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Index > Main > up/low case, with a lut.

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Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 4353
Location: Now
edfed 14 Mar 2011, 19:06
hello, today, i've made a basic function set to change the case of chars.
it takes the modifier from a 256 bytes LUT, and it translates the char.

then, of course, it is using the charset of européan letters. with accents, etc...

let's go!!

;;change case:
;force lower case:
;       mov al,char
;       call case.low
;force upper case:
;       mov al,char
;       call case.up
;inverse case:
;       mov al,char
;       call case.inv
;trashes eax,ebx
        mov ah,al
        mov ebx,.lut
        or ah,al
        mov al,ah
        mov ah,al
        mov ebx,.lut
        not al
        and ah,al
        mov al,ah
        mov ah,al
        mov ebx,.lut
        xor ah,al
        mov al,ah
.00 db 0          ;.
.01 db 0          ;.
.02 db 0          ;.
.03 db 0          ;.
.04 db 0          ;.
.05 db 0          ;.
.06 db 0          ;.
.07 db 0          ;.
.08 db 0          ;.
.09 db 0          ;.
.0A db 0          ;.
.0B db 0          ;.
.0C db 0          ;.
.0D db 0          ;.
.0E db 0          ;.
.0F db 0          ;.
.10 db 0          ;.
.11 db 0          ;.
.12 db 0          ;.
.13 db 0          ;.
.14 db 0          ;.
.15 db 0          ;.
.16 db 0          ;.
.17 db 0          ;.
.18 db 0          ;.
.19 db 0          ;.
.1A db 0          ;.
.1B db 0          ;.
.1C db 0          ;.
.1D db 0          ;.
.1E db 0          ;.
.1F db 0          ;.
.20 db 0          ;
.21 db 0          ;!
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.23 db 0          ;#
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.25 db 0          ;%
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.2F db 0          ;/
.30 db 0          ;0
.31 db 0          ;1
.32 db 0          ;2
.33 db 0          ;3
.34 db 0          ;4
.35 db 0          ;5
.36 db 0          ;6
.37 db 0          ;7
.38 db 0          ;8
.39 db 0          ;9
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.40 db 0          ;@
.41 db 20h        ;Aa
.42 db 20h        ;Bb
.43 db 20h        ;Cc
.44 db 20h        ;Dd
.45 db 20h        ;Ee
.46 db 20h        ;Ff
.47 db 20h        ;Gg
.48 db 20h        ;Hh
.49 db 20h        ;Ii
.4A db 20h        ;Jj
.4B db 20h        ;Kk
.4C db 20h        ;Ll
.4D db 20h        ;Mm
.4E db 20h        ;Nn
.4F db 20h        ;Oo
.50 db 20h        ;Pp
.51 db 20h        ;Qq
.52 db 20h        ;Rr
.53 db 20h        ;Ss
.54 db 20h        ;Tt
.55 db 20h        ;Uu
.56 db 20h        ;Vv
.57 db 20h        ;Ww
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.60 db 0          ;`
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.62 db 20h        ;bB
.63 db 20h        ;cC
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.65 db 20h        ;eE
.66 db 20h        ;fF
.67 db 20h        ;gG
.68 db 20h        ;hH
.69 db 20h        ;iI
.6A db 20h        ;jJ
.6B db 20h        ;kK
.6C db 20h        ;lL
.6D db 20h        ;mM
.6E db 20h        ;nN
.6F db 20h        ;oO
.70 db 20h        ;pP
.71 db 20h        ;qQ
.72 db 20h        ;rR
.73 db 20h        ;sS
.74 db 20h        ;tT
.75 db 20h        ;uU
.76 db 20h        ;vV
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.7A db 20h        ;zZ
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.7D db 0          ;}
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.7F db 0          ;.
.80 db 0          ;€
.81 db 0          ;.
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.83 db 0          
.84 db 0          ;„
.85 db 0          ;…
.86 db 0          ;†
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.88 db 0          
.89 db 0          ;‰
.8A db 10h        ;Šš
.8B db 0          ;‹
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.90 db 0          ;.
.91 db 0          ;‘
.92 db 0          ;’
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.95 db 0          ;•
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.97 db 0          ;—
.98 db 0          
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.9F db 60h        ;Ÿÿ
.A0 db 0          ; 
.A1 db 0          
.A2 db 0          
.A3 db 0          
.A4 db 0          
.A5 db 0          
.A6 db 0          
.A7 db 0          
.A8 db 0          
.A9 db 0          
.AA db 0          
.AB db 0          
.AC db 0          
.AD db 0          
.AE db 0          
.AF db 0          
.B0 db 0          
.B1 db 0          
.B2 db 0          
.B3 db 0          
.B4 db 0          
.B5 db 0          
.B6 db 0          
.B7 db 0          
.B8 db 0          
.B9 db 0          
.BA db 0          
.BB db 0          
.BC db 0          
.BD db 0          
.BE db 0          
.BF db 0          ;¿
.C0 db 20h        ;Àà
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.E3 db 20h        ;ãÃ
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.E6 db 20h        ;æÆ
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.E9 db 20h        ;éÉ
.EA db 20h        ;êÊ
.EB db 20h        ;ëË
.EC db 20h        ;ìÌ
.ED db 20h        ;íÍ
.EE db 20h        ;îÎ
.EF db 20h        ;ïÏ
.F0 db 20h        ;ðÐ
.F1 db 20h        ;ñÑ
.F2 db 20h        ;òÒ
.F3 db 20h        ;óÓ
.F4 db 20h        ;ôÔ
.F5 db 20h        ;õÕ
.F6 db 20h        ;öÖ
.F7 db 0          
.F8 db 20h        ;øØ
.F9 db 20h        ;ùÙ
.FA db 20h        ;úÚ
.FB db 20h        ;ûÛ
.FC db 20h        ;üÜ
.FD db 20h        ;ýÝ
.FE db 20h        ;þÞ
.FF db 60h        ;ÿŸ         

to use it, just include it in your source.

i am not responsible for the explosion of your fridge nor the tsunami.

Last edited by edfed on 14 Mar 2011, 23:50; edited 1 time in total
Post 14 Mar 2011, 19:06
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Joined: 21 May 2010
Posts: 287
b1528932 14 Mar 2011, 20:04
Any reaosn besides video text modes to use this?
Post 14 Mar 2011, 20:04
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Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 4353
Location: Now
edfed 14 Mar 2011, 20:47
i don't know, maybe just text files edition.

as i saw, under linux, it is not the same as under DOS.

names of files are always f***g case sensitive under linux.
that's a little boring because, when i write a name under windows, the name can be in lowase...
and DOS makes something, it puts every chars in UP case.
then, the problem, when i try to compile under linux is...
file not found, file not found, etc...

that's one reason to create a up/low case function.

after, in text editors too it can be very good to have lowcase, upcase, reversecase function, on right click...
Post 14 Mar 2011, 20:47
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