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Index > Windows > Get Imported Functions' names

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Joined: 25 Jul 2010
Posts: 2909
Location: 0x77760000
typedef 29 Jun 2011, 23:38
I wrote this program which just shows it's import table size and virtual address.

Virtual Size = 102\00000066h
Virtual Address = 8192\00002000h

How can I get the names of the functions i Imported ?

I know they are

Function Name Ordial
MessageBoxA 8268
wsprintfA 8282

But I don't know the relative address of the names to be read.

Some one help me please. Here's the code
format pe gui 4.0

include 'win32ax.inc'

entry main

section '.txt' code readable executable writeable

struct DATA
       va   dd ?
       size dd ?

        Characteristics    dd ?            ; 0 for terminating null import descriptor
        OriginalFirstThunk dd ?         ; RVA to original unbound IAT (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)
       TimeDateStamp       dd ?           ; 0 if not bound,
                                            ; -1 if bound, and real date\time stamp
                                            ;     in IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT (new BIND)
                                            ; O.W. date/time stamp of DLL bound to (Old BIND)

    ForwarderChain dd ?                ; -1 if no forwarders
    Name           dd ?
    FirstThunk     dd ?                ; RVA to IAT (if bound this IAT has actual addresses)

_t db 255 dup(0),0

dataDir DATA

proc main

       push dword[00400100h]
       pop  dword[dataDir+0*4] ; Address

       push dword[00400104h]
       pop  dword[dataDir+1*4] ; Size

       cinvoke wsprintf,_t,'virtual size: 0x%p, virtual address: 0x%p',[dataDir.size],[dataDir.va]
       invoke MessageBox,0,_t,'My Optional Section--Import Table',MB_OK
       ;;;How can I read the location of the names, relative to the address 00400000h ?


section '.idata' import data readable

library user32,'user32.dll',kernel32,'kernel32.dll'

include 'api/user32.inc'
include 'api/kernel32.inc'
Post 29 Jun 2011, 23:38
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Joined: 03 Sep 2010
Posts: 1046
Overflowz 30 Jun 2011, 02:42
I was playing with something like that.. Check this out and try yourself. (I guess you want something like this ^^)
     mov edx,[peh]
     mov ebx,[edx+0x80]
     add ebx,[nBase]
     virtual at ebx
     end virtual
     mov esi,[iides.Name_]
     add esi,[nBase]
     invoke LoadLibrary,esi
     mov [DllHandle],eax
     mov edx,[iides.OriginalFirstThunk]
     add edx,[nBase]
     xor eax,eax
     mov ecx,[edx]
     test ecx,ecx
     jz @f
     mov esi,[edx]
     add esi,2
     add esi,[nBase]
     push edx
     push eax
     invoke GetProcAddress,[DllHandle],esi
     mov [apiaddr],eax
     pop eax
     pop edx
     mov ecx,[iides.FirstThunk]
     add ecx,[nBase]
     mov edi,[apiaddr]
     mov [ecx+eax*4],edi
     add edx,4
     inc eax
     jmp findapi    

peh = PE Header
nBase = Base Address of Executable
As I remember, it gets imports from file with names and then VAs. I don't have time now, I'll write later for ya if this won't help ^^
Post 30 Jun 2011, 02:42
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Joined: 25 Jul 2010
Posts: 2909
Location: 0x77760000
typedef 30 Jun 2011, 04:51
Thank you. Overflowz.

I was just not sure whether the address was ever relative to ImageBase.

Now I get it. Thanks.

I'm just doing it a different way. I'll post it when It is done.

Thanks Very Happy
Post 30 Jun 2011, 04:51
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