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Index > DOS > bresenham line drawing [it seems work]

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Joined: 30 Dec 2012
Posts: 21
Location: south korea
kty11 09 Jan 2013, 03:03
(maybe) my first successful project!
(because showing register is actually print wrong result)

I don't know it is correctly run or run wrong

but anyhow, thanks for all feedback to my post!
I finally made first program that drawing a line!

the source code is here

org 100h
        push 0xa000
        pop es
        mov ax, 13h
        int 10h
        call test_line
        call key_wait
        mov ax, 4c00h
        int 21h
        mov ah, 00h
        int 16h
        push 0x000f
        push 0x000f
        push 0x000f
        push 0x00cc
        push 0x00cc
        call bresenham
         ;param push color, x0, y0, x1, y1
         ;                      +8  +6  +4
         ;local dx, dy, sx, sy, err, e2
         ;      -2  -4  -6
         push bp
         mov bp, sp
         sub sp, 12 ;for local var storage

         push word [bp+6];x1
         push word [bp+10];x0
         call distance
         ;ax = distance between x1, x0
         mov [bp-2], ax ;save to dx local var
         push word [bp+4];y1
         push word [bp+8];y0
         call distance
         ;ax = distance between y1, y0
         mov [bp-4], ax ;save to dy local var
         mov ax, [bp+10]; x0
         mov bx, [bp+6] ;x1
         cmp ax, bx     ; x0,x1
         jl .sx_1
         mov word [bp-6], -1;sx = -1 ;suspicious..
         jmp .cmpy0y1
         mov word [bp-6], 1 ;sx = 1
         mov ax, [bp+8];y0
         mov bx, [bp+4];y1
         cmp ax, bx
         jl .sy_1
         mov word [bp-8], -1;sy=-1
         jmp .next
         mov word [bp-8], 1;sy=1
         mov ax, [bp-2];dx
         mov bx, [bp-4];dy
         sub ax, bx
         mov word [bp-10], ax ;err = dx-dy
         push word [bp+12];color
         push word [bp+10];x0
         push word [bp+8];y0
         call draw_dot
         mov ax, [bp+10];x0
         mov bx, [bp+6];x1
         cmp ax,bx
         je .cmp_y0y1
         jmp .set_e2
         mov ax, [bp+8];y0
         mov bx, [bp+4];y1
         cmp ax, bx
         je .loop_end
         mov ax, word [bp-10];err
         shl ax,1 ;err*2
         mov word [bp-12],ax ;e2 = err*2
         mov ax,[bp-4];dy
         mov cl, -1
         imul cl ;ax = -ax. dy = -dy
         mov bx,[bp-12];e2
         ;ax = -dy, bx = e2
         cmp bx, ax
         jng .cmp_e2_dx
         mov ax, [bp-10];err
         mov bx, [bp-4];dy
         sub ax, bx
         mov [bp-10], ax ;err = err-dy
         mov ax, [bp+10] ;x0
         mov bx, [bp-6];sx
         add ax, bx
         mov [bp+10], ax ;x0 = x0+sx
         mov ax, [bp-12];e2
         mov bx, [bp-2];dx
         cmp ax, bx
         jge .endcmp
         mov ax, [bp-10];err
         mov bx, [bp-2];dx
         add ax, bx
         mov [bp-10],ax ; err = err+dx
         mov ax, [bp+8] ;y0
         mov bx, [bp-8] ;sy
         add ax, bx
         mov [bp+8],ax
         jmp .loop
         ret 10
        ;push color, x, y
        push bp
        mov bp, sp
        ;bp = call's push
        mov dx, [bp+4]  ;dx = y (max 200)
        mov cx, [bp+6]  ;cx = x (max 320)
        mov bx, [bp+8]  ;bx = color (use bl only)
        mov ax, 320d       ;ax = width
        imul dx, ax
        add dx, cx
        mov di, dx
        mov [es:di], bl  ;not bx but bl.
        ret 6
        ;push a,b
        push bp
        mov bp, sp
        mov ax, [bp+6];a
        mov bx, [bp+4];b
        cmp ax, bx
        jge distance.a_b
        sub bx, ax
        mov ax, bx
        jmp distance.end
        sub ax, bx
        ret 4


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bresenham asm.png

since 1990 November 4th
Post 09 Jan 2013, 03:03
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edfed 09 Jan 2013, 09:03
good start, pc assembly always starts with iterative division to trace lines Smile

next is to boot from floppy image Smile
Post 09 Jan 2013, 09:03
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SeproMan 13 Jan 2013, 15:28

The video mode 13h has a resolution of 320x200 and you are drawing a line to a point off screen! You have set (x1,y1)=(204,204). Take care because such things are not always harmless.

At ".cmp_e2_ndy" your comment states that "AX=-AX" where in fact AX becomes -AL.
This will become a problem on a video resolution with more than 256 lines. Simply use "neg ax"

Are you aware that the line you've drawn is actually a special case? 45°
You should try many different lines to verify if your program is correct.

Since you like using the instruction "leave" why not consider using "enter" also?
You can replace "push bp : mov bp,sp : sub sp,12" by "enter 12,0" (and shave off 2 bytes)

Real Address Mode.
Post 13 Jan 2013, 15:28
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AsmGuru62 13 Jan 2013, 16:02
That does not look like a correct 45 degree line.
First I see 2 pixels on top of each other, then same pixels shifted down
and the pattern repeats. A correct line would be where a single pixels
are connected with their corners. This above line looks like TWO lines
of 45 drawn side by side.
Post 13 Jan 2013, 16:02
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Joined: 11 Oct 2009
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SeproMan 13 Jan 2013, 18:19

Your observation is correct but it undoubtedly relates to the fact that the picture is taken from a windowed DosBox. On a true 320x200 screen it'll probably look fine.

Real Address Mode.
Post 13 Jan 2013, 18:19
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