as a real project, i want to start a dmx512 controler coding for PC, and a sort of dmx adapter based on pic, in order to control a sort of triac or lamp without needing a lot of modifications. just a sort of wire with 230V and dMX terminaision, and a pic inside.
i have all the hardware and kownledge for that, i just need some more motivation.
who is interrested in this kind of project,
all in assembly of course, and compiled with fasm.
as a design book, i want this:
console in mode 13h, real mode (for the moment),but only mode 13h, it is enough just to display faders and scene simulations. and will not eat a lot of ressources.
dmx adapter for output on paralel port, then, up to 8 dmx ports with a single pc, means a very good thing. but maybe very hard to manage due to the eventual distorsions and interferences, or just the speed limit of the lpt port.
for that, i will maybe use a pic in order to emit the dmx paquet at the desired frequency, in a continuous loop, even if no order are given by the pc.
the receptors will be based on pic too, and will just have the control of channels they are assigned by code or switches (or else..).
for a single power switch, only one channel is needed, then, assuming a pic can control a lot of channels, it will be cool to try to implement a lot of cool effects... rotate motors, light intensity, maybe led colors, etc...
and the next time, i will speak about a modular giant screen, based on automatic coordinate recognition from any "pixel"inserted in the grid.
but this is more a very hard thing to abord for now, first, work on DMX512, the hello world will be a simple triac controler with intensity from 0 to 255, as channel 0 (no adress switch programmed)
as a constraint, i will use pic12f675 (because i have 4 of them ready to code)
as another constraint, i will use the interrupt to analyse the DMX stream, via a differential amplifier based on some opamp i have.
the goal of this project is to build a very low cost open source diy dmx product, for anybody who needs some dmx control.
i hope it will interrest a lot of you to join such a project.
every help for testing, coding, brain storming, is welcome.