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Index > Main > (text) search procedure - i've got an update

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Joined: 06 Jan 2011
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idle 03 Apr 2011, 06:23
there it is

Last edited by idle on 03 Apr 2011, 12:19; edited 1 time in total
Post 03 Apr 2011, 06:23
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 03 Apr 2011, 07:11
Can you be more detailed in your explanation please. What is the code for?
Post 03 Apr 2011, 07:11
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idle 03 Apr 2011, 12:20
examples added
follow same link
Post 03 Apr 2011, 12:20
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edfed 03 Apr 2011, 12:51
it is a minimal thing to at least explain what can be inside your file.
otherwise, nobody will try it.

and remember you are not the only one to code here, me too i have a search text procedure.
Post 03 Apr 2011, 12:51
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Tyler 03 Apr 2011, 19:43
Most can't open .rar's anyway. It's a pain, especially in Linux.
Post 03 Apr 2011, 19:43
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idle 04 Apr 2011, 04:23
Tyler wrote:
Most can't open .rar's anyway. It's a pain, especially in Linux.

zip, 7z(preferred)?

edfed wrote:
it is a minimal thing to at least explain what can be inside your file.


\pos.inc (russian version of comments killed, see below, that's why archives used):
;include 'revolution\compatibility.inc'

;enu: position function returns displacement of a subdata in a data
;     positions counted from 1, not 0
;     params are:
;     - this  - subdata(wanted, substring, etc)
;     - lthis - length in bytes of that subdata
;     - here  - data
;     - lhere - length in bytes of that data
;     - start - byte number to start from
;               counted from data front side if flags.df=0
;               counted from data back side if flags.df=1
;     - stop  - byte number this proc may neither exceed nor touch
;               counted from data front side if flags.df=0
;               counted from data back side if flags.df=1
;               ignored if 0 or exceeds lhere parameter i.e. data
;     on exit:
;     - flags - ?, df flag retained
;     - eax   - 0 or smth else :)
;               flags.df implied 0
;     contact - edemko@rambler.ru
;rus: 2>72@0B8BL 2E>645=85 8A:><>3> 2 =01>@5 109B
;     AG5B 2545BAO A 1, =5 0
;     ?0@0<5B@K:
;     - this  - 8A:><>5
;     - lthis - 109B 2 8A:><><
;     - here  - =01>@ 109B
;     - lhere - 109B 2 =01>@5
;     - start - AB0@B>2K9 109B =01>@0
;               >B=>A8B5;L=> =0G0;0 =01>@0 5A;8 flags.df=0
;               >B=>A8B5;L=> :>=F0 =01>@0 5A;8 flags.df=1
;     - stop  - =0G8=0O A MB>3> 109B0 8A:0BL =5;L7O
;               >B=>A8B5;L=> =0G0;0 =01>@0 5A;8 flags.df=0
;               >B=>A8B5;L=> :>=F0 =01>@0 5A;8 flags.df=1
;               83=>@8B?AO 5A;8 0 8;8 2=5 =01>@0
;     2KE>4:
;     - flags - ?, df ?@56=89
;     - eax   - 0 8;8 =5B :)
;               7=0G5=85 :0:-1K flags.df=0
;     ?>GB0   - edemko@rambler.ru
;format pe gui
;  this db '124'
;    .:
;  here db '0123456789 124 '
;    .:
;entry $
;        ;std
;        push    0
;        push    1
;        push    here.-here
;        push    here
;        push    this.-this
;        push    this
;        call    pos
;        cld
;        ret     0
if used pos
  if defined DEBUG & DEBUG=1
    db 'dbug:pos',0
  end if

pos:    sub     eax,eax                ;pos = 0
        pusha                          ;push eax ecx edx ebx old_esp ebp esi edi
        label   .this  dword at esp+10*4
        label   .lthis dword at esp+11*4
        label   .here  dword at esp+12*4
        label   .lhere dword at esp+13*4
        label   .start dword at esp+14*4
        label   .stop  dword at esp+15*4

        or      eax,[.stop]
        mov     ecx,[.lhere]
        jz      .stop_applied          ;stop = 0 -> no stop
        cmp     ecx,eax
        jb      .stop_applied          ;lhere < stop -> no stop
        lea     ecx,[eax-1]
        mov     edi,[.start]
        sub     edi,1
        jc      .ret                   ;start = 0
        sub     ecx,edi
        jna     .ret                   ;start > lhere
        mov     edx,[.lthis]
        sub     edx,1                  ;cmpsb.ecx
        jc      .ret                   ;lthis = 0
        sub     ecx,edx                ;scasb.ecx
        jna     .ret                   ;lthis > lhere

        bt      dword[esp],10
        mov     esi,[.this]
        jnc     .forward
        add     esi,edx                ;@this[lthis]
        not     edi                    ;-start-1
        add     edi,[.lhere]           ;+lhere
        lodsb                          ;this[1] or this[lthis]
        add     edi,[.here]

  .find:repne   scasb
        jne     .ret                   ;pos = 0
        test    edx,edx
        jz      .found                 ;lthis = 1
        mov     ebx,ecx
        mov     ecx,edx
        mov     ebp,esi
        push    edi
        repe    cmpsb
        pop     edi
        je      .found
        test    ebx,ebx
        jz      .ret                   ;pos = 0
        mov     ecx,ebx
        mov     esi,ebp
        jmp     .find

        bt      dword[esp],10
        jnc     .forward_
        sub     edi,edx                ;pre-entry
        add     edi,2                  ;pre-entry + 1 -> entry + 1 -> post-entry
        sub     edi,[.here]            
        mov     [esp+8*4],edi          ;popa.eax

  .ret: popf
        ret     6*4                    ;2011_04_03
end if


format pe gui
include 'win32ax.inc'

section '' code executable import readable writable
  library kernel32,'kernel32.dll',\

  import kernel32,\

  import user32,\

  include '..\pos.inc'

entry $
        mov     ebx,this
        mov     ecx,this.-this
        mov     edx,here
        mov     esi,here.-here
        mov     edi,1
        mov     ebp,0
        mov     [flags.df],_cld
        call    demonstrate

        mov     ebx,this
        mov     ecx,this.-this
        mov     edx,here
        mov     esi,here.-here
        mov     edi,2
        mov     ebp,13
        mov     [flags.df],_cld
        call    demonstrate

        mov     ebx,this
        mov     ecx,this.-this
        mov     edx,here
        mov     esi,here.-here
        mov     edi,2
        mov     ebp,12
        mov     [flags.df],_cld
        call    demonstrate

        mov     ebx,this
        mov     ecx,this.-this
        mov     edx,here
        mov     esi,here.-here
        mov     edi,1
        mov     ebp,-1
        mov     [flags.df],_std
        call    demonstrate

        mov     ebx,this
        mov     ecx,this.-this
        mov     edx,here
        mov     esi,here.-here
        mov     edi,3
        mov     ebp,-1
        mov     [flags.df],_std
        call    demonstrate

        mov     ebx,this
        mov     ecx,this.-this
        mov     edx,here
        mov     esi,here.-here
        mov     edi,4
        mov     ebp,0
        mov     [flags.df],_std
        call    demonstrate

        mov     ebx,this
        mov     ecx,this.-this
        mov     edx,here
        mov     esi,here.-here
        mov     edi,4
        mov     ebp,12
        mov     [flags.df],_std
        call    demonstrate

        mov     ebx,this
        mov     ecx,this.-this
        mov     edx,here
        mov     esi,here.-here
        mov     edi,4
        mov     ebp,11
        mov     [flags.df],_std
        call    demonstrate

        invoke  ExitProcess,eax

        stdcall pos,ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi,ebp
        test    eax,eax
        jz      @f
        lea     eax,[edx+eax-1]
     @@:cinvoke wsprintfA,temp,pattern ,[flags.df] ,ebx,ecx,edx,esi,edi,ebp ,eax
        invoke  MessageBoxA,0,temp,0,0
        ret     0

  here db ' Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? '
    .: db 0
  this db 'can'
    .: db 0

  _cld     db 'cld',0
  _std     db 'std',0
  flags.df dd ?

  pattern db   '%s'              ,10,\
               'stdcall pos,\'   ,10,\
             9,'/*this*/ "%s",\' ,10,\
             9,'/*lthis*/ %u,\'  ,10,\
             9,'/*here*/ "%s",\' ,10,\
             9,'/*lhere*/ %u,\'  ,10,\
             9,'/*start*/ %u,\'  ,10,\
             9,'/*stop*/  %u'    ,10,\
               '-> "%s"'         ,0
  temp rb 255

Post 04 Apr 2011, 04:23
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Tyler 04 Apr 2011, 05:21
idle wrote:
zip, 7z(preferred)?
zip(Windows) or tar(*nix).
Post 04 Apr 2011, 05:21
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idle 04 Apr 2011, 05:43
For Windows, there is a Total Commander plug-in, Total7zip. Alternative link.
It uses Igor Pavlov's API.
Hence, have no packers installed, as any archive is seen as a folder, entered thorough <Enter> or <Ctrl+PgDown>.
English for TC.
Post 04 Apr 2011, 05:43
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idle 11 Apr 2011, 04:58
link from the 1st post points at new archive
*.rar type used still as gives best results
(text) searching proc // поиск (текста)
(text) searching proc for Tyler from board.FlatAssembler.net

part of an ENU comments from the main file:
;enu: emulates scasb, scasw, cmpsb, cmpsw
;     exits if ecx=0
;     native case-sensitive instrunction used if ebx=0
;     else ebx must contain 256(scasb&cmpsb) or 65'536(scasw&cmpsw) triplets(small,CAPITAL,Normal) of the form:
;       scasb&cmpsb: small$00   ,CAPITAL$00   ,Normal$00   ... small$ff   ,CAPITAL$ff   ,Normal$ff
;       scasw&cmpsw: small$0000 ,CAPITAL$0000 ,Normal$0000 ... small$ffff ,CAPITAL$ffff ,Normal$ffff
;     flags.zero set accordingly regardless ecx=0

;enu: find subdata in data
;     values counted in chars from 1, not 0
;     byte(flags.cf=0) and word(flags.cf=1) chars possible
;     forward(flags.df=0) and backward(flags.df=1) directions possible
;     case ignorance(see emul_xxxx intros for details) possible
;     stdcall-params are:
;       this  - subdata to be found
;       lthis - chars in subdata
;       here  - data to find in
;       lhere - chars in that data
;       start - char number to start from
;               related data front if direction is forward and vice-versa
;       stop  - search may neither touch nor exceed this char
;               related data front if direction is forward and vice-versa
;               ignored if out of data(0 or exceeds lhere)
;     on exit eax register receives the result as if direction is forward

;       ...
;       gpu.ebx
;       flags.cf
;       flags.df
Post 11 Apr 2011, 04:58
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Tyler 11 Apr 2011, 05:39
I don't have time to look at it right now, but have you done any research on the topic? String searching is pretty much a mapped field.


vid has an implementation of Boyer-Moore-Horspool in fasmlib.
Post 11 Apr 2011, 05:39
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idle 11 Apr 2011, 14:48

revolution\             ;cpu version control

table\                  ;tables to ignore case of letters
    input\              ;unprocessed text
    output\             ;processed text, ready to be used

test\                   ;win32 test program
    resource\           ;resources, created with ResEd
    test.asm            ;source of test program
    test.byte.exe       ;byte chars mode
    test.word.exe       ;wide chars mode

pos.inc                 ;main file all's based on
Post 11 Apr 2011, 14:48
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idle 11 Apr 2011, 22:14

table files decreased by 1/3 due format change -> scanner and comparer work a bit faster
;enu: emulates scasb, scasw, cmpsb, cmpsw
;     exits if ecx=0
;     native case-sensitive instrunction used if ebx=0
;     else ebx must point at 256(scasb&cmpsb) or 65'536(scasw&cmpsw) doublets(small,CAPITAL) of the form:
;       scasb&cmpsb: small$00   ,CAPITAL$00   ... small$ff   ,CAPITAL$ff
;       scasw&cmpsw: small$0000 ,CAPITAL$0000 ... small$ffff ,CAPITAL$ffff
;     flags.zero set accordingly regardless ecx=0
;rus: 8<8B0B>@ scasb, scasw, cmpsb, cmpsw
;     2K945B 5A;8 ecx=0
;     =8G53> =5 8<8B8@>20BL 5A;8 ebx=0
;     8=0G5 ebx 4>;65= A>45@60BL C:070B5;L =0 256(scasb&cmpsb) 8;8 65'536(scasw&cmpsw) ?0@(<0;5=L:0O,,(/):
;       scasb&cmpsb: <0;5=L:0O$00   ,,(/$00   ... <0;5=L:0O$ff   ,,(/$ff
;       scasw&cmpsw: <0;5=L:0O$0000 ,,(/$0000 ... <0;5=L:0O$ffff ,,(/$ffff
;     flags.zero CAB0=>28BAO A>>B25BAB2C5I5 2=5 7028A8<>AB8 >B ecx=0
macro _[name]{
    if used emul_#name
      if defined DEBUG & DEBUG=1
        db 'dbug:',`emul_,`name,0
      end if
              test    ecx,ecx
              jz      .ne
              test    ebx,ebx
              jnz     .emul

      if      name eq scasb | name eq scasw
              repne   name
              repe    name
      end if

              jne     .ne
        .e:   or      byte[esp],1 shl 6
              ret     0
        .emul:bt      dword[esp],10
              push    edx
              rcr     edx,1
              push    eax

      if      name eq scasb
              movzx   eax,al
              mov     dl,[ebx+eax*2]
      else if name eq scasw
              movzx   eax,ax
              mov     dx,[ebx+eax*4]
      end if


      if      name eq scasb
              movzx   eax,byte[edi]
              test    edx,edx
              jns     .df0
              dec     edi
              jmp     .df1
        .df0: inc     edi
        .df1: cmp     [ebx+eax*2],dl
              loopne  .loop
      else if name eq scasw
              movzx   eax,word[edi]
              test    edx,edx
              jns     .df0
              sub     edi,2
              jmp     .df1
        .df0: add     edi,2
        .df1: cmp     [ebx+eax*4],dx
              loopne  .loop
      else if name eq cmpsb
              movzx   eax,byte[edi]
              mov     dl,[ebx+eax*2]
              movzx   eax,byte[esi]
              test    edx,edx
              jns     .df0
              dec     edi
              dec     esi
              jmp     .df1
        .df0: inc     edi
              inc     esi
        .df1: cmp     [ebx+eax*2],dl
              loope   .loop
      else if name eq cmpsw
              movzx   eax,word[edi]
              mov     dx,[ebx+eax*4]
              movzx   eax,word[esi]
              test    edx,edx
              jns     .df0
              sub     edi,2
              sub     esi,2
              jmp     .df1
        .df0: add     edi,2
              add     esi,2
        .df1: cmp     [ebx+eax*4],dx
              loope   .loop
      end if

              pop     eax
              pop     edx
              je      .e
        .ne:  and     byte[esp],not(1 shl 6)
              ret     0
    end if
_ scasb,scasw,cmpsb,cmpsw
purge _

this automata(dummy code) has rebuilt tables:
format pe gui
include 'win32ax.inc'

section '' code executable import readable writable
library kernel32,'kernel32.dll'
include 'api\kernel32.inc'

entry $
again:  mov     edi,table
        mov     esi,edi
        invoke  CreateFile,patient,GENERIC_READ,0,0,OPEN_EXISTING,0,0
        push    eax
        invoke  GetFileSize,eax,0
        cmp     eax,256*2
        je      cancel
        mov     eax,[esp]
        invoke  ReadFile,eax,edi,256*3,esp,0
        invoke  CloseHandle
        mov     ecx,256
        inc     esi
        loop    @b
        invoke  CreateFile,patient,GENERIC_WRITE,0,0,CREATE_ALWAYS,0,0
        push    eax
        invoke  WriteFile,eax,table,256*2,esp,0
cancel: invoke  CloseHandle
        add     byte[patient+10],1
        cmp     byte[patient+10],'9'
        jne     again

        mov     edi,table
        mov     esi,edi
        invoke  CreateFile,patient_,GENERIC_READ,0,0,OPEN_EXISTING,0,0
        push    eax
        invoke  GetFileSize,eax,0
        cmp     eax,65'536*2*2
        je      cancel_
        mov     eax,[esp]
        invoke  ReadFile,eax,edi,65'536*3*2,esp,0
        invoke  CloseHandle
        mov     ecx,65'536
        add     esi,2
        loop    @b
        invoke  CreateFile,patient_,GENERIC_WRITE,0,0,CREATE_ALWAYS,0,0
        push    eax
        invoke  WriteFile,eax,table,65'536*2*2,esp,0
cancel_:invoke  CloseHandle

        invoke  ExitProcess,eax

patient db 'output\1250.bin',0
patient_ db 'output\unicode.bin',0
table rw 65'536*3
Post 11 Apr 2011, 22:14
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