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Index > Macroinstructions > HL Expressions in ASM!?

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Joined: 17 Jan 2012
Posts: 369
uart777 26 Apr 2012, 00:48
Hi, everyone!

Years ago, I was toying with the "let a=b" example macro written by Tomasz. I thought it was an interesting concept and a good example of the match directive, but it wasn't seriously useful because there is no difference between "mov eax,1" and "let eax=1"... not if there's only 1 operation.

So, I modified "let" with a forward to process multiple arguments then added more instructions - <<>> (shl/shr), &| (and/or) r=&[] (lea) - and basic optimizations like r=0 (xor r, r), x+1 (inc x). Now, it's extremely useful. You can write low-level "expressions" (so to speak) in polish notation, left to right with no precedence. Example:

; a=b*c+d>>4. reduces 5 lines to 1

let eax=[b], eax*[c], eax+[d], eax>>4, [a]=eax    

Here are example procedures that use "let" entirely:

; mix a, b, n - alpha combination. n=0-255
; note: this only processes one pixel, but is
; fast enough for small images such as text,
; controls and anti-aliasing edges

command mix, a, b, n
locals sr, sg, sb, dr, dg, db
let eax=[a], edx=[b]
.if [n]=NO  ; if no alpha, return a
  jmp .r
.if [n]>254 ; if maximum, return b
  let eax=edx
  jmp .r
let \ ; extract r/g/b components
ecx=eax, ecx>>16, ecx&0FFh, [sr]=ecx,\
ecx=eax, ecx>>8, ecx&0FFh, [sg]=ecx,\
ecx=eax, ecx&0FFh, [sb]=ecx,\
ecx=edx, ecx>>16, ecx&0FFh, [dr]=ecx,\
ecx=edx, ecx>>8, ecx&0FFh, [dg]=ecx,\
ecx=edx, ecx&0FFh, [db]=ecx
let \ ; calculate deltas: (((s-d)*a)>>Cool+d
eax=[sr], eax-[dr], eax*[n], eax>>8, eax+[dr],\
ecx=[sg], ecx-[dg], ecx*[n], ecx>>8, ecx+[dg],\
edx=[sb], edx-[db], edx*[n], edx>>8, edx+[db]
let \ ; construct RGB
eax<<16, ecx<<8, eax|ecx, eax|edx

command draw.tilemap, tm
locals p, i,\
x, y, mx, my, mw, mh, tw, th,\
locations, images
let eax=[tm],\
[mx]=[?map.x+eax], [my]=[?map.y+eax],\
[mw]=[?map.w+eax], [mh]=[?map.h+eax],\
[tw]=[?map.tile.w+eax], [th]=[?map.tile.h+eax],\
ecx=&[?map.locations.p+eax], [locations]=ecx,\
ecx=&[?map.images+eax], [images]=ecx
let [i]=0
.loop [y]=0 to [mh]
  .loop [x]=0 to [mw]
    array.index [locations], [i]
    .if dword [eax] not -1
      get [p]=array.index [images], [eax]
      let eax=[x], eax*[tw], eax+[mx],\
      ecx=[y], ecx*[th], ecx+[my]
      .if eax>=[screen.w]
        jmp .end.x
      .if ecx>=[screen.h]
        jmp .end.y
      draw.image.at [p], eax, ecx
    inc [i]

command text.copy, a, b
let eax=[a], edx=[b]
.while byte [edx] ; while *b
  let cl=[edx],\  ; *a++=*b++
  eax+1, edx+1
let byte [eax]=0

Finally, here's the advanced "let" macro (not quite finished yet):

macro let [p] {
define ?s 0
match =0 a==&b, ?s p \{ ; a=&[b], lea r, [b]
  lea a, b
  define ?s 1
match =0 a==>b, ?s p \{ ; a=>[b], movsx r, byte [b]
  movsx a, byte b
  define ?s 1
match =0 a==b, ?s p \{ ; a=b, mov or push/pop
  if a eqtype [] & b eqtype [] ; m=m
    push dword b
    pop dword a
; if r=0, use xor r,r
    if a in <eax,ecx,edx,ebx,esi,edi> & b eq 0
      xor a, a
      mov a, b
    end if
  end if
define ?s 1

; (match a-b must be located before a+b
; because it causes ambiguity with [disp+imm]?)

match =0 a-b, ?s p \{
if b eq 1
  dec a
  sub a, b
end if
define ?s 1 \}

match =0 a+b, ?s p \{
if b eq 1
  inc a
  add a, b
end if
define ?s 1

match =0 a*b, ?s p \{ imul a, b
define ?s 1 \}

; for idiv, only eax/n is allowed
; n must be r/m, not i. alters edx
; example: eax=n/123 may be written:
; let eax=n, ecx=123, eax/ecx

match =0 =eax/n, ?s p \{
idiv n
define ?s 1 \}
match =0 a<<b, ?s p \{ shl a, b
define ?s 1 \}
match =0 a>>b, ?s p \{ shr a, b
define ?s 1 \}
match =0 a&b, ?s p \{ and a, b
define ?s 1 \}
match =0 a|b, ?s p \{ or a, b
define ?s 1 \}
if ?s eq 0
ERROR: 'Invalid HL syntax: ' p
end if
Post 26 Apr 2012, 00:48
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Madis731 26 Apr 2012, 07:59
Its all great, but let doesn't have the power to choose which registers to trash or use mul instead of imul
Post 26 Apr 2012, 07:59
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Joined: 17 Jan 2012
Posts: 369
uart777 26 Apr 2012, 08:36
Madis: This code is merely an example of an advanced "let". Programmers can edit it any way they like.

Signed is the default for numbers that can be negative (example, coordinates). One could create a numeric 1/0 constant for un/signed operations:

sign=1     ; set signed operations
let [n]>>4 ; uses sar
sign=0     ; set unsigned operations
let [n]>>4 ; uses shr    

* "let doesn't have the power to choose which registers to trash" - No registers are altered except the specified destination. Example: let ecx=0 (xor ecx, ecx) alters ecx and nothing else.

* "mul instead of imul" - Just use "mul r/m" in the situations where it's needed.

Must we choose one or the other? HL or LL? Why not incorporate both? Smile
Post 26 Apr 2012, 08:36
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AsmGuru62 26 Apr 2012, 16:38
Does it do brackets too:
(eax-7)*(ecx+15) --> ???
Post 26 Apr 2012, 16:38
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