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Masood.Sandking 18 Sep 2012, 09:27
... so i think it's better to convert half or single to double and then ... .
then how to convert dd float to dq float? i heard something about SSE2 instructions & ..., but i never used them before...
Post 18 Sep 2012, 09:27
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Masood.Sandking 18 Sep 2012, 19:50
fld dword[numsingle]
fstp qword[numdouble]    
Post 18 Sep 2012, 19:50
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Masood.Sandking 18 Sep 2012, 20:41
i use this code to load Pi number to a variable:
fstp qword[figure2]    

figure2 is defined by dq. but why when i show figure2, i see 3.142?
Post 18 Sep 2012, 20:41
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AsmGuru62 18 Sep 2012, 21:11
It is rounded from 3.1415926 .
Post 18 Sep 2012, 21:11
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Masood.Sandking 18 Sep 2012, 22:07
but this is terrible! how to avoid rounding?... i want more accuracy...
Post 18 Sep 2012, 22:07
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hopcode 18 Sep 2012, 22:23
Masood.Sandking wrote:
but this is terrible! how to avoid rounding?... i want more accuracy...

this should be enough for a while Smile

Post 18 Sep 2012, 22:23
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Masood.Sandking 18 Sep 2012, 23:14
thanks, that was incredible!!!
but i want to understand why a double precision number has this low accuracy?! or maybe ftoa procedure has a problem?!
Post 18 Sep 2012, 23:14
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revolution 19 Sep 2012, 00:41
Double precision numbers are ~15 decimal digits of accuracy.
Post 19 Sep 2012, 00:41
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Masood.Sandking 19 Sep 2012, 01:37
then why this program outputs 3.142 ? :
 format pe gui 4.0
entry start 

include '..\include\win32ax.inc' 

BUFF_SIZE       = 256 

section '.rdata' data readable writeable 

  figure1       dd 0.003
  figure2       dq -0.003      ;<< QWORD
  figure3       dd 1234.567 
  figure4       dd -1234.567 
  figure5       dd 123456.789 
  figure6       dd -123456.789

  zero          dd 0.0 
  z1            dd 0.01 
  z3            dd 0.03 
  d1            dd 0.1 
  one           dd 1.0 
  ten           dd 10.0 
  mten          dd -10.0 
  nine          dd 9999.9 

  szMinus       db "-",0 
  szNullDot     db "0.",0 
  szNull        db "0",0 
  szDot         db ".",0 
  szExp         db "E",0 

  digits        db "0123456789ABCDEF",0 

section '.data' readable writeable 

  szBuffer      rb BUFF_SIZE 

section '.text' code readable writable executable 

  ; ------------------------------------------------- 
  ; entry-point 
  ; ------------------------------------------------- 


        ;;fld dword[figure6]         ; Push float1 value to ST(0)
        ;fadd [figure3]    ; Add float2 to ST(0) 
        ;;fstp qword[figure2]    ; Pop value from ST(0) to float1
        ;cvtss2sd xmm0, [figure1]
        ;movss [figure2],xmm0

        fstp qword[figure2]

        stdcall _ftoa,double [figure2],szBuffer
        invoke  MessageBox,NULL,szBuffer,szBuffer,MB_OK+MB_ICONINFORMATION

        invoke  ExitProcess,NULL

  ; ------------------------------------------------- 
  ; convert double or float to ascii with proper 
  ; rounding and formatting 
  ; ------------------------------------------------- 

  proc  _ftoa uses ebx esi edi,hx:QWORD,hstr 
        hdecm   dd ? 

        mov     esi,[hstr] 
        xor     ebx,ebx 
        xor     edi,edi 
        cmp     esi,ebx 
        mov     [hdecm],ebx 
        je      .out 
        fld     [zero] 
        fld     [hx] 
        fnstsw  ax 
        test    ah,68 
        jp      @F 
        invoke  lstrcpy,esi,szNull 
        jmp     .out 
        fld     [hx] 
        fcomp   [zero] 
        fnstsw  ax 
        test    ah,5 
        jp      @F 
        mov     ebx,1 
        fld     [hx] 
        fstp    [hx] 
        fld     [hx] 
        fcomp   [z1] 
        fld     [hx] 
        fnstsw  ax 
        test    ah,5 
        jp      .a 
        fcomp   [d1] 
        fnstsw  ax 
        test    ah,5 
        jp      .conv 
        fld     [hx] 
        dec     edi 
        fmul    [ten] 
        fstp    [hx] 
        fld     [hx] 
        fcomp   [d1] 
        fnstsw  ax 
        test    ah,5 
        jnp     @B 
        jmp     .conv 
        fcomp   [nine] 
        fnstsw  ax 
        test    ah,65 
        jne     .conv 
        fld     [hx] 
        fcomp   [ten] 
        fnstsw  ax 
        test    ah,1 
        jne     .conv 
        fld     [hx] 
        inc     edi 
        fdiv    [ten] 
        fstp    [hx] 
        fld     [hx] 
        fcomp   [ten] 
        fnstsw  ax 
        test    ah,1 
        je      @B 
        lea     edx,[hdecm] 
        stdcall _cvt,double [hx],3,edx,esi 
        mov     eax,[hdecm] 
        stdcall _formatstring,esi,eax,ebx,edi 

  ; ------------------------------------------------- 
  ; format ascii figure according to decimal place 
  ; and exponent 
  ; ------------------------------------------------- 

  proc  _formatstring uses ebx esi edi,hstr,hdec,hsign,hexp 
        buf1    rb 64 
        buf2    rb 64 

        xor     eax,eax 
        mov     [buf1],al 
        mov     [buf2],al 
        mov     eax,[hsign] 
        test    eax,eax 
        je      @F 
        lea     eax,[buf1] 
        invoke  lstrcat,eax,szMinus 

        mov     esi,[hdec] 
        test    esi,esi 
        jg      .b 
        lea     ecx,[buf1] 
        invoke  lstrcat,ecx,szNullDot 
        test    esi,esi 
        jge     .a 
        neg     esi 
        lea     edx,[buf1] 
        invoke  lstrcat,edx,szNull 
        dec     esi 
        jne     @B 
        mov     ebx,[hstr] 
        lea     eax,[buf1] 
        invoke  lstrcat,eax,ebx 
        jmp     .d 
        mov     ebx,[hstr] 
        stdcall _strlen_fog,ebx 
        lea     ecx,[buf1] 
        mov     edi,eax 
        stdcall _strncat,ecx,ebx,esi 
        cmp     edi,esi 
        je      .d 
        lea     edx,[buf1] 
        invoke  lstrcat,edx,szDot 
        lea     eax,[ebx+esi] 
        lea     ecx,[buf1] 
        invoke  lstrcat,ecx,eax 
        lea     edx,[buf1] 
        stdcall _strlen_fog,edx 
        dec     eax 
        je      .c 
        cmp     byte [buf1+eax],'0' 
        jne     .c 
        dec     eax 
        mov     byte [buf1+eax+1],0 
        jne     @B 

        mov     cl,byte [buf1+eax] 
        cmp     cl,'.' 
        lea     eax,[buf1+eax] 
        jne     @F 
        mov     byte [eax],0 
        mov     eax,[hexp] 
        test    eax,eax 
        je      @F 
        lea     ecx,[buf2] 
        stdcall _itoa,eax,ecx 
        lea     edx,[buf1] 
        invoke  lstrcat,edx,szExp 
        lea     eax,[buf2] 
        lea     ecx,[buf1] 
        invoke  lstrcat,ecx,eax 
        lea     edx,[buf1] 
        invoke  lstrcpy,ebx,edx 

  ; ------------------------------------------------- 
  ; convert double/float to a string with proper 
  ; rounding 
  ; ------------------------------------------------- 

  proc  _cvt uses ebx esi edi, harg:QWORD,hdigits,hdecpt,hbuf 
        r2      dd ? 
        fi      dq ? 
        fj      dq ? 
        tmp     dq ? 

        mov     eax,[hdigits] 
        xor     esi,esi 
        cmp     eax,esi 
        jge     @F 
        mov     [hdigits],esi 
        jmp     .a 
        cmp     eax,BUFF_SIZE-1 
        jl      .a 
        mov     [hdigits],BUFF_SIZE-2 
        mov     ebx,[hbuf] 
        mov     [r2],esi 
        mov     edi,ebx 
        fld     [harg] 
        fcomp   [zero] 
        fnstsw  ax 
        test    ah,5 
        jp      @F 
        fld     [harg] 
        fstp    [harg] 
        lea     eax,[fi] 
        stdcall _modf,double [harg],eax 
        fstp    [harg] 
        fld     [zero] 
        fld     [fi] 
        fnstsw  ax 
        test    ah,68 
        jnp     .int_is_zero 
        lea     esi,[ebx+BUFF_SIZE] 
        fld     [fi] 
        fdiv    [ten] 
        fstp    [tmp] 
        lea     ecx,[fi] 
        stdcall _modf,double [tmp],ecx 
        fadd    [z3] 
        fmul    [mten] 
        fistp   [tmp] 
        dec     esi 
        mov     dl,byte [tmp] 
        mov     al,'0' 
        sub     al,dl 
        mov     [esi],al 
        mov     eax,[r2] 
        inc     eax 
        mov     [r2],eax 
        fld     [zero] 
        fld     [fi] 
        fnstsw  ax 
        test    ah,68 
        jp      @b 
        lea     eax,[ebx+BUFF_SIZE] 
        cmp     esi,eax 
        jae     .b 
        mov     cl,[esi] 
        mov     [edi],cl 
        inc     edi 
        inc     esi 
        cmp     esi,eax 
        jb      @B 
        mov     esi,[r2] 
        mov     edx,[hdigits] 
        mov     eax,[r2] 
        mov     ecx,[hdecpt] 
        add     esi,edx 
        add     esi,ebx 
        cmp     esi,ebx 
        mov     [ecx],eax 
        jae     .h 
        mov     byte [ebx],0 
        jmp     .out 

        fld     [harg] 
        fcomp   [zero] 
        fnstsw  ax 
        test    ah,65 
        jnz     .j 
        fld     [harg] 
        fmul    [ten] 
        fstp    [fj] 
        fld     [fj] 
        fcomp   [one] 
        fnstsw  ax 
        test    ah,5 
        jp      .j 
        dec     esi 
        fld     [fj] 
        fstp    [harg] 
        fld     [fj] 
        fmul    [ten] 
        fstp    [fj] 
        fld     [fj] 
        fcomp   [one] 
        fnstsw  ax 
        test    ah,5 
        jnp     @B 
        mov     [r2],esi 
        jmp     .j 
        cmp     edi,esi 
        ja      .c 
        lea     eax,[ebx+BUFF_SIZE] 
        cmp     edi,eax 
        jae     .c 
        lea     ecx,[fj] 
        fld     [harg] 
        fmul    [ten] 
        fstp    [harg] 
        stdcall _modf,double [harg],ecx 
        mov     ecx,[hdecpt] 
        fstp    [harg] 
        fld     [fj] 
        fistp   [tmp] 
        mov     dl,byte [tmp] 
        add     dl,'0' 
        mov     [edi],dl 
        inc     edi 
        cmp     edi,esi 
        jbe     @B 
        lea     eax,[ebx+BUFF_SIZE] 
        cmp     esi,eax 
        jb      @F 
        mov     byte [ebx+255],0 
        jmp     .out 

        mov     dl,[esi] 
        add     dl,5 
        mov     eax,esi 
        mov     [esi],dl 
        cmp     dl,'9' 
        jle     .d 
        mov     byte [esi],'0' 
        cmp     esi,ebx 
        jbe     .e 
        mov     dl,[esi-1] 
        dec     esi 
        inc     dl 
        mov     [esi],dl 
        jmp     .f 
        mov     byte [esi],'1' 
        mov     edi,[ecx] 
        inc     edi 
        cmp     eax,ebx 
        mov     [ecx],edi 
        jbe     @F 
        mov     byte [eax],'0' 
        inc     eax 
        cmp     byte [esi],'9' 
        jg      .g 
        mov     byte [eax],0 
        mov     eax,ebx 

  ; ------------------------------------------------- 
  ; return fractional part in st0 and integer 
  ; part in y (pointer to a qword) 
  ; ------------------------------------------------- 

  proc  _modf uses edi, x:QWORD,y 
        cw1     dw ? 
        cw2     dw ? 
        mov     edi,[y] 
        fnstcw  [cw1] 
        mov     ax,[cw1] 
        or      ax,110000111111b 
        mov     [cw2],ax 
        fldcw   [cw2] 
        fld     [x] 
        fstp    qword [edi] 
        fld     [x] 
        fsub    qword [edi] 
        fldcw   [cw1] 

  ; ------------------------------------------------- 
  ; integer to ascii conversion (reverend) 
  ; ------------------------------------------------- 

  proc  _itoa uses ebx esi edi, number,result_buffer 
        temp_buffer                   rb 32+1 

        push    10 
        pop     esi 
        lea     edi,[temp_buffer+32] 
        mov     ebx,digits 
        cmp     esi,16 
        ja      .error 
        xor     al,al 
        mov     eax,[number] 
        test    eax,80000000h 
        jz      @F 
        neg     eax 
        xor     edx,edx 
        idiv    esi 
        xchg    eax,edx 
        xchg    eax,edx 
        test    eax,eax 
        jnz     @B 
        lea     esi,[edi+1] 
        mov     edi,[result_buffer] 
        test    [number],80000000h 
        jz      @F 
        mov     al,'-' 
        test    al,al 
        jnz     @B 
        sub     edi,[result_buffer] 
        lea     eax,[edi-1] 
        jmp     .theend 

  ; ------------------------------------------------- 
  ; return length of hstr string in eax (Agner Fog) 
  ; pretty fast algorithm 
  ; ------------------------------------------------- 

  proc  _strncat uses ebx esi edi, hfront,hback,hcount 
        mov     esi,[hfront] 
        stdcall _strlen_fog,esi 
        mov     edx,eax 
        add     edx,esi 
        mov     edi,[hcount] 
        test    edi,edi 
        jz      .out_null 
        mov     esi,[hback] 
        mov     cl,[esi] 
        mov     [edx],cl 
        dec     edi 
        inc     edx 
        inc     esi 
        test    cl,cl 
        jz      .out 
        test    edi,edi 
        jnz     @B 
        xor     al,al 
        mov     byte [edx],al 

  ; ------------------------------------------------- 
  ; return length of hstr string in eax (Agner Fog) 
  ; pretty fast algorithm 
  ; ------------------------------------------------- 

  proc  _strlen_fog uses ebx esi edi, hstr 
        mov     eax,[hstr] 
        lea     edx,[eax+3] 
        mov     ebx,[eax] 
        add     eax,4 
        lea     ecx,[ebx-01010101h] 
        not     ebx 
        and     ecx,ebx 
        and     ecx,80808080h 
        jz      @B 
        test    ecx,00008080h 
        jnz     @F 
        shr     ecx,16 
        add     eax,2 
        shl     cl,1 
        sbb     eax,edx 

  ; ------------------------------------------------- 
  ; fast memory copying algorithm (tuned asmpack ver) 
  ; qword -> dword -> byte 
  ; ------------------------------------------------- 

  proc  _memcpy_fast uses esi edi, hdst,hsrc,hsize 
        mov     eax,[hsize] 
        mov     edi,[hdst] 
        mov     esi,[hsrc] 
        mov     ecx,eax 
        shr     ecx,3 
        jz      .next1 
        movq    mm0,qword [esi] 
        movq    qword [edi],mm0 
        add     esi,8 
        add     edi,8 
        dec     ecx 
        jnz     @B 
        mov     ecx,eax 
        and     ecx,7 
        shr     ecx,2 
        jz      .next2 
        mov     edx,[esi] 
        mov     [edi],edx 
        add     esi,4 
        add     edi,4 
        dec     ecx 
        jnz     @B 
        and     eax,3 
        jz      .out 
        mov     dl,byte [esi] 
        mov     byte [edi],dl 
        inc     esi 
        inc     edi 
        dec     eax 
        jnz     @B 
        sub     edi,[hsize] 
        mov     eax,edi 

section '.idata' import data readable writeable 

  library       kernel32,'kernel32.dll',\ 

  include       '..\include\api\kernel32.inc' 
  include       '..\include\api\user32.inc' 
  include       '..\include\api\gdi32.inc' 
  include       '..\include\api\comdlg32.inc' 
  include       '..\include\api\advapi32.inc' 

; eof    

guys sorry for asking too many questions! i'm beginner.
Post 19 Sep 2012, 01:37
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revolution 19 Sep 2012, 01:43
Masood.Sandking wrote:
then why this program outputs 3.142 ?
Because you only asked for 3 digits:
stdcall _cvt,double [hx],3,edx,esi
Post 19 Sep 2012, 01:43
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Joined: 28 Nov 2020
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indinaman 28 Nov 2020, 02:26
format PE console 4.0
entry main
include 'win32a.inc'

section '.data' data readable writeable
num1 dq 48.6
num2 dq 17.1
result dq ?
fmt db " %.9f",13,10,0
fmt2S db " %s",13,10,0
;szBuff db 32 dup (0)
numS rb 15
section '.code' code readable executable
fld qword [num1]
fld qword [num2]
fstp qword [result]
invoke printf, fmt, dword[result] ,dword[result+4]
fld qword [num1]
fld qword [num2]
fstp qword [result]
invoke printf, fmt, dword[result] ,dword[result+4]
fld qword [num1]
fld qword [num2]
fstp qword [result]
invoke printf, fmt, dword[result] ,dword[result+4]
fld qword [num1]
fld qword [num2]
fstp qword [result]
invoke printf, fmt, dword[result] ,dword[result+4]

invoke _gcvt,dword[result],dword[result+4],15,numS
invoke printf, fmt2S,numS ;String Number

cinvoke getchar
invoke ExitProcess, 0

section '.idata' import data readable
library kernel32,'kernel32.dll', msvcrt,'msvcrt.dll'
import kernel32, ExitProcess,'ExitProcess'
import msvcrt,\
Post 28 Nov 2020, 02:26
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