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Joined: 16 Jun 2003
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Miguel 11 Apr 2004, 22:24
;This code is working for others FASM´s versions , except 1.52
;Why not????


org 100h

SCREEN = 160
PIXBUF = 204h

mov al,13h
int 10h

push word 0A000h
pop es
mov ax,cs
add ah,10h
mov fs,ax

xor cx,cx
PAL1: mov dx,3C8h
mov ax,cx
out dx,al
inc dx
sar al,1
js PAL2
out dx,al
mul al
shr ax,6
out dx,al
PAL2: mov al,0
out dx,al
jns PAL3
sub al,cl
shr al,1
out dx,al
shr al,1
out dx,al
PAL3: mov bx,cx
mov [fs:bx],bl
loop PAL1

TEX: mov bx,cx
add ax,cx
rol ax,cl
mov dh,al
sar dh,5
adc dl,dh
adc dl,[fs:bx+255]
shr dl,1
mov [fs:bx],dl
not bh
mov [fs:bx],dl
loop TEX


MAIN: add bh,8
mov di,PIXBUF
fadd dword [ di-PIXBUF+TEXUV-4]
push di

mov dx,-80
TUBEY: mov bp,-160
fild word [ si-TEXUV+EYE]

mov [si],bp
fild word [si]
mov [si],dx
fild word [si]

mov cl,2
ROTATE: fld st3
fld st2
fmul st0,st1
fld st4
fmul st0,st3
fsubp st1,st0
fxch st3
fmulp st2,st0
fmulp st3,st0
faddp st2,st0
fxch st2

fld st1
fmul st0,st0
fld st1
fmul st0,st0
faddp st1,st0
fdivp st3,st0
fimul word [si-4]
fistp word [si]
fimul word [si-4]
fistp word [si+1]
mov si,[si]

lea ax,[bx+si]
add al,ah
and al,64
mov al,-5

shl si,2
lea ax,[bx+si]
sub al,ah
mov al,-16

shl si,1
mov al,-48
STORE: add al,[fs:bx+si]
add [di],al
inc di

inc bp
cmp bp,160
EYE = $-2

inc dx
cmp dx, 80

pop si
mov di,(100-SCREEN/2)*320
mov ch,(SCREEN/2)*320/256
rep movsw

mov ch,SCREEN*320/256
BLUR: dec si
sar byte [si],2
loop BLUR

in al,60h
dec ax
jnz near MAIN

mov al,03h
int 10h

db 41,0,0C3h,3Ch
TEXUV db "by BAZE ,fasm by miguel"

;in the zip files other code that are working

Description: other codes
Filename: otras.zip
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Downloaded: 464 Time(s)

Hola,Hello...my english is not good..but..
we understand us.....
Post 11 Apr 2004, 22:24
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Miguel 11 Apr 2004, 22:27
...others codes that are working..

Description: +++sources
Filename: pack.zip
Filesize: 3.04 KB
Downloaded: 480 Time(s)

Hola,Hello...my english is not good..but..
we understand us.....
Post 11 Apr 2004, 22:27
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Octavio 11 Apr 2004, 23:42
;This code is working for others FASM´s versions , except 1.52
;Why not????
if the code generated is not the same then it must be a fasm bug
else the problem could be at the end of your program:

mov al,03h
int 10h

db 41,0,0C3h,3Ch ; what this code does?
TEXUV db "by BAZE ,fasm by miguel"
Post 11 Apr 2004, 23:42
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Miguel 12 Apr 2004, 00:34
no Octavio !
...the code compile with fasm 151, 149..etc
without changes...
is the code of Menuet´s file Tube.asm and
not compile with fasm 152...yes with the others
....i think ..is a problem of fasm 152....
saludos noi!!

Hola,Hello...my english is not good..but..
we understand us.....
Post 12 Apr 2004, 00:34
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comrade 12 Apr 2004, 02:08
STORE has become reserved keyword in FASM 1.52, you cannot use it for labels.

This will work (I simply renamed STORE to STOR):

org 100h

SCREEN = 160
PIXBUF = 204h

mov al,13h
int 10h

push word 0A000h
pop es
mov ax,cs
add ah,10h
mov fs,ax

xor cx,cx
PAL1: mov dx,3C8h
mov ax,cx
out dx,al
inc dx
sar al,1
js PAL2
out dx,al
mul al
shr ax,6
out dx,al
PAL2: mov al,0
out dx,al
jns PAL3
sub al,cl
shr al,1
out dx,al
shr al,1
out dx,al
PAL3: mov bx,cx
mov [fs:bx],bl
loop PAL1

TEX: mov bx,cx
add ax,cx
rol ax,cl
mov dh,al
sar dh,5
adc dl,dh
adc dl,[fs:bx+255]
shr dl,1
mov [fs:bx],dl
not bh
mov [fs:bx],dl
loop TEX


MAIN: add bh,8
mov di,PIXBUF
fadd dword [ di-PIXBUF+TEXUV-4]
push di

mov dx,-80
TUBEY: mov bp,-160
fild word [ si-TEXUV+EYE]

mov [si],bp
fild word [si]
mov [si],dx
fild word [si]

mov cl,2
ROTATE: fld st3
fld st2
fmul st0,st1
fld st4
fmul st0,st3
fsubp st1,st0
fxch st3
fmulp st2,st0
fmulp st3,st0
faddp st2,st0
fxch st2

fld st1
fmul st0,st0
fld st1
fmul st0,st0
faddp st1,st0
fdivp st3,st0
fimul word [si-4]
fistp word [si]
fimul word [si-4]
fistp word [si+1]
mov si,[si]

lea ax,[bx+si]
add al,ah
and al,64
mov al,-5

shl si,2
lea ax,[bx+si]
sub al,ah
mov al,-16
jns STOR

shl si,1
mov al,-48
add al,[fs:bx+si]
add [di],al
inc di

inc bp
cmp bp,160
EYE = $-2

inc dx
cmp dx, 80

pop si
mov di,(100-SCREEN/2)*320
mov ch,(SCREEN/2)*320/256
rep movsw

mov ch,SCREEN*320/256
BLUR: dec si
sar byte [si],2
loop BLUR

in al,60h
dec ax
jnz near MAIN

mov al,03h
int 10h

db 41,0,0C3h,3Ch
TEXUV db "by BAZE ,fasm by miguel"    

comrade (comrade64@live.com; http://comrade.ownz.com/)
Post 12 Apr 2004, 02:08
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Joined: 16 Jun 2003
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Miguel 12 Apr 2004, 23:15
Embarassed ohhh!!
thank you!

Hola,Hello...my english is not good..but..
we understand us.....
Post 12 Apr 2004, 23:15
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Madis731 13 Apr 2004, 19:55
I you programmed all of these then...RE$P€CT Very Happy
anyone else doing 3D-cubes in stunning 256Bytes??? Neutral
Sad that D3D and OGL take about 2k on initing the screen:P
Post 13 Apr 2004, 19:55
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Intrinsic 14 Apr 2004, 20:05
No he didn't do this ;p Baze/3SC did.

The 3Ch at the end controls the speed of the camera movement, it is VERY sensitive and setting it too high will result in garbage Smile

1k OGL and DX is possible:

Post 14 Apr 2004, 20:05
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Madis731 14 Apr 2004, 22:43
OK Smile
I see that you are very clever: can't call DX from a com application
so you build yourself an exe which you can execute from your com:D
I wouldn't have ever thought of that...
Post 14 Apr 2004, 22:43
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Miguel 15 Apr 2004, 23:09
Very Happy

; Hello people!
; Madis731 many thanks by to believe during one moments that i´m a big programmer...but not
; ... I´m a newbie , i´m know nothing of programming, I´m learning programming asm in my little
; free time( in the night, when all is sleeping) for fun ....because i like it ........
;.....and for that,i get all the source code that see and ...
;I study it....modify...mix...test..cut...paste ...convert to fasm... and others ocurrences..
; I always learn something.....

; Shaded donut in 256 bytes
F_65536 = 4f800000h
F_256 = 48800000h
F_1 = 3f800000h
F_OO256 = 37800000h
F_OO65536 = 2f800000h
F_PI = 40490fdbh
F_TWOPI = 40c90fdbh
F_EXPFACTOR = 00800000h

DONUTRESA = 6 ; log2 of "number of vertices per ring"
DONUTRESB = 8 ; log2 of "number of rings"

ORG 100h
mov al,13h ; Set graphics mode (320x200x256)
int 10h
; Set palette (greyscale, 64 entries)
xchg ax,bx
mov dx,3c8h
out dx,al
inc dx
out dx,al
out dx,al
out dx,al
inc al
jnz @@col

mov dx,cs ; Setup extrasegs
add dh,10h
mov es,dx ; 1) Screenbuffer
add dh,10h
mov fs,dx ; 2) Zbuffer
mov bx, bss

; ax ? , bx bss ,cx 0 ,dx ?,si ? ,di ?,bp 0
; Update rotation

fld dword [bx+rot-bss] ; oldrot
fadd dword [bx+rot+4-bss] ; rot
fst dword [bx+rot-bss] ; rot
fsincos ; rotcos rotsin
fstp dword [bx+rotcos-bss] ; rotsin
fst dword [bx+rotsin-bss] ; rotsin
; Draw Donut
; rotsin is used as initial value for b, as b's starting value
; doesn't matter as long as it goes from x to x+2*PI
; b
fld st0 ; b b
fsincos ; cosb sinb b
fstp dword [bx+cosb-bss] ; sinb b
fst dword [bx+sinb-bss] ; sinb b

; sinb is used as initial value for a, as a's starting value
; doesn't matter as long as it goes from x to x+2*PI
; a b

call calcpoint ; Calculate one vertex/normal pair
lodsw ; Fetch y
xchg di,ax
imul di,320
lodsw ; Fetch x
add di,ax
add di,100*320+160 ; Center of screen
dec si
lodsw ; Fetch z * 256 + junk
mov al,byte [donutnormal+5] ; Fetch colour
add ax,0800ah ; Apply bias to z & colour

call dot2x2 ; Buffer/draw 2x2 pixel block

fadd dword [bx+donutinca-bss] ; a b
loop @@a

fstp st0 ; b
fadd dword [bx+donutincb-bss] ; b
dec dx
jnz @@b

fstp st0

; Copy screenbuffer to gfxmem, and clear screenbuffer & zbuffer
push ds
push es
pop ds
push 0a000h
pop es
mov di,si ; Go through whole segment, no
@@copyclr: ; matter where we begin
mov [si-1],dl
mov [fs:si],dl
loop @@copyclr
pop ds

mov ah,1 ; Check for keypress
int 16h
jz @@main

mov ax,3 ; Restore textmode
int 10h
ret ; Exit program
; Draw 2x2 zbuffered pixels in al colour , ah zbuffer value , es:di pixel

call @@y ; Two lines
add di,319
call @@x ; Two pixels per line
inc di
cmp ah,[fs:di] ; Zcompare
jb @@npixel1 ; Hidden? if not, draw to buffers
mov [fs:di],ah
dec di
; Calculate one vertex + corresponding normal
; in bx bss
; out si donutvertex

mov si, donutscalevertex
call @@calcvtx ; First gen vertex, then gen normal
fld st0 ; a a b
fsincos ; cosa sina a b
fmul dword [si] ; x0 sina a b
fadd dword [si+4] ; x1 sina a b
fld st0 ; x1 x1 sina a b
fmul dword [bx+sinb-bss] ; z2 x1 sina a b
fxch st1 ; x1 z2 sina a b
fmul dword [bx+cosb-bss] ; x2 z2 sina a b

fxch st2 ; sina z2 x2 a b
fmul dword [si] ; y0 z2 x2 a b
call rot2d ; z3 y3 x2 a b
fxch st2 ; x2 y3 z3 a b
call rot2d ; y4 x4 z3 a b

fistp word [si+16+2] ; x4 z3 a b
fistp word [si+16] ; z3 a b
fistp word [si+16+4] ; a b
add si,8

; Standard 2d rotation
; in bx bss
; st0 x0
; st1 y0
; out st0 y
; st1 x
rot2d: ; x0 y0
fld st1 ; y0 x0 y0
fmul dword [bx+rotcos-bss] ; cos*y0 x0 y0
fld st1 ; x0 cos*y0 x0 y0
fmul dword [bx+rotcos-bss] ; cos*x0 cos*y0 x0 y0
fld dword [bx+rotsin-bss] ; sin cos*x0 cos*y0 x0 y0
fmul st3,st0 ; sin cos*x0 cos*y0 sin*x0 y0
fmulp st4,st0 ; cos*x0 cos*y0 sin*x0 sin*y0
fsubrp st3,st0 ; cos*y0 sin*x0 cos*x0-sin*y0
faddp st1,st0 ; sin*x0+cos*y0 cos*x0-sin*y0


rot dd 0 ; Rotation angle
rotinc dd F_TWOPI - (F_EXPFACTOR * 6) ; Rotation speed

donutscalevertex dd F_1 + (F_EXPFACTOR * 4) ; Donut ring radius
dd F_1 + (F_EXPFACTOR * 5) ; Donut radius
donutscalenormal dd F_1 + F_EXPFACTOR * 14 - 300000h ; Normal-length
donutincb dd F_TWOPI - (F_EXPFACTOR * DONUTRESB) ; Almost 0.0
donutvertex dw ?,?,?,? ; Vertex/normal pair generated
donutnormal dw ?,?,?,? ; by calcpoint

rotcos dd ? ; Temporaries used in
rotsin dd ? ; donut generation
cosb dd ?
sinb dd ?

;Hey! Intrinsic ,where is the source of thah 1K DX prog....will be very interesting for us,
;will learning much things...
;The Dx.com start in this way:
; start:
; mov cx,400h ;bytes to copy ,1024
; mov si,500h
; mov di,0F99h
; mov bx,8000h
; std ;direction flag to 1,dec di and si
; rep movsd ;dd´s from ss:si to es:di?
; cld ;??I´m confuse,direction flag to 0, inc di si
; xchg si,di
; sub si,0FFE7h
; push di
; jmp 0F19h
; 0F19------------- add bx,bx xchg ax,bx movsb
; jnz 0F58 ret jmp 0F19H
; lodsw jb sigue ...........
; adc ax,ax sigue: ..........
; =============================================================================
; What´s doing that......???.....After the .com file turn on a Portable Executable
; =============================>>>>>>> ..it´s in the attachment
;how decompress in memory?
;What functions from msdos .com allow to run the hidden PE? exec?
;will to be able to run others ..( ring 0 code,..kernel mode drivers...etc) ?
;I´m going to think in thats questions..............

;greetings all forum..!!

Description: the dx.com??
Filename: aro.zip
Filesize: 6.13 KB
Downloaded: 438 Time(s)

Hola,Hello...my english is not good..but..
we understand us.....
Post 15 Apr 2004, 23:09
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aaro 16 Apr 2004, 01:35
Miguel please put code tags([code][/code]) around your code, it'll be much more readable.
Post 16 Apr 2004, 01:35
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madmatt 17 Apr 2004, 00:23
Hello, Who wrote these examples? Are there any more? These are very nice and have to be the tiniest graphics demos I've ever seen! And very well done demos as well. By the way you can also get demos (mostly DirextX, if not all) at scene.org and of course they are quite a bit larger.
Post 17 Apr 2004, 00:23
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Miguel 18 Apr 2004, 23:38
Smile Hello
; I don´t know who wrotes these examples.They are in olds cd´s, from PC spain´s magazines,
; www.256b.com is a good place...
; from the net and cd´s from friends collectors of software
;anothers two examples:
; a galaxia

ORG 100h
max = 4096
maxZ = 5000
mov di,vars
mov ch,60
rep stosw

mov al,13h
int 10h

mov al,cl
mov dx,3c8h
out dx,al
inc dx
cmp al,64
jb b64_1
mov al,63
out dx,al
mov al,cl
shr al,1
out dx,al
out dx,al
loop pal

push 8000h
pop ES

mov si,max

mov ax,[Z+si]
cmp ax,maxZ-(maxZ/4)
jg NewStar
cmp ax,2
jg Zok
mov ax,bp
mov [X+si],ax

imul ax,8405h
inc ax
mov bp,ax

shr ax,6
sub ax,400
mov [Y+si],ax

mov [Z+si],maxZ-(maxZ/2)

mov ax,[X+si]
movsx dx,ah
shl ax,8

mov cx,[Z+si]

idiv cx
add ax,320/2
cmp ax,320-1
jge NewStar
cmp ax,1
jle NewStar

mov di,ax

mov ax,[Y+si]
movsx dx,ah
shl ax,8
idiv cx
add ax,200/2

imul ax,320
add di,ax

mov al,127

mov ax,[X+si]
cmp ax,00
jge .add
neg ax
shr ax,6
add [Y+si],ax
jmp .notadd
shr ax,6
sub [Y+si],ax
add [Z+si],ax
mov ax,[Y+si]
sar ax,3
add [X+si],ax


dec si
dec si
jnz migu

push DS
push ES
pop DS

xor di,di
xor cx,cx
movzx ax,[DS:di]
movzx dx,[DS:di+1]
add ax,dx
mov dl,[DS:di-320]
add ax,dx
mov dl,[DS:di+321]
add ax,dx
shr ax,2

cmp al,0
je .skip
dec ax

loop .blur

push 0a000h
pop ES

mov si,di
mov ch,81h
rep movsw

pop DS

mov dx,3dah
in al,dx
test al,8
jz .vrt

in al,60h
dec ax
jnz main

mov al,3
int 10h


LABEL vars
X rw max
Y rw max
Z rw max
;a 256 tunnel

org 100h
; sinetable used for the twirling
sinetab equ 64010

tt1 = 64570
tt2 = 64575
; misc tunnel position values
aa1 = 64590
aa2 = 64591
aa3 = 64592
aa4 = 64593

mov ah,080h
mov ds,ax
mov ah,0a0h
mov es,ax
; setting mode13
mov ax,13h
int 10h

; clear the copro before creating sinetable and setting the palette
mov cx,256
mov di,sinetab
mov dx,3c8h
xor ax,ax
out dx,al
inc dx
fld st0
fimul word [cs:fme]
fiadd word [cs:fme]
fistp dword [di]
fadd dword [cs:fadda]
mov al,ah
shr al,2
out dx,al
out dx,al
xor al,al
out dx,al
inc ah
inc di
loop sinpal_loop

; create the LUT for the tunnel
; lut setup:
; 320x100 with
; 2 bytes.. first = angle(0>_x>_255), second = Z of tunnel
; this tunnel uses polar cords..
; so the precalc is simply
; beware of pseudo code..! Smile
; angle=atan(x/y)
; distZ=3000/sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
; you might be wondering how the Z stuff works..
; if you remember the old projection formula
; u=x/z where u is screen X and x and z is the 3D coords
; if we rewrite this we get that
; z=x/u
; so 3000 is the radius of our tunnel, u is in our case the distance from the
; center of the screen and then Z is resolved
mov cx,32000
mov bx,320
xor di,di
mov ax,cx
add ax,319
xor dx,dx

div bx

sub dx,160
sub ax,50
mov [tt1],ax
mov [tt2],dx

fild word [tt1]
fild word [tt2]
fmul dword [cs:fma]
fistp word [di]

inc di
fild word [tt1]
fimul word [tt1]
fild word [tt2]
fimul word [tt2]
faddp st1,st0
fidivr word [cs:fp]
fistp word [di]
inc di

loop tunnel_precalc

add byte[aa4],2
dec byte[aa3]
inc byte[aa1]
inc byte[aa2]
mov di,0
call dotun
call dotun

; check the last pressed key
in al,60h
dec al
; scancode for ESC = 1.. 1-1 = 0 .. if this is true then exit
jnz main

; set mode 3(text)
mov ax,3
int 10h
; and exit

; painting code..
; distorts the angle depending on the sinetable and the distance..
mov cx,32000
mov si,0
xor bh,bh
mov bl,[si+1]
add bl,[aa3]
mov al,[bx+sinetab]

mov bl,[si+1]
add bl,[aa4]
add al,[bx+sinetab]

mov bl,[si]
add bl,al

add bl,[aa2]
and bl,0f0h

mov al,bl

inc si
mov bl,[si]
add bl,[aa1]
inc si
and bl,0f0h
xor al,bl
loop inner

fp dw 3000
fme dw 30
fadda dd 0.024543692
fma dd 40.74366543

Hola,Hello...my english is not good..but..
we understand us.....
Post 18 Apr 2004, 23:38
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