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poupougne 08 Feb 2011, 11:56
I've been working for a long time on my own OS, an it works fine within emulator such as Bochs & Qemu. But it fails on real hardware : i have tested with 3 real PC, it works until it reaches "STI" and so, no IRQ is fired and OS loops in "idle" task. I've been searching for days an days (forums, doc) but found nothing significant.
Do you have any idea ?
Here is the booting part of my os (os.asm), and if you want to play a little, a floppy image (os.img)

Thanks to all by advance

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Post 08 Feb 2011, 11:56
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edfed 08 Feb 2011, 13:30
        cli                                     ; utile ??
        pushad                                  ; mode 32b
        mov             [ebp+proc_save_esp],esp ; sauvegarde ESP pour les "POP"
        inc dword       [ebp+proc_nb_quantum]   ; incremente le nb de quantum du process en cours
        mov             al,0x20                 ; envoi EOI
        out             0x20,al
        inc dword       [timer_systick]         ; +1 au nb d'appels de l'IRQ0 !

EOI should be made at the end of the ISR to avoid less priority IRQs executions during high priority IRQ.

you should cut your whole source inside atomic files, it will be more clear to read, and find the sources of problems. it's pretty difficult to read a 2500 lines single source.

au fait, salut à toi lyonnais Very Happy
Post 08 Feb 2011, 13:30
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poupougne 08 Feb 2011, 14:40
Thanks edfed, i will try it
At the moment, the whole source code fills in only one text file, more than 22,300 lines... personal convenience : i prefer handling only one file, and do pageup/pagedown... i force myself writing lots of comment but i know it's hard to read !

au fait, salut à toi marseillais Very Happy
Post 08 Feb 2011, 14:40
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poupougne 09 Feb 2011, 08:40
I put EOI at the end of the ISR : it doesn't work
Here are some pieces of code from the whole, easier to read :

A20 gate :
        ; activation ligne A20
  ; masquer les irg
   mov     al,0xFF
     out     0xA1,al
     out     0x21,al
     ; si ko, essayer de desactiver le kbd avant (out 0x64,0xAD) et de le 
       ; reactiver apres (cmd out 0x64,0xAE), ou de lire le Ouput Port avant d'y
  ; ecrire la meme valeur OR 2 (bit du A20 : bit 1 - a mettre a 1 pour activer A20)
   ;mov    al,0xAD
     ;out    clavier_port_command,al ; ecriture Output Port du 8042
    jmp     $+2
 in      al,clavier_port_command
     test    al,2
        jnz     attente_8042_1          ; attend que le buffer soit dispo (bit 1 à 0)
   mov     al,0xD1
     out     clavier_port_command,al ; ecriture Output Port du 8042
    jmp     $+2
 in      al,clavier_port_command
     test    al,2
        jnz     attente_8042_2          ; on attend que le buffer soit dispo (bit 1 a 0)
   mov     al,0xDF                 ; A20 + activation IRQ souris et clavier (0xCF a l'origine, 0xDF menuet32+bochs)
   out     clavier_port_data,al    ; autoriser la ligne A20 (envoi controleur 8042)
    jmp     $+2
 in      al,clavier_port_command
     test    al,2
        jnz     attente_8042_3          ; on attend que le buffer soit dispo (bit 1 a 0)
   ;mov    al,0xAE
     ;out    clavier_port_command,al ; ecriture Output Port du 8042
    ;jmp    $+2
 ;in     al,clavier_port_command
     ;test   al,2
        ;jnz    attente_8042_4          ; on attend que le buffer soit dispo (bit 1 a 0)

remap of 8259 :
        ; mise en place des IRQ, programmation 8259
       ; sauvegarde des masques
    ;in     al,0x21
     ;mov    bh,al
       ;in     al,0xA1
     ;mov    bl,al
       ; iowait a mettre apres chaque out, pour laisser le temps au PIC de travailler
      ;mov    al,0xFF         ; Masquage de toutes les interruptions avant travaux
        ;out    0xA1,al
     ;call   pic_iowait
        ;out      0x21,al
     ;call   pic_iowait
   mov     al,0x11         ; Initialisation
    out     0x20,al
     out     0xA0,al
     ;call   pic_iowait
  mov     al,0x20         ; Initialisation - Master - 1ere IRQ = 0x20
 out     0x21,al
     mov     al,0x28         ; Initialisation - Slave - 1ere IRQ = 0x28
  out     0xA1,al
     ;call   pic_iowait      
    mov     al,0x04         ; Initialisation - Master - lien master/slave
       out     0x21,al
     mov     al,0x02         ; Initialisation - Slave - lien master/slave
        out     0xA1,al
     ;call   pic_iowait
  mov     al,0x01         ; Initialisation - Master - divers (8086)
   out     0x21,al
     mov     al,0x01         ; Initialisation - Slave - divers (8086)
    out     0xA1,al
     ;call   pic_iowait
   ; attente plus longue avant de remettre les masques
 mov     ecx,0xFFFF
 loop    pic_att
     ; remise des masques sauvegardes
    ;mov    al,bh
       mov     al,0
        out     0x21,al
        out          0xA1,al
     call    pic_iowait
  ;mov    al,bl
       ; envoi EOI aux 2 pics
      mov     al,0x20
     out     0x20,al
     out     0xA0,al
     jmp     pic_fin
Post 09 Feb 2011, 08:40
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poupougne 17 Feb 2011, 15:23
While testing some issues, something strange happens.
After booting the os and "working" for a while (with qemu and bochs), i did a reset using emulator console, and at reboot, the same bug occurs : system halt and no irq fired ! No timer pulse neither keyboard response.
Can it help ?
Post 17 Feb 2011, 15:23
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poupougne 22 Feb 2011, 08:00
I got it about the reset bug !
There was a bug in the CREATE PROCESS function that zero'ed the first kb of memory, instead of process header ; that's why the os halted at reset (very strange behaviour indeed).
But it's still ko on real hardware... i continue debugging
Post 22 Feb 2011, 08:00
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Dex4u 22 Feb 2011, 16:53
Where do you STI ?, to enable interrupts .
Post 22 Feb 2011, 16:53
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poupougne 23 Feb 2011, 08:52
Hello Dex,
STI is done at the end of all hardware initializations, as you can see in the os.asm file i posted. After lots of debuging, it seems that the os halt while calling "i015_debut" or "i049_debut" : the first function write a text on the screen (in text mode, with cursor moves using in/out on VGA registers), and the second is the CREATE PROCESS function. I'm not using paging nor TSS, and all irq are trapped using interrupt gate. All the processes are running in CPL0.
I know that all comments are in French, and so it can be hard to understand. Tell me if you want more informations.
Post 23 Feb 2011, 08:52
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Dex4u 23 Feb 2011, 16:50
My search function in the editor must of mist it Confused .
Anyway the best way to find the problem is this
        mov   byte [fs:0xB809E], "1"
        ; some code
   mov   byte [fs:0xB809E], "2"
        ; some code
   mov   byte [fs:0xB809E], "3"
        ; some code
   mov   byte [fs:0xB809E], "4"
        ; some code
   mov   byte [fs:0xB809E], "5"
        ; some code
   mov   byte [fs:0xB809E], "6"
        ; some code
   mov   byte [fs:0xB809E], "7"
        ; some code
   mov   byte [fs:0xB809E], "8"
        ; some code

And so on, then see what number it stops at.
Post 23 Feb 2011, 16:50
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poupougne 24 Feb 2011, 08:05
Thanks for the tip Dex.
I've done it and i found something interesting : it's not an IRQ firing bug Confused
I misunderstood the problem, because on real hardware, the os boot from USB pendrive (i've no more floppy...). And the boot loader fail when it reaches sector # 64 : it's translated in CHS to sector 1 and head 1. But the loaded sector is not the one expected.
I copy the os with the "dd" utility, and my USB pendrive is set to 63 sectors and 255 heads.
Is there something special to do when there are "255" heads ?

Here is the part of code that loads sectors :
   push    cx
  mov     cx,[boot_piste_sect]   ; current sector - begins at 2
       mov     dh,[boot_tete]          ; current head - begins at 0
        mov     dl,[boot_device]
   push    es
  xor     bx,bx
       mov     ah,2            ; lecture secteur
   mov     al,1            ; nb de secteurs à lire
    int     0x13
        jc      load_kernel_error       ; erreur lecture kernel
     mov     ax,0x0E2E               ; affiche un point (pour la progression)
    int     0x10
        pop     es
  mov     ax,es
       add     ax,0x20         ; ajoute 512 au segment (0x20 = 32 * 16 = 512)
      mov     es,ax
       ; calcul secteur suivant CHS (secteur++ puis head++ puis cylindre++)
        mov     cx,[boot_piste_sect]
        mov     dh,[boot_tete]
      inc     cl              ; sect + 1
  cmp     cl,[disk_nbsect]
    jbe     secteur_fincalc
     mov     cl,1
        inc     dh              ; head + 1
  cmp     dh,[mask_tete]  ; max head reaches
  jbe     secteur_fincalc
     ; on revient a la tete 0 : piste + 1 !
  inc     ch
  and     dh,[mask_tete]
      mov     [boot_piste_sect],cx
        mov     [boot_tete],dh
      pop     cx
  xor     si,si
       loop    secteur_suivant
Post 24 Feb 2011, 08:05
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edfed 24 Feb 2011, 10:18
about the loading error at sector 63, check the USB boot secret topic from mike gonta, it explains the extended INT13h that you need.
Post 24 Feb 2011, 10:18
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Dex4u 24 Feb 2011, 18:47
Have you tryed to set [disk_nbsect] to one less, to see if that makes a difference.
Post 24 Feb 2011, 18:47
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poupougne 28 Feb 2011, 09:36
It's running with extended int 13h !
On laptop, USB pen is recognized as HDD emulation and boot fine.
On MSI motherboard based computer, it's recognized as FDD emulation and extended int 13h returns error...
If i manage to make it boot the two ways, i will share the resulting code.
Thanks to all.
Post 28 Feb 2011, 09:36
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Mike Gonta

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Mike Gonta 02 Mar 2011, 10:00
poupougne wrote:
It's running with extended int 13h !
On laptop, USB pen is recognized as HDD emulation and boot fine.
On MSI motherboard based computer, it's recognized as FDD emulation and extended int 13h returns error...

Hi poupougne,
Some BIOS/version use the size of the UFD to determine the emulation, this varies but 1 GB and up should result in
HDD emulation unless the the BIOS/version is very old.
Can you run the code here and report the results with the BIOS maker and date?

Mike Gonta
look and see - many look but few see


Last edited by Mike Gonta on 02 Mar 2011, 11:45; edited 1 time in total
Post 02 Mar 2011, 10:00
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Mike Gonta

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Mike Gonta 02 Mar 2011, 11:45
poupougne wrote:
I misunderstood the problem, because on real hardware, the os boot from USB pendrive (i've no more floppy...). And the boot loader fail when it reaches sector # 64 : it's translated in CHS to sector 1 and head 1. But the loaded sector is not the one expected.
I copy the os with the "dd" utility, and my USB pendrive is set to 63 sectors and 255 heads.

The emulated geometry of the UFD can not be predicted or assumed.
Int 13 function ah=8 Get Drive Parameters must be used to obtain the emulated geometry. The LBA can then be
converted accordingly.

Mike Gonta
look and see - many look but few see

Post 02 Mar 2011, 11:45
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Dex4u 02 Mar 2011, 15:37
Wow!, Mike Gonta, i have just tried your latest æBIOS you have done a great job.
Post 02 Mar 2011, 15:37
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poupougne 03 Mar 2011, 08:00
Hi Mike,
I did it and the result is :
DELL Laptop
C: 03/02/05
MSI motherboard
BIOS cannot boot
Add a BPB
C: 12/07/07

I did a small bootloader that displays sectors on USB pen (size 32 MB) :
DELL : HDD emulation with 32 sectors and 2 heads
MSI : FDD emulation with 32 sectors and 64 heads
The bootloader (sorry for french comments Confused ) :
org 0
      jmp     boot    
    nop                             ; 3 octets avant le BPB

         db      '12345678'    ; nom du prog de generation du BPB (8 octets)
               dw      512             ; nb octets pas secteur
             db      1               ; nb secteurs par cluster
           dw      1               ; nb secteurs reserves (en comptant secteur de boot, avant la FAT)
          db      2               ; nb FAT
            dw      512             ; taille repertoire racine
          dw      63776           ; nb total de secteurs (si < 65536, sinon 0) 0xF920 63776
                db      0xF8            ; type disque : floppy F0, dur F8
               dw      248             ; taille FAT en secteurs
disk_nbsect:    dw      63              ; nb secteurs par piste (soit 1012 pistes) 63
disk_nbtete:       dw      255             ; nb tetes 255
disk_cache:       dd      0               ; nb secteurs caches (avant/apres secteur de boot ?) 32
             dd      0               ; nb total de secteurs (si > 65535, sinon 0) **********
;***** Extended BPB FAT16 (26 octets)
boot_device: db      0               ; boot device (a partir de 0 pour floppy/amovible et 80 pour les fixes)
             db      0               ; reserve
           db      0x29            ; signature
         dd      0xFCE96061      ; numero de serie du disque
         db      '12345678123' ; nom du disque (11 octets)
         db      '12345678'    ; type de FS 8 octets

      jmp     0x07C0:boot2
      mov     ax,cs           ; segment de données = segment de code
     mov     ds,ax
       mov     es,ax
       push    es
  mov     [boot_device],dl        ; no lecteur de boot a memoriser
    mov     ah,8                    ; get drive parameters
      int     0x13
        pop     es
  jc      secteur_suivant
     and     cx,0x3F
     mov     [disk_nbsect],cx 
   inc     dh
  mov     [disk_nbtete],dh

        mov     cx,[boot_piste_sect]
        mov     dh,[boot_tete]
      mov     dl,[boot_device]
    mov     bx,buffer
   mov     ah,2            ; lecture secteur
   mov     al,1            ; nb de secteurs à lire
    int     0x13
        jc      load_error      ; erreur lecture kernel
     ; affichage donnees secteur
 call    aff
 ; calcul secteur suivant CHS
        mov     cx,[boot_piste_sect]
        mov     dh,[boot_tete]
      inc     cl
  cmp     cl,[disk_nbsect]
    jbe     boot_finsuiv
        mov     cl,1
        inc     dh
  cmp     dh,[disk_nbtete]
    jb      boot_finsuiv
        mov     dh,0
        inc     ch
     mov     [boot_piste_sect],cx
        mov     [boot_tete],dh
   inc word [boot_lba]
 test word [boot_lba],7
      jnz     secteur_suivant
     ; attente touche tous les 8 secteurs
        mov     ah,0
        int     0x16
        jmp     secteur_suivant

boot_piste_sect             dw 1            ; piste (H) secteur (L) en cours
boot_tete           db 0            ; tete en cours
boot_lba             dw 0            ; no secteur absolu (LBA) en cours

      ; boucler sur la chaine pointee par DI et stop si zero
      mov     ah,0x0E
     xor     bx,bx
       mov     al,[di]
     inc     di
  or      al,al
       jz      fin_aff
     int     0x10            ; affichage du caractere
    jmp     aff_chaine

  jmp     load_error

  ; affichage des 24 premiers octets du buffer
        ; LBA et no secteur/piste/tete
      mov     ax,[boot_piste_sect]
        xor     ah,ah
       mov     di,secteur_aff2
     call    decimal
     mov     ax,[boot_piste_sect]
        xchg    al,ah
       xor     ah,ah
       mov     di,secteur_aff4
     call    decimal
     mov     al,[boot_tete]
      xor     ah,ah
       mov     di,secteur_aff3
     call    decimal
     mov     ax,[boot_lba]
       mov     di,secteur_aff1
     call    decimal
     ; 24 cars
   mov     cx,24
       mov     di,secteur_aff5         ; car
       mov     si,secteur_aff6         ; hexa
      mov     bx,buffer
   mov     al,[bx]
     mov     dl,al
       inc     bx
  ; hexa
      mov     ah,al
       shr     ah,4
        and     al,0x0F
     add     ax,0x3030
   cmp     ah,0x39
     jbe     hex1
        add     ah,7
   cmp     al,0x39
     jbe     hex2
        add     al,7
   mov     [si],ah
     mov     [si+1],al
   ; car
       cmp     dl,0x20
     jb      aff_point
   cmp     dl,0x7E
     jbe     aff_car
   mov     dl,'.'
    mov     [di],dl
     inc     di
  add     si,3
        loop    carsuiv
     mov     di,secteur_aff
      call    aff_chaine

     ; convertit ax en decimal et le met dans secteur_aff1
       xor     dx,dx
       mov     bx,10
       div     bx
  add     dl,0x30
     mov     [di+4],dl
   xor     dx,dx
       div     bx      
    add     dl,0x30
     mov     [di+3],dl
   xor     dx,dx
       div     bx      
    add     dl,0x30
     mov     [di+2],dl
   div     bl
  add     ax,0x3030
   mov     [di+1],ah
   mov     [di],al

    db      'LBA '
       db      '00000 Sec '
 db      '00000 Tet '
 db      '00000 Cyl '
 db      '00000 Car '
 db      '012345678901234567890123',13,10
     db      '00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 00 11 22 33',13,10
   db      13,10,0


        times   510-$ db 0
  dw      0xAA55                  ; marque le secteur comme bootable


      times 512       db 0
        times 512*16    db 'A'
    ; 18/19 ici
 times 512       db 'B'
    times 512*44    db 'C'
    ; 63/64 ici
 times 512       db 'D'
    times 512*5     db 'E'

The bootloader has been copyed to the USB pen with "dd".
The bootloader displays the right letters while sectors are read, according to translation LBA/CHS

It seems to work with it, but with the os boot loader, it fails !
Still debugging...
Post 03 Mar 2011, 08:00
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Mike Gonta

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Mike Gonta 03 Mar 2011, 11:22
Hi poupougne,
Thanks for testing.
poupougne wrote:
I did a small bootloader that displays sectors on USB pen (size 32 MB)
This UFD is too small for general testing. Some BIOS/versions will emulate it as FDD while the same PC will emulate
a larger capacity (1 GB min to be on the safe side) as HDD.
poupougne wrote:
        inc     dh
  mov     [disk_nbtete],dh    

It's possible to have a maximum head number of 255 (even with real hard drives). This is a classic software problem
which contributed to the 4.2 GB Barrier. Adding one to the maximum head number (which starts at 0) will give the
maximum number of heads and should be saved as 16 bit.

Mike Gonta
look and see - many look but few see

Post 03 Mar 2011, 11:22
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poupougne 09 Mar 2011, 12:22

On MSI motherboard, with Sempron 64 CPU, extended int 13h returns error (HDD emulation). So, i get drive geometry and then load kernel using CHS int 13h. It seems to work, but after STI, the computer is stuck !
There's a
mov byte [0xB8058],'.'

at the beginning of the IRQ0 handler, but nothing displays in text mode.
Does 64 bits CPU running in PM legacy 32 bits mode make a difference with a 32 "native" bits CPU running in PM mode ?

It's running correctly on DELL laptop, Pentium M, firing IRQ 0/1/12 normally (32 Mo fob treated as FDD emulation), and on Qemu and Bochs 2.4.5

Post 09 Mar 2011, 12:22
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Coty 09 Mar 2011, 14:53
poupougne wrote:
Does 64 bits CPU running in PM legacy 32 bits mode make a difference with a 32 "native" bits CPU running in PM mode ?

It shouldn't, My PC AMD Athlon 64 x2 was built by my dad in 2006. It has never ran a 64bit OS other than Baremetal and some 64bit helloworld OS. In all the time its ran... never saw the need, only 2GB of ram...

Hmm, you only move one byte into buffer... Perhaps the screen attribute is black on black? Did you try to move a word into buffer?

   mov   edi, 0x000B8000
   mov   ah, 0x07  ; Colour atribute
   mov   al, '!'        ; This is an exclamation point!
   stosw                 ; Put to buffer nao!

Post 09 Mar 2011, 14:53
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