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Joined: 30 Mar 2006
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Location: Poland
MHajduk 09 Apr 2013, 13:58
I'd like to present here a program written with FASM that is a simple example demonstrating an easy way to use arbitrarily chosen font as well as text and background colors inside any edit control.

The font (in TTF or OTF format) is attached from the external file to the executable during compilation and is placed inside one of the application resources. When the application runs the custom font is extracted from the resource and temporarily placed in memory so we can use it in the same way as other fonts installed in the system. When the application ends the font is removed from the process memory - the system set of installed fonts doesn't change at the run of the program.

The change of the default colors used in the edit control is performed through the 'WM_CTLCOLOREDIT' message processing.



Here you can take a look at the program code:
; A simple program written with FASM that presents a way to use custom fonts and
; custom edit control colors (both of text and background).
; (C) Mikolaj Hajduk, 09.04.2013.
format PE GUI 4.0

; Include a header file containing necessary macros.
include 'win32wx.inc'

; Use UTF-8 encoding if you want to have your strings displayed always the same
; way despite of local settings of the user system and if your application has to
; be multilingual.
include 'ENCODING\utf8.inc'

; A definition of the constant describing the program version (encoded date of
; the last changes).
PROG_VERSION equ '2013.04.09.0'

; Constants used to determine the application window minimal width and height.

; Symbolic equivalents used to determine colors of an edit control text and its
; background.
;                 0x00bbggrr
;                 ----------
EDIT_BG_COLOR   = 0x005B196A

; A constant used to calculate the edit control sizes and position when the
; application window is to be resized.

; An identifier of the font resource.
FONT_ID         = 1

; The data section.
section '.data' data readable writeable

        HwndMain        dd 0    ; The handle of the main application window.

        hFont           dd 0    ; The handle of the font used to display strings
                                ; inside window controls.

        FontsNum        dd 0    ; A variable that is used to store the number of
                                ; fonts loaded by the 'AddFontMemResourceEx' function.

        FontRes         dd 0    ; A variable that stores the handle of the font
                                ; added to the system by the 'AddFontMemResourceEx'
                                ; function.

        ; An arbitrarily chosen class name of the created window.
        ClassName       du 'CustomFontExample', 0

        ; A string displayed in the application window title bar.
        WindowCaption   du 'Custom font example v.', PROG_VERSION, 0

        ; An instance of the WNDCLASSEX structure containing information about
        ; the created window class.
        wc              WNDCLASSEX      sizeof.WNDCLASSEX, 0, WindowProc, 0,\
                                        8,\                     ; The number of extra bytes allocated
                                        \                       ; following every class instance.
                                        \                       ; Here we need two double words for
                                        \                       ; the edit control handle (the first dword)
                                        \                       ; and the brush handle (the second dword).
                                        NULL, NULL, NULL,\
                                        COLOR_BTNFACE + 1,\     ; The color value used for painting the
                                        \                       ; background (or a handle to the class
                                        \                       ; background brush). If it is a color value
                                        \                       ; then it must be one of the standard system
                                        \                       ; colors plus 1.
                                        NULL, ClassName, NULL

        ; An instance of the MSG structure used to store information about
        ; messages from the thread message queue.
        msg             MSG

        ; The name of the used font.
        FontName        du 'Silubr', 0

        ; A constant used in INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX as a flag indicating that
        ; all standard common control classes have to be loaded from the DLL.
        ICC_STANDARD_CLASSES = 0x4000

        ; An instance of the structure carrying information used to load common
        ; control classes.

; The code section.
section '.code' code readable executable

                ; Ensure that the common control DLL (Comctl32.dll) is loaded
                ; and register chosen common control classes.
                invoke  InitCommonControlsEx, icex

                stdcall ErrorRoutine, exit

                ; Retrieve a handle of the application file.
                invoke  GetModuleHandle, 0

                stdcall ErrorRoutine, exit

                mov     [wc.hInstance], eax

                ; As an application icon use one of the predefined icons.
                invoke  LoadIcon, 0, IDI_APPLICATION

                stdcall ErrorRoutine, exit

                mov     [wc.hIcon], eax

                ; A cursor associated with the application is a standard, arrow
                ; shaped one.
                invoke  LoadCursor, 0, IDC_ARROW

                stdcall ErrorRoutine, exit

                mov     [wc.hCursor], eax

                ; Registering the application window class in the system.
                invoke  RegisterClassEx, wc

                stdcall ErrorRoutine16, exit

                ; Create the main application window.
                invoke  CreateWindowEx, 0, ClassName, WindowCaption, WS_VISIBLE + WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + \
                                WS_CLIPCHILDREN,\       ; Exclude child windows from redrawing when
                                \                       ; the drawing occurs within the parent, i.e.
                                \                       ; main application window area.
                                128, 128, 350, 192, NULL, NULL, [wc.hInstance], NULL

                stdcall ErrorRoutine, exit

                mov     [HwndMain], eax

                ; Determine the location of the font resource in the application module.
                ; The handle to the resource's information block is temporarily stored
                ; in the ebx register.
                invoke  FindResource, [wc.hInstance], FONT_ID, RT_FONT

                stdcall ErrorRoutine, exit

                xchg    ebx, eax

                ; Retrieve the size (in bytes) of the font resource and store it
                ; temporarily in the esi register.
                invoke  SizeofResource, [wc.hInstance], ebx

                stdcall ErrorRoutine, exit

                xchg    esi, eax

                ; Retrieve a handle to the data associated with the font resource.
                invoke  LoadResource, [wc.hInstance], ebx

                stdcall ErrorRoutine, exit

                ; Retrieve a pointer to the first byte of the specified font
                ; resource.
                invoke  LockResource, eax

                stdcall ErrorRoutine, exit

                ; Add the font resource from the memory image to the system what
                ; allows to refer to it's name as if it was manually installed
                ; by us in the system.
                invoke  AddFontMemResourceEx,\
                                        eax,\           ; The pointer to the font resource.
                                        esi,\           ; Number of bytes in the font resource.
                                        0,\             ; Reserved, must be 0.
                                        FontsNum        ; The pointer to the variable that specifies
                                                        ; the number of fonts installed if the function
                                                        ; succeeds.

                test    eax, eax                        ; No additional error information is available
                jz      exit                            ; when the function fails.

                mov     [FontRes], eax

                ; Create a font that will be used to display all strings inside
                ; the application window controls.
                invoke  CreateFont, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE,\
                                ANTIALIASED_QUALITY,\   ; The font is antialiased or smoothed
                                \                       ; depending on its size.
                                FIXED_PITCH + FF_DONTCARE, FontName

                stdcall ErrorRoutine, cleanup

                mov     [hFont], eax

                ; Set the created font to the main and additional application windows.
                invoke  SendMessage, [HwndMain], WM_SETFONT, eax, TRUE

        ; A loop where all messages referring to the application window have been
        ; processed.
                ; Retrieve a message from the application message queue.
                invoke  GetMessage, msg, NULL, 0, 0

                ; Exit when the 'WM_QUIT' message has been retrieved.
                test    eax, eax
                jz      cleanup

                ; Display a proper error message when something has gone wrong
                ; (eax = -1).
                inc     eax

                stdcall ErrorRoutine, cleanup

                ; Translate virtual-key strokes into character messages.
                invoke  TranslateMessage, msg

                ; Dispatch the retrieved message to the window procedure.
                invoke  DispatchMessage, msg
                jmp     msg_loop

        ; Release all handles and allocated resources before exit.
                ; Delete the font used to display strings in the application
                ; window controls.
                cmp     [hFont], 0
                je      @f

                invoke  DeleteObject, [hFont]

                        cmp     [FontRes], 0
                        je      exit

                        ; Remove the font added from the memory image file.
                        invoke  RemoveFontMemResourceEx, [FontRes]

        ; Quit the application.
                invoke  ExitProcess, [msg.wParam]

        ; The error handling routine that organizes the program flow when any of
        ; API functions returns zero value.
                ; Zeroize bits of the eax register from the 16th to the 31st one.
                ; Done to assure that the eax register won't contain any "garbage"
                ; after calling API functions returning 16-bit result.
                and     eax, 0xFFFF

                ; Check value stored in the eax register. If it's nonzero then
                ; return to the address following the place the error procedure
                ; has been called.
                test    eax, eax
                jz      @f

                retn    4

                ; Check value of the last error that has occurred.
                invoke  GetLastError
                test    eax, eax
                jnz     @f

                ; If there was no error, i.e. the 'GetLastError' function returned
                ; 'ERROR_SUCCESS', we return to the place when the 'ErrorRoutine'
                ; procedure was called and remove the 'ReturnTo' address stored on
                ; the stack before the procedure call.
                retn    4

                ; If there was an error, we display a message box with a human readable
                ; description of the error, remove the address of the procedure caller
                ; and return to the 'ReturnTo' address.
                stdcall ShowLastError, NULL, eax

                add     esp, 4

        ; The main application window procedure. Here we specify how to react
        ; on the events occurring inside the window.
        proc    WindowProc, hwnd, wmsg, wparam, lparam

                        .Edit           dd 0    ; The handle of the edit control.

                        .hBrush         dd 0    ; The handle of the brush used to redraw
                                                ; the edit control background.

                        .Rect           RECT    ; An instance of the RECT structure used
                                                ; to store the coordinates of the upper-left
                                                ; and the lower-right corners of the window
                                                ; client area.

                push    ebx

                ; Retrieve the coordinates of the application window client area.
                ; The result of the procedure 'GetClientRect' is stored in the
                ; instance of the RECT structure. The coordinates of the upper-left
                ; corner of the client area rectangle are always equal to (0, 0),
                ; so the most important are coordinates of the lower-right corner
                ; as a containing the whole information.
                lea     eax, [.Rect]
                invoke  GetClientRect, [hwnd], eax

                stdcall ErrorRoutine, .finish

                ; Adjust the width and height of the edit control accordingly to the
                ; width and height of the application window client area. We subtract
                ; doubled value of 'EDIT_MARGIN' constant to obtain the proper width
                ; of the right and bottom margins (the left and top margins are constant
                ; and equal to 'EDIT_MARGIN').
                sub     [.Rect.right], 2*EDIT_MARGIN
                sub     [.Rect.bottom], 2*EDIT_MARGIN

                ; Depending on the message type perform proper actions.
                cmp     [wmsg], WM_CREATE
                je      .wmcreate

                ; Retrieve the handle of the edit control from the window extra memory and
                ; store it in the local variable '.Edit'.
                invoke  GetWindowLong, [hwnd], 0

                stdcall ErrorRoutine, .wmdestroy

                mov     [.Edit], eax

                ; Retrieve the handle of the brush from the window extra memory and store
                ; it in the local variable '.hBrush'.
                invoke  GetWindowLong, [hwnd], 4

                stdcall ErrorRoutine, .wmdestroy

                mov     [.hBrush], eax

                cmp     [wmsg], WM_SIZE
                je      .wmsize

                cmp     [wmsg], WM_SETFONT
                je      .wmsetfont

                cmp     [wmsg], WM_GETMINMAXINFO
                je      .wmgetminmaxinfo

                cmp     [wmsg], WM_SETFOCUS
                je      .wmsetfocus

                cmp     [wmsg], WM_CTLCOLOREDIT
                je      .wmeditcolor

                cmp     [wmsg], WM_DESTROY
                je      .wmdestroy

                ; Ensure that all messages not processed by the application
                ; window procedure will be processed by default window procedure.
                        invoke  DefWindowProc, [hwnd], [wmsg], [wparam], [lparam]
                        jmp     .finish

                ; Actions performed when the application window has been created.
                        ; Create the edit control window.
                        invoke  CreateWindowEx, WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, 'EDIT', 0,\
                                                WS_VISIBLE + WS_CHILD +\
                                                \;WS_HSCROLL +\                 ; Uncomment these lines if you don't
                                                \;ES_AUTOHSCROLL +\             ; want the edit control content to be
                                                \                               ; wrapped.
                                                WS_VSCROLL +\                   ; The edit control window has a vertical
                                                \                               ; scroll bar.
                                                ES_AUTOVSCROLL +\               ; Automatically scroll text up one page
                                                \                               ; when user presses the ENTER key on the
                                                \                               ; last line.
                                                ES_MULTILINE +\                 ; The edit control is multiline.
                                                ES_LOWERCASE,\                  ; Convert all characters to lowercase
                                                \                               ; while they are typed in (it's necessary
                                                \                               ; in our case since the Gothic alphabet
                                                \                               ; is unicase i.e. make no distinction
                                                \                               ; between capital and lower case letters).
                                                EDIT_MARGIN, EDIT_MARGIN,\      ; Position and sizes of the created edit
                                                [.Rect.right], [.Rect.bottom],\ ; control.
                                                [hwnd], 0, [wc.hInstance], NULL

                        stdcall ErrorRoutine, .wmdestroy

                        mov     [.Edit], eax

                        ; Store the edit control handle in the reserved window extra
                        ; memory. It's necessary because this value must be available
                        ; during the next call of the 'WindowProc' procedure.
                        invoke  SetLastError, 0
                        invoke  SetWindowLong, [hwnd], 0, [.Edit]

                        stdcall ErrorRoutine, .wmdestroy

                        ; Create a logical brush that has the specified solid color
                        ; used to repaint the edit control background.
                        invoke  CreateSolidBrush, EDIT_BG_COLOR

                        stdcall ErrorRoutine, .wmdestroy

                        xchg    ebx, eax                ; Store for a moment the handle of the
                                                        ; created brush in the ebx register.

                        ; The handle of the created brush is stored in the second
                        ; double word of the reserved window extra memory that follows
                        ; any window class instance.
                        invoke  SetLastError, 0
                        invoke  SetWindowLong, [hwnd], 4, ebx

                        stdcall ErrorRoutine, .wmdestroy

                        ; Window procedure should return 0 when processes the 'WM_CREATE'
                        ; message.
                        jmp .return0

                ; Actions performed when the application window has changed its sizes.
                        ; Move the edit control to the calculated position.
                        invoke  MoveWindow, [.Edit], EDIT_MARGIN, EDIT_MARGIN, [.Rect.right], [.Rect.bottom], TRUE

                        stdcall ErrorRoutine, .finish

                        ; Window procedure should return 0 when processes the 'WM_SIZE'
                        ; message.
                        jmp     .return0

                ; Actions performed when the window procedure receives the 'WM_SETFONT'
                ; message. Here we forward the 'WM_SETFONT' message to all controls
                ; located inside the window.
                        ; Set the new font to the edit control instead the current one.
                        invoke  SendMessage, [.Edit], WM_SETFONT, [wparam], TRUE

                        jmp     .finish

                ; Assure that the width and height of the application window never be smaller
                ; than the values hold in the constants 'WND_MIN_WIDTH' and 'WND_MIN_HEIGHT'.

                        virtual at eax
                                .minmax MINMAXINFO
                        end virtual

                        mov     eax, [lparam]

                        mov     dword [.minmax.ptMinTrackSize.x], WND_MIN_WIDTH
                        mov     dword [.minmax.ptMinTrackSize.y], WND_MIN_HEIGHT

                        ; Window procedure should return 0 when processes the 'WM_GETMINMAXINFO'
                        ; message.
                        jmp     .return0

                ; Operations performed when the application window gains the keyboard focus.
                        ; Set the keyboard focus to the edit control.
                        invoke  SetFocus, [.Edit]

                        stdcall ErrorRoutine, .return0

                        ; The window procedure should return 0 when processes the 'WM_SETFOCUS'
                        ; message.
                        jmp     .return0

                ; Operations performed when the window procedure receives the 'WM_CTLCOLOREDIT'
                ; message sent by the edit control that is about to be (re)drawn. Through 'wparam'
                ; parameter of the message the window procedure receives the handle of the edit
                ; control device context.
                        ; Set the drawing mode for the edit control background
                        ; (fill it with a chosen background color).
                        invoke  SetBkMode, [wparam], OPAQUE

                        ; Set the text color for the edit control device context.
                        invoke  SetTextColor, [wparam], EDIT_TEXT_COLOR

                        ; Set the current text background color to the specified color
                        ; value.
                        invoke  SetBkColor, [wparam], EDIT_BG_COLOR

                        ; The window procedure should return the handle of the brush
                        ; if processes this message. The brush is used to paint the
                        ; edit control background.
                        mov     eax, [.hBrush]

                        jmp     .finish

                ; Operations performed when the application window is to be destroyed.
                ; This is a regular cleanup after receiving the 'WM_DESTROY' message: here
                ; we delete objects and resources allocated during the application window
                ; creation. We don't need to destroy all controls (child windows) manually
                ; because it will be done automatically.
                        ; Delete the brush used to draw the edit control background.
                        cmp     [.hBrush], 0
                        jz      .quit

                        invoke  DeleteObject, [.hBrush]

                                ; Post the 'WM_QUIT' message to the application message queue.
                                invoke  PostQuitMessage, 0

                        xor     eax, eax

                        pop     ebx

        ; A simple procedure that displays a message box containing a human readable
        ; description of the last error.
        proc    ShowLastError, hwnd, LastErr

                        Buffer dd ?

                lea     eax, [Buffer]
                invoke  FormatMessage, FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER + FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, 0, [LastErr],\
                                LANG_NEUTRAL, eax, 0, 0

                invoke  MessageBox, [hwnd], [Buffer], NULL, MB_ICONERROR + MB_OK
                invoke  LocalFree, [Buffer]


.end start

; The section of the program resources. Here we specify information about the
; application (description, author, version), the application manifest (informing
; Windows which version of the common controls program should use giving it
; a modern visual style instead of the classical Win9x "boxy" style) and the custom
; font used in the application.
section '.rsrc' resource data readable

        RT_MANIFEST     = 24
        ID_MANIFEST     = 1

        directory       RT_VERSION, versions,\
                        RT_MANIFEST, manifest,\
                        RT_FONT, fonts

        resource        versions,\
                        1, LANG_NEUTRAL, version

        resource        manifest,\
                        ID_MANIFEST, LANG_NEUTRAL, man

        resource        fonts,\
                        FONT_ID, LANG_NEUTRAL, CustomFont

        versioninfo     version, VOS__WINDOWS32, VFT_APP, VFT2_UNKNOWN, LANG_ENGLISH + SUBLANG_DEFAULT, 0,\
                        'FileDescription', 'Custom font example',\
                        'LegalCopyright', '(C) Mikolaj Hajduk, 2013',\
                        'FileVersion', PROG_VERSION,\
                        'ProductVersion', PROG_VERSION,\
                        'OriginalFilename', 'CustomFont.exe'

        ; Content of the manifest included as an application resource.
        resdata man
                db '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>'
                db '<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">'
                db '<assemblyIdentity '
                        db 'version="', PROG_VERSION, '" '
                        db 'processorArchitecture="X86" '
                        db 'name="MikolajHajduk.CustomFont" '
                        db 'type="win32"'
                db '/>'
                db '<description>Custom font example.</description>'
                db '<dependency>'
                        db '<dependentAssembly>'
                                db '<assemblyIdentity '
                                        db 'type="win32" '
                                        db 'name="Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls" '
                                        db 'version="" '
                                        db 'processorArchitecture="X86" '
                                        db 'publicKeyToken="6595b64144ccf1df" '
                                        db 'language="*"'
                                db '/>'
                        db '</dependentAssembly>'
                db '</dependency>'
                db '</assembly>'

        ; Included font resource.
        resdata CustomFont
                file 'Silubr.otf'

The archive containing the program source code, a file with the Gothic font "Silubr" and the executable may be downloaded here. Smile


A little historical digression.

The choice of the Gothic font was caused by two factors: the first one is an attractive visual appearance of it, the second factor is an interesting history that is hidden behind it. The Silubr font (created by Robert Pfeffer, here you can download it freely, description of the Gothic keyboard layout you may find here) is an example of the font created in order to help reviving ancient systems of writing, dedicated especially to historians and linguists. Gothic alphabet created in 4th century by bishop Ulfilas (Wulfila) for writing in Gothic language inherited some letters from Greek others from Latin and Runic alphabets hence sometimes it gives an "exotic" feel when you look at the text written with it:


The choice of the edit control colors ("silver" letters on the purple background) has been inspired by the Codex Argenteus ("Silver Book"), the most important source of the knowledge about the Gothic language. Reconstruction of an exemplary page:


Gothic language had been used as a lingua franca in the Hunnic empire and had also an impact on Slavic languages, some common Polish words used till this day are of Gothic origin (during their long migration from Scandinavia to the Crimean Peninsula Goths spent a few centuries in the areas of today's Poland and Ukraine, see here) leaving some traces of their presence here (for example a cemetery near the village of Odry just a few tens of kilometers to the north from the place I live), so I think the historical and esthetic factors may be easily justified here. Wink
Post 09 Apr 2013, 13:58
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hopcode 10 Apr 2013, 03:28
excellent work, MHajduk!! Very Happy i tested the zip yesterday and the font but i had no time to post.
the majuscule uncial hand of the Codex Argenteus is very elegant because it avoids the excessive rotunditas of uncial and semi-uncial,
while keeping spacing among letters always compacted. that is the case in which the amanuensis there would have reasons
to say: Tres digiti scribunt, totum corpus laborat Wink the font is fine and well done.

Post 10 Apr 2013, 03:28
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hanjin 10 Apr 2013, 10:34
Great! Very detail-full source code!. I don't need to look into msdn. Thanks MHajduk Wink
Post 10 Apr 2013, 10:34
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MHajduk 10 Apr 2013, 11:35
Thanks guys for your kind reviews! Smile


Three fingers write yet the whole body works (and has been tired)? Yeah, that's true even today when we don't write much with pen but almost everything type on the keyboard. Wink

I have another Latin proverb for you: Verba docent, exempla trahunt. (i.e. "Words instruct, examples lead"). Smile


Yes, the main motive to create such elaborated description was to give simple working examples that can be used almost independently from the other sources of information. Smile
Post 10 Apr 2013, 11:35
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Picnic 13 Apr 2013, 12:56
Very nice sample MHajduk, useful to me. Nice commented, i admire your ability and attitude to explain the code so well. Thanks for sharing.
Post 13 Apr 2013, 12:56
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MHajduk 13 Apr 2013, 21:22
Picnic wrote:
Very nice sample MHajduk, useful to me. Nice commented, i admire your ability and attitude to explain the code so well. Thanks for sharing.
I'm glad that this simple example has turned out to be useful to you. As for the commenting source code: yes, I usually write elaborated comments because it helps me to come back to some old sources even after a few years and understand them without extra effort. Smile
Post 13 Apr 2013, 21:22
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bitRAKE 22 Apr 2013, 23:10
If the VersionInfo is not listed in the directory then Windows ignores it.
  directory   RT_BITMAP, imagebmps,\
                RT_VERSION, versions,\
                RT_MANIFEST, manifest    
...will insure tooltips and such display the information.

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 22 Apr 2013, 23:10
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MHajduk 23 Apr 2013, 08:28
bitRAKE, I'm not sure what do you mean exactly because in my program presented above I have just used these directives:
        directory       RT_VERSION, versions,\
                        RT_MANIFEST, manifest,\
                        RT_FONT, fonts

        resource        versions,\
                        1, LANG_NEUTRAL, version

        resource        manifest,\
                        ID_MANIFEST, LANG_NEUTRAL, man

        resource        fonts,\
                        FONT_ID, LANG_NEUTRAL, CustomFont

        versioninfo     version, VOS__WINDOWS32, VFT_APP, VFT2_UNKNOWN, LANG_ENGLISH + SUBLANG_DEFAULT, 0,\
                        'FileDescription', 'Custom font example',\
                        'LegalCopyright', '(C) Mikolaj Hajduk, 2013',\
                        'FileVersion', PROG_VERSION,\
                        'ProductVersion', PROG_VERSION,\
                        'OriginalFilename', 'CustomFont.exe'    
Post 23 Apr 2013, 08:28
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bitRAKE 23 Apr 2013, 08:51
Eh, sorry. I posted in the wrong thread. It's the rebar example with the error. Embarassed

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 23 Apr 2013, 08:51
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MHajduk 23 Apr 2013, 09:05
Anyway, no problem, your mistake have increased a bit viewership of my thread. Razz
Post 23 Apr 2013, 09:05
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flaith 10 Jun 2013, 04:07
Thanks a lot for sharing, and big thanks for the comments, it's really valuable for a novice like me Very Happy

Je suis sur de 'rien', mais je ne suis pas sur du 'tout'.
Post 10 Jun 2013, 04:07
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MHajduk 10 Jun 2013, 17:32
flaith wrote:
Thanks a lot for sharing, and big thanks for the comments, it's really valuable for a novice like me Very Happy
Thank you for your positive opinion, flaith. I'm glad to see that this simple piece of FASM code can be helpful in others' programming work. Smile
Post 10 Jun 2013, 17:32
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edfed 10 Jun 2013, 21:03
of course it's usefull. not always for everybody, but it is a valuable resource available whenever we need it now ! Smile

i think it can be really good to make a sort of little lib with a simple api to exploit transparently your trick Smile

maybe a set of macros or functions. but something really easy for noobs to exploit. like

include "thelib.inc"

makethething parameter1,parameter2;this is the macro

mov eax,parameter1
mov ebx,parameter2
call thething;the simple calling convention version

push parameter1
push parameter2
call [thething]; the little more tricky calling convention.

;and so on...

what do you think about it? and about a generalization of this practice on every assembly code ?
Post 10 Jun 2013, 21:03
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Location: Poland
MHajduk 11 Jun 2013, 08:34
Your post is slightly enigmatic, edfed. I'm not sure what did you mean exactly. Wink One of possibilities is that your question refers to the "Simple Conversion Routines (EAX to ASCII, Win32)" thread but if not what kind of trick you were talking of? The main goal of the program presented here is to show how to load a font from resources section and make it temporary available for the application, so we aren't dependent on the fonts installed in the system. Smile
Post 11 Jun 2013, 08:34
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edfed 12 Jun 2013, 09:40
showing the trick to do it is really cool.

i only suggested to improve the trick in order to let noobs (like me) use the trick with the less lines of code possible. Smile

do you think this is possible in the case of resources? maybe it should create three sections in one place. (code, data, resources) and exploit them with just one single macro like:

customPrint "text",mycustomfont

instead of having a lot of little codes everywhere to do the job.

there is effectivelly a link with the ascii to eax post in the sense i suggest a sort of simplification of every contributions in order to make them as simple as a mov.
Post 12 Jun 2013, 09:40
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baldr 12 Jun 2013, 18:52

I do agree with MHajduk, your messages became extra cryptic to decode. Wink
Post 12 Jun 2013, 18:52
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