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Index > Macroinstructions > How to convert from dec to hex or vice versa?

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KIRK 09 Oct 2011, 08:15
I want to do something like this:
rept 256 n {
   if defined hex(n)
      db 1
      db 0
   end if

dc 0FFh
macro dc Code
{ int(Code): db Code
Post 09 Oct 2011, 08:15
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Madis731 10 Oct 2011, 17:13
Strange that I couldn't find something this simple on the board.
So here goes:
; Takes eax and turns it into a hex-string in [edi] (16 or 32-bit)
    eax2hex: ;di to di+cx
        push    eax ebx edx
        mov     ebx,16
        xor     edx,edx
        div     ebx
        add     edx,"0"
        cmp     edx,"9"
        jbe     @f
        add     edx,"A"-"9"-1
        mov     [edi+ecx-1],dl
        sub     ecx,1
        jne     .l
        pop     edx ebx eax

;Translates rax into hex-string in strbuf
        push    rax rbx rcx rdx
        mov     ebx,16
        mov     ecx,15
        mov     byte[strbuf+16],0
        xor     edx,edx
        div     rbx
        add     edx,"0"
        cmp     edx,"9"
        jbe     @f
        add     edx,"A"-"9"-1
        mov     [strbuf+rcx],dl
        sub     ecx,1
        jnc     .l
        pop     rdx rcx rbx rax

;16/32/64-bit eax into dec-string in strbuf
        mov     ebx,10
        mov     ecx,8
        mov     byte[strbuf+9],0
        xor     edx,edx
        div     ebx
        add     edx,"0"
        mov     [strbuf+ecx],dl
        sub     ecx,1
        jnc     .l

Sorry I don't understand your macros. The first one only generates ones and zeroes.
Post 10 Oct 2011, 17:13
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AsmGuru62 10 Oct 2011, 17:21
Post 10 Oct 2011, 17:21
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cod3b453 10 Oct 2011, 17:43
Since this is under macros I'll assume you want similiar to this, which displays strings from value:
@DISPLAY_SIGNED                 equ 0
@DISPLAY_UNSIGNED               equ 1

@DISPLAY_GROUP4                 equ  4
@DISPLAY_GROUP8                 equ  8
@DISPLAY_GROUP16                equ 16
@DISPLAY_GROUP32                equ 32
@DISPLAY_GROUP64                equ 64
@DISPLAY_GROUPNONE              equ ((1 shl 63) - 1)

@DISPLAY_SCALE10                equ 1000
@DISPLAY_SCALE2                 equ 1024

macro @display_newline
        display CR,LF

macro @display_bin8 val,group
        display 'bin:'

        repeat 8
                display '0'+((val shr (8 - %)) and 0x01)

                if ((% mod group) = 0)
                        display ' '
                end if
        end repeat

macro @display_bin16 val,group
        display 'bin:'

        repeat 16
                display '0'+((val shr (16 - %)) and 0x01)

                if ((% mod group) = 0)
                        display ' '
                end if
        end repeat

macro @display_bin32 val,group
        display 'bin:'

        repeat 32
                display '0'+((val shr (32 - %)) and 0x01)

                if ((% mod group) = 0)
                        display ' '
                end if
        end repeat

macro @display_dec8 val,type
        local number

        number = (val and 0xFF)

        if type
                @display_dec64 number,type
                if (number and 0x80)
                        number = (number or 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF00)
                end if

                @display_dec64 number,type
        end if

macro @display_dec16 val,type
        local number

        number = (val and 0xFFFF)

        if type
                @display_dec64 number,type
                if (number and 0x8000)
                        number = (number or 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF0000)
                end if

                @display_dec64 number,type
        end if

macro @display_dec32 val,type
        local number

        number = (val and 0xFFFFFFFF)

        if type
                @display_dec64 number,type
                if (number and 0x80000000)
                        number = (number or 0xFFFFFFFF00000000)
                end if

                @display_dec64 number,type
        end if

; @display_dec64 adapted from macro by revolution 2011
macro @display_dec64 val,type
        local number
        local leading_zero
        local digit
        local divisor

        display 'dec:'

        number = (val and 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)

        if type
                if number < 0
                        number = number - 10000000000000000000

                        if number < 0
                                number = number + 10000000000000000000
                                display '9'
                                display '1'
                        end if
                end if
        end if

        if number = (1 shl 63)
                display '-9223372036854775808'
                if number < 0
                        number = -number
                        display '-'
                end if

                leading_zero = 0
                divisor = 1000000000000000000

                while divisor > 0
                        digit = number / divisor
                        leading_zero = leading_zero + digit

                        if leading_zero | (divisor = 1)
                                display digit+'0'
                                number = number - (digit * divisor)
                        end if

                        divisor = divisor / 10
                end while
        end if

macro @display_dec_scaled val,scale
        __display_scale equ      0 ,\

        local number
        local index
        local suffix

        number = val
        index = 0

        if (scale = @DISPLAY_SCALE10)
                if number < 0
                        number = number - 10000000000000000000

                        if number < 0
                                number = number + 10000000000000000000
                        end if

                        number = (number / 1000) + 10000000000000000
                        index = index + 1
                end if
        end if

        while (number > scale)
                number = number / scale
                index = index + 1
        end while

        @display_dec64 number,@DISPLAY_SIGNED

        virtual at 0
                db __display_scale

                load suffix byte from index
        end virtual

        display suffix

macro @display_hex8 val,group
        local .x

        display 'hex:'

        repeat 2
                .x = (val and (0x0F shl ((2 - %) shl 2))) shr ((2 - %) shl 2) or '0'

                if .x > '9'
                        .x = .x + 'A' - ':'
                end if

                display .x

                if (((% * 4) mod group) = 0)
                        display ' '
                end if
        end repeat

macro @display_hex16 val,group
        local .x

        display 'hex:'

        repeat 4
                .x = (val and (0x0F shl ((4 - %) shl 2))) shr ((4 - %) shl 2) or '0'

                if .x > '9'
                        .x = .x + 'A' - ':'
                end if

                display .x

                if (((% * 4) mod group) = 0)
                        display ' '
                end if
        end repeat

macro @display_hex32 val,group
        local .x

        display 'hex:'

        repeat 8
                .x = (val and (0x0F shl ((8 - %) shl 2))) shr ((8 - %) shl 2) or '0'

                if .x > '9'
                        .x = .x + 'A' - ':'
                end if

                display .x

                if (((% * 4) mod group) = 0)
                        display ' '
                end if
        end repeat

macro @display_hex64 val,group
        local .x

        display 'hex:'

        repeat 16
                .x = (val and (0x0F shl ((16 - %) shl 2))) shr ((16 - %) shl 2) or '0'

                if .x > '9'
                        .x = .x + 'A' - ':'
                end if

                display .x

                if (((% * 4) mod group) = 0)
                        display ' '
                end if
        end repeat

macro @display_timestamp
        local .t
        local .t_s
        local .t_m
        local .t_h

        .t = %t

        .t_s =   .t                               mod 60
        .t_m = ((.t               - .t_s) /   60) mod 60
        .t_h = ((.t - (.t_m * 60) - .t_s) / 3600) mod 24

        display '0'+(.t_h / 10),'0'+(.t_h mod 10)
        display ':'
        display '0'+(.t_m / 10),'0'+(.t_m mod 10)
        display ':'
        display '0'+(.t_s / 10),'0'+(.t_s mod 10)
but you can also make FASM write a value back out e.g changing display_hex8:
macro @convert_hex8 dst,val
        local .x

        repeat 2
                .x = (val and (0x0F shl ((2 - %) shl 2))) shr ((2 - %) shl 2) or '0'

                if .x > '9'
                        .x = .x + 'A' - ':'
                end if

                store byte .x at dst+(%-1)
        end repeat

my_str dq 0

@convert_hex8 my_str,0xFF      
will put the string "FF" into my_str
Post 10 Oct 2011, 17:43
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AE 12 Nov 2022, 09:29
Madis731 wrote:
Strange that I couldn't find something this simple on the board.
So here goes:
;Translates rax into hex-string in strbuf
        push    rax rbx rcx rdx
        mov     ebx,16
        mov     ecx,15
        mov     byte[strbuf+16],0
        xor     edx,edx
        div     rbx
        add     edx,"0"
        cmp     edx,"9"
        jbe     @f
        add     edx,"A"-"9"-1
        mov     [strbuf+rcx],dl
        sub     ecx,1
        jnc     .l
        pop     rdx rcx rbx rax

And there's one for Unicode, too?
Post 12 Nov 2022, 09:29
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revolution 12 Nov 2022, 09:49
AE wrote:
And there's one for Unicode, too?
What encoding do you mean by "Unicode"?

Do you want UTF-8 encoding. Or UTF-16 (WTF-16)? UCS2? UTF-32?
Post 12 Nov 2022, 09:49
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AE 12 Nov 2022, 10:03
I mean that with include 'win64w.inc' it will not work Smile
Post 12 Nov 2022, 10:03
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revolution 12 Nov 2022, 10:07
That would be widechar in MS parlance.

So you need to store two bytes per character.
        mov     ecx,15*2
        mov     word[strbuf+32],0
        mov     [strbuf+rcx],dx
        sub     ecx,2
Post 12 Nov 2022, 10:07
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AE 12 Nov 2022, 11:15
revolution wrote:
So you need to store two bytes per character.

Post 12 Nov 2022, 11:15
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