Hello, board!
I'm trying to parse some formatted input using text.read.dec_b FASMLIB function, but it always reach EOF. Parsing with conv.dec_b dosen't works well too.
%define $buffer dword [ebp - 4]
%define $stream dword [ebp - 8]
;reserve space for buffer
push 255
call mem.alloc
mov $buffer, eax
;read a line from STDIN into buffer
push 255, $buffer
call stdin.read.line
jc error
;create stream from line
push eax, $buffer
call mstream.create
jc error
mov $stream, eax
push $stream
call text.read.dec_b
jc error
Edit: I posted here because the library author frequents here, but tell me if you know a more appropriate place.[/b]