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Index > DOS > x386 program,, please help

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Joined: 20 Sep 2010
Posts: 2
anurag001 20 Sep 2010, 15:32
Please help me with following program by correcting it ,,, I'm doing this for x386 and got all stuck

I replaced some syntaxes that I found but can't get all running

macro msg{
push ax
push dx
mov ah,09h
lea dx,msg
int 21h
pop dx
pop ax

passs =qword 'password'
passd =byte 10 dup('$')
counts =byte 8
countd =byte 0
countt =byte 3
msg_ent =byte 'Enter pass:  $',10,13
msg_err =byte 'Wrong enter again:  $',10,13
msg_suc =byte 'Pass validated  $',10,13
msg_aga =byte 'Turn over:  $',10,13
mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
displaylay msg_ent
mov cl,0
mov countd,cl
mov di,offset
mov ah,08h
int 21h
cmp al,0dh
je exit
mov [di],al
inc di
inc countd
mov ah,02h
mov dl,'*'
int 21h
jmp up
mov al,countd
cmp al,counts
jne next_try
lea si,passs
lea di,passd
mov al,[si]
cmp al,[di]
jne next try
inc si
inc di
dec countd
jnz next_char
display msg_err
dec countt
jnz next_tr
display msg_aga
mov ah,4ch
int 21h

Please forgive me if I've done something wrong..

just a noob
Post 20 Sep 2010, 15:32
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Your code has a bug

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Location: Argentina
LocoDelAssembly 20 Sep 2010, 16:18
I think it will be better if you show us the original code, this one is somewhat hard to follow.
Post 20 Sep 2010, 16:18
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Joined: 20 Sep 2010
Posts: 2
anurag001 20 Sep 2010, 16:22
all right---

disp macro msg 
push ax 
push dx 
mov ah,09h 
lea dx,msg 
int 21h 
pop dx 
pop ax 

passs db 'password' 
passd db 10 dup('$') 
counts db 8 
countd db 0 
countt db 3 
msg_ent db 10,13,'Enter pass:  $',10,13 
msg_err db 10,13,'Wrong enter again:  $',10,13 
msg_suc db 10,13,'Pass validated  $',10,13 
msg_aga db 10,13,'Turn over:  $',10,13 
mov ax,@data 
mov ds,ax 
displaylay msg_ent 
mov cl,0 
mov countd,cl 
mov di,offset 
mov ah,08h 
int 21h 
cmp al,0dh 
je exit 
mov [di],al 
inc di 
inc countd 
mov ah,02h 
mov dl,'*' 
int 21h 
jmp up 
mov al,countd 
cmp al,counts 
jne next_try 
lea si,passs 
lea di,passd 
mov al,[si] 
cmp al,[di] 
jne next try 
inc si 
inc di 
dec countd 
jnz next_char 
display msg_err 
dec countt 
jnz next_tr 
display msg_aga 
mov ah,4ch 
int 21h 
Post 20 Sep 2010, 16:22
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DJ Mauretto

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DJ Mauretto 20 Sep 2010, 16:43
Hello, try this Wink

ORG 100H

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; MAIN ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

  mov     ax,3
        int     10h

     mov     dx,msg_ent
  call    Display_msg


        mov     [countd],0
  mov     di,passd

     mov     ah,08h
      int     21h
 cmp     al,0dh
      je      exit

    mov     [di],al
     inc     di
  inc     [countd]
    cmp     [countd],9
  jnc     exit

    mov     ah,02h
      mov     dl,'*'
    int     21h
 jmp     up

    mov     si,passs
    mov     di,passd


  mov     al,[si]
     cmp     al,[di]
     jne     pass_err

        inc     si
  inc     di
  dec     [countd]
    jnz     next_char

       mov     dx,msg_suc
  call    Display_msg

     mov     dx,msg_aga
  call    Display_msg



        dec     [countt]
    jz      bye_bye

 mov     dx,msg_err
  call    Display_msg
 jmp     next_try

    mov     dx,msg_seeyou
       call    Display_msg


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PROC ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;


       mov     ah,09h
      int     21h


;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; DATA ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

msg_ent            db 13,10,'Enter pass:',24h
msg_err     db 13,10,'Wrong enter again:',24h
msg_seeyou   db 13,10,'Bad password!! See you next time',24h
msg_suc    db 13,10,'Pass validated',24h
msg_aga              db 13,10,'Turn over:',24h

passs            db 'password'
passd                db 8 dup('24h')
countd             db 0
countt          db 4

save as pass.asm
compile with fasm in this way:
fasm pass.asm

Nil Volentibus Arduum Razz
Post 20 Sep 2010, 16:43
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Your code has a bug

Joined: 06 May 2005
Posts: 4624
Location: Argentina
LocoDelAssembly 20 Sep 2010, 16:50
macro disp msg
      push      ax
      push      dx
      mov       ah,09h
      lea       dx, [msg]
      int       21h
      pop       dx
      pop       ax

format mz
entry @code:start

segment @data
passs db 'password' 
passd db 10 dup('$') 
counts db 8 
countd db 0 
countt db 3 
msg_ent db 10,13,'Enter pass:  $',10,13 
msg_err db 10,13,'Wrong enter again:  $',10,13 
msg_suc db 10,13,'Pass validated  $',10,13 
msg_aga db 10,13,'Turn over:  $',10,13

segment @code
mov ax,@data 
mov ds,ax 
disp msg_ent
mov cl,0 
mov [countd],cl
mov di, passd ; <<<<<<< I added this, original was "mov di, offset" which means nothing (because it is incomplete). This is fasm's way of "mov di, offset passd"
mov ah,08h 
int 21h 
cmp al,0dh 
je exit 
mov [di],al 
inc di 
inc [countd]
mov ah,02h 
mov dl,'*' 
int 21h 
jmp up 
exit:disp passd
mov al,[countd]
cmp al,[counts]
jne next_try
lea si,[passs]
lea di,[passd]
mov al,[si] 
cmp al,[di] 
jne next_try
inc si 
inc di 
dec [countd]
jnz next_char 
disp msg_err
dec [countt]
jnz next_try
disp msg_aga
mov ah,4ch 
int 21h    
Post 20 Sep 2010, 16:50
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Joined: 11 Sep 2010
Posts: 60
janequorzar 22 Sep 2010, 03:12
keep in mind too, your code has lines like .data in it. Some assemblers complain about that. If your using it as a label, then add the colon at the end of it, .data: like that. Again, that is if your using it as a label.

Otherwise, just take that line out. Same thing with .code
Post 22 Sep 2010, 03:12
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