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Joined: 30 Dec 2012
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kty11 08 Jan 2013, 03:09
as advice suggested, I keep everything in a text file.
and post comments to many routine.
I also try indentation.
but again, it don't draw a line... (though dotting a pixel works)
it takes several hours Crying or Very sad
I follow wikipedia's line drawing algorithms
welcome any feedback or suggestion
here's my code


org 100h

;all assume es = 0xa000
;require mov ax 13h int 10h to work

        push 0xa000
        pop es
        mov ax, 13h
        int 10h

        ;push color, dx, dy, x1, y1, x2, y2, x
        call test_dot ;works

        call test_draw_dot_on_line ;something go wrong

        call key_wait
        call quit

        push 0x000f;color
        push 0x0010;dx
        push 0x0010;dy
        push 0x0010;x1
        push 0x0010;y1
        push 0x0020;x2
        push 0x0020;y2
        push 0x0002;x
        call draw_dot_on_line
        sub sp, 16

        push 0x000f
        push 0x0000
        push 0x0000
        push 0x0010
        push 0x0010
        call draw_line
        sub sp, 10

        push 0x000f
        push 0x0000
        push 0x0000
        call draw_dot
        sub sp, 6
        push 0x0004
        push 0x0001
        push 0x0001
        call draw_dot
        sub sp, 6

        mov ah, 00h
        int 16h

        mov ax, 4c00h
        int 21h

        ;push color, x1, y1, x2, y2
        ;call draw_dot_on_line with successive x
        ;x2 must be equal to or greater than x1
        mov si, sp
        mov cx, 0
        push cx
        mov ax, [ss:si+8]
        mov bx, [ss:si+4]
        add ax, cx      ;cx increases as loop runs
        cmp ax, bx
        jge draw_line_end

        push word [ss:si+10]         ;color
        mov ax, [ss:si+4]       ;x2
        mov bx, [ss:si+8]       ;x1
        sub ax, bx
        push ax                 ;dx
        mov ax, [ss:si+2]       ;y2
        mov bx, [ss:si+6]       ;y1
        sub ax, bx
        push ax                 ;dy
        push word [ss:si+8]          ;x1
        push word [ss:si+6]          ;y1
        push word [ss:si+4]          ;x2
        push word [ss:si+2]          ;y2
        push cx
        call draw_dot_on_line
        sub sp, 16
        pop cx
        jmp draw_line.loop
        pop cx

        ;push color, dx, dy, x1, y1, x2, y2, x
        ;calculate y and plot
        mov si, sp
        mov ax, [ss:si+2] ;x
        mov bx, [ss:si+10];x1
        sub ax, bx
        ;ax = x-x1
        mov bx, [ss:si+14];dx
        div bx
        ;ax = (x-x1)/dx
        mov bx, [ss:si+12];dy
        imul ax, bx
        ;ax = dy*(x-x1)/dx
        mov bx, [ss:si+8]
        add ax, bx
        ;ax = y1 + dy * (x-x1)/dx
        push word [ss:si+16] ;color
        push word [ss:si+2]  ;x
        push ax              ;y
        call draw_dot
        sub sp, 6

        ;push color, x, y
        mov si, sp
        ;ss:si = call's push
        mov dx, [ss:si+2]  ;dx = y (max 200)
        mov cx, [ss:si+4]  ;cx = x (max 320)
        mov bx, [ss:si+6]  ;bx = color (use bl only)
        mov ax, 320d       ;ax = width
        imul dx, ax
        add dx, cx
        mov di, dx
        mov [es:di], bl  ;not bx but bl.

since 1990 November 4th
Post 08 Jan 2013, 03:09
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JohnFound 08 Jan 2013, 05:45
In order to remove the parameters from the stack you have to "add sp, const" not to "sub".

1. don't use CCALL convention. use "ret N" (STDCALL) or simple register argument passing. It will save you from troubles.

2. "call quit" is pretty useless in this context. It will not make the program clear. Use direct instructions in place.

3. use BP register in order to access parameters in the stack - BP works on SS by default.
Post 08 Jan 2013, 05:45
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freecrac 08 Jan 2013, 06:55
kty11 wrote:
as advice suggested, I keep everything in a text file.
and post comments to many routine.
I also try indentation.
but again, it don't draw a line... (though dotting a pixel works)
it takes several hours Crying or Very sad
I follow wikipedia's line drawing algorithms
welcome any feedback or suggestion
here's my code


A Bresenham line algorithm. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham%27s_line_algorithm
;  L I N I E  Startpoint: BX, SI  Endpoint: CX, DI  Segment: FS  Color: AL
0000  8B D7                    LINE:     mov      dx, di
0002  2B CB                              sub      cx, bx
0004  7C 4A                              jl  short T0
0006  67| 03 1C75 00000000               add      bx, [esi*2]
000E  90                                 nop
000F  90                                 nop
0010  2B D6                              sub      dx, si
0012  0F 8C 0150 R                       jl  T1
0016  BE 0141                            mov      si, Max_X + 1
0019  90                                 nop
001A  90                                 nop
001B  90                                 nop
001C  90                                 nop
001D  90                                 nop
001E  3B CA                              cmp      cx, dx
0020  0F 8C 01D0 R                       jl  T2
0024  03 D2                              add      dx, dx
0026  90                                 nop
0027  8B EA                              mov      bp, dx
0029  2B D1                              sub      dx, cx
002B  90                                 nop
002C  8B FA                              mov      di, dx
002E  2B D1                              sub      dx, cx
0030  64: 88 07                M00:      mov      fs:[bx], al
0033  23 FF                              and      di, di
0035  7D 09                              jge short M01
0037  43                                 inc      bx
0038  03 FD                              add      di, bp
003A  49                                 dec      cx
003B  75 F3                              jnz M00
003D  C3                                 ret
0040  03 DE                    M01:      add      bx, si
0042  03 FA                              add      di, dx
0044  49                                 dec      cx
0045  75 E9                              jnz M00
0047  C3                                 ret
0050  F7 D9                    T0:       neg      cx
0052  67| 03 1C75 00000000               add      bx, [esi*2]
005A  2B D6                              sub      dx, si
005C  BE 0141                            mov      si, Max_X + 1
005F  7C 7F                              jl  short T01
0061  90                                 nop
0062  90                                 nop
0063  BE 013F                            mov      si, Max_X - 1
0066  3B CA                              cmp      cx, dx
0068  7C 36                              jl  short T02
006A  03 D2                              add      dx, dx
006C  90                                 nop
006D  90                                 nop
006E  90                                 nop
006F  90                                 nop
0070  90                                 nop
0071  8B EA                              mov      bp, dx
0073  2B D1                              sub      dx, cx
0075  90                                 nop
0076  90                                 nop
0077  90                                 nop
0078  90                                 nop
0079  90                                 nop
007A  8B FA                              mov      di, dx
007C  90                                 nop
007D  90                                 nop
007E  2B D1                              sub      dx, cx
0080  64: 88 07                M02:      mov      fs:[bx], al
0083  23 FF                              and      di, di
0085  7D 09                              jge short M03
0087  4B                                 dec      bx
0088  03 FD                              add      di, bp
008A  49                                 dec      cx
008B  75 F3                              jnz M02
008D  C3                                 ret
0090  03 DE                    M03:      add      bx, si
0092  03 FA                              add      di, dx 
0094  49                                 dec      cx
0095  75 E9                              jnz M02
0097  C3                                 ret
00A0  03 C9                    T02:      add      cx, cx
00A2  90                                 nop
00A3  90                                 nop
00A4  90                                 nop
00A5  90                                 nop
00A6  90                                 nop
00A7  8B E9                              mov      bp, cx
00A9  2B CA                              sub      cx, dx
00AB  90                                 nop
00AC  8B F9                              mov      di, cx
00AE  2B CA                              sub      cx, dx
00B0  64: 88 07                M04:      mov      fs:[bx], al
00B3  23 FF                              and      di, di
00B5  7D 19                              jge short M05
00B7  81 C3 0140                         add      bx, Max_X
00BB  03 FD                              add      di, bp
00BD  4A                                 dec      dx
00BE  75 F0                              jnz M04
00C0  C3                                 ret
00D0  03 DE                    M05:      add      bx, si
00D2  03 F9                              add      di, cx
00D4  4A                                 dec      dx
00D5  75 D9                              jnz M04
00D7  C3                                 ret
00E0  F7 DA                    T01:      neg      dx
00E2  3B CA                              cmp      cx, dx
00E4  7C 2A                              jl  short T03
00E6  03 D2                              add      dx, dx
00E8  8B EA                              mov      bp, dx
00EA  2B D1                              sub      dx, cx
00EC  8B FA                              mov      di, dx
00EE  2B D1                              sub      dx, cx
00F0  64: 88 07                M06:      mov      fs:[bx], al
00F3  23 FF                              and      di, di
00F5  7D 09                              jge short M07
00F7  4B                                 dec      bx
00F8  03 FD                              add      di, bp
00FA  49                                 dec      cx
00FB  75 F3                              jnz M06
00FD  C3                                 ret
0100  2B DE                    M07:      sub      bx, si
0102  03 FA                              add      di, dx
0104  49                                 dec      cx
0105  75 E9                              jnz M06
0107  C3                                 ret
0110  03 C9                    T03:      add      cx, cx
0112  90                                 nop
0113  90                                 nop
0114  90                                 nop
0115  90                                 nop
0116  90                                 nop
0117  8B E9                              mov      bp, cx
0119  2B CA                              sub      cx, dx
011B  90                                 nop
011C  8B F9                              mov      di, cx
011E  2B CA                              sub      cx, dx
0120  64: 88 07                M08:      mov      fs:[bx], al
0123  23 FF                              and      di, di
0125  7D 19                              jge short M09
0127  81 EB 0140                         sub      bx, Max_X
012B  03 FD                              add      di, bp
012D  4A                                 dec      dx
012E  75 F0                              jnz M08
0130  C3                                 ret
0140  2B DE                    M09:      sub      bx, si
0142  03 F9                              add      di, cx
0144  4A                                 dec      dx
0145  75 D9                              jnz M08
0147  C3                                 ret
0150  F7 DA                    T1:       neg      dx
0152  BE 013F                            mov      si, Max_X - 1
0155  90                                 nop
0156  90                                 nop
0157  90                                 nop
0158  90                                 nop
0159  3B CA                              cmp      cx, dx
015B  7C 33                              jl  short T11
015D  03 D2                              add      dx, dx
015F  90                                 nop
0160  90                                 nop
0161  90                                 nop
0162  90                                 nop
0163  90                                 nop
0164  8B EA                              mov      bp, dx
0166  2B D1                              sub      dx, cx
0168  90                                 nop
0169  90                                 nop
016A  90                                 nop
016B  90                                 nop
016C  8B FA                              mov      di, dx
016E  2B D1                              sub      dx, cx
0170  64: 88 07                M10:      mov      fs:[bx], al
0173  23 FF                              and      di, di
0175  7D 09                              jge short M11
0177  43                                 inc      bx
0178  03 FD                              add      di, bp
017A  49                                 dec      cx
017B  75 F3                              jnz M10
017D  C3                                 ret
0180  2B DE                    M11:      sub      bx, si
0182  03 FA                              add      di, dx
0184  49                                 dec      cx
0185  75 E9                              jnz M10
0187  C3                                 ret
0190  03 C9                    T11:      add      cx, cx
0192  90                                 nop
0193  90                                 nop
0194  90                                 nop
0195  90                                 nop
0196  90                                 nop
0197  8B E9                              mov      bp, cx
0199  2B CA                              sub      cx, dx
019B  90                                 nop
019C  8B F9                              mov      di, cx
019E  2B CA                              sub      cx, dx
01A0  64: 88 07                M12:      mov      fs:[bx], al
01A3  23 FF                              and      di, di
01A5  7D 19                              jge short M13
01A7  81 EB 0140                         sub      bx, Max_X
01AB  03 FD                              add      di, bp
01AD  4A                                 dec      dx
01AE  75 F0                              jnz M12
01B0  C3                                 ret
01C0  2B DE                    M13:      sub      bx, si
01C2  03 F9                              add      di, cx
01C4  4A                                 dec      dx
01C5  75 D9                              jnz M12
01C7  C3                                 ret
01D0  03 C9                    T2:       add      cx, cx
01D2  90                                 nop
01D3  90                                 nop
01D4  90                                 nop
01D5  90                                 nop
01D6  90                                 nop
01D7  8B E9                              mov      bp, cx
01D9  2B CA                              sub      cx, dx
01DB  90                                 nop
01DC  8B F9                              mov      di, cx
01DE  2B CA                              sub      cx, dx
01E0  64: 88 07                M14:      mov      fs:[bx], al
01E3  23 FF                              and      di, di
01E5  7D 19                              jge short M15
01E7  81 C3 0140                         add      bx, Max_X
01EB  03 FD                              add      di, bp
01ED  4A                                 dec      dx
01EE  75 F0                              jnz M14
01F0  C3                                 ret
0200  03 DE                    M15:      add      bx, si
0202  03 F9                              add      di, cx
0204  4A                                 dec      dx
0205  75 D9                              jnz M14
0207  C3                                 ret

Post 08 Jan 2013, 06:55
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kty11 08 Jan 2013, 07:43
I catch the bug!

org 100h
mov ax, 10
mov bx, 10
div bx
add ax, '0'
int 29h
mov ax, 00h
int 16h
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h  

this crash on div instruction

but following code doesn't crash!
org 100h
mov dx, 0
mov ax, 10
mov bx, 10
div bx
add ax, '0'
int 29h
mov ax, 00h
int 16h
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h  

since 1990 November 4th
Post 08 Jan 2013, 07:43
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JohnFound 08 Jan 2013, 09:32
div instruction divides 32bit value in DX:AX, not the single AX. So, you have to put valid number in DX.
Post 08 Jan 2013, 09:32
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kty11 08 Jan 2013, 14:00
this code works sometimes and sometimes not
I don't know why Very Happy

org 100h
;naive line drawing algorithm
        push 0xa000
        pop es

        mov ax, 13h
        int 10h

        call test_line
        call key_wait
        mov ax, 4c00h
        int 21h
        push 0x000f
        push 0x0003
        push 0x001f
        push 0x001f
        push 0x001f
        call draw_line

        mov ah, 00h
        int 16h

        ;push color, x1, y1, x2, y2
        ;call draw_dot_on_line with successive x
        ;x2 must be equal to or greater than x1
        push bp
        mov bp, sp
        mov cx, 0
        push cx
        mov ax, [bp+8]
        mov bx, [bp+6]
        add ax, cx      ;cx increases as loop runs
        cmp ax, bx
        jge draw_line.end

        push word [bp+12]         ;color
        mov ax, [bp+6]       ;x2
        mov bx, [bp+10]       ;x1
        sub ax, bx
        push ax                 ;dx
        mov ax, [bp+4]       ;y2
        mov bx, [bp+8]       ;y1
        sub ax, bx
        push ax                 ;dy
        push word [bp+10]          ;x1
        push word [bp+8]          ;y1
        push word [bp+6]          ;x2
        push word [bp+4]          ;y2
        push cx
        call draw_dot_on_line   ;clean up 16bytes with ret 16
        pop cx
        inc cx
        jmp draw_line.loop
        pop cx
        ret 10

        ;push color, dx, dy, x1, y1, x2, y2, x
        ;calculate y and plot
        push bp
        mov bp, sp
        push word [bp+18] ;color
        mov ax, [bp+4] ; x
        add ax, [bp+12] ; x1
        push ax
        mov ax, [bp+4] ;x
        mov bx, [bp+12];x1
        sub ax, bx
        ;ax = x-x1
        mov bx, [bp+14];dy
        imul ax, bx
        ;ax = dy*(x-x1)
        mov dx, 0
        mov bx, [bp+16];dx
        div bx
        ;ax = dy*(x-x1)/dx
        mov bx, [bp+10]
        add ax, bx
        ;ax = y1 + dy * (x-x1)/dx
        push ax              ;y
        call draw_dot
        ret 16
        ;push color, x, y
        push bp
        mov bp, sp
        ;bp = call's push
        mov dx, [bp+4]  ;dx = y (max 200)
        mov cx, [bp+6]  ;cx = x (max 320)
        mov bx, [bp+8]  ;bx = color (use bl only)
        mov ax, 320d       ;ax = width
        imul dx, ax
        add dx, cx
        mov di, dx
        mov [es:di], bl  ;not bx but bl.
        ret 6

thanks for the feed backs!

since 1990 November 4th
Post 08 Jan 2013, 14:00
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baldr 11 Jan 2013, 06:05

Examine closely draw_line()'s stack:
        push bp
        mov bp, sp
;;; Call frame offsets:
;;;   bp+2: return address
;;;   bp+4: y2
;;;   bp+6: y1
;;;   bp+8: x2
;;;   bp+10: x1
;;;   bp+12: color
        mov cx, 0
        push cx
        mov ax, [bp+8];;; x2
        mov bx, [bp+6];;; y1
        add ax, cx      ;cx increases as loop runs
        cmp ax, bx
        jge draw_line.end    
There are more errors: e.g. you do push cx inside loop (i.e. for each iteration), but do corresponding pop cx outside loop (i.e. only once per draw_line() call).
Moreover, that pop cx comes after leave, which drops saved cxes from stack, so the popped value is the return address (and following ret 10 will use y2 instead Wink).

Use debugger, it shows that clearly.

Horizontal and vertical (and maybe diagonal) lines are so special cases that they probably should be handled specifically.
Post 11 Jan 2013, 06:05
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