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Index > IDE Development > ASMEDIT.INC (bug + solution)

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Joined: 24 Dec 2008
Posts: 1081
Location: Belgium
ouadji 25 Jun 2011, 22:51

with the original ASMEDIT.INC code,
after a "file/save", multi_BACK or multi_DELETE does not change the file "state" (modified/unmodified) ... the file keeps the unmodified state.

1) Put the caret in the middle of a line,
2) "delete" ... ok, the file state is modified
3) save/file ... ok, now the file state is unmodified
don't put back the focus on the line
but the caret is still on the line
4) "delete" again
bug, the file keeps the unmodified state !
(if "EXIT", the last changes are lost)

solution ---> (in fact, like "VK_SPACE" code)

; - A -

;=== my code A =================================
   mov     [current_operation],VK_BACK
 cmp     [last_operation],VK_BACK
    jne     back_undopoint
      mov     edx,[unmodified_state]
      cmp     edx,[undo_data]
     jne     undo_back_ok
        xor     edx,edx
     mov     [unmodified_state],edx
      jmp     undo_back_ok
 call    make_undopoint

;=== original A =================================
;       mov     [current_operation],VK_BACK
;        cmp     [last_operation],VK_BACK
;   je      undo_back_ok
;       call    make_undopoint

; - B -

;=== my code B ==================================
   mov     [current_operation],VK_DELETE
       cmp     [last_operation],VK_DELETE
  jne     delete_undopoint
    mov     edx,[unmodified_state]
      cmp     edx,[undo_data]
     jne     undo_delete_ok
      xor     edx,edx
     mov     [unmodified_state],edx
      jmp     undo_delete_ok
     call    make_undopoint

;=== original B =================================
;     mov     [current_operation],VK_DELETE
;      cmp     [last_operation],VK_DELETE
; je      undo_delete_ok
;     call    make_undopoint

I am not young enough to know everything (Oscar Wilde)- Image
Post 25 Jun 2011, 22:51
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