not included to the links over:
russian texts corrupted though, i'm sorry
include once ''
include once ''
include once ''
;enu: list sections
; proc - user procedure, called every time a section found
; - [esp-04] = line.Y pointer
; [esp-08] = line.y pointer = ]
; [esp-12] = line.x pointer = [
; [esp-16] = line.X pointer
; - al = ]
; - ebx = 0
; - inc ecx
; not ecx
; the two instructions above = line.Y - line.y
; - edx = lsrc RESTORE ON EXIT
; - edi = src RESTORE ON EXIT
; - esi = line.y
; - ebp not used in this proc = headache but not for you...
; - flags.df = 1
; - execute clc on exit to continue, stc - to stop the loop
; break - byte-sized line break(see crlf2ah file)
; src - text
; lsrc - text size
;rus: ?@>;8AB0BL A5:F88
; proc - 2K7K205B?AO A :064>9 A5:F859
; - [esp-04] = C:070B5;L =0 line.Y
; [esp-08] = C:070B5;L =0 line.y = ]
; [esp-12] = C:070B5;L =0 line.x = [
; [esp-16] = C:070B5;L =0 line.X
; - al = ]
; - ebx = 0
; - inc ecx
; not ecx
; 425 8=AB@> 2KH5 = line.Y - line.y
; - edx = lsrc !!""
; - edi = src !!""
; - esi = line.y
; - ebp =58A?>;L7C5< = <>6=> ?> ?@56=5<C >1@0I0BLAO : 7028A8<K< ?5@5<5==K<
; - flags.df = 1
; - 2K?>;=8 clc =0 2KE>45 4;O ?@>4>;65=8O, stc - >AB0=>20 F8:;0
; break - 109B>2K9 >1@K2 ;8=89(A<. D09; crlf2ah)
; src - B5:AB
; lsrc - 53> @07<5@
include once ''
intro list_sections
label .proc dword at esp+(10+2)*4
label .break dword at esp+(11+3)*4
label .src dword at esp+12*4
label .lsrc dword at esp+13*4
label .line.Y dword at esp-08
label .line.y dword at esp-12
label .line.x dword at esp-16
label .line.X dword at esp-20
mov edi,[.src]
mov edx,[.lsrc]
sub eax,eax
.work: inc eax
sub ebx,ebx ;pos will search case-sensitive
push ebx ;pos.stop
push eax ;pos.start
push edx ;pos.lhere
push edi ;
push 1 ;pos.lthis
call .push_pos.this
db '[' ;pos.this
cld ;pos will search forward
call pos
test eax,eax
jz .ret ;no (more) ]
push eax edx edi [.break]
call get_line ;get line.X and line.Y
or ecx,-1
lea esi,[edi-1]
add esi,[esp] ;line.X
mov [.line.X],esi
call lite_virtual_trim
cmp al,'['
jne .try_again
dec esi
mov [.line.x],esi
or ecx,-1
lea esi,[edi-1]
add esi,[esp+4] ;line.Y
mov [.line.Y],esi
call lite_virtual_trim
cmp al,']'
jne .try_again
inc esi
mov [.line.y],esi
call [.proc]
pop eax eax
jnc .work
.ret: popf
ret 4*4 ;2011_05_06
end if