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drewtoby 05 Mar 2012, 21:24
Hello, I am new to assembly, so this should be an easy fix. I am trying to have a user input letter(s), which will then be stored in register ax. Then, after the user hits enter, ax will output its data, or what the user entered. As of now, the program only opens and then closes before the user can write in it: nothing else happens. What is the error here!? Thanks in advance for your help Very Happy

format binary as "exe"               ; Tell FASM to make an exe
mov [entr],ax
message db "entr"
Post 05 Mar 2012, 21:24
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AsmGuru62 06 Mar 2012, 03:30
Is that thing compiles?!...
I wrote a small console program as an example:
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; FILE: Conio.Asm
; DATE: March 5, 2012
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

format  PE CONSOLE 4.0
entry   start

    include 'Win32A.Inc'

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
section '.data' data readable writeable

    nChars    dd 0
    invite    db '--- COMMAND: ',0
    strExit   db 'EXIT',0Dh,0Ah,0
    response  rb 32

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
section '.code' code readable executable

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
align 32
    ; Load into EBX a handle to screen buffer
    invoke    GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
    mov       ebx, eax
    ; Prompt user to enter a command using LIGHT GREEN color
    invoke    SetConsoleTextAttribute, ebx, 0Ah
    invoke    WriteConsole, ebx, invite, 13, nChars, 0
    ; Now, wait for a user to type in a string and hit ENTER
    invoke    SetConsoleTextAttribute, ebx, 0Fh
    invoke    GetStdHandle, STD_INPUT_HANDLE
    mov       edi, response
    invoke    ReadConsole, eax, edi, 32, nChars, 0
    ; Terminate entered text with zero byte
    mov       eax, [nChars]
    mov       byte [edi + eax], 0
    ; Check if command entered is "EXIT".
    ; If not -- ask again!
    invoke    lstrcmpi, response, strExit
    test      eax, eax
    jnz       .ask_again
    ; "EXIT" entered, so stop monkeying around!
    invoke    ExitProcess, 0

; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
section '.idata' import data readable writeable

    library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',user32,'USER32.DLL',gdi32,'GDI32.DLL'

    include 'API\Kernel32.Inc'
    include 'API\User32.Inc'
    include 'API\Gdi32.Inc'
Post 06 Mar 2012, 03:30
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drewtoby 06 Mar 2012, 15:35
That is where I was heading with the program, thanks! I may use that as a code to build upon.

As for my small code, why does it not wait for an entry and then state what was entered? How can I fix that?
Post 06 Mar 2012, 15:35
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Enko 06 Mar 2012, 16:23

format binary as "exe"

This way you don't generate an executable but a binary file with file extention .exe

To run on windows you should generate a Portable Executable file format like ASMGuru did.
Post 06 Mar 2012, 16:23
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drewtoby 06 Mar 2012, 17:21
Okay, I will compile it that way. Is that the only issue? Or did I just write in psuedo-code?

If I did write in psuedo-code, what would be the best way to correct my coding for writing other codes?

And thanks for the responses so far!
Post 06 Mar 2012, 17:21
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AsmGuru62 06 Mar 2012, 17:37
@drewtoby: when you say "other codes" -- that is too wide a definition.
You see, the programming is kind of precise science - especially in Assembler language.
So, what exactly do you mean by "other codes"?

Win API provides a way to create TWO types of EXE files:
1. Console application (which has a form I posted)
2. Window (GUI based) application. Example of which you can see in
an archive provided with FASM - it is in folder called EXAMPLES
and the name of it is a TEMPLATE if I remember correctly.
Post 06 Mar 2012, 17:37
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drewtoby 06 Mar 2012, 22:47
I mean the needed codes that it will take to not have the console application crash from a lack of info, even if it does compile.

I tryed playing around with your posted code, and, as usual, I can get it to compile but not run (with my changes). I always get an "app crash" error when run in windows. But your code, as posted, runs just fine =)

I guess I am just asking how can I make a program that will not crash when I run it.

p.s.-I will check out the GUI application too, thanks.
Post 06 Mar 2012, 22:47
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typedef 07 Mar 2012, 01:29
drewtoby wrote:

I guess I am just asking how can I make a program that will not crash when I run it.

Don't beat yourself down we all came from there
Post 07 Mar 2012, 01:29
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drewtoby 07 Mar 2012, 02:22
Okay, thanks for your kind words Smile I'll keep trying and will post again soon, I am sure!!!!
Post 07 Mar 2012, 02:22
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AsmGuru62 07 Mar 2012, 15:09
Can you post the 'crashing' code?
Post 07 Mar 2012, 15:09
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drewtoby 08 Mar 2012, 01:48
format  PE CONSOLE 4.0

include 'E:/fasmw16940/INCLUDE/Win32A.Inc'

        section '.data' data readable writeable

filename  db 'test.txt',0
RichEditDLL    db 'riched20.DLL', 0
hRichEditDLL   dd ?
vv             dd ?
Input         dd 0
welcome       db 'Welcome. Please input letters to be written to test.txt ' ,0
response  rb 32

        section '.code' code readable executable

invoke    GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE  ;calls libaries
invoke LoadLibrary, RichEditDLL
mov    [hRichEditDLL],eax
invoke GetModuleHandle,0
mov    [vv],eax

align 32

    invoke    SetConsoleTextAttribute, ebx, 0Ah 
    invoke    WriteConsole, ebx, welcome, 13, Input, 0
    ; Now, wait for a user to type in a string and hit ENTER 
    invoke    SetConsoleTextAttribute, ebx, 0Fh 
    invoke    GetStdHandle, STD_INPUT_HANDLE 
    mov       edi, response 
    invoke    ReadConsole, ecx, edi, 32, Input, 0

proc StreamIn   Input   ;write input to test.txt

        invoke  WriteFile,[Input],filename,0



 mov       eax, [Input]  ;clears command/text
 mov       byte [edi + ecx], 0



invoke    ExitProcess,0

        section '.idata' import data readable writeable

    library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',user32,'USER32.DLL',gdi32,'GDI32.DLL'
    include 'API\Kernel32.Inc'
    include 'API\User32.Inc' 
    include 'API\Gdi32.Inc'

It's a mix of your code above and a posted rich edit code. It will open, then windows will post app crash =(
Post 08 Mar 2012, 01:48
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revolution 08 Mar 2012, 02:06
You left out the setting of ebx
    invoke    GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE
    mov       ebx, eax ;<--- you need this line, else the handle in eax is lost.    
Post 08 Mar 2012, 02:06
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drewtoby 08 Mar 2012, 02:57
Corrected and still crashes =( Thanks though!

format  PE CONSOLE 4.0

include 'E:/fasmw16940/INCLUDE/Win32A.Inc'

        section '.data' data readable writeable

filename  db 'test.txt',0
RichEditDLL    db 'riched20.DLL', 0
hRichEditDLL   dd ?
vv             dd ?
Input         dd 0
welcome       db 'Welcome. Please input letters to be written to test.txt ' ,0
response  rb 32

        section '.code' code readable executable

invoke    GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE  ;calls libaries
mov       ebx, eax ;<--- you need this line, else the handle in eax is lost.
invoke LoadLibrary, RichEditDLL
mov    [hRichEditDLL],ebx
invoke GetModuleHandle,0
mov    [vv],eax

align 32

    invoke    SetConsoleTextAttribute, ebx, 0Ah 
    invoke    WriteConsole, ebx, welcome, 13, Input, 0
    ; Now, wait for a user to type in a string and hit ENTER 
    invoke    SetConsoleTextAttribute, ebx, 0Fh 
    invoke    GetStdHandle, STD_INPUT_HANDLE 
    mov       ebx, eax ;<--- you need this line, else the handle in eax is lost.
    mov       edi, response
    invoke    ReadConsole, ecx, edi, 32, Input, 0

proc StreamIn   Input   ;write input to test.txt

        invoke  WriteFile,[Input],filename,0



 mov       eax, [Input]  ;clears command/text
 mov       byte [edi + ecx], 0



invoke    ExitProcess,0

        section '.idata' import data readable writeable

    library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',user32,'USER32.DLL',gdi32,'GDI32.DLL'
    include 'API\Kernel32.Inc'
    include 'API\User32.Inc' 
    include 'API\Gdi32.Inc'
Post 08 Mar 2012, 02:57
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revolution 08 Mar 2012, 03:02
You changed this line:
mov    [hRichEditDLL],eax ;You need the returned value from LoadLibrary in eax here    
Post 08 Mar 2012, 03:02
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drewtoby 08 Mar 2012, 13:55
Changed: still app crash...

format  PE CONSOLE 4.0

include 'E:/fasmw16940/INCLUDE/Win32A.Inc'

        section '.data' data readable writeable

filename  db 'test.txt',0
RichEditDLL    db 'riched20.DLL', 0
hRichEditDLL   dd ?
vv             dd ?
Input         dd 0
welcome       db 'Welcome. Please input letters to be written to test.txt ' ,0
response  rb 32

        section '.code' code readable executable

invoke    GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE  ;calls libaries
mov       ebx, eax ;<--- you need this line, else the handle in eax is lost.
invoke LoadLibrary, RichEditDLL
mov    [hRichEditDLL],eax ;You need the returned value from LoadLibrary in eax here
invoke GetModuleHandle,0
mov    [vv],eax

align 32

    invoke    SetConsoleTextAttribute, ebx, 0Ah 
    invoke    WriteConsole, ebx, welcome, 13, Input, 0
    ; Now, wait for a user to type in a string and hit ENTER 
    invoke    SetConsoleTextAttribute, ebx, 0Fh 
    invoke    GetStdHandle, STD_INPUT_HANDLE 
    mov       ebx, eax ;<--- you need this line, else the handle in eax is lost.
    mov       edi, response
    invoke    ReadConsole, ecx, edi, 32, Input, 0

proc StreamIn   Input   ;write input to test.txt

        invoke  WriteFile,[Input],filename,0



 mov       eax, [Input]  ;clears command/text
 mov       byte [edi + ecx], 0



invoke    ExitProcess,0

        section '.idata' import data readable writeable

    library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',user32,'USER32.DLL',gdi32,'GDI32.DLL'
    include 'API\Kernel32.Inc'
    include 'API\User32.Inc' 
    include 'API\Gdi32.Inc'
Post 08 Mar 2012, 13:55
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revolution 08 Mar 2012, 14:04
    invoke    ReadConsole, ecx, edi, 32, Input, 0     
ECX is undefined in the last line. Perhaps you meant to use EAX from the previous 'invoke' three lines above?

BTW: Even after fixing this line there are still lots more errors that you will find.
Post 08 Mar 2012, 14:04
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AsmGuru62 08 Mar 2012, 15:13
There are way too many problems in your code.

1. Why did you put a 'proc' in the middle of the code.
2. 'WriteFile' is used without actually opening a file.
3. 'WriteFile' has incorrect # of parameters.

I suggest this source to study:

You'll need at least 3 functions from there:

Post 08 Mar 2012, 15:13
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drewtoby 08 Mar 2012, 17:02
Okay, will continue to work on and post again in a day if my re-write fails. Will use your resource.
Post 08 Mar 2012, 17:02
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Enko 08 Mar 2012, 19:38
your code doesn´t define an EntryPoint
format  PE CONSOLE 4.0 

start is the label name, it could be what ever name you want, but it should be a Valid Label from where your code start to execute.

Check the AsmGuru example
Post 08 Mar 2012, 19:38
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drewtoby 08 Mar 2012, 21:09
Okay. One last noob question: How can I include:

include 'E:\PellesC\Lib\Win64\Kernel32.lib'
include 'E:/PellesC/Include/win/Windows.h'  

So I can use the OpenFile/CreateFile function!?

NOTE: I have tried #include<> too, but neither work.
Post 08 Mar 2012, 21:09
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