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revolution 11 Mar 2015, 04:59
Each CPU is different. And sometimes alignment is more important than cache usage. Plus there are many other factors outside of the code that can affect performance. The result is not unexpected, but is unusual, and testing on the actual target in the actual application is the only way to properly make the final assessment. It may be that a different system will show the opposite behaviour, and once again testing is the only way to know for sure.
Post 11 Mar 2015, 04:59
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HaHaAnonymous 11 Mar 2015, 05:27
That is true. I tested the same program with an "Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N270" CPU:
11531ms ; xor
11759ms ; mov

It ran the same code (in almost 12 seconds o_O).
Post 11 Mar 2015, 05:27
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revolution 11 Mar 2015, 05:39
Long gone are the simple days of counting CPU instructions and knowing how long it will take to run. Current CPUs run code in an indeterminate time.

Note that long term tests (more than ~10ms) will usually require getting an average of many runs to help eliminate the effect of periodic OS tasks that affect the timings.
Post 11 Mar 2015, 05:39
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HaHaAnonymous 11 Mar 2015, 18:25
Another thing is that compilers often generate unnecessary instructions (even at the highest possible optimization levels):
  40:   55                      push   ebp
  41:   89 e5                   mov    ebp,esp
  43:   83 ec 04                sub    esp,0x4
  46:   89 5d fc                mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],ebx
  49:   b8 19 00 00 00          mov    eax,0x19
  4e:   50                      push   eax
  4f:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   test123
  54:   5b                      pop    ebx
  55:   50                      push   eax
  56:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   test123
  5b:   5b                      pop    ebx
  5c:   50                      push   eax
  5d:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   test123
  62:   5b                      pop    ebx
  63:   50                      push   eax
  64:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   test123
  69:   5b                      pop    ebx
  6a:   50                      push   eax
  6b:   e8 fc ff ff ff          call   test123
  70:   5b                      pop    ebx
  71:   89 c2                   mov    edx,eax
  73:   01 d0                   add    eax,edx
  75:   8b 5d fc                mov    ebx,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4]
  78:   c9                      leave
  79:   c3                      ret

While it could do this (if any error please let me know):
         push      $19
         call      test123
         push      eax
         call      test123
         push      eax
         call      test123
         push      eax
         call      test123
         push      eax
         call      test123
         add       esp,$04*5
         add       eax,eax

Or even this:
         push      $19
         call      test123
         mov       [esp],eax
         call      test123
         mov       [esp],eax
         call      test123
         mov       [esp],eax
         call      test123
         mov       [esp],eax
         call      test123
         add       esp,$04
         add       eax,eax

Unless, for some obscure reason the compiler generated code was "smarter" than the "hand written asm" above... o_O
Post 11 Mar 2015, 18:25
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AsmGuru62 11 Mar 2015, 20:22
Or even this:
mov edi, test123
call edi
call edi
call edi
call edi
call edi
Post 11 Mar 2015, 20:22
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revolution 12 Mar 2015, 01:46
HaHaAnonymous: Which compiler are you using? Every compiler does different things. Some are crap. Some are slightly better than crap.
Post 12 Mar 2015, 01:46
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HaHaAnonymous 12 Mar 2015, 01:54
That would require an additional "push-pop" but will end up using less bytes, I suppose...

HaHaAnonymous: Which compiler are you using? Every compiler does different things. Some are crap. Some are slightly better than crap.

I am using Free Pascal Compiler (FPC). Which is not known for being the best (not the worst as well), but this is the only HLL I know enough to write something other than "Hello World".

Now another "real world" comparison, regular human fails again to generate faster code with HLL:
  e0:   55                      push   ebp
  e1:   89 e5                   mov    ebp,esp
  e3:   83 ec 24                sub    esp,0x24
  e6:   89 5d dc                mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0x24],ebx
  e9:   89 75 e0                mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0x20],esi
  ec:   89 7d e4                mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0x1c],edi
  ef:   8b 5d 08                mov    ebx,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
  f2:   b1 00                   mov    cl,0x0
  f4:   83 fb 02                cmp    ebx,0x2
  f7:   72 47                   jb     140
  f9:   89 5d fc                mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],ebx
  fc:   8b 45 fc                mov    eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4]
  ff:   89 45 f0                mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0x10],eax
 102:   c7 45 f4 00 00 00 00    mov    DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc],0x0
 109:   df 6d f0                fild   QWORD PTR [ebp-0x10]
 10c:   d9 fa                   fsqrt  
 10e:   df 7d e8                fistp  QWORD PTR [ebp-0x18]
 111:   9b                      fwait
 112:   8b 7d e8                mov    edi,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x18]
 115:   be 02 00 00 00          mov    esi,0x2
 11a:   39 f7                   cmp    edi,esi
 11c:   72 20                   jb     13e
 11e:   4e                      dec    esi
 11f:   90                      nop
 120:   46                      inc    esi
 121:   89 d8                   mov    eax,ebx
 123:   ba 00 00 00 00          mov    edx,0x0
 128:   f7 f6                   div    esi
 12a:   85 d2                   test   edx,edx
 12c:   75 0c                   jne    13a
 12e:   39 de                   cmp    esi,ebx
 130:   75 0e                   jne    140
 132:   39 de                   cmp    esi,ebx
 134:   75 04                   jne    13a
 136:   b1 01                   mov    cl,0x1
 138:   eb 06                   jmp    140
 13a:   39 f7                   cmp    edi,esi
 13c:   77 e2                   ja     120
 13e:   b1 01                   mov    cl,0x1
 140:   88 c8                   mov    al,cl
 142:   8b 5d dc                mov    ebx,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x24]
 145:   8b 75 e0                mov    esi,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x20]
 148:   8b 7d e4                mov    edi,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x1c]
 14b:   c9                      leave
 14c:   c3                      ret

This hand written assembly alternative was written to have the exactly same behavior:
   0:   83 7c 24 04 02          cmp    DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],0x2
   5:   72 36                   jb     3d
   7:   55                      push   ebp
   8:   50                      push   eax
   9:   8b 6c 24 0c             mov    ebp,DWORD PTR [esp+0xc]
   d:   db 44 24 0c             fild   DWORD PTR [esp+0xc]
  11:   d9 fa                   fsqrt  
  13:   db 1c 24                fistp  DWORD PTR [esp]
  16:   b9 02 00 00 00          mov    ecx,0x2
  1b:   31 d2                   xor    edx,edx
  1d:   89 e8                   mov    eax,ebp
  1f:   f7 f1                   div    ecx
  21:   85 d2                   test   edx,edx
  23:   74 0d                   je     32
  25:   83 c1 01                add    ecx,0x1
  28:   3b 0c 24                cmp    ecx,DWORD PTR [esp]
  2b:   76 ee                   jbe    1b
  2d:   b0 01                   mov    al,0x1
  2f:   5d                      pop    ebp
  30:   5d                      pop    ebp
  31:   c3                      ret    
  32:   39 cd                   cmp    ebp,ecx
  34:   75 05                   jne    3b
  36:   b0 01                   mov    al,0x1
  38:   5d                      pop    ebp
  39:   5d                      pop    ebp
  3a:   c3                      ret    
  3b:   5d                      pop    ebp
  3c:   5d                      pop    ebp
  3d:   31 c0                   xor    eax,eax
  3f:   c3                      ret

What is difference between them, and why the hand written code runs almost 5 times faster o_O!? I really hope there are unnecessary steps that I am unaware of in the high level code, otherwise it is pretty shameful.

And there are people who still believe assembly code is bug prone... I prefer to believe otherwise.

1590ms ; compiler generated
335ms  ; "hand written asm"

EDIT: It seems I used an incorrect loop and the compiler was redoing the fsqrt without the need (stupid)... The newer is faster now.
342ms ; compiler generated
335ms ; "hand written asm"

EDIT2: Now with an unrolled loop in the "hand written asm" I could get even more speed:
   0:   83 7c 24 04 02          cmp    DWORD PTR [esp+0x4],0x2
   5:   0f 82 83 00 00 00       jb     8e
   b:   55                      push   ebp
   c:   50                      push   eax
   d:   8b 6c 24 0c             mov    ebp,DWORD PTR [esp+0xc]
  11:   db 44 24 0c             fild   DWORD PTR [esp+0xc]
  15:   d9 fa                   fsqrt  
  17:   db 1c 24                fistp  DWORD PTR [esp]
  1a:   b9 02 00 00 00          mov    ecx,0x2
  1f:   31 d2                   xor    edx,edx
  21:   89 e8                   mov    eax,ebp
  23:   f7 f1                   div    ecx
  25:   85 d2                   test   edx,edx
  27:   74 57                   je     80
  29:   83 c1 01                add    ecx,0x1
  2c:   3b 0c 24                cmp    ecx,DWORD PTR [esp]
  2f:   77 48                   ja     79
  31:   31 d2                   xor    edx,edx
  33:   89 e8                   mov    eax,ebp
  35:   f7 f1                   div    ecx
  37:   85 d2                   test   edx,edx
  39:   74 45                   je     80
  3b:   83 c1 01                add    ecx,0x1
  3e:   3b 0c 24                cmp    ecx,DWORD PTR [esp]
  41:   77 36                   ja     79
  43:   31 d2                   xor    edx,edx
  45:   89 e8                   mov    eax,ebp
  47:   f7 f1                   div    ecx
  49:   85 d2                   test   edx,edx
  4b:   74 33                   je     80
  4d:   83 c1 01                add    ecx,0x1
  50:   3b 0c 24                cmp    ecx,DWORD PTR [esp]
  53:   77 24                   ja     79
  55:   31 d2                   xor    edx,edx
  57:   89 e8                   mov    eax,ebp
  59:   f7 f1                   div    ecx
  5b:   85 d2                   test   edx,edx
  5d:   74 21                   je     80
  5f:   83 c1 01                add    ecx,0x1
  62:   3b 0c 24                cmp    ecx,DWORD PTR [esp]
  65:   77 12                   ja     79
  67:   31 d2                   xor    edx,edx
  69:   89 e8                   mov    eax,ebp
  6b:   f7 f1                   div    ecx
  6d:   85 d2                   test   edx,edx
  6f:   74 0f                   je     80
  71:   83 c1 01                add    ecx,0x1
  74:   3b 0c 24                cmp    ecx,DWORD PTR [esp]
  77:   76 a6                   jbe    1f
  79:   b0 01                   mov    al,0x1
  7b:   5d                      pop    ebp
  7c:   5d                      pop    ebp
  7d:   c3                      ret    
  7e:   90                      nop
  7f:   90                      nop
  80:   39 cd                   cmp    ebp,ecx
  82:   75 08                   jne    8c
  84:   b0 01                   mov    al,0x1
  86:   5d                      pop    ebp
  87:   5d                      pop    ebp
  88:   c3                      ret    
  89:   90                      nop
  8a:   90                      nop
  8b:   90                      nop
  8c:   5d                      pop    ebp
  8d:   5d                      pop    ebp
  8e:   31 c0                   xor    eax,eax
  90:   c3                      ret

342ms ; compiler generated
302ms ; "hand written asm"

Good enough for a newbie assembly coder, now imagine what more experienced coders could achieve... Compilers are very far from the best possible code. o_O
Post 12 Mar 2015, 01:54
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edfed 12 Mar 2015, 08:25
does hll compiler coders write better code than asm compiler coders?
Post 12 Mar 2015, 08:25
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TmX 12 Mar 2015, 09:29
edfed wrote:
does hll compiler coders write better code than asm compiler coders?

Better is a fuzzy term. Maybe you should use terms like "faster", "shorter", "cleaner" instead.

In general, could be yes, could be no.
Anyway, every time I take a look at assembly listings generated by the compiler, I get dizzy. Smile

On the other hand, my aim is not the most compact/fastest code. As long as it's maintainable and perforrms reasonable well then it's good enough to me. Very Happy
Post 12 Mar 2015, 09:29
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revolution 12 Mar 2015, 09:41
I'm not so sure that either "faster" or "cleaner" are unambiguous. The only really objective judgement that I can think of is "shorter". But "shorter" is pretty useless for making any qualitative assessment of code.
Post 12 Mar 2015, 09:41
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TmX 12 Mar 2015, 09:53
"Faster" as in execution time, not development time.

I agree "cleaner" actually is also fuzzy. Usually it means:
- not involving reduncany parts
- descriptive names
- the program flow in general is easy to understand
- the role of each variable is easy to understand
- how each function/method interact with each other/variable is easy to understand
- etc

Kinda subjective, right? Smile
Post 12 Mar 2015, 09:53
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revolution 12 Mar 2015, 09:59
"Faster" is a different value for each system. Some systems run A faster and others systems run B faster, so which is "best" A or B?
Post 12 Mar 2015, 09:59
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TmX 12 Mar 2015, 13:59
Well I forget that.
Hmm, what about measuring which code is faster most of the time?
Post 12 Mar 2015, 13:59
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revolution 12 Mar 2015, 14:03
System A runs code A faster all of the time. System B runs code B faster all of the time. How would you define "most of the time" there?
Post 12 Mar 2015, 14:03
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TmX 12 Mar 2015, 14:55
Sorry, bad wordings.
English is not my native language Embarassed

Let's say you have 100 different machines to test. It's possible that code A runs faster on some machines, while B does on other machines.

If, for example, on most machines code A runs faster that B, I think we can safely conclude that A is faster.

Well that's my idea Confused
Post 12 Mar 2015, 14:55
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JohnFound 12 Mar 2015, 17:20
Well, in order to be precise, it is always possible to write such code A and code B, so on all possible machines code A will be faster than B (or vice versa).

I mean, you guys always assume that code A and B are optimized to some extent. But it is not always the case.

Also, IMO, the bigger possible mistake is that all these benchmarks and code comparisons, in most cases compare too small chunks of code, assuming that if every small chunk of the program is optimal, the whole program will be optimal as well. But this assumption is not true at all.
Post 12 Mar 2015, 17:20
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HaHaAnonymous 12 Mar 2015, 19:24

Also, IMO, the bigger possible mistake is that all these benchmarks and code comparisons, in most cases compare too small chunks of code, assuming that if every small chunk of the program is optimal, the whole program will be optimal as well. But this assumption is not true at all.

I thought compilers greatest strength was in single routines and similar because of all the additional garbage code they introduce in a whole program (e.g., making "10 jumps" just to call a function, calling many more functions to execute a trivial task when just a 4 instructions would get the job done, unnecessary memory to register/register to memory operations, and others I am not aware of...).

In other words (ignorantly speaking), the compilers advantage (if any) tends to decrease in whole programs. Not to mention the fact that is (in my opinion) much harder to write good performance code in a HLL than in (x86) assembly. And I hope you did not forget to push the optimization button otherwise you will get one of worst possible machine code sequence.
Post 12 Mar 2015, 19:24
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revolution 12 Mar 2015, 23:58
JohnFound wrote:
Well, in order to be precise, it is always possible to write such code A and code B, so on all possible machines code A will be faster than B (or vice versa).
Example please. I think what you are saying there is that B is not optimised at all.
JohnFound wrote:
I mean, you guys always assume that code A and B are optimized to some extent. But it is not always the case.
Always? Everyone?
JohnFound wrote:
Also, IMO, the bigger possible mistake is that all these benchmarks and code comparisons, in most cases compare too small chunks of code, assuming that if every small chunk of the program is optimal, the whole program will be optimal as well. But this assumption is not true at all.
This I agree with. Small benchmark tests are mostly pointless and prove nothing.
Post 12 Mar 2015, 23:58
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HaHaAnonymous 13 Mar 2015, 03:36

Also, IMO, the bigger possible mistake is that all these benchmarks and code comparisons, in most cases compare too small chunks of code, assuming that if every small chunk of the program is optimal, the whole program will be optimal as well. But this assumption is not true at all.

OK, so let's consider code generation is like chess... And it came to a degree of sophistication and complexity that humans are not able to beat the computers at such task anymore.

But I will still continue writing imperfect and inefficient assembly code for every architecture I can get my hands on as the speed differences are negligible when compared to code generated by "state of the art" compilers, so negligible that is completely non sense to lose all the benefits of writing programs completely in assembly code where you can customize every bit and downgrade to a HLL/compiler.

Believe or not, HLL users often use the same statement to explain why they do not code in assembly or do it only for speed critical parts when they cannot make their compilers to generate an acceptable output.

Do I use an HLL? I use, but it is more for emergency cases than anything else because... What if I need to write some code for a completely unknown architecture(e.g., SPARC, ARM, MIPS)/OS(e.g., Windows, MAC, OS/2, OS X Solaris, FreeBSD, DOS o_O) or where speed is critical (i.e. development time or I have to write the last program of my life)? That is why it is important (to me) to not forget it. And that is why I stick to only one (I would end up forgetting the others anyway since my brain do not like to keep knowledge I do not use (that is why practicing is really important, I almost forgot x86 when I stop coding for almost 1 month o_O)).

I guess I talk too much. D: Sorry if you wasted your time reading this (what you can potentially consider bullshit).
Post 13 Mar 2015, 03:36
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JohnFound 13 Mar 2015, 06:53
HaHaAnonymous wrote:
OK, so let's consider code generation is like chess...

It is much more complex than chess. And that is why, the compilers can't optimize the whole program - it needs understanding. On small chunks such understanding is possible to be hard-coded by using heuristics, because the meaning of a small chunks of code is often limited.

revolution wrote:
I think what you are saying there is that B is not optimised at all.

The code B might be optimized for size, instead of for speed. Sometimes the size optimizations are also faster, but not always. And here comes the question - is changing the algorithm can be considered optimization?

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