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sleepsleep 08 Feb 2013, 08:51
i found the following, maybe anyone got "stock" ascii to dword implementation?

very happy to use brethren code =)

8 times faster than the comparable C function

thank you.

fast signed dword to ascii conversion

proc stringNum2A uses ebx esi edi ecx edx, num
        mov  eax,[num]
        mov  ebx,_stringNum2A
        ; or you add another ebx param to this procedure and load it using
        ; mov  ebx,[_numBuffer]
        mov  esi, 0xCCCCCCCD
        test eax,eax
        jns  .calcNumOfDigits
        mov  byte [ebx],'-'
        inc  ebx
        neg  eax

                cmp  eax,9
                ja   @f
                inc  ebx
                jmp  .terminateString
                cmp  eax,99
                ja   @f
                add  ebx,2
                jmp  .terminateString
                cmp  eax,999
                ja   @f
                add  ebx,3
                jmp  .terminateString
                cmp  eax,9999
                ja   @f
                add  ebx,4
                jmp  .terminateString
                cmp  eax,99999
                ja   @f
                add  ebx,5
                jmp  .terminateString
                cmp  eax,999999
                ja   @f
                add  ebx,6
                jmp  .terminateString
                cmp  eax,9999999
                ja   @f
                add  ebx,7
                jmp  .terminateString
                cmp  eax,99999999
                ja   @f
                add  ebx,8
                jmp  .terminateString
                cmp  eax,999999999
                ja   @f
                add  ebx,9
                jmp  .terminateString
                add  ebx,10
                mov  byte [ebx],0
                dec  ebx
                mov  ecx,eax
                mul  esi
                shr  edx,3
                mov  eax,edx
                lea  edx,[edx+edx*4]
                lea  edx,[edx+edx-'0']
                sub  ecx,edx
                mov  [ebx],cl
                sub  ebx,1
                test eax,eax
                jz   .finish
                mov  ecx,eax
                mul  esi
                shr  edx,3
                mov  eax,edx
                lea  edx,[edx+edx*4]
                lea  edx,[edx+edx-'0']
                sub  ecx,edx
                mov  [ebx],cl
                sub  ebx,1
                test eax,eax
                jnz  .doConversion
Post 08 Feb 2013, 08:51
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AsmGuru62 08 Feb 2013, 11:27
All these comparisons and unpredicted jumps forward are faster? Really?..
I doubt it.
Post 08 Feb 2013, 11:27
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DOS386 08 Feb 2013, 13:30
> All these comparisons and unpredicted jumps forward are faster? Really?.. I doubt it.

Do you really have performance problems with integer <-> decimal ???


WtF Very Happy

(someone move it to Main please)
Post 08 Feb 2013, 13:30
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sleepsleep 08 Feb 2013, 14:28
i dont have performance problem,
but since i want to use it, might as well find one that travel lightspeed,

how true is the claim, idk, i just copy paste exactly as what the coder believe.
Post 08 Feb 2013, 14:28
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AsmGuru62 08 Feb 2013, 14:29
In theory, jumps forward are not recommended by the manuals.
I am talking about Intel, of course.
Post 08 Feb 2013, 14:29
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sleepsleep 09 Feb 2013, 04:43
ok, i found this on masm forum,
benchmark for DWORD to ASCII algorithm,

it is posted by hutch-- (aka administrator)

(unsigned value only!)

Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7500 @ 2.20GHz
Results 8 pass average
timing Ray original utoa 310 ms
timing Paul Dixon utoa_ex 109 ms
timing brethren utoa2 218 ms
timing Lingo utoa_ex 93 ms
timing msvc ustr$ 727 ms
timing Ray modified utoa3 300 ms

Lingo utoa_ex algo
utoa_ex proc uvar:DWORD,pbuffer:DWORD

  ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  ; this algorithm was written by Paul Dixon and has been converted to MASM notation
  ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    mov eax, [esp+4]                ; uvar      : unsigned variable to convert
    mov ecx, [esp+8]                ; pbuffer   : pointer to result buffer

    push esi
    push edi

    jmp udword

  align 4
    dd "00","10","20","30","40","50","60","70","80","90"
    dd "01","11","21","31","41","51","61","71","81","91"
    dd "02","12","22","32","42","52","62","72","82","92"
    dd "03","13","23","33","43","53","63","73","83","93"
    dd "04","14","24","34","44","54","64","74","84","94"
    dd "05","15","25","35","45","55","65","75","85","95"
    dd "06","16","26","36","46","56","66","76","86","96"
    dd "07","17","27","37","47","57","67","77","87","97"
    dd "08","18","28","38","48","58","68","78","88","98"
    dd "09","19","29","39","49","59","69","79","89","99"

    mov esi, ecx                    ; get pointer to answer
    mov edi, eax                    ; save a copy of the number

    mov edx, 0D1B71759h             ; =2^45\10000    13 bit extra shift
    mul edx                         ; gives 6 high digits in edx

    mov eax, 68DB9h                 ; =2^32\10000+1

    shr edx, 13                     ; correct for multiplier offset used to give better accuracy
    jz short skiphighdigits         ; if zero then don't need to process the top 6 digits

    mov ecx, edx                    ; get a copy of high digits
    imul ecx, 10000                 ; scale up high digits
    sub edi, ecx                    ; subtract high digits from original. EDI now = lower 4 digits

    mul edx                         ; get first 2 digits in edx
    mov ecx, 100                    ; load ready for later

    jnc short next1                 ; if zero, supress them by ignoring
    cmp edx, 9                      ; 1 digit or 2?
    ja   ZeroSupressed              ; 2 digits, just continue with pairs of digits to the end

    mov edx, chartab[edx*4]         ; look up 2 digits
    mov [esi], dh                   ; but only write the 1 we need, supress the leading zero
    inc esi                         ; update pointer by 1
    jmp  ZS1                        ; continue with pairs of digits to the end

  align 16
    mul ecx                         ; get next 2 digits
    jnc short next2                 ; if zero, supress them by ignoring
    cmp edx, 9                      ; 1 digit or 2?
    ja   ZS1a                       ; 2 digits, just continue with pairs of digits to the end

    mov edx, chartab[edx*4]         ; look up 2 digits
    mov [esi], dh                   ; but only write the 1 we need, supress the leading zero
    add esi, 1                      ; update pointer by 1
    jmp  ZS2                        ; continue with pairs of digits to the end

  align 16
    mul ecx                         ; get next 2 digits
    jnc short next3                 ; if zero, supress them by ignoring
    cmp edx, 9                      ; 1 digit or 2?
    ja   ZS2a                       ; 2 digits, just continue with pairs of digits to the end

    mov edx, chartab[edx*4]         ; look up 2 digits
    mov [esi], dh                   ; but only write the 1 we need, supress the leading zero
    add esi, 1                      ; update pointer by 1
    jmp  ZS3                        ; continue with pairs of digits to the end

  align 16

    mov eax, edi                    ; get lower 4 digits
    mov ecx, 100

    mov edx, 28F5C29h               ; 2^32\100 +1
    mul edx
    jnc short next4                 ; if zero, supress them by ignoring
    cmp edx, 9                      ; 1 digit or 2?
    ja  short ZS3a                  ; 2 digits, just continue with pairs of digits to the end

    mov edx, chartab[edx*4]         ; look up 2 digits
    mov [esi], dh                   ; but only write the 1 we need, supress the leading zero
    inc esi                         ; update pointer by 1
    jmp short  ZS4                  ; continue with pairs of digits to the end

  align 16
    mul ecx                         ; this is the last pair so don; t supress a single zero
    cmp edx, 9                      ; 1 digit or 2?
    ja  short ZS4a                  ; 2 digits, just continue with pairs of digits to the end

    mov edx, chartab[edx*4]         ; look up 2 digits
    mov [esi], dh                   ; but only write the 1 we need, supress the leading zero
    mov byte ptr [esi+1], 0         ; zero terminate string

    pop edi
    pop esi
    ret 8

  align 16
    mov edx, chartab[edx*4]         ; look up 2 digits
    mov [esi], dx
    add esi, 2                      ; write them to answer

    mul ecx                         ; get next 2 digits
    mov edx, chartab[edx*4]         ; look up 2 digits
    mov [esi], dx                   ; write them to answer
    add esi, 2

    mul ecx                         ; get next 2 digits
    mov edx, chartab[edx*4]         ; look up 2 digits
    mov [esi], dx                   ; write them to answer
    add esi, 2

    mov eax, edi                    ; get lower 4 digits
    mov edx, 28F5C29h               ; 2^32\100 +1
    mul edx                         ; edx= top pair
    mov edx, chartab[edx*4]         ; look up 2 digits
    mov [esi], dx                   ; write to answer
    add esi, 2                      ; update pointer

    mul ecx                         ; get final 2 digits
    mov edx, chartab[edx*4]         ; look them up
    mov [esi], dx                   ; write to answer

    mov byte ptr [esi+2], 0         ; zero terminate string


    pop edi
    pop esi

    ret 8

utoa_ex endp
Post 09 Feb 2013, 04:43
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hopcode 09 Feb 2013, 07:50
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8300 @ 2.50GHz
Results 8 pass average
timing Ray original utoa 298 ms
timing Paul Dixon utoa_ex 97 ms
timing brethren utoa2 220 ms
timing Lingo utoa_ex 95 ms
timing msvc ustr$ 501 ms
timing Ray modified utoa3 306 ms
lingo wins (as usual)
thanks for sharing
Very Happy

Post 09 Feb 2013, 07:50
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sleepsleep 09 Feb 2013, 12:29
anyone ascii to dword?

signed (-8888) & unsigned (8888) ?

INPUT = asciiAddr ( address of ascii string number to be translated into register)
PROCESS = if first byte is "-" that it is signed, otherwise, unsigned

anyone? we make a test?
Post 09 Feb 2013, 12:29
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AsmGuru62 09 Feb 2013, 13:03
What is "8 pass average"?
How the number "95ms" was received?
Post 09 Feb 2013, 13:03
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sleepsleep 09 Feb 2013, 13:10
iterate equ <10000000>      ; benchmark loop count
algo_delay equ <50>        ; ms delay between each algo timing

invoke GetTickCount
push eax
invoke GetTickCount
pop ecx
sub eax, ecx
Post 09 Feb 2013, 13:10
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HaHaAnonymous 09 Feb 2013, 15:19
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Post 09 Feb 2013, 15:19
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sleepsleep 09 Feb 2013, 15:26
string1 db '-56',0
string 2 db '8943',0
string3 db '-898432',0

load those string, parse them, put value into EAX, return EAX

i will attach a file that got 1000 string to get parse.
then we could benchmark using that file.
Post 09 Feb 2013, 15:26
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HaHaAnonymous 09 Feb 2013, 15:33
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Post 09 Feb 2013, 15:33
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AsmGuru62 09 Feb 2013, 15:35
@2sleep: also how the code called must be defined.
Is it a function? or just piece of code to copy/paste?
If it is a function - what is calling convention?

Also, GetTickCount() is a bad way to measure the code speed.
Use QueryPerformanceTimer() instead.
Post 09 Feb 2013, 15:35
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sleepsleep 09 Feb 2013, 15:44
stdcall yournick_ascii2d, string1

proc yournick_ascii2d asciiAddr
Post 09 Feb 2013, 15:44
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HaHaAnonymous 09 Feb 2013, 15:48
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Post 09 Feb 2013, 15:48
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sleepsleep 09 Feb 2013, 16:00
ah, i mean, name your procedure as HaHaAnonymous_ascii2d if you want to join this game =)

return EAX, thats it...

sampel input

1,000,000 unique ascii string number - 5MB+-

those who wanna play =) please use same input file. thank you
string1 db '-1131117056',0
string2 db '-2749744128',0
string3 db '4131544576',0
string4 db '-3121858560',0
string5 db '-4018176512',0
string6 db '1004735488',0
string7 db '-862578176',0
string8 db '4021784576',0
string9 db '-1535281664',0
string10        db '3677705216',0

Last edited by sleepsleep on 09 Feb 2013, 19:25; edited 2 times in total
Post 09 Feb 2013, 16:00
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HaHaAnonymous 09 Feb 2013, 16:03
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Post 09 Feb 2013, 16:03
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sleepsleep 09 Feb 2013, 18:42
i think i need to modify the input file,

since the maximum negative value a register could have is -2147483648 (i tested with wsprintf %ld) true or not, am not sure.

i will re-update the input file with negative value less or equal to -2147483648
Post 09 Feb 2013, 18:42
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HaHaAnonymous 09 Feb 2013, 18:52
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Post 09 Feb 2013, 18:52
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