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Index > OS Construction > USB Flash Drive Info

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Mike Gonta

Joined: 26 Dec 2010
Posts: 243
Mike Gonta 15 Jun 2012, 21:40
Here is a simple MS cmd script to display the information of the USB flash drives plugged into the PC.
(Also shows if there is floppy drive).

@echo off
@setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion

  title USB Flash Drive Info
  dd.exe --list 2> list.txt

  set floppy_disk=FALSE
  set /a found=0
  set ufd=FALSE

  set drive1=0
  set drive2=0
  set drive3=0
  set drive4=0
  set drive5=0
  set drive6=0

  for /f "delims=" %%a in (list.txt) do (
    set AA=%%a
    if "!AA:~2,16!"=="removeable media" (
      set ufd=TRUE
    ) else if "!AA:~2,15!"=="Mounted on \\.\" (
      if "!AA:~17,1!"=="a" (
        set floppy_disk=TRUE
      ) else if !ufd!==TRUE (
        set /a found+=1
        set drive!found!=!AA:~17,1!
      set ufd=FALSE
    ) else if "!AA:~0,23!"=="NT Block Device Objects" (
      set /a found=0
      set ufd=0
    ) else if "!AA:~0,19!"=="\\?\Device\Harddisk" (
      if not "!AA:~19,1!"=="0" (
        if not "!current_disk!"=="!AA:~19,1!" (
          if !ufd!==0 (
            set current_disk=!AA:~19,1!
            set ufd=1
    ) else if "!AA:~2,15!"=="Removable media" (
      if !ufd!==1 (
        set removable=TRUE
    ) else if "!AA:~2,7!"=="size is" (
      set ufd=0
      if !removable!==TRUE (
        set /a found+=1
        set size!found!=!AA:~10,32!
        set disk!found!=!current_disk!
        set removable=FALSE

  if !floppy_disk!==TRUE (
    set /a found+=1

  for /f "tokens=1 delims= " %%a in ("%size1%") do set size1=%%a
  for /f "tokens=1 delims= " %%a in ("%size2%") do set size2=%%a
  for /f "tokens=1 delims= " %%a in ("%size3%") do set size3=%%a
  for /f "tokens=1 delims= " %%a in ("%size4%") do set size4=%%a
  for /f "tokens=1 delims= " %%a in ("%size5%") do set size5=%%a
  for /f "tokens=1 delims= " %%a in ("%size6%") do set size6=%%a

  set size1=0000000000000000%size1%
  set size1=%size1:~-16%
  call :upper drive1
  call :friendly %size1%
  set size1f=%size%

  set size2=0000000000000000%size2%
  set size2=%size2:~-16%
  call :upper drive2
  call :friendly %size2%
  set size2f=%size%

  set size3=0000000000000000%size3%
  set size3=%size3:~-16%
  call :upper drive3
  call :friendly %size3%
  set size3f=%size%

  set size4=0000000000000000%size4%
  set size4=%size4:~-16%
  call :upper drive4
  call :friendly %size4%
  set size4f=%size%

  set size5=0000000000000000%size5%
  set size5=%size5:~-16%
  call :upper drive5
  call :friendly %size5%
  set size5f=%size%

  set size6=0000000000000000%size6%
  set size6=%size6:~-16%
  call :upper drive6
  call :friendly %size6%
  set size6f=%size%

  if %found%==0 (
    echo No flash drive found!
    goto :exit

  if %floppy_disk%==TRUE echo    Floppy Disk     A: [1.4MB]
  if not %drive1%==0  echo    USB Flash Drive %drive1%: [%size1f%] %size1% bytes - disk%disk1%
  if not %drive2%==0  echo    USB Flash Drive %drive2%: [%size2f%] %size2% bytes - disk%disk2%
  if not %drive3%==0  echo    USB Flash Drive %drive3%: [%size3f%] %size3% bytes - disk%disk3%
  if not %drive4%==0  echo    USB Flash Drive %drive4%: [%size4f%] %size4% bytes - disk%disk4%
  if not %drive5%==0  echo    USB Flash Drive %drive5%: [%size5f%] %size5% bytes - disk%disk5%
  if not %drive6%==0  echo    USB Flash Drive %drive6%: [%size6f%] %size6% bytes - disk%disk6%
  goto :exit

  for %%i in ("a=A" "b=B" "c=C" "d=D" "e=E" "f=F" "g=G" "h=H" "i=I" "j=J" "k=K" "l=L" "m=M" "n=N" "o=O" "p=P" "q=Q" "r=R" "s=S" "t=T" "u=U" "v=V" "w=W" "x=X" "y=Y" "z=Z") do call set "%1=%%%1:%%~i%%"
  goto :eof

  if        %1 LSS 0000000008388608 (
    set size=  8MB
  ) else if %1 LSS 0000000016777216 (
    set size= 16MB
  ) else if %1 LSS 0000000033554432 (
    set size= 32MB
  ) else if %1 LSS 0000000067108864 (
    set size= 64MB
  ) else if %1 LSS 0000000134217728 (
    set size=128MB
  ) else if %1 LSS 0000000268435456 (
    set size=256MB
  ) else if %1 LSS 0000000536870912 (
    set size=512MB
  ) else if %1 LSS 0000001073741824 (
    set size=  1GB
  ) else if %1 LSS 0000002147483648 (
    set size=  2GB
  ) else if %1 LSS 0000004294967296 (
    set size=  4GB
  ) else if %1 LSS 0000008589934592 (
    set size=  8GB
  ) else if %1 LSS 0000017179869184 (
    set size= 16GB
  ) else if %1 LSS 0000034359738368 (
    set size= 32GB
  ) else if %1 LSS 0000068719476736 (
    set size= 64GB
  ) else if %1 LSS 0000137438953472 (
    set size=128GB
  ) else if %1 LSS 0000274877906944 (
    set size=256GB
  ) else if %1 LSS 0000549755813888 (
    set size=512GB
  goto :eof

  echo Thank you for trying USB Flash Drive Info^^!
  goto :eof    
It parses the output of the dd.exe --list option.

With the drive letter in the %drive% variable, it is easy to read and write directly to the UFD with dd.
  dd.exe --filter=removable if=file od=%drive%:    
The --filter=removable option prevents dd from writing to the hard drive (Windows also considers USB hard drives
as fixed media - and are also protected).

With the disk number in the %disk% variable, it is easy to emulate the actual UFD in qemu.
  qemu.exe -L . -localtime -hda //./PhysicalDrive%disk% -boot c    

Last edited by Mike Gonta on 05 Oct 2014, 08:19; edited 1 time in total
Post 15 Jun 2012, 21:40
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Joined: 03 Jul 2012
Posts: 44
cwpjr 03 Jul 2012, 05:28
Very nice and clean. Thank you.
Post 03 Jul 2012, 05:28
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