Well, I'm making progress on my Forth system!
I'm writing it in FASM for Windows. I switched from HLA to FASM in order to get 64-bit x86 support.
What is the difference between the FASM used for Windows and the FASM used for Menuet? Would it be possible for me to make my program compile for either OS with a compiler directive? Of course, the libraries will all be different, but is it possible to make the program the same? I am using macros a lot, so if there is a difference in how they work, then I may not be able to do this. If I know what the differences are ahead of time though, I may be able to write my program using a subset of FASM that is common to both versions of FASM, and thus avoid the incompatibilities.
My Windows system is called HostForth. It will only be used to run a single program, which is TargForth --- TargForth is a cross-compiler for micro-controllers (the PIC24 is my first target).
It may be fun to provide a Menuet version of HostForth however, which I will call ToyForth. This would primarily be a framework for assembly-language programming --- the user would still be programming mostly in FASM, but would restrict himself to the Forth parameter-passing convention. ToyForth could also be used for writing utility programs that aren't speed-critical and don't require assembly-language --- somewhat like Python is used under Linux, but a lot simpler (and a lot faster).
I can appreciate that you Menuet guys prefer assembly-language to HLLs. It seems to me though, that it is still a good idea to have an HLL available for light-weight programming --- especially if it is:
1.) assembly-language friendly (a simple parameter-passing convention)
2.) simple (doesn't use any kind of OOP)
3.) interactive (functions can be tested at the command-line immediately after writing them)
Is there any such language currently available for Menuet? Or do you write
everything in FASM?