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Index > Macroinstructions > .if macro feature not working

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Joined: 07 Oct 2003
Posts: 1045
Location: Michigan, USA
madmatt 08 Dec 2010, 14:41
Found another macro feature that isn't working right, '.if ~eax' gives me an 'illegal instruction: ..var?3kL eax,eax' error.

[edit 2] It seems to be working correctly in my other code projects, only in a certain coding project it gives me this error, wonder what could be causing it?

See 'RegisterClassEx' in the code below:
;template for program using standard Win32 headers
format PE GUI 4.0 on 'nul'

include '%fasminc%\win32a.inc'
include '%fasminc%\equates\msvcrt.inc'
include '%fasminc%\equates\kernel32.inc'
include '%fasminc%\equates\gdi32.inc'
include '%fasminc%\equates\user32.inc'
include '%fasminc%\equates\comctl32.inc'
include '%fasminc%\equates\comdlg32.inc'
include '%fasminc%\equates\winmm.inc'

;DISPLAY "SizeOf: ",<sizeof.teststruct, 10>,13,10

section '.data' data readable writeable
  szAppTitle db 'Windows Shell',0
  szAppClass db 'WinShell32',0
  align 4

  mainhwnd  dd 0
  hinstance dd 0
  editfont  dd 0


section '.code' code readable executable

proc WINMAIN  hInstance, hprevinstance, lpcmdline, ncmdshow
     local msg:MSG, wc:WNDCLASSEXA, test:DOUBLE, startx:DWORD, starty:DWORD, clientrectangle:RECT
         regclass db "RegisterClassEx()",0
         error    db "ERROR",0
         moretext db "Error number X:",0

     invoke  InitCommonControlsEx, icex
     cinvoke memset, addr wc, 0, sizeof.WNDCLASSEXA
     invoke  GetModuleHandle, 0
     mov     [wc.hInstance], eax
     mov     [hinstance], eax
     mov     [wc.cbSize], sizeof.WNDCLASSEXA
     invoke  LoadImage, [hinstance], IDI_MAINICON, IMAGE_ICON, 48, 48, LR_DEFAULTSIZE
     mov     [wc.hIcon], eax
     invoke  LoadImage, [hinstance], IDI_MAINICON, IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_DEFAULTSIZE
     mov     [wc.hIconSm], eax
     invoke  LoadCursor, 0, IDC_ARROW
     mov     [wc.hCursor], eax
     mov     [wc.style], CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
     mov     [wc.lpfnWndProc], WndProc
     mov     [wc.cbClsExtra], 0
     mov     [wc.cbWndExtra], 0
     invoke  GetStockObject, WHITE_BRUSH
     mov     [wc.hbrBackground], eax
     mov     [wc.lpszMenuName], 0
     mov     [wc.lpszClassName], szAppClass

     invoke  RegisterClassEx, addr wc
     .if     ~eax  [b]ERROR[/b]
             invoke  MessageBox, NULL, addr regclass, addr error, MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR
             return  FALSE

     invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CXFULLSCREEN ;SM_CXSCREEN
     shr     eax, 1
     sub     eax, WINDOWWIDTH shr 1
     mov     [startx], eax

     invoke  GetSystemMetrics, SM_CYFULLSCREEN ;SM_CYSCREEN
     shr     eax, 1
     sub     eax, WINDOWHEIGHT shr 1
     mov     [starty], eax

     invoke  SetRect, addr clientrectangle, 0, 0, WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT
     invoke  AdjustWindowRect, addr clientrectangle, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW or WS_VISIBLE, NULL
     mov     eax, [clientrectangle.right]
     sub     eax, [clientrectangle.left]
     mov     ecx, [clientrectangle.bottom]
     sub     ecx, [clientrectangle.top]
     invoke  CreateWindowEx, NULL, szAppClass, szAppTitle, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW + WS_VISIBLE, [startx], [starty], eax, ecx,\
             NULL, NULL, [hinstance], NULL
     .if     eax = NULL
             invoke  MessageBox, NULL, "CreateWindowEx()", "ERROR", MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR
             return  FALSE
     mov     [mainhwnd], eax

     .while  [msg.message] <> WM_QUIT
             invoke  GetMessage, addr msg, NULL, 0, 0
             invoke  TranslateMessage, addr msg
             invoke  DispatchMessage, addr msg

     invoke  ExitProcess, 0

proc WndProc  hwnd, wmsg, wparam, lparam
     local hdc:DWORD, ps:PAINTSTRUCT, szBuffer[256*4]:BYTE, FreeBytes:QWORD, TotalBytes:QWORD, UsedBytes:QWORD

     ;check for messages wanted here
     .if     [wmsg] = WM_CREATE
             return  0

     .elseif [wmsg] = WM_PAINT
             invoke  BeginPaint, [hwnd], addr ps
             mov     [hdc], eax

             invoke  CreateFont, 24, 10, 0, 0, FW_BOLD, NULL, NULL, NULL, ANSI_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,\
                     CLEARTYPE_QUALITY, VARIABLE_PITCH or FF_DONTCARE, "Courier New"; "Tahoma"
             mov     [editfont],eax
             invoke  SelectObject, [hdc], [editfont]

             invoke  GetDiskFreeSpaceEx, NULL, addr FreeBytes, addr TotalBytes, NULL
             fild    [TotalBytes]
             fst     [TotalBytes]
             fild    [FreeBytes]
             fst     [FreeBytes]
             fstp    [UsedBytes]
             cinvoke sprintf, addr szBuffer, "HARD DRIVE STATS:"
             invoke  TextOut, [hdc], 0, 0, addr szBuffer, eax
             cinvoke sprintf, addr szBuffer, "TotalBytes: %13.f", double [TotalBytes]
             invoke  TextOut, [hdc], 0, 20*1+(20/4), addr szBuffer, eax
             cinvoke sprintf, addr szBuffer, "FreeBytes:  %13.f", double [FreeBytes]
             invoke  TextOut, [hdc], 0, 20*2+(20/4), addr szBuffer, eax
             cinvoke sprintf, addr szBuffer, "UsedBytes:  %13.f", double [UsedBytes]
             invoke  TextOut, [hdc], 0, 20*3+(20/4), addr szBuffer, eax
             .if     [editfont]
                     invoke  DeleteObject, [editfont]

             invoke  EndPaint, [hwnd], addr ps
             return  0

     .elseif [wmsg] = WM_KEYDOWN
             .if     [wparam] = VK_ESCAPE
                     invoke  PostQuitMessage, 0
             return  0

     .elseif [wmsg] = WM_CLOSE
             invoke  PostQuitMessage, 0
             return  0

     .elseif [wmsg] = WM_DESTROY
             invoke  DestroyWindow, [hwnd]
             return  [hwnd]

     invoke  DefWindowProc, [hwnd], [wmsg], [wparam], [lparam]

section '.rsrc' resource data readable
  directory RT_MANIFEST, manifest, RT_ICON, icons, RT_GROUP_ICON, group_icons

  resource manifest, 1, LANG_NEUTRAL, xpstyle
  resource icons, 1, LANG_NEUTRAL, icon_data
  resource group_icons, IDI_MAINICON, LANG_NEUTRAL, main_icon

  icon main_icon, icon_data, 'VistaIcon.ico'

  resdata xpstyle
          file '%fasminc%\winxpstyle.xml'

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  library msvcrt,'MSVCRT.DLL',\

  include '%fasminc%\vapia\msvcrt.inc'
  include '%fasminc%\vapia\kernel32.inc'
  include '%fasminc%\vapia\gdi32.inc'
  include '%fasminc%\vapia\user32.inc'
  include '%fasminc%\vapia\comctl32.inc'
  include '%fasminc%\vapia\comdlg32.inc'
  include '%fasminc%\vapia\shell32.inc'
  include '%fasminc%\vapia\winmm.inc'

Gimme a sledge hammer! I'LL FIX IT!
Post 08 Dec 2010, 14:41
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8351
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 08 Dec 2010, 15:42
You did define local variable named "test" and this breaks the "test" instruction. If you try to use "test" instruction directly somewhere inside your procedure, you will get similar error.
Post 08 Dec 2010, 15:42
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Joined: 07 Oct 2003
Posts: 1045
Location: Michigan, USA
madmatt 08 Dec 2010, 15:53
Can't believe I did that, thanks.
Post 08 Dec 2010, 15:53
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