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Index > Windows > struct stat32

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Joined: 25 Jun 2010
Posts: 14
render 11 Jan 2011, 22:55
I have trouble, when I get data from stat32 structure.
format PE console 4.0
include '%fasminc%\win32a.inc'

section '.text' code  readable executable
                     entry ff
    proc ff
              123 dd ?
            include '%fasminc%\EQUATES\stat.inc'
                        lea eax,[stat32]        
                    stdcall [_stat],file_file,eax
                       stdcall [printf],STRst_dev,[stat32.st_dev]
                  stdcall [printf],STRst_ino,dword[stat32.st_ino]
                     stdcall [printf],STRst_mode,dword[stat32.st_mode]
                   stdcall [printf],STRst_nlink,dword[stat32.st_nlink]
                 stdcall [printf],STRst_uid,dword[stat32.st_uid]
                     stdcall [printf],STRst_gid,dword[stat32.st_gid]
                     stdcall [printf],STRst_rdev,[stat32.st_rdev]
                        stdcall [printf],STRst_size,[stat32.st_size]
                        stdcall [printf],STRst_atime,[stat32.st_atime]
                      stdcall [printf],STRst_mtime,[stat32.st_mtime]
                      stdcall [printf],STRst_ctime,[stat32.st_ctime]
                      stdcall [ExitProcess],NULL

section '.data' data readable
file_file        db 'd:\123.txt',0
STRst_dev   db 'st_dev: %d',0xA,0
STRst_ino        db 'st_ino: %d',0xA,0
STRst_mode       db 'st_mode: %d',0xA,0
STRst_nlink     db 'st_nlink: %d',0xA,0
STRst_uid      db 'st_uid: %d',0xA,0
STRst_gid        db 'st_gid: %d',0xA,0
STRst_rdev       db 'st_rdev: %d',0xA,0
STRst_size      db 'st_size: %d',0xA,0
STRst_atime     db 'st_atime: %d',0xA,0
STRst_mtime    db 'st_mtime: %d',0xA,0
STRst_ctime    db 'st_ctime: %d',0xA,0

section '.rdata' import data readable writable
library                                kernel32,                               'KERNEL32.DLL',\
                                 user32,                                 'USER32.DLL',\
                                   shell32,                                'SHELL32.DLL',\
                                  msvcrt,                                 'MSVCRT.DLL'
                                      include                                 '%fasminc%\api\KERNEL32.INC'
                                    include                                 '%fasminc%\api\SHELL32.INC'
                                     include                                 '%fasminc%\api\USER32.INC'                  
                                    include                                 '%fasminc%\api\MSVCRT.INC'          

        struct stat_struct
          st_dev                  dd ?
                st_ino                  dw ?
                st_mode                 dw ?
                st_nlink                dw ?
                st_uid                  dw ?
                st_gid                  dw ?
                st_rdev                 dd ?
                st_size                 dd ?
                st_atime                dd ?
                st_mtime                dd ?
                st_ctime                dd ?
        stat32 stat_struct

C source code
#include <windows.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>

int main()
struct stat file_info;
__asm{int 3}
printf("st_dev: %d\n",file_info.st_dev);        
printf("st_ino: %d\n",file_info.st_ino);
printf("st_mode: %d\n",file_info.st_mode);
printf("st_nlink: %d\n",file_info.st_nlink);
printf("st_uid: %d\n",file_info.st_uid);
printf("st_gid: %d\n",file_info.st_gid);
printf("st_rdev: %d\n",file_info.st_rdev);
printf("st_size: %d\n",file_info.st_size);
printf("st_atime: %d\n",file_info.st_atime);
printf("st_mtime: %d\n",file_info.st_mtime);
printf("st_ctime: %d\n",file_info.st_ctime);

return 0;

C header sys/stat.h
struct _stat {
        _dev_t st_dev;
        _ino_t st_ino;
        unsigned short st_mode;
        short st_nlink;
        short st_uid;
        short st_gid;
        _dev_t st_rdev;
        _off_t st_size;
        time_t st_atime;
        time_t st_mtime;
        time_t st_ctime;

in C source (upps binary) I get from struct correctly data from struct stat32
What I do wrang ?
Post 11 Jan 2011, 22:55
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Joined: 03 Nov 2004
Posts: 138
SFeLi 12 Jan 2011, 07:12
Padding. Dword values are often aligned to 4-byte boundaries. Try to insert padding_ dw ? before st_rdev dd ?.
Post 12 Jan 2011, 07:12
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Joined: 07 Oct 2003
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Location: Michigan, USA
madmatt 12 Jan 2011, 14:42
As SFeli Said above, alignment (st_gid):
struct _stat32
       st_dev dd ?
       st_ino dw ?
       st_mode dw ?
       st_nlink dw ?
       st_uid dw ?
       st_gid dw ?,?
       st_rdev dd ?
       st_size dd ?
       st_atime dd ?
       st_mtime dd ?
       st_ctime dd ?

Also, use cinvoke instead of stdcall. Because some of the elements are word size, you'll have to load them into a 32bit register first, then print out there values, Example:
     cinvoke _stat, file_file, stat32
     cinvoke printf, STRst_dev, [stat32.st_dev]
     movzx   eax, [stat32.st_ino]
     cinvoke printf, STRst_ino, eax
     movzx   eax, [stat32.st_mode]
     cinvoke printf, STRst_mode, eax
     movzx   eax, [stat32.st_nlink]
     cinvoke printf, STRst_nlink, eax
     movzx   eax, [stat32.st_uid]
     cinvoke printf, STRst_uid, eax
     movzx   eax, [stat32.st_gid]
     cinvoke printf, STRst_gid, eax
     cinvoke printf, STRst_rdev, [stat32.st_rdev]
     cinvoke printf, STRst_size, [stat32.st_size]
     cinvoke printf, STRst_atime, [stat32.st_atime]
     cinvoke printf, STRst_mtime, [stat32.st_mtime]
     cinvoke printf, STRst_ctime, [stat32.st_ctime]
Post 12 Jan 2011, 14:42
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Joined: 31 Dec 2008
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ass0 24 Jan 2011, 02:20
Hey madmatt, could you please reupload your examples that you use to put here:

Perhaps to http://ifile.it/, they allow resumable downloads btw Very Happy

Thank You in advance.

Nombre: Aquiles Castro.
Location2: about:robots
Post 24 Jan 2011, 02:20
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