppvBits]  
        mov     esi, edi  
        add     edi, [dwVar5]  
        add     esi, [dwVar6]  
        mov     [edi], eax  
        mov     [edi+4], eax  
        mov     [esi], eax  
        mov     [esi+4], eax  
        add     [dwVar5], 0A00h  
        sub     [dwVar6], 0A00h  
        inc     [dwVar9]  
        inc     ebx  
        cmp     ebx, 0B4h  
        jnz     CFProc302  
        inc     ecx  
        cmp     ecx, 140h  
        jnz     CFProc301  
        add     [dwValue2], 2  
        add     [dwValue1], 2  
        mov     eax, dword [bmi.bmiColors.rgbBlue]  
        add     eax, 2  
        mov     ebx, 168h  
        xor     edx, edx  
        div     ebx  
        mov     dword [bmi.bmiColors.rgbBlue], edx  

proc CFProc4 uses ebx ecx edx esi edi, hWnd  
    dwVar1 dd ?  
    dwVar2 dd ?  
    dwVar3 dd ?  
    X     dd ?  
    Y     dd ?  
        invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CYCAPTION  
        mov     [dwVar1], eax  
        invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CXFIXEDFRAME  
        mov     [dwVar3], eax  
        shl     [dwVar3], 1  
        invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CYFIXEDFRAME  
        mov     [dwVar2], eax  
        invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CXSCREEN  
        mov     ecx, XLEN  
        add     ecx, [dwVar3]  
        sub     eax, ecx  
        shr     eax, 1  
        mov     [X], eax  
        invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CYSCREEN  
        mov     ecx, YLEN  
        add     ecx, [dwVar1]  
        add     ecx, [dwVar2]  
        sub     eax, ecx  
        mov     ecx, 3  
        sub     edx, edx  
        div     ecx  
        mov     [Y], eax  
        mov     ebx, XLEN  
        add     ebx, [dwVar3]  ; cx  
        mov     eax, YLEN  
        add     eax, [dwVar1]  
        add     eax, [dwVar2]  ; cy  
        invoke  SetWindowPos, [hWnd], HWND_TOP, [X], [Y], ebx, eax, SWP_NOZORDER  


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.end start    
and that
format pe gui 4.0

include 'win32ax.inc'  

XLEN = 640  
YLEN = 400  
ELAPSE = 20  

struct RGBQUAD  
  rgbBlue     db ?  
  rgbGreen    db ?  
  rgbRed      db ?  
  rgbReserved db ?  

  bmiColors RGBQUAD  

section '.data' data readable writeable  

strClass db 'CeilFloor', 0  
strTitle db 'Ceil&Floor Demo - (c) abreojosensamblador.net', 0  
strError db 'Bonkers!  I hate it when that happens.', 0  

wc WNDCLASS 0, WindowProc, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, strClass  
bmi BITMAPINFO <28h, 289h, 0FFFFFE70h, 1, 20h, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0>, <0, 0, 0, 0>
msg MSG  

dwValue1 dd 0  
dwValue2 dd 0  

hDC1 dd ?  
hDC2 dd ?  
hDC3 dd ?  

hBitmap1 dd ?  

hGdiObject1 dd ?  
hGdiObject2 dd ?  
hGdiObject3 dd ?  

ppvBits dd ?  

byValue1 db ?  
byValue2 db ?  
byValue3 db ?  
byValue4 db ?  

TableH db 0x329 dup ?
Table1 db 0x5a0 dup ?  
Table2 db 0x5a0 dup ?  
Table3 db 0x5a0 dup ?  
Table4 db 0x5a0 dup ?  

section '.code' code readable executable  

        invoke  GetModuleHandle, NULL  
        mov     [wc.hInstance], eax  
        mov     [wc.lpfnWndProc], WindowProc  
        mov     [wc.lpszClassName], strClass  

        invoke  GetStockObject, NULL  
        mov     [wc.hbrBackground], eax  

        stdcall CFProc0  
        invoke  ExitProcess, 0  

proc CFProc0 uses ebx esi edi  
        invoke  LoadIcon, NULL, IDI_APPLICATION  
        mov     [wc.hIcon], eax  

        invoke  LoadCursor, NULL, IDC_ARROW  
        mov     [wc.hCursor], eax  

        invoke  RegisterClass, wc  
        test    eax, eax  
        jz      CeilFloorError  

        invoke  CreateWindowEx, 0, strClass, strTitle, WS_VISIBLE or WS_SYSMENU or WS_HREDRAW, \ 
                                640, 128, 640, 400, 0, 0, [wc.hInstance], 0
        test    eax, eax  
        jz      CeilFloorError  

        invoke  GetMessage, msg, NULL, 0, 0  
        cmp     eax, 1  
        jb      CeilFloorRet  
        jnz     CFProc001  

        invoke  TranslateMessage, msg  
        invoke  DispatchMessage, msg  

        jmp     CFProc001  

        invoke  MessageBox, NULL, strError, strTitle, MB_ICONHAND  


proc WindowProc uses ebx esi edi, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam  
        mov     eax, [uMsg]  
        cmp     eax, WM_ERASEBKGND  
        jz      .OnEraseBkgnd  
        cmp     eax, WM_PAINT  
        jz      .OnPaint  
        cmp     eax, WM_DESTROY  
        jz      .OnDestroy  
        cmp     eax, WM_TIMER  
        jz      .OnTimer  
        cmp     eax, WM_CREATE  
        jz      .OnCreate  
        cmp     eax, WM_KEYFIRST  
        jz      .OnKeyFirst  

        invoke  DefWindowProc, [hWnd], [uMsg], [wParam], [lParam]  
        jmp     WindowProcExit  

        cmp     [wParam], VK_ESCAPE  
        jnz     WindowProcRet  
        jmp     .OnDestroy  

        invoke  GetDC, [hWnd]  
        mov     [hDC1], eax  
        invoke  CreateCompatibleDC, [hDC1]  
        mov     [hDC2], eax  

        invoke  CreateDIBSection, [hDC1], bmi, 0, ppvBits, 0, 0  
        mov     [hGdiObject1], eax  

        invoke  SelectObject, [hDC2], [hGdiObject1]  
        mov     [hGdiObject3], eax  

        invoke  CreateCompatibleDC, [hDC1]  
        mov     [hDC3], eax  

        invoke  CreateCompatibleBitmap, [hDC1], XLEN, YLEN  
        mov     [hBitmap1], eax  

        invoke  SelectObject, [hDC3], [hBitmap1]  
        mov     [hGdiObject2], eax  

        stdcall CFProc1  
        stdcall CFProc2  
        stdcall CFProc4, [hWnd]  

        invoke  ReleaseDC,  [hWnd], [hDC1]  
        invoke  SetTimer, [hWnd], 1, ELAPSE, NULL  
        jmp     WindowProcRet  

        invoke  InvalidateRect, [hWnd], NULL, FALSE  
        jmp     WindowProcRet  

        mov     eax, 1  
        jmp     WindowProcRet  

        invoke  BeginPaint, [hWnd], ps  
        mov     [hDC1], eax  
        stdcall CFProc3  
        invoke  BitBlt, [hDC3], 0, 0, XLEN, YLEN, [hDC2], 0, 0, SRCCOPY  
        invoke  BitBlt, [hDC1], 0, 0, XLEN, YLEN, [hDC3], 0, 0, SRCCOPY  
        invoke  EndPaint, [hWnd], ps  
        jmp     WindowProcRet  

        invoke  KillTimer, [hWnd], 1  
        invoke  SelectObject, [hDC3], [hGdiObject2]  
        invoke  DeleteObject, [hBitmap1]  
        invoke  DeleteDC, [hDC3]  
        invoke  SelectObject, [hDC2], [hGdiObject3]  
        invoke  DeleteDC, [hDC2]  
        invoke  DeleteObject, [hGdiObject1]  
        invoke  DestroyWindow, [hWnd]  
        invoke  PostQuitMessage, 0  

        xor     eax, eax  


proc CFProc1  
        mov     esi, 0  
        mov     ecx, 1h

        mov     eax, 20h  
        sub     eax, ecx  
        mov     [byValue3 + esi], al  
        mov     [byValue2 + esi], al  
        mov     byte [byValue1 + esi], 28h  
        mov     byte [byValue4 + esi], 0  
        add     esi, 4  
        loop    CFProc101  

proc CFProc2  
    dwVar1 dd ?  
        mov     esi, TableH  
        mov     [dwVar1], 2710h  
        mov     ecx, 0  
        fild    [dwVar1]  
        fld     st0  

        mov     eax, 0CAh  
        sub     eax, ecx  
        add     eax, 2  
        mov     [dwVar1], eax  
        fidiv   [dwVar1]  
        fstp    dword [esi]  
        fld     st0  
        add     esi, 4  
        inc     ecx  
        cmp     ecx, 0C8h  
        jnz     CFProc201  
        ffree   st1  
        ffree   st0  
        push    0B4h  
        fidiv   dword [esp]  
        pop     eax  
        fld     st0  
        mov     ecx, 0  

        mov     ebx, ecx  
        shl     ebx, 2  
        push    ecx  
        fimul   dword [esp]  
        pop     eax  
        fst     dword [ebx + Table1]  
        push    140h  
        fidiv   dword [esp]  
        fstp    dword [ebx + Table3]  
        fst     dword [ebx + Table2]  
        fidiv   dword [esp]  
        fstp    dword [ebx + Table4]  
        pop     eax  
        fld     st0  
        inc     ecx  
        cmp     ecx, 168h  
        jnz     CFProc202  
        ffree   st1  
        ffree   st0  

proc CFProc3  
    dwVar1  dd ?  
    dwVar2  dd ?  
    dwVar3  dd ?  
    dwVar4 dd ?  
    dwVar5 dd ?  
    dwVar6 dd ?  
    dwVar7 dd ?  
    dwVar8 dd ?  
    dwVar9 dd ?  
        mov     eax, 500h  
        mov     [dwVar1], eax  
        mov     eax, 0F9AFCh  
        mov     [dwVar2], eax  
        mov     ecx, 0FFFFFEC0h  

        mov     esi, dword [bmi.bmiColors.rgbBlue]  
        shl     esi, 2  
        push    ecx  
        fld     dword [esi + Table4]  
        fimul   dword [esp]  
        fld     dword [esi + Table1]  
        fsub    st0, st1  
        ffree   st1  
        fstp    [dwVar3]  
        fld     dword [esi + Table3]  
        fimul   dword [esp]  
        fadd    dword [esi + Table2]  
        fstp    [dwVar4]  
        pop     eax  
        mov     esi, ecx  
        shl     esi, 2  
        mov     eax, [dwVar1]  
        add     eax, esi  
        mov     [dwVar5], eax  
        mov     eax, [dwVar2]  
        add     eax, esi  
        mov     [dwVar6], eax  
        mov     [dwVar9], 0FFFFFF9Ch  
        mov     ebx, 0  

        mov     edi, ebx  
        shl     edi, 2  
        fld     dword [edi + TableH]  
        fmul    [dwVar3]  
        fiadd   [dwValue1]  
        fistp   [dwVar7]  
        and     [dwVar7], 1Fh  
        fld     dword [edi + TableH]  
        fmul    [dwVar4]  
        fiadd   [dwValue2]  
        fistp   [dwVar8]  
        mov     edi, [dwVar8]  
        and     edi, 1Fh  
        shl     edi, 5  
        add     edi, [dwVar7]  
        shl     edi, 2  
        mov     eax, [EdiTable + edi]  
        movzx   esi, al  
        sub     esi, [dwVar9]  
        jge     CFProc303  
        xor     esi, esi  

        movzx   edx, ah  
        sub     edx, [dwVar9]  
        jge     CFProc304  
        xor     edx, edx  

        shl     edx, 8  
        shr     eax, 10h  
        sub     eax, [dwVar9]  
        jge     CFProc305  
        xor     eax, eax  

        shl     eax, 10h  
        or      eax, edx  
        or      eax, esi  
        mov     edi, dword [ppvBits]  
        mov     esi, edi  
        add     edi, [dwVar5]  
        add     esi, [dwVar6]  
        mov     [edi], eax  
        mov     [edi+4], eax  
        mov     [esi], eax  
        mov     [esi+4], eax  
        add     [dwVar5], 0A00h  
        sub     [dwVar6], 0A00h  
        inc     [dwVar9]  
        inc     ebx  
        cmp     ebx, 0B4h  
        jnz     CFProc302  
        inc     ecx  
        cmp     ecx, 140h  
        jnz     CFProc301  
        add     [dwValue2], 2  
        add     [dwValue1], 2  
        mov     eax, dword [bmi.bmiColors.rgbBlue]  
        add     eax, 2  
        mov     ebx, 168h  
        xor     edx, edx  
        div     ebx  
        mov     dword [bmi.bmiColors.rgbBlue], edx  

proc CFProc4 uses ebx ecx edx esi edi, hWnd  
    dwVar1 dd ?  
    dwVar2 dd ?  
    dwVar3 dd ?  
    X     dd ?  
    Y     dd ?  
        invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CYCAPTION  
        mov     [dwVar1], eax  
        invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CXFIXEDFRAME  
        mov     [dwVar3], eax  
        shl     [dwVar3], 1  
        invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CYFIXEDFRAME  
        mov     [dwVar2], eax  
        invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CXSCREEN  
        mov     ecx, XLEN  
        add     ecx, [dwVar3]  
        sub     eax, ecx  
        shr     eax, 1  
        mov     [X], eax  
        invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CYSCREEN  
        mov     ecx, YLEN  
        add     ecx, [dwVar1]  
        add     ecx, [dwVar2]  
        sub     eax, ecx  
        mov     ecx, 3  
        sub     edx, edx  
        div     ecx  
        mov     [Y], eax  
        mov     ebx, XLEN  
        add     ebx, [dwVar3]  ; cx  
        mov     eax, YLEN  
        add     eax, [dwVar1]  
        add     eax, [dwVar2]  ; cy  
        invoke  SetWindowPos, [hWnd], HWND_TOP, [X], [Y], ebx, eax, SWP_NOZORDER  


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dd 0x000606F90, 0x00000906F, 0x000606F90, 0x000606F90, 0x000606F90, 0x00090006F, 0x00090006F, 0x00090006F     
Post 02 Jun 2013, 06:39
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When all else fails, read the source

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Location: In your JS exploiting you and your system
revolution 02 Jun 2013, 07:28
MIHIP: Please explain what the code does. Why three code sections that all look very similar? Did you change something?
Post 02 Jun 2013, 07:28
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Posts: 130
MIHIP 03 Jun 2013, 07:32
revolution wrote:
MIHIP: Please explain what the code does. Why three code sections that all look very similar? Did you change something?

Now program look like blue, and slowly =)
Post 03 Jun 2013, 07:32
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Posts: 93
Sasha 03 Jun 2013, 18:12
Are you serious ?

        mov     eax, 1   
        jmp     WindowProcRet

        xor     eax, eax 


Btw, the great example of doing such things without OpenGL or DX. I'm working on something in common.
Post 03 Jun 2013, 18:12
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Location: Madrid - Spain
avcaballero 23 Jun 2013, 20:29
Today, a set of fractals and chaotic systems. Some of them are 64 bits, other 32.

I have been thinking, if you are so fond of unassembling programs, maybe I should not release my codes, it would be an insult to your aptitudes, much less my notes, etc. Isn't it?


Filename: TinyC.zip
Filesize: 30.31 KB
Downloaded: 4229 Time(s)

Siempre aprendiendo
Post 23 Jun 2013, 20:29
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Posts: 37
questlima 29 Aug 2014, 07:52
OMG that's very awesome i am impressed, no offense but this is an Examples and Tutorials thread without the source its kinda useless but thanks to all who posted the source btw so its kinda possible to make a game with Assembly YES Laughing Laughing

Linux command are not what you intended to
learn but your were forced to learn it, without it
you will be like a sitting duck on your beautiful newly installed Linux desktop:)

Last edited by questlima on 29 Aug 2014, 08:02; edited 1 time in total
Post 29 Aug 2014, 07:52
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When all else fails, read the source

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Location: In your JS exploiting you and your system
revolution 29 Aug 2014, 07:56
questlima wrote:
... so its kinda possible to make a game with Assembly YES Smile
No. It is definitely possible.
Post 29 Aug 2014, 07:56
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Posts: 37
questlima 29 Aug 2014, 08:16
revolution wrote:
questlima wrote:
... so its kinda possible to make a game with Assembly YES Smile
No. It is definitely possible.

i don't quit get it *NO. It is definitely possible* is that no or yes Laughing anyway i think it is possible but it will be kinda challenging, 3D games written in pure ASM will be much faster than shoemaker's F1 Laughing

Linux command are not what you intended to
learn but your were forced to learn it, without it
you will be like a sitting duck on your beautiful newly installed Linux desktop:)
Post 29 Aug 2014, 08:16
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When all else fails, read the source

Joined: 24 Aug 2004
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revolution 29 Aug 2014, 08:27
You asked if it was kinda possible. I said it was definitely possible.
Post 29 Aug 2014, 08:27
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Joined: 27 Aug 2014
Posts: 37
questlima 29 Aug 2014, 08:38
revolution wrote:
You asked if it was kinda possible. I said it was definitely possible.

That's good news Very Happy thanks

Linux command are not what you intended to
learn but your were forced to learn it, without it
you will be like a sitting duck on your beautiful newly installed Linux desktop:)
Post 29 Aug 2014, 08:38
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Posts: 15
80286 02 May 2015, 11:15
Hello there!

TODAY I started with FASM to become familiar with 64bit-Assembler
(about 30 years after my first steps in 6502/6510-assembler, about 25 years after my first steps in 8086Assembler and about 20 years after my last line of assemblercode).

I tried all the examples of FASM (Win32 on XP; more will follow) and some others from this forum. Actually I found this CeilFloor.ASM that assembles to a cool demo Smile

Now I am wondering who is the author - due to my limited english I can't really follow the discussion. May I say "Thanks for the cool stuff!" or do I have to delete the source to prevent conflicts with law ?
Post 02 May 2015, 11:15
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When all else fails, read the source

Joined: 24 Aug 2004
Posts: 20445
Location: In your JS exploiting you and your system
revolution 02 May 2015, 11:27
80286 wrote:
Now I am wondering who is the author
If the author is not stated in the source then I guess it is anonymous.
80286 wrote:
... do I have to delete the source to prevent conflicts with law ?
That would depend upon which country you are in, but in general, no you won't have to delete anything. If in doubt you might want to ask a lawyer though.
Post 02 May 2015, 11:27
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avcaballero 10 Jun 2015, 11:25
It is a lot of fun. I am the author or I should be. I have coded the program and one of the forum user (Walter) cracked it and extracted the source code, putting special care of not including my name in it. Fortunately the moderators of the forum not only reproved that, but thank him, even have removed "stupid" posts Smile

Never mind, you can use it, I have coded it to my own learn and in the hope that can be useful to anyone, in fact I have published it and many other demos as a tutorial in my site. I must say that google has decided that those programs are souspicius of viruses Smile because it is not usual to program such a kind of programs, in such kind of way, i suppose. This is interesting, because only rude people can dare to look Smile

Don't you believe that it is fun it is now considered as anonymous? Never mind, all for you.

Won't disturb anymore, sorry, sorry.
Post 10 Jun 2015, 11:25
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Joined: 01 May 2015
Posts: 15
80286 10 Jun 2015, 13:52
avcaballero wrote:
I am the author [ ... ] you can use it

Thank you for clearing that.
It's really a cool demo coded in assembler Smile
Post 10 Jun 2015, 13:52
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