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Rusik 16 May 2012, 14:24
Dex4u I am not in any way want to sound ungrateful. I'm glad any useful information. Of course I understand that responses to the forum and no one pays it's just an expression of desire to help and if I had enough knowledge I'd helped to also. But I would not in any way to cast "What are you doing here if you do not know...".
You also wrote "Also you need to give more info, not it does not work". You mean your code? Code: ;************************************ ; By Dex ; Assemble with fasm ; c:\fasm Vesa.asm Vesa.bin ; ;************************************ org 0x7C00 use16 ;**************************** ; Realmode startup code. ;**************************** start: xor ax,ax mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov ss,ax mov sp,0x7C00 ;**************************** ; Vesa start code. ;**************************** mov bx,4112h mov ax,4f01h mov di,Mode_Info mov cx,bx int 10h mov ax,4f02h int 10h ;***************************** ; Setting up, to enter pmode. ;***************************** cli lgdt [gdtr] mov eax, cr0 or al,0x1 mov cr0,eax jmp 0x10: protected ;***************************** ; Pmode. ;***************************** use32 protected: mov ax,0x8 mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov ss,ax mov esp,0x7C00 ;***************************** ; Turn floppy off. ;***************************** mov dx,3F2h mov al,0 out dx,al ;***************************** ; Do we have 32 BitsPerPixel. ;***************************** cmp byte[ModeInfo_BitsPerPixel],32 jne Letsloop ;***************************** ; fade background screen. ;***************************** fade_screen: mov edx,[ModeInfo_PhysBasePtr] mov edi,edx xor eax,eax mov al,0xc5 xor ebx,ebx mov bl,195 DoLoop: mov cx,640*2 dec eax rep stosd dec ebx jnz DoLoop Letsloop: hlt jmp Letsloop ;************************************* ; GDT. ;************************************* gdt: dw 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 sys_data: dw 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x9200, 0x00CF sys_code: dw 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x9800, 0x00CF gdt_end: gdtr: dw gdt_end - gdt - 1 dd gdt ;************************************* ; Make program 510 byte's + 0xaa55 ;************************************* times 510- ($-start) db 0 dw 0xaa55 ;************************************* ; Put uninitialized data here. ;************************************* ;=========================================================; ; Vesa Information Block 11/12/03 ; ;---------------------------------------------------------; ; DOS EXTREME OS V0.01 ; ; by Craig Bamford(Dex). ; ; ; ;=========================================================; ;============================== VESA MODE INFORMATION =========================================== Mode_Info: ModeInfo_ModeAttributes rw 1 ModeInfo_WinAAttributes rb 1 ModeInfo_WinBAttributes rb 1 ModeInfo_WinGranularity rw 1 ModeInfo_WinSize rw 1 ModeInfo_WinASegment rw 1 ModeInfo_WinBSegment rw 1 ModeInfo_WinFuncPtr rd 1 ModeInfo_BytesPerScanLine rw 1 ModeInfo_XResolution rw 1 ModeInfo_YResolution rw 1 ModeInfo_XCharSize rb 1 ModeInfo_YCharSize rb 1 ModeInfo_NumberOfPlanes rb 1 ModeInfo_BitsPerPixel rb 1 ModeInfo_NumberOfBanks rb 1 ModeInfo_MemoryModel rb 1 ModeInfo_BankSize rb 1 ModeInfo_NumberOfImagePages rb 1 ModeInfo_Reserved_page rb 1 ModeInfo_RedMaskSize rb 1 ModeInfo_RedMaskPos rb 1 ModeInfo_GreenMaskSize rb 1 ModeInfo_GreenMaskPos rb 1 ModeInfo_BlueMaskSize rb 1 ModeInfo_BlueMaskPos rb 1 ModeInfo_ReservedMaskSize rb 1 ModeInfo_ReservedMaskPos rb 1 ModeInfo_DirectColorModeInfo rb 1 ; VBE 2.0 extensions ModeInfo_PhysBasePtr rd 1 ModeInfo_OffScreenMemOffset rd 1 ModeInfo_OffScreenMemSize rw 1 ;======================================= START OF PROGRAM ====================================== Yes, it does not work on my computer but I have some excellent examples of working. I use real PC, write *.bin file in boot sector of my USB flash and load from it. When I run your code I see that BIOS read boot sector successfully, but then I see only black screen and a text cursor. Also the topic, I think 1280x1024 mode is best for me because it's closest to 1600x900. So I think that the mode with highest resolution provides the best quality. I mistaken? |
16 May 2012, 14:24 |
freecrac 16 May 2012, 15:53
Rusik wrote: freecrac I do not dispute that the native resolution of LCD-monitors provides the best quality, but VESA does not support modes what are not defined by this standard. The VESA organisation itself does not support any vesa modes since VBE2, not the older vesa standard modes and also not any newer modes! But the card manufactures can implement also new vesa modes inside of their vesa-bios. vbe3.pdf Quote: Starting with VBE version 2.0, VESA will no longer define new VESA mode numbers and it will no longer be mandatory to support these old mode numbers. OEM's who wish to add new VBE mode numbers to their implementations, must make sure that all new modes are defined with mode numbers above 0x100, However, it is highly recommended that BIOS implementations continue to support these mode numbers for compatibility with older software and add new mode numbers after the last VESA defined mode number. Quote: It would be nice if it was possible to use any modes with any resolution using LFB or something else for example... Yes it would be nice, but we can only use the vesa modes that comes with the vesa bios of our card manufacturer. (And older vesa driver for DOS are only for very old card without any vesa bios.) Next problem, we can not know wich card provide what sort of resolutions and modes. There are no informations for modern cards about vesa modes from the manufacturer. (i had no luck to find a modelist inside of a bios when looking at tables and inside of the bios-code without to call the vesa function. The same problem with bios image files that we can download.) So i only can hope that more vesa programmers share their modelist and resolutions what they are found on their cards. Quote: So, if I have a monitor with 1600x900 resolution, what mode from the list available to be most optimal for me? That's what I would like to know. The best tip that i can give you is to make a test with diffent modes and you will see whats happend. I would boot a MSDOS 7.1 from my DOS Boot-CD or from my 2GB-USB-Stick, or any other DOS to test it. Here is a little DOS-programm (written for MASM and a 80386+) that prints the modelist of a VBE2-bios to the text-screen. (Sorry for the comments only in the german language.) Code: .MODEL SMALL ; Programm möglichst klein halten .386 CODE SEGMENT use16 'CODE' assume cs:CODE,ds:DATEN,ss:STAPEL org 100h START: mov ax, DATEN ; Segmentadresse vom Datenbereich mov ds, ax ; in das DS-Segmentregister laden mov es, ax ; in das ES-Segmentregister laden mov di, OFFSET VINF ; OFFSET für ausgewählten Datenbereich (512 Bytes) mov ax, 4F00h ; Vesa Funktionsnummer 0 Vesa-Bios-Info int 10h ; holt 512 Bytes nach es:di (Datensegment:VINF) cmp ax, 4Fh ; Wenn Rückgabewert "4F", dann war Funktion erfolgreich jnz NOVESA ; sonst FEHLER: Kein Vesabios vorhanden mov dl, [di+5] ; Major version number of Vesa über ds:di+5 in das dl-Register holen cmp dl, 2 ; kleiner als Version 2 ? jb VESA1 ; wenn ja FEHLER: Keine Modeliste vorhanden. mov dx, OFFSET HEADER mov ah, 9 int 21h lfs si, [di+0Eh] ; Pointer der Modeliste über ds:di+E ins fs-Segmentregister und si-Offsetregister laden MODE: mov cx, fs:[si] ; Modenummern über fs:si ins cx-register holen add si, 2 ; Qell-Adresszeiger(Offset) erhöhen cmp cx, 0FFFFh ; Ende der Liste erreicht? jz MEND mov ax, cx call HEXOUT16 ; Modenummer ausgeben mov ax, 4F01h ; Modus spezifische Info holen mov di, OFFSET MINF int 10h ; es:di 256 byte cmp ax, 4Fh jnz short NOVESA ; FEHLER: wird nicht unterstützt mov ax, [di+12h] ; MaxX call DEZOUT16 mov dx, OFFSET X mov ah, 9 int 21h mov ax, [di+14h] ; MaxY call DEZOUT16 mov dx, OFFSET X mov ah, 9 int 21h xor ax, ax mov al, [di+19h] ; Bit per pixel? call DEZOUT16 mov dx, OFFSET SPACE mov ah, 9 int 21h and BYTE PTR[di], 80h ; linear access enable ? jz short NOLIN mov eax, [di+28h] ; linearer Bild-Offset vorhanden ? call HEXOUT32 NOLIN: mov dx, OFFSET CRLF mov ah, 9 int 21h jmp MODE ;------------------------------------- org START + ((($-START)/16)*16)+16 ; Code-Ausrichtung ;------------------------------------- NOVESA: mov dx, OFFSET T1 mov ah, 9 int 21h mov cl, 0FFh jmp short ERREND ;------------------------------------- org START + ((($-START)/16)*16)+16 ; Code-Ausrichtung ;------------------------------------- VESA1: mov dx, OFFSET T2 mov ah, 9 int 21h mov cl, 1 jmp short ERREND ;------------------------------------- org START + ((($-START)/16)*16)+16 ; Code-Ausrichtung ;------------------------------------- MEND: xor cl, cl ERREND: mov al, cl ; ERRORLEVEL holen mov ah, 4Ch ; Rücksprung zu DOS, Programm-Ende int 21h ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AX nach fünf dezimalen ASCII's wandeln und im Daten-Bereich ablegen ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- org START + ((($-START)/16)*16)+16 ; Code-Ausrichtung ;------------------------------------- DEZOUT16: pusha mov di, OFFSET DEZ16 mov cl, 5 ; fünf dezimale ASCII's mov bx, 10000 WANDEL: xor dx, dx div bx add al, 30h ; nach ASCII wandeln mov si, dx ; Rest retten mov [di], al ; Ziffer retten inc di ; Zeiger erhöhen mov ax, bx mov bx, 0Ah xor dx, dx div bx mov bx, ax mov ax, si dec cl jnz WANDEL ;------------------------------------- mov si, OFFSET DEZ16 -1 ; erste(n) Null(en) überlesen mov dx, si inc dx NULL: inc si cmp BYTE PTR[si], "0" jz NULL sub si, 5 cmp si, dx jz short AUSG ; keine null vorhanden ! add si, 5 mov dx, si AUSG: mov ah, 9 ; dezimale Zahl ausgeben int 21h popa ret ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; EAX nach acht hexadezimale ASCII's wandeln und im Daten-Bereich ablegen ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- org START + ((($-START)/16)*16)+16 ; Code-Ausrichtung ;------------------------------------- HEXOUT32: pusha mov di, OFFSET HEX32 ; Doppel-Word nach Hex-Ziffern wandeln mov cl, 8 ; 8 Ziffern A: rol eax, 4 ; 1 Nibble weiter mov bl, al and bl, 0Fh ; nur low-Nibble add bl, 30h ; nach ASCII wandeln cmp bl, 39h ; größer als Ziffer neun ? jna short B add bl, 7 ; dann Buchstabe von "A" bis "F" B: mov [di], bl ; ASCII retten inc di ; Zeiger erhöhen dec cl ; Ziffer-Anzahl verringern jnz A ;------------------------------------- mov dx, OFFSET HEX32 mov ah, 9 ; hexadezimale Zahl ausgeben int 21h popa ret ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AX nach vier hexadezimale ASCII's wandeln und im Daten-Bereich ablegen ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- org START + ((($-START)/16)*16)+16 ; Code-Ausrichtung ;------------------------------------- HEXOUT16: pusha mov di, OFFSET HEX16 ; Word nach Hex-Ziffern wandeln mov cl, 4 ; 4 Ziffern C: rol ax, 4 ; 1 Nibble weiter mov bl, al and bl, 0Fh ; nur low-Nibble add bl, 30h ; nach ASCII wandeln cmp bl, 39h ; größer als Ziffer neun ? jna short D add bl, 7 ; dann Buchstabe von "A" bis "F" D: mov [di], bl ; ASCII retten inc di ; Zeiger erhöhen dec cl ; Ziffer-Anzahl verringern jnz C ;------------------------------------- mov dx, OFFSET HEX16 mov ah, 9 ; hexadezimale Zahl ausgeben int 21h popa ret CODE ends ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATEN SEGMENT use32 'DATA' ;------------------------------------- VINF DB 512 dup (0AAh) ; Vesa-Info(4F00) MINF DB 512 dup (44h) ; Mode-Info(4F01) DEZ16 DB "00000","$" HEX32 DB "00000000 ","$" HEX16 DB "0000 ","$" HEADER DB "Vesamode,XRes,YRes,Bits per Pixel,Adresse des Framebuffer",0Dh,0Ah,"$" CRLF DB 0Dh,0Ah,"$" X DB "x","$" SPACE DB " ","$" T1 DB "Kein Vesabios vorhanden.", 0Dh, 0Ah, "$" T2 DB "Keine Modeliste vorhanden.", 0Dh, 0Ah, "$" DATEN ends ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAPEL SEGMENT use16 STACK 'STACK' DB 100h dup (88h) STAPEL ends end Feel free to grab and seperate any part of the code to ask about it, if you can not understand it what the commands exactly do. Dirk |
16 May 2012, 15:53 |
Dex4u 16 May 2012, 15:58
Rusik wrote: Dex4u I am not in any way want to sound ungrateful. I'm glad any useful information. Of course I understand that responses to the forum and no one pays it's just an expression of desire to help and if I had enough knowledge I'd helped to also. But I would not in any way to cast "What are you doing here if you do not know...". Ok thats more helpful, first to answer your ?, i would say 1280x1024 mode is not good, because 1 it maybe available on your PC, but its not a common mode. So your boot loader would not work. I would say stick with 800x600 its one of the commonest and it will give you good speed. Just think for example about the size a image would be if its 1280x1024. Anyway i modded the above code and made a floppy image, can you test it and let me know what it does. And you need to run a test program to test what modes your card supports. [EDIT] As freecrac has posted.[/EDIT]
16 May 2012, 15:58 |
Rusik 16 May 2012, 16:42
Dex4u thanks!!! Your example work perfect. One question, why you chose *.img format (not *.bin) and can you give me your source code?
You wrote also: '' i would say 1280x1024 mode is not good...''. And what you think about 10Fh: 320x200 (192 Kb only). freecrac: ... the card manufactures can implement also new vesa modes inside of their vesa-bios. Can implement but not required. My ATI Catalyst Driver support 1600x900 mode, but when I get list of all my VESA modes max resolution was 1280x1024. So I need in my code chose max optimal mode (for monitor which is used) supported by all BIOS. |
16 May 2012, 16:42 |
Dex4u 16 May 2012, 17:00
Rusik wrote: Dex4u thanks!!! Your example work perfect. One question, why you chose *.img format (not *.bin) and can you give me your source code? Here is the code Code: ;************************************ ; By Dex ; Assemble with fasm ; c:\fasm Vesa.asm Vesa.bin ; ;************************************ org 0x7C00 use16 ;**************************** ; Realmode startup code. ;**************************** start: xor ax,ax mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov ss,ax mov sp,0x7C00 ;**************************** ; Vesa start code. ;**************************** mov bx,4115h ; is the mode number 800x600 mov ax,4f01h mov di,Mode_Info mov cx,bx int 10h mov ax,4f02h int 10h ;***************************** ; Setting up, to enter pmode. ;***************************** cli lgdt [gdtr] mov eax, cr0 or al,0x1 mov cr0,eax jmp 0x10: protected ;***************************** ; Pmode. ;***************************** use32 protected: mov ax,0x8 mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov ss,ax mov esp,0x7C00 ;***************************** ; Turn floppy off. ;***************************** mov dx,3F2h mov al,0 out dx,al mov edi,[ModeInfo_PhysBasePtr] mov eax,0x00ffffff mov ecx,800*600 ; if you change mode change these rep stosd Letsloop: hlt jmp Letsloop ;************************************* ; GDT. ;************************************* gdt: dw 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 sys_data: dw 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x9200, 0x00CF sys_code: dw 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x9800, 0x00CF gdt_end: gdtr: dw gdt_end - gdt - 1 dd gdt ;************************************* ; Make program 510 byte's + 0xaa55 ;************************************* times 510- ($-start) db 0 dw 0xaa55 ;************************************* ; Put uninitialized data here. ;************************************* ;=========================================================; ; Vesa Information Block 11/12/03 ; ;---------------------------------------------------------; ; DOS EXTREME OS V0.01 ; ; by Craig Bamford(Dex). ; ; ; ;=========================================================; ;============================== VESA MODE INFORMATION =========================================== Mode_Info: ModeInfo_ModeAttributes rw 1 ModeInfo_WinAAttributes rb 1 ModeInfo_WinBAttributes rb 1 ModeInfo_WinGranularity rw 1 ModeInfo_WinSize rw 1 ModeInfo_WinASegment rw 1 ModeInfo_WinBSegment rw 1 ModeInfo_WinFuncPtr rd 1 ModeInfo_BytesPerScanLine rw 1 ModeInfo_XResolution rw 1 ModeInfo_YResolution rw 1 ModeInfo_XCharSize rb 1 ModeInfo_YCharSize rb 1 ModeInfo_NumberOfPlanes rb 1 ModeInfo_BitsPerPixel rb 1 ModeInfo_NumberOfBanks rb 1 ModeInfo_MemoryModel rb 1 ModeInfo_BankSize rb 1 ModeInfo_NumberOfImagePages rb 1 ModeInfo_Reserved_page rb 1 ModeInfo_RedMaskSize rb 1 ModeInfo_RedMaskPos rb 1 ModeInfo_GreenMaskSize rb 1 ModeInfo_GreenMaskPos rb 1 ModeInfo_BlueMaskSize rb 1 ModeInfo_BlueMaskPos rb 1 ModeInfo_ReservedMaskSize rb 1 ModeInfo_ReservedMaskPos rb 1 ModeInfo_DirectColorModeInfo rb 1 ; VBE 2.0 extensions ModeInfo_PhysBasePtr rd 1 ModeInfo_OffScreenMemOffset rd 1 ModeInfo_OffScreenMemSize rw 1 ;======================================= START OF PROGRAM ====================================== I just changed the mode number from 4112h (640x480 32bpp) seems your card does not support that mode. I changed it to 4115h which is 800x600 24/32bpp. But you will need to enable A20 for higher res. If you see stripes, than its using 24bits per pixel, if full white its 32bpp. You can try high res but you need to change both the mode number and the other bit i written comments on. But you may see black at the bottom of screen as you move up the modes, this is because of A20 needing enabling (emulator seem to enable it). I made it as a floppy, because i thought that what you wanted. NOTE: Theres no error checking for available modes (as i written the simplest code, so you can understand how it work). So you will need to add that yourself. As for 320x200 it too low res, best to stick with text mode (than 320x200 ) |
16 May 2012, 17:00 |
Rusik 16 May 2012, 18:45
Dex4u you wrote "But you will need to enable A20 for higher res." I just add code for open A20
Code: ;***************************** ; Setting up, to enter pmode. ;***************************** cli lgdt [gdtr] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; in al, 92h ;Open A20 or al, 10b out 92h, al ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mov eax, cr0 or al,0x1 mov cr0,eax jmp 0x10: protected ;***************************** ; Pmode. ;***************************** and now I have high resolution? As for me I can`t see any change. One question, how can I keep only white color 32bpp without stripes? And also how to remove the white text cursor from the screen(it`s graphic mode not text, why is he still active)? |
16 May 2012, 18:45 |
Dex4u 16 May 2012, 19:31
There something strange here, you should not see white text cursor.
What do you see with above code. What color is screen ? Any stripes ? Any other info of what you see. |
16 May 2012, 19:31 |
Rusik 16 May 2012, 20:05
I see full screen white color which alternates with vertical lines and white text cursor in left top corner. He appears then disappears with alternating of white color and lines.
16 May 2012, 20:05 |
Dex4u 17 May 2012, 12:42
Does this get rid of the stripes ?
Code: ;************************************ ; By Dex ; Assemble with fasm ; c:\fasm Vesa.asm Vesa.bin ; ;************************************ org 0x7C00 use16 ;**************************** ; Realmode startup code. ;**************************** start: xor ax,ax mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov ss,ax mov sp,0x7C00 ;**************************** ; Vesa start code. ;**************************** mov bx,4115h ; is the mode number 800x600 mov ax,4f01h mov di,Mode_Info mov cx,bx int 10h mov ax,4f02h int 10h ;***************************** ; Setting up, to enter pmode. ;***************************** cli lgdt [gdtr] mov eax, cr0 or al,0x1 mov cr0,eax jmp 0x10: protected ;***************************** ; Pmode. ;***************************** use32 protected: mov ax,0x8 mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov ss,ax mov esp,0x7C00 ;***************************** ; Turn floppy off. ;***************************** mov dx,3F2h mov al,0 out dx,al mov edi,[ModeInfo_PhysBasePtr] mov ax,0xFFFF mov ecx,800*600 ; if you change mode change these rep stosw mov al,0xFF mov ecx,800*600 ; if you change mode change these rep stosb Letsloop: hlt jmp Letsloop ;************************************* ; GDT. ;************************************* gdt: dw 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 sys_data: dw 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x9200, 0x00CF sys_code: dw 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0x9800, 0x00CF gdt_end: gdtr: dw gdt_end - gdt - 1 dd gdt ;************************************* ; Make program 510 byte's + 0xaa55 ;************************************* times 510- ($-start) db 0 dw 0xaa55 ;************************************* ; Put uninitialized data here. ;************************************* ;=========================================================; ; Vesa Information Block 11/12/03 ; ;---------------------------------------------------------; ; DOS EXTREME OS V0.01 ; ; by Craig Bamford(Dex). ; ; ; ;=========================================================; ;============================== VESA MODE INFORMATION =========================================== Mode_Info: ModeInfo_ModeAttributes rw 1 ModeInfo_WinAAttributes rb 1 ModeInfo_WinBAttributes rb 1 ModeInfo_WinGranularity rw 1 ModeInfo_WinSize rw 1 ModeInfo_WinASegment rw 1 ModeInfo_WinBSegment rw 1 ModeInfo_WinFuncPtr rd 1 ModeInfo_BytesPerScanLine rw 1 ModeInfo_XResolution rw 1 ModeInfo_YResolution rw 1 ModeInfo_XCharSize rb 1 ModeInfo_YCharSize rb 1 ModeInfo_NumberOfPlanes rb 1 ModeInfo_BitsPerPixel rb 1 ModeInfo_NumberOfBanks rb 1 ModeInfo_MemoryModel rb 1 ModeInfo_BankSize rb 1 ModeInfo_NumberOfImagePages rb 1 ModeInfo_Reserved_page rb 1 ModeInfo_RedMaskSize rb 1 ModeInfo_RedMaskPos rb 1 ModeInfo_GreenMaskSize rb 1 ModeInfo_GreenMaskPos rb 1 ModeInfo_BlueMaskSize rb 1 ModeInfo_BlueMaskPos rb 1 ModeInfo_ReservedMaskSize rb 1 ModeInfo_ReservedMaskPos rb 1 ModeInfo_DirectColorModeInfo rb 1 ; VBE 2.0 extensions ModeInfo_PhysBasePtr rd 1 ModeInfo_OffScreenMemOffset rd 1 ModeInfo_OffScreenMemSize rw 1 ;======================================= START OF PROGRAM ====================================== |
17 May 2012, 12:42 |
Rusik 17 May 2012, 16:52
No result. I recorded a video screen, sorry for bad quality, wrote from the phone.
17 May 2012, 16:52 |
Dex4u 17 May 2012, 20:38
Thanks for the video, it maybe your mode numbers are not standard.
I will code a test app to get all supported mode from your card, once we have that we can move on. I will post it later tomorrow. |
17 May 2012, 20:38 |
freecrac 18 May 2012, 04:40
Here is litle peace of code that i use for to look into the modelist for a mode that provide a resolution we are looking for.
(Additonal it check the EDID of the monitor to make sure that we can set a LFB-vesamode with an own refreshrate.) Code: START: mov eax, 1 ; Request for feature flags DB 0Fh, 0A2h ; CPUID instruction test edx, 00800000h ; is MMX feature flag(bit 23) set? jz NOMMX mov ax, DATEN ; Store relative Segmentadress of the Datasegment mov ds, ax ; into DS-Segmentregister mov es, ax ; into ES-Segmentregister mov di, OFFSET VINF ; Buffer(512 Bytes) for VESA-Info mov ax, 4F00h ; Function 0 int 10h ; Get up to 512 Bytes es:di (Datasegment:VINF) cmp ax, 4Fh ; succsesfull ? jnz NOVESA ; else error: no Vesabios aviable cmp Byte PTR[di+5], 3 ; Compare major version number of Vesa jb NOVESA3 ; lesser than Version 3 ? lfs si, [di+0Eh] ; Get pointer of Modelist in FS:SI MODE: mov cx, fs:[si] ; Get Modenumber lea si, [si+2] ; Increase Offset of modelist (instead of add si,2) cmp cx, 0FFFFh ; End of list ? jz NOMODE add cx, 4000h + 800h ; VESAnumber + linear + CRTC mov ax, 4F01h ; Get Mode Info mov di, OFFSET MINF ; Buffer(256 Bytes) for Mode Info int 10h cmp ax, 4Fh jnz NOVESA cmp Word PTR[di+12h], MaxX jnz MODE cmp Word PTR[di+14h], MaxY jnz MODE cmp BYTE PTR[di+19h],20h ; 32 Bits per pixel? jnz MODE test BYTE PTR[di], 1 ; Mode supported ? jz NOMODE test BYTE PTR[di], 80h ; Linear access supported ? jz NOLIN cmp DWORD PTR[di+28h], 0 ; Linear Offset to the framebuffer aviable ? jz NOLIN test BYTE PTR[di+1], 4 ; Triple buffering supported ? jz NOTRIP mov eax, DWORD PTR[di+3Eh] ; Get MaxPixelClock cmp eax, DWORD PTR[PIXCLOC] ; and compare with our CRTC-Value jb NOCLOC ; if lesser than Error: No pixelcloc mov bp, cx ; Store the modenumber ;-------------------------------------- mov ax, 4F0Bh ; Get/set Pixel-Clock mov dx, cx xor bl, bl ; Get mov ecx, DWORD PTR[PIXCLOC] int 10h cmp ax, 4Fh jnz NOCLOC ; Error: No pixelcloc mov DWORD PTR[PIXCLOC], ecx ;-------------------------- xor eax, eax ; Calculate Refreshrate mov ax, [CRTC] ; Horizontal Total xor ebx, ebx mov bx, [VERTOTA] ; Vertikal Total mul ebx mov ebx, eax mov eax, ecx ; Pixelcloc mov esi, 10 xor edx, edx div esi xor edx, edx div ebx mov [REFRATE], ax ; RefreshRate=Pixelcloc/(HTotal*Vtotal) ;-------------------------------------- mov ax, 4F15h ; DDC - INSTALLATION CHECK xor bl, bl ; = 0 for to get the monitor information int 10h cmp ax, 4Fh jnz NODDC mov ax, 4F15h ; DDC - READ EDID mov bl, 1 xor cx, cx xor dx, dx mov di, OFFSET EDID int 10h mov eax, 0FD000000h ; Text-identifier V/H range mov bx, 36h cmp [di+bx], eax ; di+36h detailed timing #1 jz short H1 lea bx, [bx+12h] ; (add bx,12h) cmp [di+bx], eax ; di+48h detailed timing #2 jz short H1 lea bx, [bx+12h] cmp [di+bx], eax ; di+5Ah detailed timing #3 jz short H1 lea bx, [bx+12h] cmp [di+bx], eax ; di+6Ch detailed timing #4 jnz NODDC H1: cmp BYTE PTR[di+bx+6], MAXHZ jb NOHZ cmp BYTE PTR[di+bx+8], MAXKHZ jb NOKHZ ;-------------------------------------- mov ax, 4F02h ; Switch to the requested vesamode mov bx, bp ; with an access to the linear framebuffer mov di, OFFSET CRTC ; and with an own Video-Timing(..refreshrate) int 10h cmp ax, 4Fh jnz NOMODE ; ERROR: No Vesamode I wrote this pure 16 Bit DOS-application that demonstrate how to use a vesamode with a resolution of 1024 x 768 x 32 with an own refreshrate of 100hz and additionaly it demonstrate how to use the linear framebuffer with hardware triple buffering. To enable an access to the linear framebuffer i prefer the unrealmode/bigrealmode. For to use the unrealmode/bigrealmode we have to remove/REM any memmory manager like emm386.exe in our config.sys before. After rebooting without it we can start the aplication. Goal of the aplication: If the application starts without any error message, then the application switch into the vesamode and begin to move some balls across the screen and if they reached a border of the screen, then they turn their direction. For to terminate the application and to switch back to DOS in the textmode(3) please press any key on your keyboard. Minimum system requirements: Operating system: DOS 5, 6, or DOS 7 (a part of Windows98/ME) (not working under windows(DOSbox) and not working with a memmory manager like emm386.exe) MMX-CPU (tested on AMD Palomino 1800+@1550mhz and on AMD Tbred 2700+@2100mhz; Socket A mainboard with AGP) Fully working vesa 3 Bios (tested on MSI NVIDIA Geforce 4 TI 4200 64MB AGPx4 // failed with Powercolor ATI x800 pro(VBE3 256MB AGPx8)) CRT-Monitor with DDC and 96 khz (tested on 19" Samsung 940 and on 19" SAMTRON 96P) Download: http://www.alice-dsl.net/freecracmaps/Tool/Neutrip.zip Used resources: Public documents from vesa.org(register and/or login): EEDIDguideV1.pdf vbe3.pdf Dirk |
18 May 2012, 04:40 |
Mike Gonta 18 May 2012, 07:15
freecrac wrote: Used resources: http://web.archive.org/web/20061231170010/http://www.vesa.org/Public/ |
18 May 2012, 07:15 |
edfed 18 May 2012, 11:17
freecrac wrote:
fasm supports the cpuid instruction, no need to do it the raw way. and you should also avoid UPCASE for labels. UPCASE is generaly for EQUATES. |
18 May 2012, 11:17 |
Rusik 18 May 2012, 12:05
One more question about VESA. For example I have native 1600x900 resolution on my monitor and I use 1024x768 VESA resolution. As I know 1024x768 it means that I have on my screen:
_________ column 0; _ column 1; _ column 2; ................ column 1023 row 0 ._.| pixel 0 __. | pixel 1 __. | pixel 2 __ | ............... | pixel 1023 | row 1 ._.| pixel 1024 | pixel 1025 | pixel 1026 | ............... | pixel 2047 | row 2 ._.| pixel 2048 | pixel 2049 | pixel 2050 | ............... | pixel 3071 | ........... row 767 |pix 785408 |pix 785409 |pix 785410 | ............... |pix 786431 | As I understand, for address all pixels(1600x900) than in column[0,0] ... column[1023, 767] submitted information not of one pixel but about several pixels. That`s why low resolution is produced. But if my video card support 1600x1200 (122h) I will be used all columns from 0 to 1599 but only 900(0...899) rows from 1200, so it must by like native resolution of my monitor??? Last edited by Rusik on 07 Jan 2013, 09:44; edited 1 time in total |
18 May 2012, 12:05 |
freecrac 18 May 2012, 23:27
edfed wrote:
Ok. I hope the diffence in this code for "MASM 5" is not so far away, so that anybody can simple edit and assimilate the code for fasm. (MASM 6 also support the the cpuid instruction and adiitional also mmx, sse,3dnow, but for MASM 5 we have to handcode those instructions.) Quote: and you should also avoid UPCASE for labels. UPCASE is generaly for EQUATES. I do not know about an agreement of a special format for a generaly style of a code. And i am sorry, i do not like UPCASE for EQUATES and i always use UPCASE for labels. ... @Mike Gonta: Hello Mike, i remember you, because some years ago we met us first in comp.lang.asm.x86 and/or alt.lang.asm Between then and now i found evermore postings from you, so i know you have done a great job on your way. I think vesa.org change their own internet presence, because they want that we have to register us and to login before we can download those manuals. Some years ago it was possible to spread out a direct link to the manuals on vesa.org. But today this page where we can find those manuels on vesa.org become with every new access of this page also a new link address only for one access. If we left this page, then the link will be invalid. I am not sure if the "web.archive.org" authorized to spread out this manuals from vesa.org. Dirk |
18 May 2012, 23:27 |
freecrac 18 May 2012, 23:48
Rusik wrote: One more question about VESA. For example I have native 1600x900 resolution on my monitor and I use 1024x768 VESA resolution. As I know 1024x768 it means that I have on my screen: The interpolation stretch or clinch the pixel to fit the screen: http://www.prad.de/en/monitore/shownews_lex82.html http://www.prad.de/en/monitore/shownews_lex81.html Dirk |
18 May 2012, 23:48 |
Rusik 19 May 2012, 09:42
Thanks for the link freecrac ,where you were before with this links
If I understood correctly: If VESA mode with low resolution(320x200, 640x480 etc) then used stretching interpolation. But if VESA mode have higher resolution than the monitor, for example 1600x1200 VESA to 1600x900 monitor, what is done in this case, pressing interpolation??? |
19 May 2012, 09:42 |
edfed 19 May 2012, 14:29
when the screen is smaller than the graphics card resolution, the screen becomes a window, and you can scroll on the full resolution using this window.
19 May 2012, 14:29 |
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