flat assembler
Message board for the users of flat assembler.
> DOS > Make your own compiler |
Author |
masonswanson 07 Apr 2011, 07:25
This Is Fabulous! Thanks
07 Apr 2011, 07:25 |
rain_storm 11 Apr 2011, 20:37
Nice work
11 Apr 2011, 20:37 |
mbr_tsr 17 Apr 2011, 19:42
Code: ;Make your own compiler ;This is a simple example of writing your own language ;It is easy to add commands ;You can run scripts placed in the Script: label ;Has a very nice command parser ;Variables are @0 to @9 set by using "set #" from 0 to 9 ;Scripts can have more than one command in a line using | ;Every line of a script is terminated with a CRLF ;All scripts must end with the 'stop' command ;It would be easy to make your scripts into .com programs ;Port your scripts to Windows, DOS, and Linux, or Raw ;Press the ` key to quit during input ;By Atomic_Bios (Feb. 2011) Org 100h push cs push cs pop ds pop es mov EDI, VarBuff mov ECX, 1000 * 10 mov al, 0 ClearVars: stosb loop ClearVars mov esi, Intro call TinyPrint Main: cmp [Running], 1 jne NotRunning mov ESI, Script mov eax, [CurrentLine] call PointP GotOneAlready: cmp byte [ESI], 10 jne NoIncLF inc ESI NoIncLF: mov EDI, String call CopyString inc [CurrentLine] jmp SkipInput NotRunning: ;We will skip the input prompt if running script mov esi, InputPrompt call TinyPrint mov ESI, String call TinyInput SkipInput: mov EDI, Buffer1 mov ECX, BuffSize * 4 mov al, 0 ClearBuffs: stosb loop ClearBuffs call ParseCommand cmp [Debug], 0 je NotDebugging1 call ShowVars mov esi, CrLf call TinyPrint NotDebugging1: mov ESI, Buffer1 mov EDI, Cmd10 call Compare cmp eax, 1 je InputCmd ;This will put variables into command buffers ;sends typed @0 to @9 buffer into parse buffer mov ECX, 10 mov EBP, 0 mov EBX, 0 ScannBufferVars: push ECX mov ESI, VariableList mov EAX, EBP call PointP push EBP mov ECX, EAX mov EBP, VarBuff cmp EAX, 0 je ItsNulZ IncScans: add EBP, 1000 loop IncScans ItsNulZ: mov ECX, 4 mov EDI, Buffer1 TheBuffers: push ECX call Compare cmp eax, 0 je NotMatch mov ESI, EBP call CopyString NotMatch: add EDI, BuffSize pop ECX loop TheBuffers pop EBP inc EBP pop ECX loop ScannBufferVars InputCmd: ;Here we will test what command was entered and react mov ESI, Buffer1 mov EDI, Cmd00 call Compare cmp eax, 0 je NotCmd00 ForceQuit: mov ah, 0x4c int 0x21 jmp CommandDone NotCmd00: mov ESI, Buffer1 mov EDI, Cmd01 call Compare cmp eax, 0 je NotCmd01 mov ESI, Buffer2 call TinyPrint mov esi, CrLf call TinyPrint jmp CommandDone NotCmd01: mov ESI, Buffer1 mov EDI, Cmd02 call Compare cmp eax, 0 je NotCmd02 mov ESI, Help call TinyPrint jmp CommandDone NotCmd02: mov ESI, Buffer1 mov EDI, Cmd03 call Compare cmp eax, 0 je NotCmd03 mov ESI, Beep call TinyPrint jmp CommandDone NotCmd03: mov ESI, Buffer1 mov EDI, Cmd04 call Compare cmp eax, 0 je NotCmd04 mov [Running], 1 mov ESI, Script mov EDI, Script mov ECX, StrSize MakeFormat: lodsb cmp al, '|' je MultiCmd cmp al, 13 jne Not13 MultiCmd: mov al,0 Not13: stosb loop MakeFormat jmp CommandDone NotCmd04: mov ESI, Buffer1 mov EDI, Cmd05 call Compare cmp eax, 0 je NotCmd05 mov [Running], 0 mov [CurrentLine], 0 mov [GotoLine], 0 jmp Main NotCmd05: mov ESI, Buffer1 mov EDI, Cmd06 call Compare cmp eax, 0 je NotCmd06 cmp byte [Debug], 0 je TurnOn cmp byte [Debug], 1 je TurnOff mov [Debug], 1 jmp DoneDebugSetup TurnOn: mov [Debug], 1 jmp DoneDebugSetup TurnOff: mov [Debug], 0 DoneDebugSetup: jmp CommandDone NotCmd06: mov ESI, Buffer1 mov EDI, Cmd07 call Compare cmp eax, 0 je NotCmd07 mov esi, Buffer2 call ScanHex mov ECX, EAX mov ESI, Buffer3 mov EDI, VarBuff cmp ECX, 0 jle ZeroBaby cmp ECX, 9 ja OUA IncScan: add EDI, 1000 loop IncScan ZeroBaby: call CopyString OUA: jmp CommandDone NotCmd07: mov ESI, Buffer1 mov EDI, Cmd08 call Compare cmp eax, 0 je NotCmd08 DirectGoto: cmp [Running], 0 je SkipGoto mov ESI, Buffer2 mov EDI, Buffer2 CutLabM: lodsb cmp al, ' ' je CutLabM cmp al, 0 je DoneLabM stosb jmp CutLabM DoneLabM: mov al, 0 stosb mov [GotoLine], 0 mov ECX, 64000 ScanGotoLines: mov ESI, Script mov EAX, [GotoLine] mov EDI, TrimBuff call PointP StartTrim: lodsb cmp al, 0 je DoneScan cmp al, ' ' jne NotSpace1 jmp SkipStore NotSpace1: stosb SkipStore: jmp StartTrim DoneScan: mov al, 0 stosb mov ESI, TrimBuff cmp byte [ESI], 10 jne NoIncLFG inc ESI NoIncLFG: mov EDI, Buffer2 call Compare cmp eax, 1 je GotGotoLine inc [GotoLine] loop ScanGotoLines jmp ErrOut GotGotoLine: mov EAX, [GotoLine] mov [CurrentLine], EAX jmp Main ErrOut: SkipGoto: jmp CommandDone NotCmd08: mov ESI, Buffer1 mov EDI, Cmd09 call Compare cmp eax, 0 je NotCmd09 mov ESI, Buffer2 mov EDI, Buffer3 call Compare cmp eax, 0 je NotSame mov ESI, Buffer4 jmp GotOneAlready NotSame: jmp CommandDone NotCmd09: mov ESI, Buffer1 mov EDI, Cmd10 call Compare cmp eax, 0 je NotCmd10 mov EDI, VarBuff mov ECX, 10 mov EBP, 0 ScanInpVars: push ECX mov ESI, Var0 mov EAX, EBP call PointP push EDI mov EDI, Buffer2 call Compare pop EDI cmp eax, 0 je NotInpVar1 pop ECX mov ESI, EDI call TinyInput jmp GotInput NotInpVar1: add EDI, 1000 inc EBP pop ECX loop ScanInpVars GotInput: jmp CommandDone NotCmd10: mov ESI, Buffer1 mov EDI, Cmd11 call Compare cmp eax, 0 je NotCmd11 ;Add your command contents here jmp CommandDone NotCmd11: mov ESI, Buffer1 mov EDI, Cmd12 call Compare cmp eax, 0 je NotCmd12 ;Add your command contents here jmp CommandDone NotCmd12: mov ESI, Buffer1 mov EDI, Cmd13 call Compare cmp eax, 0 je NotCmd13 ;Add your command contents here jmp CommandDone NotCmd13: mov ESI, Buffer1 mov EDI, Cmd14 call Compare cmp eax, 0 je NotCmd14 ;Add your command contents here jmp CommandDone NotCmd14: mov ESI, Buffer1 mov EDI, Cmd15 call Compare cmp eax, 0 je NotCmd15 ;Add your command contents here jmp CommandDone NotCmd15: cmp byte [Debug],0 je NotDebuggingGarb mov esi, Error call TinyPrint mov esi, CrLf call TinyPrint call ShowVars NotDebuggingGarb: jmp AllOver CommandDone: cmp byte [Debug],0 ;Show okay message if debugging je NotDebugging2 mov esi, Okay call TinyPrint NotDebugging2: AllOver: jmp Main ParseCommand: mov edi, Buffer1 mov ecx, BuffSize mov edx, 0 mov eax, 4 mul ecx mov ecx, eax mov al, 0 ClearTheMem: stosb loop ClearTheMem mov esi, String GoParse: mov ecx, BuffSize ltrim: mov al, byte [esi] cmp al, ' ' jne DoneIt inc esi loop ltrim DoneIt: mov byte [incy], 0 mov byte [qcount], 0 mov EBX, 0 mov EDX, 0 mov ECX, 0 mov AL, 1 Parses: mov AL, byte [ESI+EBX] inc EBX cmp al, 13 jne Cant13 mov al, 0 Cant13: cmp al, 10 jne Cant10 mov al, 0 Cant10: cmp AL, ';' je EndParses cmp AL, ' ' jne NotSpace CommaAsSpace: cmp byte [qcount], 1 je OkayW mov ECX, 128 FixMultiSpaceInc: mov AL, byte [ESI+EBX] cmp al, ',' je CommaSameAsSpace cmp al, ' ' jne CeaseSpc CommaSameAsSpace: inc EBX loop FixMultiSpaceInc CeaseSpc: inc byte [incy] mov EDX, 0 jmp Trim NotSpace: cmp AL, ',' je CommaAsSpace cmp AL, 34 jne NotQuote cmp byte [qcount], 0 je SetTo1 mov byte [qcount], 0 jmp Trim SetTo1: mov byte [qcount], 1 jmp Trim NotQuote: OkayW: cmp byte [incy], 0 je Zero cmp byte [incy], 1 je One cmp byte [incy], 2 je Two cmp byte [incy], 3 je Three jmp EndParses Zero: mov EDI, Buffer1 add EDI, EDX mov byte [EDI], AL inc EDX jmp Trim One: mov EDI, Buffer2 add EDI, EDX mov byte [EDI], AL inc EDX jmp Trim Two: mov EDI, Buffer3 add EDI, EDX mov byte [EDI], AL inc EDX jmp Trim Three: mov EDI, Buffer4 add EDI, EDX mov byte [EDI], AL inc EDX jmp Trim Trim: cmp AL, 0 je EndParses jmp Parses EndParses: ret ;Read input from keyboard into ESI TinyInput: mov ah, 0 int 0x16 cmp al, '`' je ForceQuit mov bx, 000fh mov ah, 0x0e int 10h cmp al, 13 jne NotIOverTiny mov byte [ESI], 0 jmp GotItTiny NotIOverTiny: mov byte [ESI], al inc ESI jmp TinyInput GotItTiny: ret ;print ESI to the screen TinyPrint: push EAX push EBX push ESI ShowLoopTiny: lodsb cmp al, 0 je DoneTiny cmp al, '$' je DoneTiny mov ah, 0x0E mov bh, 0x00 mov bl, 0x07 int 0x10 jmp ShowLoopTiny DoneTiny: pop ESI pop EBX pop EAX ret ShowVars: mov esi, CrLf call TinyPrint mov esi, Bar call TinyPrint mov esi, Data0 call TinyPrint mov esi, String call TinyPrint mov esi, CrLf call TinyPrint mov esi, Data1 call TinyPrint mov esi, Buffer1 call TinyPrint mov esi, CrLf call TinyPrint mov esi, Data2 call TinyPrint mov esi, Buffer2 call TinyPrint mov esi, CrLf call TinyPrint mov esi, Data3 call TinyPrint mov esi, Buffer3 call TinyPrint mov esi, CrLf call TinyPrint mov esi, Data4 call TinyPrint mov esi, Buffer4 call TinyPrint mov esi, CrLf call TinyPrint mov esi, Bar call TinyPrint mov EDX, 0 mov ECX, 10 Debuggy: mov ESI, VariableList mov EAX, EDX push EDX call PointP call TinyPrint mov ESI, VarBuff mov EAX, EDX mov EBX, 1000 mul EBX add ESI, EAX call TinyPrint mov esi, CrLf call TinyPrint pop EDX inc EDX loop Debuggy ret ;compare esi with edi if they are the same return eax as 1 ;if they are not the same return eax as 0 Compare: push edi push esi mov eax, 0 c_loop2: lodsb cmp byte [edi], al jne c_nope2 cmp al, 00 je c_yup2 inc edi jmp c_loop2 c_yup2: mov eax, 01 jmp GotCmpVal c_nope2: mov eax, 00 jmp GotCmpVal GotCmpVal: pop esi pop edi ret ;call with ESI array and al element# ;points to a specific string withing array of NUL terminated strings PointP: push EAX push ECX push EDX mov DL, AL mov ECX, 64000 cmp DL, 0 je cAllOverPc cCounterLoopc: cmp byte [ESI], 0 jne cNotUpCountc inc ESI dec DL cmp DL, 0 je cAllOverPc cNotUpCountc: inc ESI loop cCounterLoopc cAllOverPc: pop EDX pop ECX pop EAX ret ;copy string in ESI to EDI CopyString: push ESI push EDI CpyMem1: mov AL, byte [ESI] mov byte [EDI], AL cmp AL, 0 je CopyOver inc ESI inc EDI jmp CpyMem1 CopyOver: pop EDI pop ESI ret ;convert hex in ds:si into ascii into AX or AL ScanHex: push esi push ecx push edx mov cl,4 xor edx,edx scn: lodsb cmp al,'0' jb endr cmp al,'9' jna decdgt or al,0x20 cmp al,'a' jb endr cmp al,'z' ja endr sub al,'a'-'9'-1 decdgt: sub al,'0' shl dx,cl or dl,al jmp scn endr: xchg edx, eax dec esi pop edx pop ecx pop esi ret CrLf db 0x0d,0x0a,0 incy db 0 ;keeps trek of parse qcount db 0 ;keeps treq of quotes Running db 0 ;0=user entry 1=running script CurrentLine dd 0 ;line number of running program GotoLine dd 0 Debug db 0 InputPrompt db 0x0d,0x0a,"?",0 Bar db "=========================================================",0x0d,0x0a,0 Data0 db "Command =",0 Data1 db "Paramiter1 =",0 Data2 db "Paramiter2 =",0 Data3 db "Paramiter3 =",0 Data4 db "Paramiter4 =",0 Intro db "ZOS32",0x0d,0x0a,0 Help db "Commands",0x0d,0x0a db "exit = exit program and return to OS",0x0d,0x0a db "print text = display a message on the screen",0x0d,0x0a db "help = show this help screen info on commands",0x0d,0x0a db "beep = send a beeping noise to the PC speaker",0x0d,0x0a db "run = start running the built-in program script",0x0d,0x0a db "stop = used by scripts to stop running themself",0x0d,0x0a db "debug = toggle show extra info during commands",0x0d,0x0a db "set # text = set variable from 0 to 9 to text",0x0d,0x0a db "goto label: = goto any label: within your script",0x0d,0x0a db "compare txt1 txt2 code = run code if txt1 and txt2 are equal",0x0d,0x0a db "input @var = read keyboard input into @0 to @9",0x0d,0x0a db "note that variable names are from @0 to @9",0x0d,0x0a db 0 Beep db 7,0 CommandList: Cmd00 db "exit",0 Cmd01 db "print",0 Cmd02 db "help",0 Cmd03 db "beep",0 Cmd04 db "run",0 Cmd05 db "stop",0 Cmd06 db "debug",0 Cmd07 db "set",0 Cmd08 db "goto",0 Cmd09 db "compare",0 Cmd10 db "input",0 Cmd11 db "empty",0 Cmd12 db "empty",0 Cmd13 db "empty",0 Cmd14 db "empty",0 Cmd15 db "empty",0 VariableList: Var0 db "@0",0 Var1 db "@1",0 Var2 db "@2",0 Var3 db "@3",0 Var4 db "@4",0 Var5 db "@5",0 Var6 db "@6",0 Var7 db "@7",0 Var8 db "@8",0 Var9 db "@9",0 Error db "Error = Unknown command",0x0d,0x0a,0 Okay db "OKAY",0x0d,0x0a,0 Script: db 'MainLabel:',0x0d,0x0a db 'print "beeping three times"',0x0d,0x0a db 'beep | beep | beep | print Done!',0x0d,0x0a db 'InputLabel:',0x0d,0x0a db 'print "Commands: exit, restart, help"',0x0d,0x0a db 'input @1',0x0d,0x0a db 'print "You Typed:" | print @1',0x0d,0x0a db 'compare @1 restart "goto MainLabel:"',0x0d,0x0a db 'compare @1 exit "goto ExitLabel:"',0x0d,0x0a db 'compare @1 help "goto HelpLabel:"',0x0d,0x0a db 'print "Unknown Command"',0x0d,0x0a db 'goto InputLabel:',0x0d,0x0a db 'ExitLabel:',0x0d,0x0a db 'print Goodbye...',0x0d,0x0a db 'stop',0x0d,0x0a db 'HelpLabel:',0x0d,0x0a db 'print "exit=return to OS',0x0d,0x0a db 'print "restart=restart demo',0x0d,0x0a db 'print "help=show command summary',0x0d,0x0a db 'goto InputLabel:',0x0d,0x0a ScriptSizeLimit rb 12000 ;Give some room for scripts String rb 7000 ;the main command goes here StrSize = $ - String Buffer1 rb 1000 ;the paramiters go here BuffSize = $ - Buffer1 Buffer2 rb 1000 Buffer3 rb 1000 Buffer4 rb 1000 VarBuff rb 1000 * 10 TrimBuff rb 88 db 0 |
17 Apr 2011, 19:42 |
mbr_tsr 17 Apr 2011, 20:51
This can be ported to any OS by changing TinyInput: and TinyPrint: and the header Org 100h to Win32 Console or Linux int 0x80, right now it runs as a Kernel except for int 0x21 function 0x4c that can be changed to 0xCC
17 Apr 2011, 20:51 |
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