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MajorDill 01 Nov 2010, 16:41
I am writing a .com program that runs in the cmd.exe window. I would like it to look like a Linux program that runs on another system, 37 rows by 100 characters. How can I resize the cmd window from within my program to achieve this effect. The program is a very small, non mouse, non graphics, line editor like vi or emacs.

Thank you in advance
Post 01 Nov 2010, 16:41
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vid 01 Nov 2010, 16:50
.com program can't do it. You can resize console window (for particular app) on YOUR machine by opening meny (click icon in upper left corner of window), and there in properties.
Post 01 Nov 2010, 16:50
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pearlz 01 Nov 2010, 17:04
mouse click to icon on caption of cmd , properties and change setting in layout tab.
but if is dos program you can use "int 10h" to change video mode

Post 01 Nov 2010, 17:04
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MajorDill 01 Nov 2010, 17:47
If users have to manually adjust their menu, it will just yank them off. It would also be nice if I could set it back to the way I found it but...not really necessary.

Using the video mode only gets me to 80x25 as far as I can tell.

I figured since you can change the size, from the prompt, with the mode command:

c:>mode con: cols=100 rows=37

then it must be possible to do it from my program...if I only knew where to poke and prod it.
Post 01 Nov 2010, 17:47
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vid 01 Nov 2010, 20:36
If you want your app to be used by real users, write native Windows app, not DOS application to be emulated by NTVDM (which, by the way, doesn't work on 64-bit windows)
Post 01 Nov 2010, 20:36
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rugxulo 02 Nov 2010, 07:02
vid wrote:
If you want your app to be used by real users, write native Windows app, not DOS application to be emulated by NTVDM (which, by the way, doesn't work on 64-bit windows)

What vid is (badly) trying to say is that .COM isn't even really a format, and it's an old DOS or CP/M "flat binary" creation that few utilize anymore. In other words, it's never been "Windows", directly or indirectly. (Win16 [and OS/2] supported NE .EXEs, Win32/64 support PE .EXEs.) Since most computers come with Windows by default, whether you like it or not, the lazy way out is to just support that. (I'm not convinced Java is a panacea here.)

On 32-bit Windows, NTVDM doesn't emulate, it runs natively (V86 mode) with some simple hooks for BIOS and DOS translation calls. Similarly, DOSEMU under Linux works very well (except that even under 64-bit it works, 32-bit DJGPP apps for example run at native speed there while 16-bit stuff has to be fully emulated [no V86], which is very slow, though still better than Windows' "nothing at all", not sure why they don't even halfway support it since they used to have 486 emulators for non-x86 NT versions "back in the day", sigh).
Post 02 Nov 2010, 07:02
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revolution 02 Nov 2010, 07:08
I wonder if the problem that MS saw with including an emulator is that people will complain if the emulator doesn't support their own CPUs instruction set? The emulator will most probably be either over-specified (support more than the existing CPU), or under-specified (support less than the current CPU). And an exact match would only occur for a few "lucky" users.
Post 02 Nov 2010, 07:08
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f0dder 02 Nov 2010, 09:08
rugxulo wrote:
though still better than Windows' "nothing at all", not sure why they don't even halfway support it since they used to have 486 emulators for non-x86 NT versions "back in the day", sigh).
Because maintaining a full CPU emulator is a pretty big effort, and most people don't need support for cruddy old DOS? Pretty simple cost/benefit calculation.

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Post 02 Nov 2010, 09:08
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rugxulo 02 Nov 2010, 12:41
f0dder wrote:
rugxulo wrote:
though still better than Windows' "nothing at all", not sure why they don't even halfway support it since they used to have 486 emulators for non-x86 NT versions "back in the day", sigh).
Because maintaining a full CPU emulator is a pretty big effort, and most people don't need support for cruddy old DOS? Pretty simple cost/benefit calculation.

Et tu, fodde?

They have like 90,000 programmers, for freak's sake, how hard can it be to maintain???
Post 02 Nov 2010, 12:41
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f0dder 02 Nov 2010, 12:50
rugxulo wrote:
Et tu, fodde?
Yes, I do believe DOS is pretty cruddy and without justification today - there might be a few very special cases, but you're probably better off with another solution there as well. YMMV, but Microsoft caters to the majority... that's just how business works Smile

rugxulo wrote:
They have like 90,000 programmers, for freak's sake, how hard can it be to maintain???
"Hard enough"? Especially when the few people who need it can be directed to DOSBox or full-blown virtual machine solutions?

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Post 02 Nov 2010, 12:50
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baldr 02 Nov 2010, 20:43
MajorDill wrote:
I figured since you can change the size, from the prompt, with the mode command:

c:>mode con: cols=100 rows=37

then it must be possible to do it from my program...if I only knew where to poke and prod it.
mode.com (NT+) is really a regular PE in disguise (so it can use Win32 API to adjust console size). There is old utility, Z.Com, which you may download from www.whitetown.com — this pure DOS program does console window resizing along with many other things you may find useful.
Post 02 Nov 2010, 20:43
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MajorDill 03 Nov 2010, 19:28
I sorry, I should have been more clear. The old code I received was a COM file. I can change it to an EXE but I'm already sitting at 7k and I probably shouidn't exceed 10k overall, so I don't really see the point in doing that. I should also mention this IS going to be running on some old 16 machines as well as 32, some Linux, some Windows.

So I tried throwing it in a batch file with "mode" command before the program, but as soon as my prog executes, it throws it back to 80 chars but interesting enough NOT 25 lines (like mode 03) but changes it from 37 to 43 lines?

I think what I really need is DETAILED documentation on the workings of the cmd program if anyone knows a book or web page where I can find it.

Thanks for all the replies so far.
Post 03 Nov 2010, 19:28
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baldr 03 Nov 2010, 19:56

Cross-platform binary? You'll have a hard time to develop it.

cmd.exe, while not being easy reading, is quite straightforward: read input, parse it, execute action prescribed, rinse and repeat.
Post 03 Nov 2010, 19:56
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MajorDill 04 Nov 2010, 15:15
It turns out that in some corners of the globe Window, Microsoft and DOS are all the same thing. Once I got someone with better english skills to take a look, it turns out all the hardwired machines are an old version of DOS and are booted from one 20meg hard card...yes...a "hard card" if anyone remembers what that is. The Linux machines are just networked to the system and installed after 2000, so probably 32 bit. Problem solved...thanks for the help.
Post 04 Nov 2010, 15:15
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f0dder 04 Nov 2010, 15:48
MajorDill wrote:
it turns out all the hardwired machines are an old version of DOS and are booted from one 20meg hard card...yes...a "hard card" if anyone remembers what that is.
I would have thought one of those very early SSDs, but apparently not - cute Smile

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Post 04 Nov 2010, 15:48
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