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Joined: 15 Jul 2011
Posts: 96
jochenvnltn 07 Jul 2012, 09:14
Hi everyone

I had only programed in Delphi before.
Now im learning FASM.

I needed HexEncode & HexDecode to use in FASM.
In Delphi it's just HexToString and StringToHex..
I found a proc in asm that does this, but it's not working in FASM.

; Author: Jake Commander
; Copyright The GeneSys Development System

HexEncode proc uses edi esi ebx pBuff:dword,dwLen:dword,pOutBuff:dword
   mov    ebx, dwLen
   mov    edi, pOutBuff
   test    ebx, ebx
   mov    esi, pBuff
   jz      @F
     movzx  eax, byte ptr [esi]
     mov    ecx, eax
     add    edi, 2
     shr    ecx, 4
     and    eax, 1111b
     and    ecx, 1111b
     cmp    eax, 10
     sbb    edx, edx
     adc    eax, 0
     lea    eax, [eax+edx*8+'7']
     cmp    ecx, 10
     sbb    edx, edx
     adc    ecx, 0
     shl    eax, 8
     lea    ecx, [ecx+edx*8+'7']
     or      eax, ecx
     inc    esi
     mov    [edi-2], ax
     dec    ebx
   .until ZERO?
@@: mov    eax, edi
   mov    byte ptr [edi], 0
   sub    eax, pOutBuff
HexEncode endp

; Author: Jake Commander
; Copyright The GeneSys Development System

HexDecode proc uses esi edi ebx pHexStr:dword,pOutBuffer:dword
   mov    esi, pHexStr
   mov    edi, pOutBuffer
   jmp    @1
@@: and    ebx, 0Fh
   add    eax, ebx
   mov    [edi], al
   inc    edi
@1: movzx  edx, byte ptr[esi]
   cmp    edx, 40h
   sbb    ebx, ebx
   sub    edx, 37h
   and    ebx, 7
   inc    esi
   add    ebx, edx
   js      @F
   mov    eax, ebx
   shl    eax, 4
   mov    [edi], al
   movzx  edx, byte ptr [esi]
   cmp    edx, 40h
   sbb    ebx, ebx
   sub    edx, 37h
   and    ebx, 7
   inc    esi
   add    ebx, edx
   jns    @B
@@: ret
HexDecode endp

Can someone explain to me how to do this in FASM please ?
I realy want to learn FASM

thanks a bunch

edit by revolution: added code tags
Post 07 Jul 2012, 09:14
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Location: Tolstokvashino, Russia
bzdashek 07 Jul 2012, 09:44
Converted to FASM syntax, now compiles, don't know if works.

proc HexEncode  uses edi esi ebx,pBuff:dword,dwLen:dword,pOutBuff:dword 
   mov    ebx, [dwLen] 
   mov    edi, [pOutBuff] 
   test    ebx, ebx 
   mov    esi, [pBuff] 
   jz      @F 
     movzx  eax, byte[esi] 
     mov    ecx, eax 
     add    edi, 2 
     shr    ecx, 4 
     and    eax, 1111b 
     and    ecx, 1111b 
     cmp    eax, 10 
     sbb    edx, edx 
     adc    eax, 0 
     lea    eax, [eax+edx*8+'7'] 
     cmp    ecx, 10 
     sbb    edx, edx 
     adc    ecx, 0 
     shl    eax, 8 
     lea    ecx, [ecx+edx*8+'7'] 
     or      eax, ecx 
     inc    esi 
     mov    [edi-2], ax 
     dec    ebx 
     jnz    .repeat 
@@: mov    eax, edi 
   mov    byte[edi], 0 
   sub    eax, [pOutBuff] 

; Author: Jake Commander 
; Copyright The GeneSys Development System 

proc HexDecode uses esi edi ebx, pHexStr:dword,pOutBuffer:dword 
   mov    esi, [pHexStr] 
   mov    edi, [pOutBuffer] 
   jmp    @1 
@@: and    ebx, 0Fh 
   add    eax, ebx 
   mov    [edi], al 
   inc    edi 
@1: movzx  edx, byte[esi] 
   cmp    edx, 40h 
   sbb    ebx, ebx 
   sub    edx, 37h 
   and    ebx, 7 
   inc    esi 
   add    ebx, edx 
   js      @F 
   mov    eax, ebx 
   shl    eax, 4 
   mov    [edi], al 
   movzx  edx, byte[esi] 
   cmp    edx, 40h 
   sbb    ebx, ebx 
   sub    edx, 37h 
   and    ebx, 7 
   inc    esi 
   add    ebx, edx 
   jns    @B 
@@: ret 
Post 07 Jul 2012, 09:44
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Posts: 96
jochenvnltn 07 Jul 2012, 15:37
bzdashek wrote:
Converted to FASM syntax, now compiles, don't know if works.

proc HexEncode  uses edi esi ebx,pBuff:dword,dwLen:dword,pOutBuff:dword 
   mov    ebx, [dwLen] 
   mov    edi, [pOutBuff] 
   test    ebx, ebx 
   mov    esi, [pBuff] 
   jz      @F 
     movzx  eax, byte[esi] 
     mov    ecx, eax 
     add    edi, 2 
     shr    ecx, 4 
     and    eax, 1111b 
     and    ecx, 1111b 
     cmp    eax, 10 
     sbb    edx, edx 
     adc    eax, 0 
     lea    eax, [eax+edx*8+'7'] 
     cmp    ecx, 10 
     sbb    edx, edx 
     adc    ecx, 0 
     shl    eax, 8 
     lea    ecx, [ecx+edx*8+'7'] 
     or      eax, ecx 
     inc    esi 
     mov    [edi-2], ax 
     dec    ebx 
     jnz    .repeat 
@@: mov    eax, edi 
   mov    byte[edi], 0 
   sub    eax, [pOutBuff] 

; Author: Jake Commander 
; Copyright The GeneSys Development System 

proc HexDecode uses esi edi ebx, pHexStr:dword,pOutBuffer:dword 
   mov    esi, [pHexStr] 
   mov    edi, [pOutBuffer] 
   jmp    @1 
@@: and    ebx, 0Fh 
   add    eax, ebx 
   mov    [edi], al 
   inc    edi 
@1: movzx  edx, byte[esi] 
   cmp    edx, 40h 
   sbb    ebx, ebx 
   sub    edx, 37h 
   and    ebx, 7 
   inc    esi 
   add    ebx, edx 
   js      @F 
   mov    eax, ebx 
   shl    eax, 4 
   mov    [edi], al 
   movzx  edx, byte[esi] 
   cmp    edx, 40h 
   sbb    ebx, ebx 
   sub    edx, 37h 
   and    ebx, 7 
   inc    esi 
   add    ebx, edx 
   jns    @B 
@@: ret 

Dear friend bzdashek

Thank you a 1000000 times !!

Not only it compiles, but it also works like a charm !
I like this forum alot !
If im gona be helped like this all the time, im gona have a great journey learning the 'Fasm'

format PE GUI 4.0

include 'C:\Users\X-Ray Cat\Downloads\fasmw17002\INCLUDE\win32ax.inc'

section '.data' data readable writeable

HexBuff db '4A6F6368656E',0 ; This HexString is my name --> Jochen
szBuff db ?

section '.code' data readable writeable

push szBuff
push HexBuff
call HexDecode
invoke MessageBox,0,szBuff, 'Fasm',MB_OK

invoke ExitProcess, 0

.end main

; Author: Jake Commander
; Copyright The GeneSys Development System

proc HexDecode uses esi edi ebx, pHexStr:dword,pOutBuffer:dword
mov esi, [pHexStr]
mov edi, [pOutBuffer]
jmp @1
@@: and ebx, 0Fh
add eax, ebx
mov [edi], al
inc edi
@1: movzx edx, byte[esi]
cmp edx, 40h
sbb ebx, ebx
sub edx, 37h
and ebx, 7
inc esi
add ebx, edx
js @F
mov eax, ebx
shl eax, 4
mov [edi], al
movzx edx, byte[esi]
cmp edx, 40h
sbb ebx, ebx
sub edx, 37h
and ebx, 7
inc esi
add ebx, edx
jns @B
@@: ret
Post 07 Jul 2012, 15:37
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Enko 07 Jul 2012, 15:54
You can use sprintf from the c runtime.

You will need to import it from mvcrt and use cinvoke insted of inovke.
Post 07 Jul 2012, 15:54
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bzdashek 07 Jul 2012, 20:33
You're welcome, comrade!

Also, instead of
push szBuff 
push HexBuff 
call HexDecode 

you can just write
stdcall HexDecode,HexBuff,szBuff

There's one think in your programme that needs to be corrected.
If "szBuff db ? " is buffer, then it would be better if you specify the size of it, for example, to statically define a buffer for 80 chars, you write:
szBuff db 80 dup (?)

or FASM way:
szBuff rb 80

where "rb" means that it's an array of bytes.

Take a look in FASM\EXAMPLES, there are lot's of interesting and helpful examples. Also, it is advised to take a look at FASM\FASM.PDF, many useful things can be found there.

This thread is great when you start learning asm:
Post 07 Jul 2012, 20:33
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jochenvnltn 07 Jul 2012, 21:54
Comrade Bzdashek,

Thank you alot for all the new information. It's stored in my memory.
Im sure gona read up on all the usefull links you gave me !

до свидания !

Jochen Very Happy
Post 07 Jul 2012, 21:54
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