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Joined: 16 Jun 2003
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JohnFound 01 Aug 2003, 17:06
You don't need to use:
  invoke  DefWindowProc,[hwnd],[wmsg],[wparam],[lparam]
  jmp     dword .finish    

Simply return TRUE. (See MyDialogBox.asm and for details)
Post 01 Aug 2003, 17:06
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scientica 01 Aug 2003, 17:47
1. Ok, fixed. (Works fine now)
2. I can't get it to work (the string doesn't show the value correctly)

Is there someting wrong with the Alignment studff? (or is it a feature?)
I wonder because the, as you will notice when/if you try to resize the style edit window popup, the list view gets moved, the sizing "border" gets very funky (one must tripple click before it releases the mouse).

(fixed the .default)

[EDIT]---Deleted obsolete attacment---[/EDIT]

... a professor saying: "use this proprietary software to learn computer science" is the same as English professor handing you a copy of Shakespeare and saying: "use this book to learn Shakespeare without opening the book itself.
- Bradley Kuhn

Last edited by scientica on 01 Aug 2003, 18:06; edited 1 time in total
Post 01 Aug 2003, 17:47
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scientica 01 Aug 2003, 18:03
Oops, I shouldn'tt commented out the WM_COMMAND processing... (it works fine wiht that uncommented)

[EDIT]Outdated attachement removed. There must be newer version. possibly in another thread.[/EDIT]

... a professor saying: "use this proprietary software to learn computer science" is the same as English professor handing you a copy of Shakespeare and saying: "use this book to learn Shakespeare without opening the book itself.
- Bradley Kuhn
Post 01 Aug 2003, 18:03
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scientica 01 Aug 2003, 18:24
JohnFound wrote:
2. Some wrapper function will be great:

proc EditStyle, style, flags, ...whatever you need...

return edited/not edited style - depending how the user exit the window.

If you could set the window lpParam (CreateWindow(Ex) parameter to point to the class name of the window to set properties for (e.g. if a button controll is selected the lpParam should point to this string: "BUTTON",0
This way the approperiate styles could be added to the list at creation time.

/me thinks (CPU at 110% Wink)

perhaps lpParam should point to this structure instead:
struc controll_styles {
  .lpClassName dd ?
  .CurrentStyle dd ? ; the current style of the controll
  .lpCallBack dd ? ; pointer to a callback function with the prototype specified below
struct controll_styles

proc ControllStyleChangeCallBack, newstyle    

this function is called when the user has (un/)checked any of the checkboxes, the newstyle is all the selected flags or'ed together (you apply then directly or process them if it's needed for the form editor to work).
The .lpClassName points to the class name of the controll, this way the approperiate flags will be listed and the correct chack boxes will be set when the .CurrentStyle is interprented. ImO it better that the window style is set and read out side the style editor, in case some flags are set just for the controll (as it's supposed to have in the sources) window and not the actual window (the controll seen in the designer). (did you understand or did I manage to make it non-understandable? Rolling Eyes )

... a professor saying: "use this proprietary software to learn computer science" is the same as English professor handing you a copy of Shakespeare and saying: "use this book to learn Shakespeare without opening the book itself.
- Bradley Kuhn
Post 01 Aug 2003, 18:24
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Joined: 16 Jun 2003
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JohnFound 01 Aug 2003, 18:30
scientica wrote:
1. Ok, fixed. (Works fine now)
2. I can't get it to work (the string doesn't show the value correctly)

Is there someting wrong with the Alignment studff? (or is it a feature?)
I wonder because the, as you will notice when/if you try to resize the style edit window popup, the list view gets moved, the sizing "border" gets very funky (one must tripple click before it releases the mouse).

(fixed the .default)

[EDIT]---Deleted obsolete attacment---[/EDIT]

OK, about NumToStr - it works fine for me, but you must preserve edi. Maybe I will make some wrapper for it - for easy using. Later in the project we will need many string processing, so we must have efficient strlib.

About alignment - visibly you can't change the border to WS_SIZEBOX this way. The border looks right but not works. Look in the source for "proc EditStyle" there is creation of the window - change the style and all will be OK.
BTW: On my computer I simply can't size this window. There is no this strange effects. (Win95 OSR2)
Post 01 Aug 2003, 18:30
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scientica 01 Aug 2003, 18:52
JohnFound wrote:
OK, about NumToStr - it works fine for me, but you must preserve edi. Maybe I will make some wrapper for it - for easy using. Later in the project we will need many string processing, so we must have efficient strlib.

I did preserve all registers (pushad/popad), please do make an wrapper for hexadecimal dwords.

JohnFound wrote:
About alignment - visibly you can't change the border to WS_SIZEBOX this way. The border looks right but not works. Look in the source for "proc EditStyle" there is creation of the window - change the style and all will be OK.
BTW: On my computer I simply can't size this window. There is no this strange effects. (Win95 OSR2)

Ok, I'll look there later (it's time for a little break now, too many hour at the computer and too littloe at the TV Wink)

... a professor saying: "use this proprietary software to learn computer science" is the same as English professor handing you a copy of Shakespeare and saying: "use this book to learn Shakespeare without opening the book itself.
- Bradley Kuhn
Post 01 Aug 2003, 18:52
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