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> Windows > CreateThread with STARTUPINFO Goto page Previous 1, 2, 3 Next |
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Overflowz 25 Nov 2010, 12:21
I know already how to use it but I'm lost in API's and tried to modify, modify but I fail everytime. I did lot of tests of course with using debugger but same result. |
25 Nov 2010, 12:21 |
vid 25 Nov 2010, 13:42
What exactly does "but I fail" mean? What fails in the modified program?
Most of APIs you call have some return value which indicate error (described at MSDN, just google "MSDN <api name>"). I suggest you trace your code, and check whether all API calls return without error. In case error is returned by one of them, OllyDbg tells you what error code it is, and then let us know. |
25 Nov 2010, 13:42 |
Overflowz 25 Nov 2010, 13:55
Ahh..... Sorry for my dumb questions. I forgot that ollydbg shows last errors! I saw now and it's ERROR_INVALID_ID_PARAMETER. I'll try to fix this. Thanks for useful reply) |
25 Nov 2010, 13:55 |
Overflowz 25 Nov 2010, 14:09
Well, my problem is that I can't get Thread ID after calling CreateThread API. Instead of ID I was getting Thread Handle. I've tried to google but can't find how to get Thread ID from CreateThread. Is there any way to do that ? I saw at MSDN and it says last argument is returning thread identifier. I've used EDI register but seems it's not returning nothing and GetLastError shows nothing. any suggestions ? Someone, just watch code in debugger ! I'm getting very mad. I have no idea why its not returning Thread ID Here's code what I mean.
Code: format PE GUI 4.0 include 'win32a.inc' entry main ;entry startHook ;------------------------------------------- section '.text' code readable executable ;=========================================== proc startHook invoke GetCurrentThreadId ; set up hook invoke SetWindowsHookEx,WH_CBT,CBTProc,0,eax ; ;cmp eax,0 ;jz WhatWentWrong? mov [ebx],eax invoke MessageBox,0,Mess,Title,MB_TOPMOST ; positionable msgbox invoke UnhookWindowsHookEx,[ebx] ; clean up endp ; WhatWentWrong?: ; invoke ExitProcess,0 ;------------------------------------------- proc main invoke CreateThread,NULL,0,MSGProc,NULL,NULL,edi ;invoke GetCurrentThreadId invoke SetWindowsHookEx,WH_CBT,CBTProc,0,edi ;invoke UnhookWindowsHookEx,eax ret endp proc MSGProc invoke MessageBox,0,Mess,Title,MB_OK ret endp proc CBTProc, nCode,wparam,lparam push ebx esi edi cmp [nCode],HCBT_ACTIVATE jne finish invoke SetWindowPos,[wparam],0,20,20,0,0,\ ; Xoffset,Yoffset,0,0 SWP_NOSIZE Or SWP_NOZORDER Or SWP_NOACTIVATE finish: xor eax,eax ; 0 = All ok pop edi esi ebx ret endp ;------------------------------------------- section '.data' data readable writeable ;=========================================== Title db 'Hello',0 Mess db 'Put me where',10 db 'you want ',0 ;align 8 hHook dd ? tid dd ? ;------------------------------------------- section '.idata' import data readable writeable ;=========================================== library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ user32,'USER32.DLL' include 'api\kernel32.inc' include 'api\user32.inc' |
25 Nov 2010, 14:09 |
comrade 25 Nov 2010, 15:11
The thread ID is an output parameter. Its the last parameter to CreateThread. You neeed to fill it with the offset of a dword where you want CreateThread to write the thread ID to.
Code: lea eax,tid invoke CreateThread,NULL,0,MSGProc,NULL,NULL,eax ... section '.data' ... tid dd ? <-- here |
25 Nov 2010, 15:11 |
Overflowz 25 Nov 2010, 15:23
EDI = 1 DWORD I've also tried with tid but no result.. same problem. |
25 Nov 2010, 15:23 |
revolution 25 Nov 2010, 15:38
Overflowz: You have to initialise the values of EDI and EBX before you can use them. You can't simply start storing values to [EBX] without setting the value of EBX first. And where is your ret?
Code: proc startHook invoke GetCurrentThreadId ; set up hook invoke SetWindowsHookEx,WH_CBT,CBTProc,0,eax ; ;cmp eax,0 ;jz WhatWentWrong? mov [ebx],eax ;<---- What is the value of EBX? ;Where is the 'ret'? endp |
25 Nov 2010, 15:38 |
Overflowz 25 Nov 2010, 15:50
I think you don't understand me. startHook function works fine. but main function fails. I mean this function fails and that what you wrote, works fine. Code: proc main invoke CreateThread,NULL,0,MSGProc,NULL,NULL,edi ;invoke GetCurrentThreadId invoke SetWindowsHookEx,WH_CBT,CBTProc,0,edi ;invoke UnhookWindowsHookEx,eax ret endp |
25 Nov 2010, 15:50 |
revolution 25 Nov 2010, 15:53
You need to initialise the value of EDI. You will overwrite some random address without setting EDI first.
[edit]Déjà vu |
25 Nov 2010, 15:53 |
Alphonso 25 Nov 2010, 16:19
I think you'll find with exe SetWindowsHookEx needs to be called from the thread it's hooking. The documentation I've seen doesn't seem to mention this. Also be aware that your probably unhooking before the hook has been made. From your first code post.
Code: proc main invoke CreateThread,NULL,0,MSGProc,NULL,NULL,tid ;invoke SetWindowsHookEx,WH_CBT,CBTProc,0,tid ;needs to be in thread that ;that is being hooked --v invoke MessageBox,0,Mess,Title,MB_OK invoke UnhookWindowsHookEx,[hHook] ret endp proc MSGProc invoke SetWindowsHookEx,WH_CBT,CBTProc,0,[tid] ;moved from main mov [hHook],eax ;keep for unhooking invoke MessageBox,0,Mess,Title,MB_OK ret endp |
25 Nov 2010, 16:19 |
Overflowz 25 Nov 2010, 16:54
I got it. but same result with "tid". Alphonso No luck. Btw I'm not using startHook function, I've just posted working proc and non-working proc. main is non-working and startHook = working. I've tried this code and failed too. Code: proc main invoke CreateThread,NULL,0,MSGProc,NULL,NULL,tid ;invoke GetCurrentThreadId ;invoke SetWindowsHookEx,WH_CBT,CBTProc,0,edi ;invoke UnhookWindowsHookEx,eax ret endp proc MSGProc invoke SetWindowsHookEx,WH_CBT,CBTProc,0,[tid] mov [ebx],eax invoke MessageBox,0,Mess,Title,MB_OK invoke UnhookWindowsHookEx,ebx ret endp proc CBTProc, nCode,wparam,lparam push ebx esi edi cmp [nCode],HCBT_ACTIVATE jne finish invoke SetWindowPos,[wparam],0,20,20,0,0,\ ; Xoffset,Yoffset,0,0 SWP_NOSIZE Or SWP_NOZORDER Or SWP_NOACTIVATE finish: xor eax,eax ; 0 = All ok pop edi esi ebx ret endp |
25 Nov 2010, 16:54 |
Overflowz 25 Nov 2010, 17:10
Hey! I've done it! Here's working example but revolution, what I'm doing wrong can you fix please about initializing EBP register ? Here's commented code.
Code: proc main mov ebp,esp sub esp,10 invoke CreateThread,NULL,0,MSGProc,NULL,NULL,tid ;ebp instead of tid ;invoke GetCurrentThreadId ;invoke SetWindowsHookEx,WH_CBT,CBTProc,0,edi ;invoke UnhookWindowsHookEx,eax ret endp proc MSGProc mov eax,[tid] ;[ebp] instead of [tid] invoke SetWindowsHookEx,WH_CBT,CBTProc,0,eax invoke MessageBox,0,Mess,Title,MB_OK invoke UnhookWindowsHookEx,ebx ret endp with tid works fine, but with ebp doesn't. What I'm doing wrong ? Thank you. also I really wanted to know what's difference between for example [eax] and eax. I've tried google but didn't knew what to search. Thanks for helping everyone. |
25 Nov 2010, 17:10 |
revolution 25 Nov 2010, 17:35
Using EBP won't work because it is meant to be local to each procedure only. You can't safely use it across procedures unless you are very very careful about how to enter and exit the procs.
25 Nov 2010, 17:35 |
baldr 25 Nov 2010, 17:42
fasm manual wrote: Every instruction consists of the mnemonic and the various number of operands, separated with commas. The operand can be register, immediate value or a data addressed in memory, it can also be preceded by size operator to define or override its size (table 1.1). Names of available registers you can find in table 1.2, their sizes cannot be overridden. Immediate value can be specified by any numerical expression.
25 Nov 2010, 17:42 |
revolution 25 Nov 2010, 18:01
Also, simply using ret to finish the main proc is not recommended. Instead you should consider using invoke ExitProcess,<return_value>.
If you don't use the win32a.inc macros then procedure entry and exit would usually be something like this: Code: abc: ;our proc push ebp ;save ebp mov ebp,esp ;set up the local variables pointer sub esp,16 ;make space for 4 dwords mov [ebp-4],something ;top-most variable mov [ebp-16],something ;bottom-most variable ;... mov esp,ebp pop ebp ret |
25 Nov 2010, 18:01 |
Overflowz 25 Nov 2010, 19:31
Well, another fail error about UnhookWindowsHookEx.. When processing SetWindowsHookEx, it hooks but is not returning handle. Whats problem ?
25 Nov 2010, 19:31 |
baldr 25 Nov 2010, 21:12
Most WinAPI functions indicate reason of failure, use GetLastError(). It may be cryptic though. |
25 Nov 2010, 21:12 |
Overflowz 25 Nov 2010, 22:07
I did already but it says ERROR_SUCCESS. maybe because it's running in thread mode ? and please, can someone see that in debugger ? Cause I don't know why, its not displaying nothing after CreateThread API is called. and also, instead of ret, I've used ExitProcess and nothing worked. With ret works fine. Can any1 explain me ? |
25 Nov 2010, 22:07 |
baldr 26 Nov 2010, 00:02
You're asking someone to see what in debugger? Provide complete source (unless you want us to guess what changes you've made to those posted here). This works: Code: include "Win32AX.Inc" .code here: invoke SetWindowsHookEx, WH_CBT, CBTProc, 0, <invoke GetCurrentThreadId> mov [hhook], eax invoke MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, text, caption, MB_OK invoke UnhookWindowsHookEx, [hhook] ret proc CBTProc nCode, wParam, lParam .if [nCode]=HCBT_ACTIVATE invoke SetWindowPos, [wParam], 0, 100, 100, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOZORDER or SWP_NOACTIVATE xor eax, eax ret .endif leave pop eax ; retrieve return address push [hhook] ; insert argument push eax ; place return address back jmp [CallNextHookEx]; tail-call endp .data text db "Hello, world!", 0 caption db "Hook test", 0 align 4 hhook rd 1 .end here |
26 Nov 2010, 00:02 |
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