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> Windows > [SOLVED] GDI |
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Krecik 19 Jul 2012, 14:24
I'm the beginning FASM programmer. I read about GDI using, bitmap structures etc. I try to test my skills so I wrote a program. It should display a window with black background by using function SetDIBitsToDevice. And here's a problem because it displays only a normal window. Below is code that I wrote (it's edited Template from Examples in FASM folder): Code: format PE GUI 4.0 entry start include 'win32w.inc' section '.text' code readable executable start: invoke GetModuleHandle,0 mov [wc.hInstance],eax invoke LoadIcon,0,IDI_APPLICATION mov [wc.hIcon],eax invoke LoadCursor,0,IDC_ARROW mov [wc.hCursor],eax invoke RegisterClass,wc test eax,eax jz error invoke CreateWindowEx,0,_class,_title,WS_VISIBLE+WS_DLGFRAME+WS_SYSMENU,128,128,800,600,NULL,NULL,[wc.hInstance],NULL test eax,eax jz error invoke GetDC, eax mov [hDC], eax or eax,eax jz error invoke SetDIBitsToDevice, hDC, 0, 0, 800, 600, 0, 0, 0, 600, [bits], [bmi], 0 ; << Here's a problem or eax,eax jz error msg_loop: invoke GetMessage,msg,NULL,0,0 cmp eax,1 jb end_loop jne msg_loop invoke TranslateMessage,msg invoke DispatchMessage,msg jmp msg_loop error: invoke MessageBox,NULL,_error,NULL,MB_ICONERROR+MB_OK end_loop: invoke ExitProcess,[msg.wParam] proc WindowProc uses ebx esi edi, hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam cmp [wmsg],WM_DESTROY je .wmdestroy .defwndproc: invoke DefWindowProc,[hwnd],[wmsg],[wparam],[lparam] jmp .finish .wmdestroy: invoke PostQuitMessage,0 xor eax,eax .finish: ret endp section '.data' data readable writeable struct BITMAPINFO Size dd ? Width dd ? Height dd ? Planes dw ? BitCount dw ? Compression dd ? SizeImage dd ? XPelsPerMeter dd ? YPelsPerMeter dd ? ClrUsed dd ? ClrImportant dd ? RGBQuad dd ? ends struct BMP Size dd 600 * 800 dup(?) ends _class TCHAR 'FASMWIN32',0 _title TCHAR 'GDI32 Test',0 _error TCHAR 'Error!',0 wc WNDCLASS 0,WindowProc,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,COLOR_BTNFACE+1,NULL,_class bits BMP bmi BITMAPINFO 40, 1, 32, 800, 600 msg MSG hDC dd ? section '.idata' import data readable writeable library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ gdi32, 'GDI32.DLL',\ user32,'USER32.DLL' include 'api\kernel32.inc' include 'api\gdi32.inc' include 'api\user32.inc' Can someone tells my where is a problem, please? Regards, Krecik. Last edited by Krecik on 20 Jul 2012, 18:29; edited 3 times in total |
19 Jul 2012, 14:24 |
pabloreda 19 Jul 2012, 17:11
bmi BITMAPINFO 40, 1, 32, 800, -600 I use this rutines for drawing and work well, i only see this negative number diferent http://code.google.com/p/reda4/source/browse/trunk/r4asm/r4fasm.asm |
19 Jul 2012, 17:11 |
Krecik 19 Jul 2012, 18:53
Because I want use bitmaps in next progam. pabloreda Negative number doesn't work but I looked at this link and it helped me. Thank you a lot! Here is woking code: Code: ; Settings Width = 800 Height = 600 R = 255 G = 255 B = 0 ; Code format PE GUI 4.0 entry start include 'win32w.inc' section '.text' code readable executable start: invoke GetModuleHandle,0 mov [wc.hInstance],eax invoke LoadIcon,0,IDI_APPLICATION mov [wc.hIcon],eax invoke LoadCursor,0,IDC_ARROW mov [wc.hCursor],eax invoke RegisterClass,wc test eax,eax jz error invoke CreateWindowEx,0,_class,_title,WS_VISIBLE+WS_DLGFRAME+WS_SYSMENU,128,128,256,192,NULL,NULL,[wc.hInstance],NULL mov [hwnd],eax invoke GetDC,[hwnd] mov [hDC],eax mov [bmi.biSize],sizeof.BITMAPINFOHEADER mov [bmi.biWidth],Width mov [bmi.biHeight],Height mov [bmi.biPlanes],1 mov [bmi.biBitCount],32 mov [bmi.biCompression],BI_RGB msg_loop: invoke GetMessage,msg,NULL,0,0 cmp eax,1 jb end_loop jne msg_loop invoke TranslateMessage,msg invoke DispatchMessage,msg invoke SetDIBitsToDevice,[hDC],0,0,Width,Height,0,0,0,Height,bits,bmi,0 jmp msg_loop error: invoke MessageBox,NULL,_error,NULL,MB_ICONERROR+MB_OK end_loop: invoke ExitProcess,[msg.wParam] proc WindowProc uses ebx esi edi, hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam cmp [wmsg],WM_DESTROY je .wmdestroy .defwndproc: invoke DefWindowProc,[hwnd],[wmsg],[wparam],[lparam] jmp .finish .wmdestroy: invoke PostQuitMessage,0 xor eax,eax .finish: ret endp section '.data' data readable writeable _class TCHAR 'FASMWIN32',0 _title TCHAR 'GDI32 Test',0 _error TCHAR 'Startup failed.',0 wc WNDCLASS 0,WindowProc,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,COLOR_BTNFACE+1,NULL,_class msg MSG hDC dd 0 hwnd dd 0 bmi BITMAPINFOHEADER bits db Width*Height dup(0,R,G,B) section '.idata' import data readable writeable library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ gdi32, 'GDI32.DLL',\ user32,'USER32.DLL' include 'api\kernel32.inc' include 'api\gdi32.inc' include 'api\user32.inc' I changed color for yellow. You can do it yourself in settings (RGB). |
19 Jul 2012, 18:53 |
AsmGuru62 19 Jul 2012, 20:37
So, you're calling SetDIBitsToDevice every message loop iteration?
Maybe doing it in the WM_PAINT is better? |
19 Jul 2012, 20:37 |
Krecik 20 Jul 2012, 08:27
Right. I just tested it and it's much faster. Code: proc WindowProc uses ebx esi edi, hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam cmp [wmsg],WM_DESTROY je .wmdestroy cmp [wmsg],WM_PAINT je .paint .defwndproc: invoke DefWindowProc,[hwnd],[wmsg],[wparam],[lparam] jmp .finish .wmdestroy: invoke PostQuitMessage,0 xor eax,eax .paint: invoke SetDIBitsToDevice,[hDC],0,0,Width,Height,0,0,0,Height,bits,bmi,0 jmp .finish .finish: ret endp I have another question: how can I change a single pixel color? It's an array of bits: Code: bits dd Width*Height dup ($FFFFFF) ;Every pixel is white And I try change color: Code: mov [bits], 0 ;This pixel should be black but it doesn't work. |
20 Jul 2012, 08:27 |
pabloreda 20 Jul 2012, 13:36
BITS work like a framebuffer
when call setDIBitsToDebice, copy this to main window. You need copy the framebuffer after write pixels in BITS call this in paint not have sense |
20 Jul 2012, 13:36 |
Krecik 20 Jul 2012, 17:12
I know about it and I did earlier the same. Loot at this code: Code: ; Settings Width = 800 Height = 600 R = 255 G = 255 B = 255 ; Code format PE GUI 4.0 entry start include 'win32w.inc' section '.text' code readable executable start: invoke GetModuleHandle,0 mov [wc.hInstance],eax invoke LoadIcon,0,IDI_APPLICATION mov [wc.hIcon],eax invoke LoadCursor,0,IDC_ARROW mov [wc.hCursor],eax invoke RegisterClass,wc test eax,eax jz error invoke CreateWindowEx,0,_class,_title,WS_VISIBLE+WS_DLGFRAME+WS_SYSMENU,128,128,256,192,NULL,NULL,[wc.hInstance],NULL mov [hwnd],eax invoke GetDC,[hwnd] mov [hDC],eax mov [bmi.biSize],sizeof.BITMAPINFOHEADER mov [bmi.biWidth],Width mov [bmi.biHeight],Height mov [bmi.biPlanes],1 mov [bmi.biBitCount],24 mov [bmi.biCompression],BI_RGB msg_loop: mov [bits], 1 invoke SetDIBitsToDevice,[hDC],0,0,Width,Height,0,0,0,Height,bits,bmi,0 invoke GetMessage,msg,NULL,0,0 cmp eax,1 jb end_loop jne msg_loop invoke TranslateMessage,msg invoke DispatchMessage,msg jmp msg_loop error: invoke MessageBox,NULL,_error,NULL,MB_ICONERROR+MB_OK end_loop: invoke ExitProcess,[msg.wParam] proc WindowProc uses ebx esi edi, hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam cmp [wmsg],WM_DESTROY je .wmdestroy .defwndproc: invoke DefWindowProc,[hwnd],[wmsg],[wparam],[lparam] jmp .finish .wmdestroy: invoke PostQuitMessage,0 xor eax,eax .finish: ret endp section '.data' data readable writeable _class TCHAR 'FASMWIN32',0 _title TCHAR 'GDI32 Test',0 _error TCHAR 'Startup failed.',0 wc WNDCLASS 0,WindowProc,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,COLOR_BTNFACE+1,NULL,_class msg MSG hDC dd 0 hwnd dd 0 bmi BITMAPINFOHEADER bits db Width*Height dup(B, G, R) section '.idata' import data readable writeable library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ gdi32, 'GDI32.DLL',\ user32,'USER32.DLL' include 'api\kernel32.inc' include 'api\gdi32.inc' include 'api\user32.inc' |
20 Jul 2012, 17:12 |
pabloreda 20 Jul 2012, 17:45
now yes!!
Code: ; Settings Width = 800 Height = 600 R = 255 G = 255 B = 255 ; Code format PE GUI 4.0 entry start include 'win32w.inc' section '.text' code readable executable start: invoke GetModuleHandle,0 mov [wc.hInstance],eax invoke LoadIcon,0,IDI_APPLICATION mov [wc.hIcon],eax invoke LoadCursor,0,IDC_ARROW mov [wc.hCursor],eax invoke RegisterClass,wc test eax,eax jz error invoke CreateWindowEx,0,_class,_title,WS_VISIBLE+WS_DLGFRAME+WS_SYSMENU,0,0,800,600,NULL,NULL,[wc.hInstance],NULL mov [hwnd],eax invoke GetDC,[hwnd] mov [hDC],eax mov [bmi.biSize],sizeof.BITMAPINFOHEADER mov [bmi.biWidth],Width mov [bmi.biHeight],-Height mov [bmi.biPlanes],1 mov [bmi.biBitCount],32 mov [bmi.biCompression],BI_RGB msg_loop: mov [bitsfb], $0 invoke SetDIBitsToDevice,[hDC],0,0,Width,Height,0,0,0,Height,bitsfb,bmi,0 invoke GetMessage,msg,NULL,0,0 cmp eax,1 jb end_loop jne msg_loop invoke TranslateMessage,msg invoke DispatchMessage,msg jmp msg_loop error: invoke MessageBox,NULL,_error,NULL,MB_ICONERROR+MB_OK end_loop: invoke ExitProcess,[msg.wParam] proc WindowProc uses ebx esi edi, hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam cmp [wmsg],WM_DESTROY je .wmdestroy .defwndproc: invoke DefWindowProc,[hwnd],[wmsg],[wparam],[lparam] jmp .finish .wmdestroy: invoke PostQuitMessage,0 xor eax,eax .finish: ret endp section '.data' data readable writeable _class TCHAR 'FASMWIN32',0 _title TCHAR 'GDI32 Test',0 _error TCHAR 'Startup failed.',0 wc WNDCLASS 0,WindowProc,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,COLOR_BTNFACE+1,NULL,_class msg MSG hDC dd 0 hwnd dd 0 bmi BITMAPINFOHEADER bitsfb dd Width*Height dup($ff00) section '.idata' import data readable writeable library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ gdi32, 'GDI32.DLL',\ user32,'USER32.DLL' include 'api\kernel32.inc' include 'api\gdi32.inc' include 'api\user32.inc' |
20 Jul 2012, 17:45 |
Krecik 20 Jul 2012, 18:28
I don't understand why it works only with negative height but ok. Thanks. |
20 Jul 2012, 18:28 |
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