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Joined: 04 Sep 2009
Posts: 414
Location: film "CandyMan" directed through Bernard Rose OR Candy Shop
CandyMan 19 Feb 2013, 13:32
I found the example in the Internet how to enter to virtual mode.
Unfortunately after starting debuggers aren't acting. An code emulating instruction int1 is needed. Whether somebody would help me to fix it.
; ============= 32-bit Extender for 16-bit DOS (v1.1) =============

; assemble using tasm


io_limit        equ     2000h
stack16_size    equ     80h

code    segment public use32

        assume  cs:code

base_sel        equ     base_desc      - GDT
code_sel        equ     code_desc      - GDT
data_sel        equ     data_desc      - GDT
code16_sel      equ     code16_desc    - GDT
data16_sel      equ     data16_desc    - GDT
env_sel         equ     env_desc       - GDT
ext_sel         equ     ext_desc       - GDT
flat_code_sel   equ     flat_code_desc - GDT
flat_data_sel   equ     flat_data_desc - GDT
psp_sel         equ     psp_desc       - GDT
video_sel       equ     video_desc     - GDT

        public  V86_es, V86_ds, V86_fs, V86_gs

        align 4
V86_es          dd      code
V86_ds          dd      code
V86_fs          dd      0
V86_gs          dd      0a000h
V86_ss          dd      stack16
V86_sp          dd      stack16_size

TSS_esp0        dd      (32+16)*8+4

        public  psp_segment, base_segment, base_limit
        public  ext_base, ext_limit, fpu_present

psp_segment     dw      ?
base_segment    dw      ?
base_limit      dd      ?
ext_base        dd      100000h
ext_limit       dd      ?
fpu_present     db      0

; ============= V86 interupt call =============
        align 4
        public  int_16
int_16  proc    near
        push    gs fs ds es ebx eax
        mov     ax,data_sel
        mov     ds,ax
        mov     ax,flat_data_sel
        mov     fs,ax
        mov     eax,ds:TSS_esp0
        push    dword ptr fs:eax[4]
        push    dword ptr fs:eax[0]
        mov     fs:eax[0],esp
        mov     fs:eax[4],ss
        push    ds:V86_gs ds:V86_fs ds:V86_ds ds:V86_es
        mov     ebx,ds:V86_ss
        push    ebx
        shl     ebx,4
        mov     eax,ds:V86_sp
        sub     eax,6
        push    eax
        add     ebx,eax
        mov     word ptr fs:ebx[0],small offset int_?
        mov     word ptr fs:ebx[2],code
        mov     eax,ss:esp[14*4]
        and     ah,NOT 42h
        push    eax
        mov     fs:ebx[4],ax
        or      eax,23000h
        push    eax
        mov     ebx,ss:esp[17*4]
        movzx   eax,word ptr fs:ebx[2]
        push    eax
        mov     ax,word ptr fs:ebx[0]
        push    eax
        mov     eax,ss:esp[11*4]
        mov     ebx,ss:esp[12*4]
        int     ?

int_16  endp

; ============= Virtual 8086 mode monitor =============
        test    byte ptr ss:esp[3*4+2],2
        jz      exc13
        add     esp,4
        push    ebx eax
        mov     ax,flat_data_sel
        mov     ds,ax
        movzx   ebx,word ptr ss:esp[3*4]
        cmp     bx,code
        je      V86_exit
        shl     ebx,4
        add     ebx,ss:esp[2*4]
        inc     dword ptr ss:esp[2*4]
        mov     ah,ds:ebx[0]
        mov     al,3
        cmp     ah,0cch
        je      short V86_int
        inc     eax
        cmp     ah,0ceh
        je      short V86_int
        cmp     ah,0cdh
        jne     short V86_exc
        inc     dword ptr ss:esp[2*4]
        mov     al,ds:ebx[1]
        cmp     al,15h
        jne     short V86_int
        cmp     byte ptr ss:esp[1],87h
        je      emul_15_87
; ------------- Emulate INT intruction -------------
        push    ecx
        movzx   ebx,al
        shl     ebx,2
        mov     ecx,ds:ebx[0]
        movzx   ebx,word ptr ss:esp[7*4]
        shl     ebx,4
        sub     word ptr ss:esp[6*4],6
        add     ebx,ss:esp[6*4]
        mov     ax,ss:esp[5*4]
        mov     ds:ebx[4],ax
        and     ah,NOT 3
        mov     ss:esp[5*4],ax
        mov     ax,ss:esp[4*4]
        mov     ds:ebx[2],ax
        mov     ax,ss:esp[3*4]
        mov     ds:ebx[0],ax
        mov     ss:esp[3*4],cx
        shr     ecx,16
        mov     ss:esp[4*4],cx
        pop     ecx eax ebx
        mov     dx,offset err_v86_inv
        jmp     exception
; ------------- Leave V86 Interrupt call -------------
        mov     ax,data_sel
        mov     ds,ax
        pop     eax ebx
        mov     ss:esp[11*4],eax
        mov     ss:esp[12*4],ebx
        add     esp,8
        pop     eax
        mov     ss:esp[14*4],al
        pop     ds:V86_sp ds:V86_ss
        pop     ds:V86_es ds:V86_ds ds:V86_fs ds:V86_gs
        mov     ax,flat_data_sel
        mov     ebx,ds:TSS_esp0
        mov     ds,ax
        pop     dword ptr ds:ebx[0]
        pop     dword ptr ds:ebx[4]
        pop     eax ebx es ds fs gs
        ret     4
; ------------- Emulate 'MOVE BLOCK' BIOS call -------------
        cmp     ecx,8000h
        ja      short err_15_87
        push    edi esi ecx
        movzx   eax,word ptr ss:esp[10*4]
        shl     eax,4
        movzx   ebx,si
        add     eax,ebx
        mov     esi,ds:eax[10h + 7]
        shl     esi,24
        mov     ebx,ds:eax[10h + 2]
        and     ebx,0ffffffh
        add     esi,ebx
        mov     edi,ds:eax[18h + 7]
        shl     edi,24
        mov     ebx,ds:eax[18h + 2]
        and     ebx,0ffffffh
        add     edi,ebx
        mov     ax,ds
        mov     es,ax
        shr     ecx,1
        rep     movsd
        pop     ecx esi edi
        mov     byte ptr ss:esp[1],0
        and     byte ptr ss:esp[4*4],NOT 1
        jmp     short exit_15_87
        mov     byte ptr ss:esp[1],3
        or      byte ptr ss:esp[4*4],1
        pop     eax ebx

; ============= exception entries =============
exc0:   mov     dx,offset exc_0
        jmp     short exception
exc1:   mov     dx,offset exc_1
        jmp     short exception
exc2:   mov     dx,offset exc_2
        jmp     short exception
exc3:   mov     dx,offset exc_3
        jmp     short exception
exc4:   mov     dx,offset exc_4
        jmp     short exception
exc5:   mov     dx,offset exc_5
        jmp     short exception
exc6:   mov     dx,offset exc_6
        jmp     short exception
exc7:   mov     dx,offset exc_7
        jmp     short exception
exc8:   mov     dx,offset exc_8
        jmp     short exception
exc9:   mov     dx,offset exc_9
        jmp     short exception
exc10:  mov     dx,offset exc_10
        jmp     short exception
exc11:  mov     dx,offset exc_11
        jmp     short exception
exc12:  mov     dx,offset exc_12
        jmp     short exception
exc13:  mov     dx,offset exc_13
        jmp     short exception
exc14:  mov     dx,offset exc_14
        jmp     short exception
exc15:  mov     dx,offset exc_15
        jmp     short exception
exc16:  mov     dx,offset exc_16
        jmp     short exception
exc17:  mov     dx,offset exc_17
        jmp     short exception
        mov     dx,offset exc_18_31
        mov     ebp,'EXCE'
;     ! jmp     code16_sel:exit16 !
                db      0eah
                dd      exit16
                dw      code16_sel

; ============= Non Maskable Interrupt =============
NMI:    call    check_int
        push    2*4
        call    int_16

; ============= Interrupt entries =============
int0:   push    offset irq0
        jmp     short check_int
int1:   push    offset irq1
        jmp     short check_int
int2:   push    offset irq2
        jmp     short check_int
int3:   push    offset irq3
        jmp     short check_int
int4:   push    offset irq4
        jmp     short check_int
int5:   push    offset irq5
        jmp     short check_int
int6:   push    offset irq6
        jmp     short check_int
int7:   push    offset irq7
        jmp     short check_int
int8:   push    offset irq8
        jmp     short check_int
int9:   push    offset irq9
        jmp     short check_int
int10:  push    offset irq10
        jmp     short check_int
int11:  push    offset irq11
        jmp     short check_int
int12:  push    offset irq12
        jmp     short check_int
int13:  push    offset irq13
        jmp     short check_int
int14:  push    offset irq14
        jmp     short check_int
int15:  push    offset irq15

        test    byte ptr ss:esp[3*4+2],2
        jz      short not_V86
        push    eax
        mov     ax,data_sel
        mov     ds,ax
        mov     eax,ss:esp[5*4]
        mov     ds:V86_sp,eax
        mov     eax,ss:esp[6*4]
        mov     ds:V86_ss,eax
        pop     eax
        mov     es,ss:esp[14*4]
        mov     ds,ss:esp[15*4]
        mov     fs,ss:esp[16*4]
        mov     gs,ss:esp[17*4]

code    ends

; ============= Startup code =============
code16  segment use16

        assume  cs:code16

d32     proc

; ============= Check for 386 or above =============
        push    cs
        pop     ds
        pop     ax
        xor     ah,40h
        push    ax
        pop     bx
        cmp     ax,bx
        je      short NT_found
        mov     dx,offset err_no_386
        jmp     err_exit

; ============= Check for V86 mode =============
        smsw    ax
        test    al,1
        jz      short real_mode
        mov     dx,offset err_v86
        jmp     err_exit

; ============= Store environment and psp segments =============
        movzx   eax,word ptr es:[2ch]
        shl     eax,4
        mov     ds:env_desc[2],ax
        shr     eax,16
        mov     byte ptr ds:env_desc[4],al
        mov     ax,es
        movzx   ebx,word ptr es:[02h]
        mov     cx,code
        mov     es,cx
        mov     es:psp_segment,ax
        shl     eax,4
        mov     ds:psp_desc[2],ax
        shr     eax,16
        mov     byte ptr ds:psp_desc[4],al

; ============= Check for a Floating Point Unit =============
        fnstsw  ds:fp_status
        cmp     byte ptr ds:fp_status,0
        jnz     short no_fpu
        fnstcw  ds:fp_status
        mov     ax,ds:fp_status
        and     ax,103fh
        cmp     ax,3fh
        jne     short no_fpu
        mov     es:fpu_present,1

; ============= Store code and code16 segments =============
        mov     ax,es
        shl     eax,4
        sub     ds:code_desc,ax
        sub     ds:data_desc,ax
        mov     ds:code_desc[2],ax
        mov     ds:data_desc[2],ax
        shr     eax,16
        mov     byte ptr ds:code_desc[4],al
        mov     byte ptr ds:data_desc[4],al
        sub     byte ptr ds:code_desc[6],al
        sub     byte ptr ds:data_desc[6],al
        mov     ax,cs
        shl     eax,4
        add     dword ptr ds:GDTR[2],eax
        mov     ds:code16_desc[2],ax
        mov     ds:data16_desc[2],ax
        shr     eax,16
        mov     byte ptr ds:code16_desc[4],al
        mov     byte ptr ds:data16_desc[4],al

; ============= Store free base segment =============
        mov     ax,stack16
        add     ds:IDT_seg,ax
        add     ax,(stack16_size + 48*8 + 68h + io_limit + 15)/16
        sub     bx,ax
        ja      short mem_ok
        mov     dx,offset err_mem
        jmp     err_exit
        mov     es:base_segment,ax
        shl     eax,4
        mov     ds:base_desc[2],ax
        shr     eax,16
        mov     byte ptr ds:base_desc[4],al
        shl     ebx,4
        mov     es:base_limit,ebx
        mov     ds:base_desc,bx
        shr     ebx,16
        mov     byte ptr ds:base_desc[6],bl

; ============= Enable the A20 gate & Allocate extended memory ============
        mov     ax,4300h
        int     2fh
        cmp     al,80h
        jnz     no_xms

; ------------- Enable through XMS driver -------------
        push    es
        mov     ax,4310h
        int     2fh
        mov     word ptr ds:XMS_driver,bx
        mov     word ptr ds:XMS_driver[2],es
        pop     es
        mov     ah,05h
        call    ds:XMS_driver
        cmp     ax,1
        jz      short a20_XMS_enabled
        mov     dx,offset err_xms_a20
        jmp     err_exit

; ------------- Allocate through XMS driver -------------
        mov     ah,08h
        call    ds:XMS_driver
        mov     dx,ax
        shl     eax,10
        mov     es:ext_limit,eax
        mov     ah,09h
        call    ds:XMS_driver
        cmp     ax,1
        je      short alloc_ok
        mov     dx,offset err_xms_alloc
        jmp     err_exit
        mov     ds:XMS_handle,dx
        mov     ah,0ch
        call    ds:XMS_driver
        cmp     ax,1
        je      short lock_ok
        mov     dx,offset err_xms_lock
        jmp     err_exit
        mov     ds:ext_desc[2],bx
        mov     byte ptr ds:ext_desc[4],dl
        mov     byte ptr ds:ext_desc[7],dh
        mov     word ptr es:ext_base,bx
        mov     word ptr es:ext_base[2],dx
        mov     ax,word ptr es:ext_limit
        jmp     ext_allocated

; ------------- Enable through 8042 (keyboard controller) -------------
wait_status_bit1 proc
        xor     cx,cx
wsb10:  in      al,64h
        test    al,2
        jz      short wsb11
        loop    wsb10
        jmp     short time_out
wsb11:  ret
wait_status_bit1 endp

        mov     al,0adh
        out     64h,al
        call    wait_status_bit1
        mov     al,0d0h
        out     64h,al
        xor     cx,cx
wsb00:  in      al,64h
        test    al,1
        jnz     short wsb01
        loop    wsb00
        mov     dx,offset err_8042_a20
        jmp     err_exit

wsb01:  in      al,60h
        push    ax
        mov     al,0d1h
        out     64h,al
        call    wait_status_bit1
        pop     ax
        or      al,2
        out     60h,al
        call    wait_status_bit1
        mov     al,0aeh
        out     64h,al

; ------------- Check if A20 really is enabled -------------
        xor     ax,ax
        mov     fs,ax
        dec     ax
        mov     gs,ax
        mov     al,fs:0
        cmp     al,gs:10h
        jne     short a20_8042_enabled
        not     al
        mov     fs:0,al
        cmp     al,gs:10h
        not     al
        mov     fs:0,al
        jnz     short a20_8042_enabled
        mov     dx,offset err_8042_a20
        jmp     err_exit
; ------------- Get extended memory size (BIOS) -------------
        mov     ah,88h
        int     15h
        shl     eax,10
        mov     es:ext_limit,eax

        add     eax,4095
        shr     eax,12
        dec     eax
        mov     ds:ext_desc,ax
        shr     eax,16
        add     byte ptr ds:ext_desc[6],al

; ============= Build IDT & TSS =============
        push    es
        mov     es,ds:IDT_seg
        xor     edi,edi
        mov     eax,code_sel * 65536 + offset exc0
        mov     ebx,8e00h
        mov     cx,19
        mov     es:di[0],ebx
        add     di,4
        add     ax,small offset exc1 - exc0
        loop    loop1
        mov     word ptr es:di[-6*8],small offset V86_monitor
        mov     word ptr es:di[-17*8],small offset NMI
        mov     cx,13
        mov     es:di[0],ebx
        add     di,4
        loop    loop2
        mov     ax,small offset int0
        mov     cx,16
        mov     es:di[0],ebx
        add     ax,small offset int1 - int0
        add     di,4
        loop    loop3

        xor     eax,eax
        mov     cx,(68h + io_limit)/4
        rep     stosd
        mov     byte ptr es:di[0],-1
        mov     word ptr es:48*8 + 66h,68h
        mov     ax,es
        shl     eax,4
        mov     dword ptr ds:IDTR[2],eax
        pop     es
        add     es:TSS_esp0,eax
        add     ds:TSS_desc[2],ax
        shr     eax,16
        mov     byte ptr ds:TSS_desc[4],al

; ============= Set Programmable Interrupt Controller =============
        in      al,21h
        mov     ds:irq_mask,al
        in      al,0a1h
        mov     ds:irq_mask[1],al
        mov     bx,2820h
        call    set_PIC
        mov     al,ds:irq_mask
        out     21h,al
        mov     al,ds:irq_mask[1]
        out     0a1h,al

; ============= Enter protected mode =============
        lidt    qword ptr ds:IDTR
        lgdt    qword ptr ds:GDTR
        mov     eax,CR0
        or      al,21h
        mov     CR0,eax

;     ! jmp     code16_sel:prot !
                db      0eah
                dw      prot, code16_sel

; ============= Protected mode =============
        mov     ax,data_sel
        mov     es,ax
        mov     ds,ax
        mov     ss,ax
        mov     ax,flat_data_sel
        mov     fs,ax
        mov     ax,video_sel
        mov     gs,ax
        mov     esp,offset stack0
        mov     ax,TSS_desc - GDT
        ltr     ax
;     ! call    code_sel:main !
                db      66h, 67h, 09ah
                dd      offset main
                dw      code_sel

; ============= Leave protected mode =============
        mov     ax,data16_sel
        mov     es,ax
        mov     ds,ax
        mov     fs,ax
        mov     gs,ax
        mov     ss,ax

        lidt    ds:DOS_IDTR
        mov     eax,CR0
        and     al,NOT 21h
        mov     CR0,eax
;     ! jmp     code16:real !
                db      0eah
                dw      real, code16

; ============= Real mode =============
        mov     ax,0b800h
        mov     es,ax
        mov     ax,code16
        mov     ds,ax
        mov     ax,stack16
        mov     ss,ax
        mov     esp,offset stack16_size

; ============= Reset PIC =============
        mov     bx,7008h
        call    set_PIC
        mov     al,ds:irq_mask
        out     21h,al
        mov     al,ds:irq_mask[1]
        out     0a1h,al
        mov     al,20h
        out     20h,al
        out     0a0h,al

; ============= Exception exit? =============
        cmp     ebp,'EXCE'
        jne     short exit

        mov     ah,0fh
        int     10h
        cmp     al,7
        je      short mda
        mov     al,3
        mov     ah,0
        int     10h
        mov     ah,9
        int     21h
        cmp     word ptr ds:XMS_driver,0
        je      short no_xms_driver
        mov     ah,0dh
        mov     dx,ds:XMS_handle
        call    ds:XMS_driver
        mov     ah,0ah
        call    ds:XMS_driver
        mov     ax,4c00h
        int     21h

d32     endp

set_PIC proc

        mov     al,11h
        out     20h,al
        out     0a0h,al
        mov     al,bl
        out     21h,al
        mov     al,bh
        out     0a1h,al
        mov     al,4h
        out     21h,al
        mov     al,2h
        out     0a1h,al
        mov     al,1h
        out     21h,al
        out     0a1h,al

set_PIC endp

; errors
err_8042_a20    db      '8042 : Failed to enable A20 gate',10,36
err_no_386      db      '80x86 : This program requires a i386 microprocessor',10,36
err_mem         db      'Memory : Out of base memory',10,36
err_v86         db      'V86 : Already in protected mode',10,36
err_v86_inv     db      'V86 : Invalid OP-Code',10,36
err_xms_a20     db      'XMS : Failed to enable A20 gate',10,36
err_xms_alloc   db      'XMS : Failed to allocate XMS memory',10,36
err_xms_lock    db      'XMS : Failed to lock XMS memory',10,36
; exceptions
exc_0           db      '0 : Divide Error',10,36
exc_1           db      '1 : Debug Exception',10,36
exc_2           db      '2 : NMI Interrupt',10,36
exc_3           db      '3 : One Byte Interrupt',10,36
exc_4           db      '4 : Interrupt on Overflow',10,36
exc_5           db      '5 : Array Bounds Check',10,36
exc_6           db      '6 : Invalid OP-Code',10,36
exc_7           db      '7 : Device Not Available',10,36
exc_8           db      '8 : Double fault',10,36
exc_9           db      '9 : Coprocessor Segment Overrun',10,36
exc_10          db      '10 : Invalid TSS',10,36
exc_11          db      '11 : Segment Not Present',10,36
exc_12          db      '12 : Stack Fault',10,36
exc_13          db      '13 : General Protection Fault',10,36
exc_14          db      '14 : Page Fault',10,36
exc_15          db      '15 : Reserved',10,36
exc_16          db      '16 : Floating Point Error',10,36
exc_17          db      '17 : Alignment Check Interrupt',10,36
exc_18_31       db      '18-31 : Reserved',10,36

align 4
irq_mask        db      0, 0
fp_status       dw      -1
IDT_seg         dw      stack16_size/16
XMS_driver      dd      0
XMS_handle      dw      0

align 8
GDT             dd      0, 0

base_desc       dw      ?
                dw      ?
                db      ?
                db      92h, ?, 0

code_desc       dw      0ffffh
                dw      ?
                db      ?
                db      9ah, 49h, 0

data_desc       dw      0ffffh
                dw      ?
                db      ?
                db      92h, 09h, 0

code16_desc     dw      0ffffh
                dw      ?
                db      ?
                db      9ah, 0, 0

data16_desc     dw      0ffffh
                dw      ?
                db      ?
                db      92h, 0, 0

env_desc        dw      003ffh
                dw      ?
                db      ?
                db      92h, 0, 0

ext_desc        dw      00000h
                dw      0
                db      10h
                db      92h, 080h, 0

flat_code_desc  dw      0ffffh
                dw      0
                db      0
                db      9ah, 08fh, 0

flat_data_desc  dw      0ffffh
                dw      0
                db      0
                db      92h, 08fh, 0

psp_desc        dw      000ffh
                dw      ?
                db      ?
                db      92h, 0, 0

video_desc      dw      0ffffh
                dw      0
                db      0ah
                db      92h, 01h, 0

TSS_desc        dw      68h + io_limit
                dw      180h
                db      ?
                db      89h, 0, 0

GDTR            dw      $ - GDT
                dd      offset GDT
                dw      0

IDTR            dq      17fh

DOS_IDTR        dq      3ffh

code16  ends

code    segment public use32

        assume  cs:code

int16   macro n
        push n*4
        call int_16

ComSpec         db 'COMSPEC='
ParmBlock       dw ?, 80h, ?, 5ch, ?, 6ch, ?

main    proc    far

        mov     ah,9                    ; Write 1st message
        mov     dx,small offset mes1
        int16   21h

        mov     ax,psp_sel              ; Build Parameter Block
        mov     es,ax
        mov     cx,es:[2ch]
        mov     ds:ParmBlock[0],cx
        mov     ax,ds:psp_segment
        mov     ds:ParmBlock[4],ax
        mov     ds:ParmBlock[8],ax
        mov     ds:ParmBlock[12],ax
        mov     word ptr ds:V86_es,ax
        mov     bx,ds:base_segment
        sub     bx,ax
        mov     ah,4ah
        int16   21h
        jc      short exitx

        mov     ax,env_sel              ; Get COMSPEC environment variable
        mov     es,ax
        xor     eax,eax
        xor     edi,edi
        mov     esi,offset ComSpec
        jne     short m1
        je      short m2
        jne     short m1
        jmp     short m0

        mov     ax,4b00h                ; Execute 'COMSPEC'
        mov     bx,small offset ParmBlock
        mov     dx,di
        mov     word ptr ds:V86_ds,cx
        mov     ds:V86_es,code
        int16   21h

        mov     ah,9                    ; Write 2nd message
        mov     dx,small offset mes2
        mov     ds:V86_ds,code
        int16   21h
        ret                             ; End program

mes1            db 'Now in V86 mode',10,36
mes2            db 'Back in Real mode',10,36

main    endp

irq0:   inc     dword ptr fs:0A0000h    ; fs = value before INT16 call,
        inc     dword ptr fs:0B0000h    ; and is flat_sel at startup
        inc     dword ptr fs:0B8000h
        int16   08h
irq1:   int16   09h
irq2:   int16   0ah
irq3:   int16   0bh
irq4:   int16   0ch
irq5:   int16   0dh
irq6:   int16   0eh
irq7:   int16   0fh

irq8:   int16   70h
irq9:   int16   71h
irq10:  int16   72h
irq11:  int16   73h
irq12:  int16   74h
irq13:  int16   75h
irq14:  int16   76h
irq15:  int16   77h

align   4
        db      200h dup(0)
stack0          label

code    ends

stack16 segment stack use16
                db      stack16_size dup (?)
stack16 ends

        end     d32


smaller is better
Post 19 Feb 2013, 13:32
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Posts: 1651
baldr 19 Feb 2013, 16:10

Which kind of debugger? I think x86 emulator with built-in debugger (e.g. Bochs) won't have any difficulties with this code.
Post 19 Feb 2013, 16:10
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Joined: 04 Sep 2009
Posts: 414
Location: film "CandyMan" directed through Bernard Rose OR Candy Shop
CandyMan 19 Feb 2013, 16:41
It is not possible to debug a real-mode program using DEBUG.EXE (MSDOS debugger), TD.EXE (Borland Turbo Debugger) in this V86 mode.
Post 19 Feb 2013, 16:41
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