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Index > Windows > How to play audio files under windows ?

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Joined: 02 Apr 2010
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shutdownall 09 Jan 2013, 18:38
Maybe somebody did before, here a question to solve an open task in my software.

I want to play a WAV file from my program with a simple key press and do this now using WINMM.DLL and function PlaySound.

The problem is, I can not stop the file or restart and I want to have a progress bar. So is there a simple "internal" player to use ? It's really a simple WAV only and don't want to use any special player - nor do I know which player(s) are installed. Some kind of system player with rudiment functions.

Start/Stop/Restart, maybe loudness and progress bar (0-100%) would be nice.
Just like in any web page, Youtube player something similar on windows.
Audio only, don't need video.

Any hints would be nice. Thanks. Very Happy
Post 09 Jan 2013, 18:38
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cod3b453 09 Jan 2013, 22:03
I'm not sure but I think this can be done the with waveOutxxxx API Question (Sorry, I've never used it)
Post 09 Jan 2013, 22:03
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edfed 10 Jan 2013, 12:55
Post 10 Jan 2013, 12:55
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shutdownall 10 Jan 2013, 17:35
edfed wrote:

It does use the same PlaySound / mciSendString.
With PlaySound you can play a sound in the background but not with simple start/stop/replay commands and progress bar.

I could use wmplayer with parameters but more nice would be a really simple player which could be delivered with my software.

So if anybody know a simple player not to big, possibly 1-exe-only-file - would be nice.
Post 10 Jan 2013, 17:35
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typedef 10 Jan 2013, 18:56
shutdownall wrote:
edfed wrote:

It does use the same PlaySound / mciSendString.
With PlaySound you can play a sound in the background but not with simple start/stop/replay commands and progress bar.

I could use wmplayer with parameters but more nice would be a really simple player which could be delivered with my software.

So if anybody know a simple player not to big, possibly 1-exe-only-file - would be nice.


I've always used this one. Supports graphs, volume and updates, just import from the dll in this case.

It's very easy to use.
Post 10 Jan 2013, 18:56
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shutdownall 10 Jan 2013, 19:27
typedef wrote:


I've always used this one. Supports graphs, volume and updates, just import from the dll in this case.

It's very easy to use.

Thanks, will try it out soon. Very Happy
Post 10 Jan 2013, 19:27
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shadowomf 12 Jan 2013, 15:35
You can also try OpenAL, in case you want to use surround sound in the future.
Post 12 Jan 2013, 15:35
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nmake 12 Jan 2013, 19:49
You could write your own directsound wrapper library. I made a wrapper library dll a few years back using a different assembler. You can load single wave files individually or load many wave files in a single load, I made a tool to merge wave files into a single binary file. Plays sounds very easily, you can adjust panning, volume, frequency etc very easily. I am planning to convert the library to fasm. It is some 1300 lines of assembly code. Much better than the PlaySound function.
Post 12 Jan 2013, 19:49
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shutdownall 13 Jan 2013, 00:32
typedef wrote:


I've always used this one. Supports graphs, volume and updates, just import from the dll in this case.

It's very easy to use.

I tried it out today but not with much success.

First problem is, that it does not recognize my created WAV format. But this is valid RIFF format, just have own sample rate of exactly 30.000 Hz. It does play the file when I explicitly select the PCM format but it does not play properly. Too fast (double or 3 times faster) and not like it should be played. Every other player (PlaySound, wmPlayer, VLC player and so on) play this file properly with no problem at all.

The second part is, I did not found any function for displaying a real visible player out of the box with this package. I just can call some play functions in the background and there is no big difference to PlaySound except some more options and formats to choose.

        invoke  MessageBox,[hwnd],load_msg,_find,MB_ICONINFORMATION+MB_OK
        invoke  ZPlayCreate
        mov     [ZPlayInst],eax
        or      eax,eax
        jnz     @f
        invoke  MessageBox,[hwnd],_load_error,_caption,MB_ICONINFORMATION+MB_OK
@@:     invoke  ZPlayOpenFile,[ZPlayInst],.file,4
        or      eax,eax
        jnz     @f
        invoke   ZPlayGetError,[ZPlayInst]
        invoke  MessageBox,[hwnd],eax,_caption,MB_ICONINFORMATION+MB_OK
@@:     invoke  ZPlayPlay,[ZPlayInst]
Post 13 Jan 2013, 00:32
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shutdownall 13 Jan 2013, 00:40
shadowomf wrote:
You can also try OpenAL, in case you want to use surround sound in the future.

These seem to be same as the proposal from typedef to be an API only.

I am looking for a complete, small player for audio files with a few controls and a progress bar, displayed in a new window.
Not an API with functions only !
If I would use an API I could use the PlaySound function from Windows.

I don't want to program the graphics.
Post 13 Jan 2013, 00:40
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shutdownall 13 Jan 2013, 22:40
I now found a way to open the audio file with the default audio player assigned to .wav extension with cmd.exe and CreateProcess.

        invoke  CreateProcess,NULL,play_string,NULL,NULL,FALSE,NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS,NULL,NULL,playsinfo,playpinfo

There is still one problem, the cmd.exe leaves a not nice cmd window when starting my player (VLC) first time (see picture).

When I start it second time (first process will be killed first), the cmd windows is not seen again, only the media player started new but this is in the background.

        invoke  TerminateProcess,[playpinfo.hProcess],-1
        invoke  CreateProcess,NULL,play_string,NULL,NULL,FALSE,NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS,NULL,NULL,playsinfo,playpinfo

So my questions are now:

1. Is there another way to start it without cmd.exe ? For example I can simply execute the .WAV file while entering the filename in windows "execute" input. So I can execute simply the TEST.WAV under Windows and Windows execute it with the assigned program. This does not work with CreateProcess, this work only with executing the command line:

C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /c TEST.WAV

2. Is there a way to get a focus on the executed process ?
The first time, the WAV player is shown including the cmd window.
If I end it with TerminateProcess and start a new process, the cmd window is not seen again and the media player is executed but not focused.

3. Is there a way to get the process as a child window ?

4. Is there an easy way to get the path to cmd.exe for running an every computer ?

Did not program too much under Windows, so maybe some questions are maybe simple.
Very Happy

Filesize: 19.32 KB
Viewed: 5070 Time(s)


Last edited by shutdownall on 13 Jan 2013, 22:52; edited 2 times in total
Post 13 Jan 2013, 22:40
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HaHaAnonymous 13 Jan 2013, 22:47
[ Post removed by author. ]

Last edited by HaHaAnonymous on 28 Feb 2015, 21:59; edited 1 time in total
Post 13 Jan 2013, 22:47
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shutdownall 13 Jan 2013, 22:53
HaHaAnonymous wrote:
shutdownall wrote:

There is still one problem, the cmd.exe leaves a not nice cmd window when starting my player (VLC).

Just hide or close it after it executes.

Don't hear me, I am useless.

Okay - how can I do that ? Razz
Post 13 Jan 2013, 22:53
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HaHaAnonymous 13 Jan 2013, 23:51
[ Post removed by author. ]

Last edited by HaHaAnonymous on 28 Feb 2015, 21:59; edited 2 times in total
Post 13 Jan 2013, 23:51
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typedef 14 Jan 2013, 03:32
Here try this.

Filename: player.zip
Filesize: 104.33 KB
Downloaded: 194 Time(s)

Post 14 Jan 2013, 03:32
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shutdownall 14 Jan 2013, 13:50
typedef wrote:
Here try this.

Thanks, I just tried it out.
It works but there is the progress bar missing.
And you are using the PlaySound in similar way than me before.
Okay the dialog I didn't have.

If you want to program the progress bar (0-100%) too, feel free.
But I don't want you to make too much work for you.

If you could give me an example to set a focus on a newly created process and/or make it as child windows would be sufficient. Up to you. Wink
Post 14 Jan 2013, 13:50
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shutdownall 14 Jan 2013, 20:15
So have partly success while hiding system cmd.exe window over startupinfo structure.
New opened window is top on desktop, at least first time.
If I close the window and start running my request again, it's created new with position on top.
If I put the window back but leaving running, it remains in the background even if it old process is terminated and new process started:

        mov     [playsinfo.cb],sizeof.STARTUPINFO
        mov     [playsinfo.lpTitle],player_buffer
        mov     [playsinfo.wShowWindow],0
        mov     [playsinfo.dwFlags],1
        invoke  TerminateProcess,[playpinfo.hProcess],0
        invoke  WaitForSingleObject,[playpinfo.hProcess],1000
        invoke  CreateProcess,NULL,player_buffer,NULL,NULL,FALSE,NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS,NULL,NULL,playsinfo,playpinfo

So far so good.

I would like to have a chance to get the windows handle, to switch it to the foreground to seen on top when I start the function second or third time.

The problem:

I don't have the window handle.

I don't have the window title.

The title is set but only valid for the cmd.exe window which starts a new process with the player. As I don't know what's the default player in the system (VLC, Windows Mediaplayer or some other) I can not search with FindWindow. And I don't have the process ID as the cmd.exe starts a new process.

So I have the process ID of cmd.exe, need to find the sub process ID of the started player and then have to find the window handle of this sub process main window.

What's the best way ?
Any suggestions in code examples would be nice.
I tried Mark Russinovich's "Handle v3.5" tool to find all informations about any handles in the system and found that out, a new child process started.

info about the cmd.exe

cmd.exe pid: 4696 PC\User
    4: Directory     \KnownDlls
    8: File  (RW-)   C:\Develop\99\SOURCE\IDE\FASMW
    C: Event         
   10: ALPC Port     
   14: ALPC Port     
   18: Key           HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Nls\Sorting\Versions
   1C: Key           HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager
   20: EtwRegistration 
   24: Event         
   28: WindowStation \Sessions\1\Windows\WindowStations\WinSta0
   2C: Desktop       \Default
   30: WindowStation \Sessions\1\Windows\WindowStations\WinSta0
   34: Key           HKLM
   38: Thread        cmd.exe(4696): 4196
   3C: Mutant        
   40: Event         
   44: File  (---)   \FileSystem\Filters\FltMgrMsg
   48: Key           HKCU
   4C: Key           HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Nls\Locale
   50: Key           HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Nls\Locale\Alternate Sorts
   54: Key           HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Nls\Language Groups
   58: EtwRegistration 
   5C: EtwRegistration 
   60: EtwRegistration 
   64: EtwRegistration 
   68: EtwRegistration 
   6C: EtwRegistration 
   70: EtwRegistration 
   74: File  (RW-)   C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.7601.17514_none_41e6975e2bd6f2b2
   78: EtwRegistration 
   7C: EtwRegistration 
   80: Section       \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\windows_shell_global_counters
   84: Directory     \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects
   8C: EtwRegistration 
   94: Event         
   98: Event         
   9C: Event         
   A0: Event         
   A4: Event         
   A8: Event         
   B4: File  (---)   \Device\KsecDD
   BC: EtwRegistration 
   C0: EtwRegistration 
   C4: ALPC Port     
   C8: Section       
   CC: EtwRegistration 
   D0: EtwRegistration 
   D4: Key           HKCU
   D8: Key           HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer
   E0: Key           HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts
   E8: Key           HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderDescriptions\{B4BFCC3A-DB2C-424C-B029-7FE99A87C641}\PropertyBag
   EC: Event         \KernelObjects\MaximumCommitCondition
   F0: Section       \BaseNamedObjects\__ComCatalogCache__
   F4: Section       \BaseNamedObjects\windows_shell_global_counters
   F8: EtwRegistration 
   FC: EtwRegistration 
  100: Event         
  104: Semaphore     
  108: Semaphore     
  10C: Semaphore     
  110: Semaphore     
  114: Semaphore     
  118: Semaphore     
  11C: Semaphore     
  120: Semaphore     
  124: Section       \BaseNamedObjects\C:*ProgramData*Microsoft*Windows*Caches*{6AF0698E-D558-4F6E-9B3C-3716689AF493}.2.ver0x000000000000000b.db
  128: Section       \BaseNamedObjects\C:*ProgramData*Microsoft*Windows*Caches*cversions.2.ro
  12C: Section       \BaseNamedObjects\C:*ProgramData*Microsoft*Windows*Caches*cversions.2.ro
  130: Section       \BaseNamedObjects\C:*ProgramData*Microsoft*Windows*Caches*{DDF571F2-BE98-426D-8288-1A9A39C3FDA2}.2.ver0x0000000000000002.db
  138: Section       \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\windows_shell_global_counters
  148: TpWorkerFactory 
  14C: IoCompletion  
  150: TpWorkerFactory 
  154: TpWorkerFactory 
  158: TpWorkerFactory 
  15C: EtwRegistration 
  160: Event         
  164: Event         
  168: EtwRegistration 
  16C: Mutant        
  170: Event         
  174: Mutant        
  178: Event         
  17C: Event         
  180: Event         
  184: EtwRegistration 
  188: EtwRegistration 
  18C: Event         
  190: Thread        cmd.exe(4696): 4144
  194: ALPC Port     
  1A8: Key           HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion
  1AC: Key           HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags
  1B0: Key           HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options
  1B4: Process       vlc.exe(2848)
  1C4: EtwRegistration 

and this is information about the player, in my case VLC

vlc.exe pid: 2848 PC\User 
    4: Directory     \KnownDlls
    8: File  (RW-)   C:\Develop\99\SOURCE\IDE\FASMW
    C: Key           HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Nls\Sorting\Versions
   10: Mutant        
   14: ALPC Port     
   18: Key           HKLM
   1C: Event         
   20: Key           HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Session Manager
   24: EtwRegistration 
   28: Event         
   2C: WindowStation \Sessions\1\Windows\WindowStations\WinSta0
   30: Desktop       \Default
   34: WindowStation \Sessions\1\Windows\WindowStations\WinSta0
   38: EtwRegistration 
   3C: File  (---)   \FileSystem\Filters\FltMgrMsg
   40: EtwRegistration 
   44: EtwRegistration 
   48: EtwRegistration 
   4C: EtwRegistration 
   50: EtwRegistration 
   54: EtwRegistration 
   58: EtwRegistration 
   5C: Event         
   60: Event         
   64: Event         
   68: Event         
   6C: EtwRegistration 
   70: Event         
   74: Event         
   78: Event         
   7C: Event         
   80: Event         
   84: Event         
   88: Directory     \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects
   8C: EtwRegistration 
   90: EtwRegistration 
   94: Key           HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer
   98: Section       \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\windows_shell_global_counters
   9C: Key           HKCU
   A0: Event         
   A4: EtwRegistration 
   A8: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 4420
   AC: Event         
   B0: Key           HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\WinSock2\Parameters\Protocol_Catalog9
   B4: Event         
   B8: Key           HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\services\WinSock2\Parameters\NameSpace_Catalog5
   BC: Event         
   C0: Event         
   C4: Event         
   C8: Event         
   CC: Mutant        \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\VLC ipc 2.0.4
   D0: Event         
   D4: Event         
   D8: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 2796
   DC: Event         
   E0: File  (RW-)   C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.7601.17514_none_41e6975e2bd6f2b2
   E4: EtwRegistration 
   E8: EtwRegistration 
   EC: Mutant        
   F0: Mutant        
   F4: EtwRegistration 
   F8: EtwRegistration 
   FC: ALPC Port     
  100: Section       
  104: EtwRegistration 
  108: EtwRegistration 
  10C: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 3044
  110: Event         
  114: Event         
  118: Event         
  11C: Event         
  120: Event         
  124: File  (R-D)   C:\Windows\System32\de-DE\KernelBase.dll.mui
  128: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 2840
  12C: Event         
  130: Event         
  134: Event         
  138: Event         
  13C: Event         
  140: Event         
  144: Event         
  148: EtwRegistration 
  14C: EtwRegistration 
  150: EtwRegistration 
  154: EtwRegistration 
  158: EtwRegistration 
  15C: EtwRegistration 
  160: EtwRegistration 
  164: Event         
  168: Event         
  16C: Event         
  170: Event         
  174: Event         
  178: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 1404
  17C: Event         
  180: Event         
  184: Event         
  188: Event         
  18C: Event         
  190: Event         
  194: Event         
  198: Event         
  19C: File  (---)   \Device\KsecDD
  1A0: Event         
  1A4: Event         
  1A8: Event         
  1AC: Event         
  1B0: Event         
  1B4: Event         
  1B8: Event         
  1BC: EtwRegistration 
  1C0: EtwRegistration 
  1C4: EtwRegistration 
  1C8: Event         
  1CC: Event         
  1D0: Event         
  1D4: Event         
  1D8: Event         
  1DC: Event         
  1E0: Event         
  1E4: Event         
  1E8: Event         
  1EC: Event         
  1F0: Event         
  1F4: Event         
  1F8: Event         
  1FC: Event         
  200: Event         
  204: Event         
  208: Event         
  20C: Event         
  210: Event         
  214: Event         
  218: Event         
  21C: Event         
  220: Event         
  224: Event         
  228: Event         
  22C: Event         
  230: Event         
  234: Event         
  238: Event         
  23C: Event         
  240: Event         
  244: Event         
  248: Event         
  24C: Event         
  250: Event         
  254: Event         
  258: Event         
  25C: Event         
  260: Event         
  264: Event         
  268: Event         
  26C: Event         
  270: Event         
  274: Event         
  278: Event         
  27C: Event         
  280: Event         
  284: Event         
  288: Event         
  28C: Event         
  290: Event         
  294: Event         
  298: Event         
  29C: Event         
  2A0: Event         
  2A4: Event         
  2A8: Event         
  2AC: Event         
  2B0: Event         
  2B4: Event         
  2B8: Event         
  2BC: Event         
  2C0: Event         
  2C4: Event         
  2C8: Event         
  2CC: Event         
  2D0: Event         
  2D4: Event         
  2D8: Event         
  2DC: Event         
  2E0: Event         
  2E4: Event         
  2E8: Event         
  2EC: Event         
  2F0: Event         
  2F4: Event         
  2F8: Event         
  2FC: Event         
  300: Event         
  304: Event         
  308: Event         
  30C: Event         
  310: Event         
  314: Event         
  318: Event         
  31C: Event         
  320: Event         
  324: Event         
  328: Event         
  32C: Event         
  330: Event         
  334: Event         
  338: Event         
  33C: EtwRegistration 
  340: EtwRegistration 
  344: Event         
  348: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 1404
  34C: ALPC Port     
  350: IoCompletion  
  354: TpWorkerFactory 
  358: TpWorkerFactory 
  35C: TpWorkerFactory 
  360: TpWorkerFactory 
  364: KeyedEvent    
  368: Timer         
  36C: Timer         
  370: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 1248
  374: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 1248
  378: IoCompletion  
  37C: TpWorkerFactory 
  380: TpWorkerFactory 
  384: TpWorkerFactory 
  388: TpWorkerFactory 
  38C: Timer         
  390: ALPC Port     
  394: Event         
  398: EtwRegistration 
  39C: ALPC Port     \RPC Control\OLE7A14CA2A2DA841738C928FD5B7AA
  3A0: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 3228
  3A4: Event         
  3A8: ALPC Port     
  3AC: Event         
  3B0: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 3152
  3B4: Event         
  3B8: Event         
  3BC: Event         
  3C0: Key           HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Nls\Locale
  3C4: Key           HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Nls\Locale\Alternate Sorts
  3C8: Key           HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Nls\Language Groups
  3CC: File  (R-D)   C:\Windows\Fonts\StaticCache.dat
  3D0: Section       
  3D4: Event         
  3D8: Event         
  3DC: Event         
  3E0: Event         
  3E4: Event         
  3E8: Event         
  3EC: Event         
  3F0: Event         
  3F4: Event         
  3F8: Event         
  3FC: Event         
  400: Event         
  404: Event         
  408: Event         
  40C: Event         
  410: Event         
  414: Event         
  418: Event         
  41C: Event         
  420: Event         
  424: Event         
  428: Event         
  42C: Event         
  430: Event         
  434: Event         
  438: Event         
  43C: Event         
  440: Event         
  444: Event         
  448: Event         
  44C: Event         
  450: Event         
  454: Key           HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderDescriptions\{7C5A40EF-A0FB-4BFC-874A-C0F2E0B9FA8E}\PropertyBag
  458: Event         
  45C: Event         
  460: ALPC Port     
  464: Mutant        \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\MSCTF.Asm.MutexDefault1
  468: Key           HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderDescriptions\{FDD39AD0-238F-46AF-ADB4-6C85480369C7}\PropertyBag
  46C: Event         
  470: Event         
  474: Event         
  478: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 5836
  47C: Event         
  480: File  (RW-)   C:\Develop\99\SOURCE\IDE\FASMW\002.wav
  484: Event         
  488: Event         
  48C: Event         
  490: Event         
  494: Event         
  498: Event         
  49C: Section       \BaseNamedObjects\__ComCatalogCache__
  4A0: Key           HKCU
  4A4: Event         \KernelObjects\MaximumCommitCondition
  4A8: Section       \BaseNamedObjects\__ComCatalogCache__
  4AC: EtwRegistration 
  4B0: EtwRegistration 
  4B4: EtwRegistration 
  4B8: EtwRegistration 
  4BC: EtwRegistration 
  4C0: File  (RW-)   C:\Windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.7601.17514_none_41e6975e2bd6f2b2
  4C4: Event         
  4C8: Event         
  4CC: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 4772
  4D0: Event         
  4D4: Event         
  4D8: Event         
  4DC: Event         
  4E0: Event         
  4E4: EtwRegistration 
  4E8: Event         
  4EC: EtwRegistration 
  4F0: Mutant        
  4F4: Event         
  4F8: Mutant        
  4FC: EtwRegistration 
  500: EtwRegistration 
  504: Mutant        
  508: EtwRegistration 
  50C: EtwRegistration 
  510: EtwRegistration 
  514: Event         
  518: Event         
  51C: Mutant        
  520: Event         
  524: Mutant        
  528: Event         
  52C: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 4772
  530: ALPC Port     
  534: Event         
  538: Mutant        
  53C: ALPC Port     
  540: Mutant        
  544: Mutant        \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\DirectSound Administrator shared thread array (lock)
  548: Section       \Sessions\1\BaseNamedObjects\DirectSound Administrator shared thread array
  54C: Event         
  550: Event         
  554: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 4656
  558: Event         
  55C: Event         
  560: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 4656
  564: EtwRegistration 
  568: EtwRegistration 
  56C: EtwRegistration 
  570: ALPC Port     
  574: Event         
  578: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 3904
  57C: Event         
  580: Event         
  584: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 3904
  588: ALPC Port     
  58C: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 3904
  590: Event         
  594: Event         
  598: EtwRegistration 
  59C: ALPC Port     
  5A0: Event         
  5A4: Key           HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\MediaResources\DirectSound
  5A8: Event         
  5AC: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 5644
  5B0: Event         
  5B4: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 1520
  5B8: Event         
  5BC: Event         
  5C0: Event         
  5C4: Event         
  5C8: Event         
  5CC: Event         
  5D0: Event         
  5D4: Event         
  5D8: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 1520
  5DC: Section       
  5E0: Event         
  5E4: Event         
  5E8: Event         
  5EC: Event         
  5F0: Event         
  5F4: Event         
  5F8: Thread        vlc.exe(2848): 4648
  5FC: ALPC Port     
  600: Event         

Last edited by shutdownall on 14 Jan 2013, 20:20; edited 1 time in total
Post 14 Jan 2013, 20:15
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shutdownall 14 Jan 2013, 20:20
I just found in my post, that both processes have a "file handle" pointing to my program which started the process (directory of FASMW).
Would this be a convenient way ?

    8: File  (RW-)   C:\Develop\99\SOURCE\IDE\FASMW 
Post 14 Jan 2013, 20:20
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shutdownall 16 Jan 2013, 12:04
There are several ways of finding windows but most of them are very complicate and not suitable. For example EnumWindows does not help very much as the opened player does not belong to my application as it is started with "cmd".

I found it out with procexp.exe (Proc Explorer) from Mark Russinovich. There is the possibility to search a thread which has a file handle to my datafile with a in-build search function by passing a string to this search function which can be a part name of my file. There are same examples how to do that in the internet but I think this is much overhead.

By the way, I found out that I could not start wmplayer.exe directly (then I would have the process number). Maybe a security issue from Windows. The path to wmplayer is correct and I can start any other program or player from Windows.

So to use a player (by the way any player) I use the association of file extensions to programs so that I simply execute my WAV file and let Windows look for the program. That works with all players and the user can easily change that without defining names or pathes to players.

So this is executed


The Path to Windows is determined by a function. Here is the complete code:

        invoke  GetSystemDirectory,process_buffer,200h ; get path to system32 directory
        mov     esi,process_buffer
        mov     byte [esi+200h],0
@@:     lodsb
        cmp     al,0 ; find end of path
        jne     @b
        dec     esi
        mov     edi,esi
        mov     al,'\'
        mov     esi,cmd_name ; add program to execute (cmd.exe)
.loop:  lodsb
        cmp     al,0
        jne     .loop
        dec     edi
        mov     eax,' /c ' ; add parameter "/c"
        mov     esi,wav_filename
@@:     lodsb
        cmp     al,0
        jne     @b
        mov     [playsinfo.cb],sizeof.STARTUPINFO
        mov     [playsinfo.wShowWindow],0 ; this prevent the cmd "dos box" from appearing to screen
        mov     [playsinfo.dwFlags],1

        invoke  CreateProcess,NULL,process_buffer,NULL,NULL,FALSE,NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS,NULL,NULL,playsinfo,playpinfo
        invoke  Sleep,2000 ; wait for process to be initialized
        invoke  GetForegroundWindow ; get handle to the player, opened on top of application
        mov     [hwndplayer],eax ; store this handle for closing from application later

So I wait about 2 seconds to get the player started and then determine the ForegroundWindow. With that handle it is easy to do some action to this window and can be even closed simply from application.

For closing it does not work with WM_DESTROY as it is not allowed to send to foreign applications. For closing later I do following trick:

        mov     eax,[hwndplayer]
        or      eax,eax
        jz      @f
        invoke  SetForegroundWindow,eax
        invoke  Sleep,100
        invoke  keybd_event,0x12,0xb8,0,0
        invoke  keybd_event,0x73,0xbe,0,0
        invoke  keybd_event,0x73,0xbe,2,0
        invoke  keybd_event,0x12,0xb8,2,0
@@:     retn

I set the window to foreground so it gets the focus and paste the keystroke for ALT-F4 (found in internet) in the keyboard buffer where it is processed from the active application.

That works quite good. Very Happy

As long somebody avoid wild clicking around during this 2 seconds and bring some other window to the top but for me it is an acceptable 99% solution. Wink
Post 16 Jan 2013, 12:04
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shutdownall 17 Jan 2013, 09:38
shutdownall wrote:

So this is executed


I changed the call and put the filename into "" for supporting spaces in directory names.


By the way - this could be maybe the issue why program is not run directly. There are also spaces in directory name "Windows Media Player". So could try to put all into "". But I didn't check it.

Maybe this could work:

Post 17 Jan 2013, 09:38
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