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Joined: 20 Feb 2011
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Hornet52 06 Mar 2011, 17:40
Still on my quest to create a pure assembled PE file, I've come to the resource section. Looking through every article I could find yields little insight (most either skip the resource section or poorly document it). I know it's a binary linked list but I think something's missing in my code. I'm just trying to include a simple 16x16 icon (which it further reclassified under an icon group) and I can't seem to figure out why it's not being found by api functions etc. Also I'm not sure exactly of the format of an input icon/group icon's raw data?

Thanks, for any insight you can provide (this is what I've gotten so far):

Rsrc:                                            ;===================.rsrc===================
TypeList:                                        ;type resource directory table
   dd 0x00
   dd 0x00
   dw 0x00
   dw 0x00
   dw 0x00
   dw 0x02                                       ;number of resource types (2, icon/group)
   dd 0x03                                       ;type ID 3 = icon resource
   dd (RVA(Icon_List) + 0x80000000)              ;pointer to icon resources
   dd 0x0E                                       ;type ID 14 = icon group resource
   dd (RVA(Icongroup_List) + 0x80000000)         ;pointer to icon group resources

Icon_List:                                       ;icon resource directory table
   dd 0x00   
   dd 0x00
   dw 0x00
   dw 0x00
   dw 0x00
   dw 0x01                                       ;number of icons
   dd 0x01                                       ;icon ID = 1
   dd (RVA(Icon1Language) + 0x80000000)          ;pointer to language directory

   dd 0x00
   dd 0x00
   dw 0x00
   dw 0x00
   dw 0x00
   dw 0x01                                       ;number of icon groups
   dd 0x01                                       ;icon group ID = 1
   dd (RVA(Icongroup1Language) + 0x80000000)     ;pointer to language directory

Icon1Language:                                   ;icon ID = 1 language directory table
   dd 0x00
   dd 0x00
   dw 0x00
   dw 0x00
   dw 0x00
   dw 0x01
   dd 0x00
   dd RVA(Icon1)

Icongroup1Language:                              ;icon group ID = 1 language directory table
   dd 0x00
   dd 0x00
   dw 0x00
   dw 0x00
   dw 0x00
   dw 0x01
   dd 0x00
   dd RVA(Icongroup1)

   dd RVA(Icon1.rawdata)                         ;location of raw data
   dd 0x02E8                                     ;size of icon
   dd 0x00                                       ;no codepage
   dd 0x00                                       ;reserved
   incbin "Text.ico"

   dd RVA(Icongroup1.rawdata)                    ;location of raw data
   dd 0x14                                       ;size of group icon (structure)
   dd 0x00                                       ;no codepage
   dd 0x00                                       ;reserved 
   incbin "Text.ico", 0x00, 0x12
   dw 0x01
Post 06 Mar 2011, 17:40
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Joined: 20 Feb 2011
Posts: 11
Location: NULL
Hornet52 06 Mar 2011, 20:41
Got it, addresses of directories are specified as offsets from section start and not RVA's as I originally concluded.

Feel free to delete this thread.
Post 06 Mar 2011, 20:41
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