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Joined: 03 Apr 2004
Posts: 7
Location: Russia
binary108 19 Apr 2004, 23:53
I have new problem Smile
How can my console program can know what key was pushed without display code of pushed button at display?
When use sys_read from std_in whith one-byte syze of bufer, code of pushed key is output on display.
Must i redirect std_out (if it is so, how to do it?) or there is another way?
Post 19 Apr 2004, 23:53
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Joined: 03 Apr 2004
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Location: Russia
binary108 20 Apr 2004, 07:26
it seems something wrong in my post...

How can seample console program get scan-code (or another identifer) of seangle pushed button (or key - i don't know what's right) on keyboard?

Sorry for my bad english...
Post 20 Apr 2004, 07:26
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coconut 20 Apr 2004, 21:03

Last edited by coconut on 10 Mar 2005, 21:18; edited 1 time in total
Post 20 Apr 2004, 21:03
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gorshing 20 Apr 2004, 21:23
I was unaware that you could use a hook for a system event in linux. Does anybody have any examples?

As for hiding characters being typed. I would look into using the ncurses library.

Otherwise, I would think that it would be different for each type of terminal ... I don't know though Confused

Post 20 Apr 2004, 21:23
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Joined: 10 Mar 2005
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0xkorkut 10 Mar 2005, 20:42
Here is an example of getting single keys using linux kernel calls
i tried my best Laughing

;this proggy mainly shows the next char in 1 second after you typed
;i hate to see characters "being typed" while im not touching the keyboard
;so i added a buffer flush code
;i hope it would help someone

;equates are stolen from asmutils include files (os_linux.inc)
;some of them also can be found at www.lxhp.in-berlin.de/lhpioctl.html
;but they are well hidden so try searching the document for "termios"

;i came across this info after examining "snake" proggie in asmutils.
;here the keyword is "non-canonical". after googling for "canonical tty"
;i found this addr http://ou800doc.caldera.com/en/SDK_sysprog/_TTY_in_Canonical_Mode.html
;check out the link topright says "terminal device control" you should see
;a lot of good docs here

;also check out http://ou800doc.caldera.com/en/man/html.7/termio.7.html
;for better explanations for termios

;hold down the key to see what happens. ESC to quit.

;i apologize for my poor programming skills but i mainly tried to
;write more understandable code for newbies like me

format ELF executable

entry start

TCGETS    equ 0x5401
TCSETS    equ 0x5402
TCFLSH    equ 0x540b
          TCIOFLUSH equ 2          ;flush both input output
          TCOFLUSH  equ 1          ;flush output
          TCIFLUSH  equ 0          ;flush input
ICANON    equ 2
ECHO      equ 8
STDIN     equ 0
STDOUT    equ 1
SYS_IOCTL equ 54
SYS_READ  equ 3
SYS_EXIT  equ 1

section readable writeable

call begingetkey         ;enter non-canonical mode
                         ;close local echo
mov ebx,timer            ;wait a little to fill keyboard buffer
mov ecx,timer2           ;simulate a time consuming process
int 0x80

mov ebx,STDIN
mov ecx,key
mov edx,1
mov eax,SYS_READ
int 0x80
push eax                 ;number of read bytes

mov ebx,STDIN            ;flush extra chars written to the
mov ecx,TCFLSH           ;buffer while we hold down the key
mov edx,TCIOFLUSH        ;in fact i dont know how it really effects
mov eax,SYS_IOCTL        ;but i prefer to flush both buffers
int 0x80                 ;it seems ok for this code

pop eax
test eax,eax             ;read anything?
jz mainloop

cmp byte [key],0x1b      ;ESC key quit
jz quitloop
inc byte [key]           ;just to see WE are echoing
                         ;show next char
mov ebx,STDOUT
mov ecx,key
mov edx,1
mov eax,SYS_WRITE
int 0x80

jmp mainloop


call endgetkey           ;restore previous state and quit

mov eax,ebx
mov eax,SYS_EXIT
int 0x80

        mov ebx,STDIN             ;get old state here
        mov ecx,TCGETS
        mov edx,old_termios
        mov eax,SYS_IOCTL
        int 0x80

        mov ecx,19                ;and make a copy
        mov esi,old_termios
        mov edi,new_termios
        rep movsb

        and [new_termios.c_lflag],dword not(ICANON or ECHO)   ;turn off echo
        mov byte [new_termios.VMIN],0                    ;turn off canonical mode
        mov byte [new_termios.VTIME],0                   ;we dont want to wait for keystrokes

        mov ebx,STDIN
        mov ecx,TCSETS
        mov edx,new_termios
        mov eax,SYS_IOCTL
        int 0x80

endgetkey:                                                 ;clean up
        mov ebx,STDIN
        mov ecx,TCSETS
        mov edx,old_termios
        mov eax,SYS_IOCTL
        int 0x80

timer:               ;timespec structure
        dd 1         ;seconds
        dd 0         ;nanoseconds
        dd 1
        dd 0

old_termios:         ;termios structure NOT termio
          rd 1
          rd 1
          rd 1
          rd 1
       rb 4
               rb 1
               rb 1
       rb 13
          rd 1
          rd 1
          rd 1
          rd 1
               rb 1
               rb 1
               rb 1
               rb 1
               rb 1
       .VMIN:          ;in canonical mode VEOL
               rb 1
       .VTIME:         ;in canonical mode VEOL2
               rb 1
               rb 1
               rb 1
               rb 1
               rb 1
               rb 1
               rb 1
               rb 1
               rb 1
               rb 1
               rb 3       ;reserved
           rb 1

.cC}< Eat your veggies >{Cc.
Post 10 Mar 2005, 20:42
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