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Index > OS Construction > Embed COM Screen Saver as bootloader

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Joined: 05 Aug 2011
Posts: 1
h17 05 Aug 2011, 21:45
I have an old 16bit com screen saver I would like to embed as bootloader in MBR, but it needs some conversion. I think most of the code below is fine to run as bootloader except for a couple calls to int 21 for memory allocs at start

Where would be safe place to use for these memory blocks?

(following from disasm not my code)

[bits 16]
[org 100h]

             mov     bh, 10h
             mov     ah, 4Ah
             int     21h             ; DOS - 2+ - ADJUST MEMORY BLOCK SIZE (SETBLOCK)
                                    ; ES = segment address of block to change
                                   ; BX = new size in paragraphs
               mov     ah, 48h
             int     21h             ; DOS - 2+ - ALLOCATE MEMORY
                                        ; BX = number of 16-byte paragraphs desired
                 mov     gs, ax
              mov     bh, 20h
             mov     ah, 48h
             int     21h             ; DOS - 2+ - ALLOCATE MEMORY
                                        ; BX = number of 16-byte paragraphs desired
                 mov     fs, ax
              mov     es, ax
              mov     bp, 1DDh
            mov     cl, 0C8h
             xor     di, di
              mov     bx, 0FF60h

              mov     ax, cx
              sub     ax, 64h
             mov     [bp+3], ax
          mov     [bp+5], bx
          fild    word [bp+5]
                 fild    word [bp+3]
                 fld     st0
                 fmul    st0, st0
            fld     st2
                 fmul    st0, st0
            faddp   st1, st0
               fidivr  word [bp+1]
                 fistp   word [es:di]
              fimul   word [bp+0]
                 fistp   word [es:di+1]
          inc     di
          inc     di
          inc     bx
          cmp     bx, 9Fh
             jle     near_top_loop1
              mov     ax, es
              add     ax, 28h
             mov     es, ax
              loop    loop1
                mov     al, cl
              xor     al, ch
              mov     bx, cx
              mov     [gs:bx], al
             loop    loop2
               mov     cl, 10h

                 mov     al, [gs:bx]
             dec     bl
          add     al, [gs:bx]
             inc     bl
          inc     bh
          add     al, [gs:bx]
             sub     bh, 2
               add     al, [gs:bx]
             inc     bh
          shr     ax, 2
               mov     [gs:bx], al
             inc     bx
          jnz     loop_3
              loop    loop_3
              mov     al, 13h
             int     10h             ; - VIDEO -
                 push    0A000h
              pop     es
           mov     al, cl
              mov     dx, 3C8h
            out     dx, al
              inc     dx
          out     dx, al
              out     dx, al
              out     dx, al
              loop    loop4

           inc     bp
          mov     dl, 0DAh
                 in      al, dx          ; Video status bits:
                                    ; 0: retrace.  1=display is in vert or horiz retrace.
                                   ; 1: 1=light pen is triggered; 0=armed
                                  ; 2: 1=light pen switch is open; 0=closed
                                       ; 3: 1=vertical sync pulse is occurring.
                test    al, 8
               jz      loc_101A4
                in      al, dx          ; Video status bits:
                                    ; 0: retrace.  1=display is in vert or horiz retrace.
                                   ; 1: 1=light pen is triggered; 0=armed
                                  ; 2: 1=light pen switch is open; 0=closed
                                       ; 3: 1=vertical sync pulse is occurring.
                test    al, 8
               jnz     loc_101A9
           push    fs
          xor     di, di
              mov     cl, 0C8h
             xor     si, si
           mov     bx, [fs:si]
             add     bx, bp
              mov     al, [gs:bx]
               cmp     si, 280h
            jl      loc_101B6
           mov     ax, fs
              add     ax, 28h
             mov     fs, ax

          loop    loop5
               pop     fs

              mov     ah, 11h
             int     16h             ; KEYBOARD - CHECK ENHANCED KEYSTROKE                                                           ; Return: ZF clear if keystroke available
                                       ; AH = scan code \ meaningless if ZF = 1
                                   ; AL = character /
                                  ; ZF set if kbd buffer empty
                jz      short no_key
                mov     ax, 3
               int     10h             ; - VIDEO - SET VIDEO MODE
                                  ; AL = mode

db 29h, 0, 0Ah, 0Ah, 
db 0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,
db 0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh


Post 05 Aug 2011, 21:45
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Joined: 20 Feb 2006
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edfed 05 Aug 2011, 23:49
in boot, you cannot use int21h memalloc.
but it is not a problem since you don't need memalloc to generate a video effect.

then, instead of using dos, just use direct memory for video and buffers.

at boot, you can assume you have segments 1000h to 9000h free to use (don't care about the EBDA in 9000h segment for the moment).
then, you have 512 Kbytes to work with at boot.

this is largelly enough to generate a screen saver.
Post 05 Aug 2011, 23:49
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