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Joined: 30 Mar 2006
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MHajduk 08 Jul 2011, 12:52
Yeah, Picnic, bitRAKE's code shows a smart way of the stack use for the string reversal. But we can do the same playing only with direction flag DF which affects the way the esi and edi registers are modified after lodsX / stosX instructions.

Here you have a procedure which shows the whole idea:
; Reversing procedure.
proc ReverseString, Input, Output, InputLen

       push    ecx esi edi

     mov     ecx, [InputLen] ; Length of the input string
                                ; without following zero byte.

  mov     esi, [Input]    ;
   add     esi, ecx        ; 
  dec     esi             ; Now esi points to the last
                                ; non-zero byte of the input
                                ; string.
    mov     edi, [Output]   ; Pointer to the output buffer.

 ; Reversing loop.
               loop    .Loop

   pop     edi esi ecx

And here you have an exemplary proggie where you can test it:
include 'win32ax.inc' 

        InputStr        db "Exemplary string."
    InputStrLen     = $ - InputStr
                      db 0
    ReversedStr     rb InputStrLen
                      db 0

          invoke  MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, InputStr, "Original string", MB_OK

          stdcall ReverseString, InputStr, ReversedStr, InputStrLen

               invoke  MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, ReversedStr, "Reversed string", MB_OK

               invoke  ExitProcess, 0

          ; Reversing procedure.
           proc    ReverseString, Input, Output, InputLen

                       push    ecx esi edi

                     mov     ecx, [InputLen] ; Length of the input string
                                                ; without following zero byte.

                  mov     esi, [Input]    ;
                   add     esi, ecx        ; 
                  dec     esi             ; Now esi points to the last
                                                ; non-zero byte of the input
                                                ; string.
                    mov     edi, [Output]   ; Pointer to the output buffer.

                 ; Reversing loop.
                               loop    .Loop

                   pop     edi esi ecx


.end start
Post 08 Jul 2011, 12:52
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edfed 08 Jul 2011, 14:37
simple, but bloat.

push a dword to save a byte is not optimal.
i find it better to use two pointers to do the job.
Post 08 Jul 2011, 14:37
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AsmGuru62 08 Jul 2011, 15:09
It requires a buffer - better to do it in place.
Buffers are not easy to come up with. Smile
Post 08 Jul 2011, 15:09
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r22 08 Jul 2011, 17:00
All of the answers on this thread are lacking over-the-top, unnecessary optimization. Since no one has presented a multithreaded solution I was forced to type the following.
_RevStrOff dd -1 ;; current working offset
_RevStrStart dd 0 ;; constant start pointer
_RevStrEnd dd 0 ;; constant end pointer
_RevStrSync dd 0 ;; synchronization semaphore
_RevStrThrCnt dd 0 ;; number of threads in RevStr's worker thread pool

;; Create a bunch (optimal amount) of threads
;; with RevStrThread as the Thread Proc
;; This function is not thread safe LOL
 MOV ecx,[esp+8] ;; len
 MOV eax,[esp+4] ;; ptr
 CMP ecx, 1 ;; useless length
 JLE .die
 CMP eax, -1 ;; useless string
 JE .die
 MOV edx, [_RevStrThrCnt]
 CMP [_RevStrSync], edx
 JNE .sync
 LEA edx, [eax + ecx - 1] ;;end
 MOV [_RevStrEnd], edx
 SHR ecx, 1 ;; len / 2
 DEC ecx ;; (len / 2) -1
 MOV [_RevStrStart], eax
 MOV [_RevStrOff], ecx
.wait: ;;wait for the thread pool to finish
 CMP [_RevStrOff], 0 ;; wait while offset >= 0
 JGE .wait
 RET 8

.reset: ;; reset and go into wait mode
 MOV [_RevStrOff], -1
 LOCK ADD [_RevStrSync], 1
 JMP .wait
 LOCK SUB [_RevStrSync], 1
 MOV esi, [_RevStrStart] ;; start ptr
 MOV edi, [_RevStrEnd] ;; end ptr
 MOV ebx, -1
 LOCK XADD [_RevStrOff], ebx ;; ebx = current offset
 CMP ebx, ebx ;; reset if offset < 0 
 JS .reset
 LEA ecx, [ebx*-1] ;; -offset
 MOV al, byte[esi + ebx]
 MOV ah, byte[edi + ecx]
 MOV byte[esi + ebx], ah
 MOV byte[edi + ecx], al
 JMP .again
.wait: ;; wait for a new string
 CMP [_RevStrOff], 0 ;; wait while offset < 0
 JL .wait
 JMP .work

* edit * I'm kind of curious if this actually works now...

Last edited by r22 on 08 Jul 2011, 19:40; edited 1 time in total
Post 08 Jul 2011, 17:00
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MHajduk 08 Jul 2011, 19:22
edfed wrote:
push a dword to save a byte is not optimal.
Could you explain what do you mean? Your comment is unclear.

EDIT: after a while I got it. You were talking about bitRAKE's method quoted in the Picnic's post. Explicit quoting is a good manner - nobody is forced to guess somebody's thoughts then. Wink

Last edited by MHajduk on 08 Jul 2011, 20:02; edited 1 time in total
Post 08 Jul 2011, 19:22
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MHajduk 08 Jul 2011, 19:24
AsmGuru62 wrote:
It requires a buffer - better to do it in place.
Buffers are not easy to come up with. Smile
Yes, but we destroy the original value then. Wink My procedure may be applied in case we want to make a reversed copy of the given string.
Post 08 Jul 2011, 19:24
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jochenvnltn 23 Jan 2013, 21:50
proc StrReverse lpString:DWORD
mov eax,[lpString]                       ; put string address in EAX
mov edx,eax                            ; same in EDX
@@:                                    ; move EDX to the end of string
add edx,1
cmp byte [edx],0
jne @B
sub edx,1                              ; return EDX to last not null character
mov cl,byte [eax]          ; swap EAX and EDX, moving from two brinks
mov ch,byte [edx]          ; in opposite directions
mov [eax],ch                   ; while EAX is less than EDX
mov [edx],cl
add eax,1
sub edx,1
cmp eax,edx
jl @B
[Edit by Loco]Added code tags.[/edit]
Post 23 Jan 2013, 21:50
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