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> Main > easy manual pe32 creation |
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edemko 01 Nov 2010, 19:33
Hi people.
I just wanted to share this file. Really tired writing\counting lots of numbers - not here :) There'd been lots of sources i've seen and many of those were hard coded. Saying again - not here as internal structure fixes all that. Actually PE format is known about a week to me and i'm eager helping(naive? - no wtf i'm sorry!). Also lots of documents - those are often different as format creators are :) Still there are good docs: 1. www.google.com, look for MS docs studying structures 2. lots of good and lots of stump: http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/c/5/9c5b2167-8017-4bae-9fde-d599bac8184a/pecoff_v8.docx 3. download file Well, here it is(pe - enu.asm). Where would IMAGE_DOS_HEADER.MinimumextraParagraphs stay? Is the stub valid? Code: ;Manual PE32 creation example. ;Check next fields whenever changing this source: ;- IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfImage ;- SECTION_X.Rva format binary as 'exe' SCRATCH: macro padzero value*{db (value - $ and (value-1)) mod (value) dup 0} macro m1 section{ ;increase sections counter(see below) load a word from IMAGE_FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections store word a+1 at IMAGE_FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections ;defines 2 often usable constants(see below) load a dword from section#.Rva section#_RVA = a - section#_RAW section#_BASE = IMAGE_BASE + section#_RVA } DISK_SECTOR = $0000'0200 ;0'000'512 PAGE = $0000'1000 ;0'004'096 IMAGE_BASE = $0040'0000 ;4'194'304 use16 org 0 IMAGE_DOS_HEADER: .Signature dw 'MZ' .BytesOnLastPage dw 64 ;page = 512 bytes .PagesInFile dw 1 .Relocations dw 0 .SizeOfHeaderInParagraphs dw 64/16 ;paragraph = 16 bytes .MinimumExtraParagraphs dw 0 .MaximumExtraParagraphs dw 0 .InitialRelativeSS dw 0 .InitialSP dw 64 .Checksum: int $20 ;exit to DOS .InitialIP dw .Checksum .InitialRelativeCS dw 0 .OffsetToRelocationTable dw 0 .OverlayNumber dw 0 .Reserved1 dw 4 dup 0 .OEMIdentifier dw 0 ;) .OEMInformation dw 0 ;) .Reserverd2 dw 10 dup 0 .OffsetToNewEXEHeader dd 64 ;IMAGE_NT_HEADERS IMAGE_NT_HEADERS: .Signature dd 'PE' IMAGE_FILE_HEADER: .Machine dw $014c ;i386 and over required .NumberOfSections dw 0 ;sections counter, MACRO FILLS THIS ITSELF .TimeDateStamp dd %t ;seconds passed since 1970_01_01, 00:00 .PointerToSymbolTable dd 0 .NumberOfSymbols dd 0 .SizeOfOptionalHeader dw IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER-\ ;sizeof.IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER .Characteristics dw $0002 ;this is an executable file IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER: .Magic dw $010b ;32'bit .MajorLinkerVersion db 0 ;composer mark .MinorLinkerVersion db 0 ;...put smiles .SizeOfCode dd 0 .SizeOfInitializedData dd 0 .SizeOfUninitializedData dd 0 .AddressOfEntryPoint dd PAGE+\ ;PAGE(=.SectionAlignment); 1st section(being loaded to RAM) displacement relatively IMAGE_DOS_HEADER(=0) entry_point-SECTION_1_RAW ;entry point .BaseOfCode dd 0 .BaseOfData dd 0 .ImageBase dd IMAGE_BASE ;image load base; image starts at IMAGE_DOS_HEADER :) .SectionAlignment dd PAGE ;sections will be aligned to this value on the load stage .FileAlignment dd DISK_SECTOR ;section alignment in physical file .MajorOSVersion dw 0 .MinorOSVersion dw 0 .MajorImageVersion dw 0 ;smth .MinorImageVersion dw 0 ;yours .MajorSubsystemVersion dw 4 .MinorSubsystemVersion dw 0 .Win32VersionNumber dd 0 .SizeOfImage dd PAGE*3 ;size of image(including headers), reflected to RAM; rounded to .SectionAlignmnent .SizeOfHeaders dd SECTION_1_RAW ;1st section displacement rounded to .FileAlignment .Checksum dd 0 .Subsystem dw 2 ;win graphical user interface .Characteristics dw 0 .SizeOfStackReserve dd 1024*1024 ;stack space .SizeOfStackCommit dd 0 .SizeOfHeapReserve dd 1024*1024 ;heap space .SizeOfHeapCommit dd 0 .LoaderFlags dd 0 .NumberOfDataDirectories dd 16 ;numbers of pointers to (predefined) sections: .ExportTableRvaAndSize dq 0 ;1, export .ImportTableRvaAndSize dd PAGE,\ ;2, import, we'll use some 0;entry_point-SECTION_1_RAW times 14 dq 0 ;3..16 IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER: SECTION_1: .Name dq '' ;section name, eg 'tody' or 'body' .VirtualSize dd 0 .Rva dd PAGE ;mind .SectionAlignment ie any section's 1st byte's address .SizeOfRawData dd SECTION_1_RAW.-SECTION_1_RAW ;physical data size, align sections to .FileAlignment .PointerToRawData dd SECTION_1_RAW ;physical data pointer, align sections to .FileAlignment .PointerToRelocations dd 0 .PointerToLineNumbers dd 0 .NumberOfRelocations dw 0 .NumberOfLineNumbers dw 0 .Characteristics dd $0000'0020+\ ;code $2000'0000+\ ;executable $4000'0000+\ ;readable $8000'0000 ;writable m1 SECTION_1 ;great! SECTION_2: .Name dq 'section2' .VirtualSize dd 0 .Rva dd PAGE*2 ;see, we are skipping 1st section's alignment and 1st section itself .SizeOfRawData dd SECTION_2_RAW.-SECTION_2_RAW .PointerToRawData dd SECTION_2_RAW .PointerToRelocations dd 0 .PointerToLineNumbers dd 0 .NumberOfRelocations dw 0 .NumberOfLineNumbers dw 0 .Characteristics dd $e000'0020 m1 SECTION_2 ;great again! padzero DISK_SECTOR ;align to .FileAllignment SECTION_1_RAW: ;import table dd 0,0,0,kernel_name+SECTION_1_RVA,kernel_table+SECTION_1_RVA dd 0,0,0,user_name+SECTION_1_RVA,user_table+SECTION_1_RVA dd 0,0,0,shell_name+SECTION_1_RVA,shell_table+SECTION_1_RVA dd 0,0,0,0,0 kernel_name db 'kernel32.dll',0 kernel_table: exit_process dd exit_process_+SECTION_1_RVA beep dd beep_+SECTION_1_RVA dd 0 exit_process_ dw 0 db 'ExitProcess',0 beep_ dw 0 db 'Beep',0 user_name db 'user32.dll',0 user_table: message_box dd message_box_+SECTION_1_RVA dd 0 message_box_ dw 0 db 'MessageBoxA',0 shell_name db 'shell32.dll',0 shell_table: shell_execute dd shell_execute_+SECTION_1_RVA shell_alabama dd shell_alabama_+SECTION_1_RVA dd 0 shell_execute_ dw 0 db 'ShellExecuteA',0 shell_alabama_ dw 0 db 'ShellAboutA',0 entry_point: ;entry point use32 push 0 push 0 call @f db 'Next MessageBoxA comes...',0 @@:push 0 call [message_box+SECTION_1_BASE] push 0 push caption+SECTION_2_BASE call @f db 'Check next fields whenever changing this source:',10,\ '- IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfImage' ,10,\ '- SECTION_X.Rva',0 @@:push 0 call [message_box+SECTION_1_BASE] push 0 push 0 call @f db 'ShellExecuteA and notepad.exe(the two rude boys) are trying to strip me...',0 @@:push 0 call [message_box+SECTION_1_BASE] push 5 push 0 push 0 call @f db 'pe - enu.asm',0 @@:push 0 push 0 call [shell_execute+SECTION_1_BASE] cmp eax,32 mov eax,fail+SECTION_2_BASE mov edx,pervert+SECTION_2_BASE cmova eax,edx push 0 push 0 push eax push 0 call [message_box+SECTION_1_BASE] push 0 push 0 call @f db 'DO',0 @@:push 0 call [message_box+SECTION_1_BASE] mov edi,melody+SECTION_2_BASE call edi push 0 call @f db 'www.flatAssembler.net, www.wasm.ru, edemko@rambler.ru',0 @@:push caption+SECTION_2_BASE push 0 call [shell_alabama+SECTION_1_BASE] push 0 push 0 call @f db 'The wiper is coming... ExitProcess',0 @@:push 0 call [message_box+SECTION_1_BASE] push 0 call [exit_process+SECTION_1_BASE] padzero DISK_SECTOR SECTION_1_RAW.: SECTION_2_RAW: caption db 'Manual PE32 creation example',0 fail db 'hohoho',0 pervert db 'effing perverts :)',0 melody: push 300 120 call [beep+SECTION_1_BASE] ret 0 padzero DISK_SECTOR SECTION_2_RAW.: ; val = 0..2^64-1 ; merge = 0<bytes<9 of value to show ; example: repeat 8 ; display 13,10 ; ShowHex $FEDCBA9876543210,% ; end repeat macro ShowHex val*, merge*{ if merge > 0 & merge < 9 local .a, .merge .merge = (merge) shl 1 while .merge <> 0 .a = (val) shr ((.merge - 1) * 4) and 1111b or 11'0000b if .a > 11'1001b .a = .a + 111b end if display .a .merge = .merge - 1 end while end if }
01 Nov 2010, 19:33 |
edemko 11 Nov 2010, 13:20
A tool attached.
Relative topics: http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=12182 http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=12175
11 Nov 2010, 13:20 |
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